
Casanova Boyfriend

Ruby Blues, a young overly ambitious girl decides to pick her life up and her new rule, NO MORE BOYS but even after her entanglement with James she can't get enough of him. She thinks they're not meant to be but what happens when they meet years later and she can't deny the magnetic pull. James Llock, everyone's sweetheart takes a drastic turn in life when the only thing good, Ruby leaves him. Now a grown man, he does everything to survive but what happens when the law catches up with him and the law decides to be the one person he truly loved. Can they reignite their love on a 1 months voyage and will that love survive their time apart?

Torieousxx · Urbano
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9 Chs

Chapter 4

My mind is an open book but you still can't read it - King Tony

Song for the chapter: Symphony by Clean Bandit feat. Zara Larsson.


The next day wasn't what I'd call uneventful because my friends all kept calling like I'd been in an accident or something. Let's face it, people call you a lot when you're sick or in trouble. I basically had to change my ringtone to "Hotline bling" with all the calls from lots of people, both friends and classmates, even Richy my best friend but nothing new there since Richy calls me all the time.

Just as I set my phone next to me on the bed, it began to vibrate again. I don't ever get tires of talking on the phone so I was already giddy before I saw who the caller was.

"Hello", I said for the umpteenth time but with less eagerness.

"Sweetie", Lesley said over the phone.

" Lesley, how've you been?"

"I'm OK, you?"

"I'm cool. You never called after the breakup why now?"

"I know that but I really had to talk to you"

"Well we're talking so you might as well tell me what's up"

"Well Ruby its been six months since you broke up with me"

"Yeah so"

"I've been meaning to tell you about this since we broke up, I couldn't. I still can't forget you. L know you told me to but I can't. I didn't want to tell you this over the phone but you aren't home so this is the best I can do right now. All I'm trying to say is please take me back?"

"Hello Lesley, you're there right?", I said disbelievingly.

"Um yeah"

"So that whole stuff was you right?"

"Yeah so what do you have to say?"

"Well, firstly you asked me for a chance which I gave you, second chance and I gave you but I wasn't comfortable with what I kept hearing. I mean never have been jealous over a boy and you're not going to change that but I loved you. We said it a lot to each other and you gave me what? A third wheel, an extra tyre, a side chick. I like to think you made me the side chick. You think you want me now just because I've moved on. No thank you"

"But Ruby, I'll change... Damn... I've changed"

"You moved from one girl to another. At least you changed something"

"Ruby, don't say that. I know I gave you reasons yo doubt me but I want to change that I really do. Give me a chance please"

"Lesley, you always denied the fact that you had other girls and later I realized in our six months together, you'd been with what? 3 other girls. As much as I'd love to believe that boys date many girls to shield the one they love, I'm not stupid and I never asked for your protection. If this is some prank or another bet between you and your guys, count me out. Bye"


"No, Lesley, no", I said and dropped the call.

Now you know why I don't believe players change. When I sit down and remember all the lies, the hurt, the many times I tried to break up with him but he'd always give me a reason to give him another chance and I'd fall for it. Three times in a row till Richy had to literally slap some sense into me. I basically swore I'd never let my guard down and think I could change a player. Its too exhausting.


Ruby's been getting me seriously jealous by the amount of calls she's been getting today. She's like a receptionist on a busy work day and I'm plain old me. So I decided to. All James not only because I'm catching the vibe he's giving my baby cousin but also because he's fun to talk to.

" Hey, what's up?", he said once he picked up the call.

"I'm bored right now. Ruby's been on call all day with all her friends and I'm sitting down, starting at my phone waiting for even Micah to call"

"So she's like a hot cake right now"

"Smoking hot is how I'd say it"

"Who's she talking to now?"

"Overprotective already, are we? Well if you must know she's talking to Lesley, her ex"

"And why'd she do that?"

"Don't get your panties in a twist boy. I wouldn't know that"

"Well then go listen in on their conversation"

"Not a chance, Jamie"

"How do you know that's what she calls me"

"Uh hello, I'm her cousin and she was with me when she took your call on my phone"

"I forgot about that"

"I know. I'll just give you a rundown of what its should be about. So basically him trying to get her back and her slamming him down like the offered her stale bread"


"I'd love to say she's enjoying the signals you're sending but in reality, I feel you remind her of Lesley. You see he's your player type, no offense and she really thought she could love him and use her love to change him but to me, he cherished her too but he had other girls and he kept lying and conning and it didn't work out. Basically this holiday was meant to get her back on track. I don't know your reputation much but let me just tell you this girl is different, if I can't give you a good enough reason then she's related to me. Ever since she broke up with Lesley, she's been trying to build her walls back up. If you mess this up, I will hunt you down and make you feel so much pain, you wouldn't believe"

"I know I messed up in my time. I played a lot of girls, heck, if you weren't serious with Micah, I once has it hots for you but she's different. I can't put my finger on it but she is. I know its too soon but I really want to see where this goes with her and I want to let her know all this before someone else swoops down and tries to take her"

"I don't want her to fall too fast. Its going to take years to pick up her prices this time"

"I promise you won't need that"

"Then you need to make her realize that"

"I already have the whole plan"

"Because she really need that right now"

"BryBry I love you"

"Ewww.. Save the mushy mushy for Ruby.... Oh! I rhymed"

"OK, I'll talk to you later then"


The fourth chapter is up.

My cousin inspired me to make Brylee who she is. Her love for her cousin is really strong so let's hope James never gets on her bad side *wink wink*.

What do you think Jamie's big plan is? The comment box is open.

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Till the next update



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