
Casanova Boyfriend

Ruby Blues, a young overly ambitious girl decides to pick her life up and her new rule, NO MORE BOYS but even after her entanglement with James she can't get enough of him. She thinks they're not meant to be but what happens when they meet years later and she can't deny the magnetic pull. James Llock, everyone's sweetheart takes a drastic turn in life when the only thing good, Ruby leaves him. Now a grown man, he does everything to survive but what happens when the law catches up with him and the law decides to be the one person he truly loved. Can they reignite their love on a 1 months voyage and will that love survive their time apart?

Torieousxx · Urban
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9 Chs

Chapter 3

I will hold you when things go wrong - King Tony


"James tried to kiss me", I said to Gaby immediately we started eating in her room.

" Really! And we were just talking about how compatible you both are. Seminar started", she declared smiling happily.

"I don't get you, Bry", I said confused.

"I mean to say spill, spill, spill the beans", she said, dropping her fork to demonstrate.

" I'd love to be melodramatic and all and start with the time and the weather but you were basically there so all that happened was him talking to me about a girl that's probably his girlfriend and next thing he almost locks lips with me"

"A lot can happen when I walk away for 10 minutes. Maybe I should leave you both alone more often"

Just as she said this her phone rang.

"Oh hey James", she said winking at me as I face palmed.

" Yeah she's here. He wants to talk to you", she said and began making kissing faces as she handed the phone over to me.

"What do I do? What do I say?", I whispered worried.

" Oh Ruby, take the phone", she said and I put the speaker to my ear.

"Hi....", I said awkwardly.

"We can make this real or keep it awkward. You pick?", he said over the phone.

God, he sounded so sexy right now.

"You made my day, babe", he said.

" Really well then I dub you Jamie since you have a nick for me"

"I knew there was a reason I don't let anyone else call me Jamie. It sounds so damn better when you say it"

"Lol I know right"

"I hope I wasn't disturbing anything"

"Nope, we were just eating though but what's up"

"What's up is that you eat this late?", he said the shock evident in his voice.

"What?" I said, suddenly feeling shy.

"No, really is that what makes you glow"

"Haha, I won't answer that"

"Yeah because you're too busy blushing"

"I reserve my comment. I'm sure you didn't call to say that"

"No, I didn't. I meant to tell you I'm sorry I came off as pushy, if I did. I just find you really attractive. Not facially alone, I just really want to get to know you"

"I'm sure you say this to everyone"

"I don't"

"If you say so"

"Alright then, I say so. Alright then I bid you good night my lady"

"You could add a bow to that if we were on a video call right now"

"We'll save that for the next time"

"We'll see won't we? Well see you when I see you then"

"Good night baby"


Dropping the call finally, Brylee had already started screaming like a rat that was hyper. It was girl cliche. I just sat down staring at her wondering what was so special that had her screaming longer than the normal 20 seconds.

"Ruby, he's totally got the hots for you", she screamed gleefully.

"What do you mean? I don't think I have to point it out", I said, trying to dampen her mood.

" Point what out?", she asked, trying to carry me along.

"The fact that he looks and acts like a player, Casanova if you must call it that. I don't want to get in on that"

"Don't judge a book by its cover"

"I know but you know him more than I do. I mean I might just be guessing but he gives off the vibe"

"I know he does but have you ever thought of the fact that your experiences make you who you are"

"I know, I know but..."

"No. I'm older so listen. James has had a lot on his plate of recent. The least we can do is cut him some slack. We all have to find ways to escape the pain"

"And playing with girls is a good choice?"

"Well someone has to save them"

"No, no, no! I don't believe you can change a player"

"They can actually be changed"

"They change on their own. You may just be the influence he needs"

"Now you're going to make me go to sleep with all this on my mind"

I stood up and left her room to mine. I know it seems weird for you to have a room in my aunt's house but for some reason, this holiday she opened it up and handed me the key. I was so overjoyed I didn't even ask why.

Plopping down unto my bed, my mind drifted to James. I don't believe a girl can be the reason a guy changes. I mean how does that work. He likes you so much all of a sudden, he mends his ways. I don't think it happens like that. I don't want to get in on that show because it's heartbreaking. What have I gotten myself into?


This is the third chapter, more of a filler chapter though.

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Till the next update.



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