
Carefree Path of a Wondering Stranger

This story is about a man who lives solely for himself. A man who travels from world to world for sole reason of leaning new things and bettering his skills. (fair warning I'm a first time writer and English isn't my first language) (all content within this story belong to their respective authors) (If the owner of the cover wants it removed just let me know)

MasterBeast7016 · Outros
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66 Chs

Chapter 36

Chapter 36: Practical exam

Days flew by, they were for the most part, uneventful. I would spend them either training or with one of the girls if not all of them. Before we knew it was already the final week of June. We had written our first test with a few resulting in failure. Momo decided to step up and assist by offering to help them study. With them agreeing Momo seemed pumped she could help. During lunch Deku was hit in the head by a class B student apparently. Just as quick the day came to an end. Bakugo declared he would widen a gap between him and Deku, one so wide it would 'Kill him dead', saying he would do the same to Shoto and Myself. 'If only you knew', I thought. Nemuri had made her choice it seems and sadly it wasn't me. So she's been avoiding me like a plague. I didn't really mind tho.

The following day I was at Momo's house. Her mother had given me unrestricted access to their home, however every time I do come over I've apparently been selected as the cook. I didn't really mind as I wouldn't be able to eat otherwise. With my God tongue, my palate was the definition of picky. Momo had invited Mei and the remaining girls as well. Although I didn't need to be here, Momo teaching looked quite cute. After the session all the other students had left, I had asked all the girls to stay. So as usual I was in the kitchen. Today I decided I would go all out on the meal as my time in this world was coming to an end. I had made a French dish consisting of an outer layer of mashed potatoes with an inside consisting of diced entrecôte. For garnish I used an Alsatian Potato Crepe which contains finely grated potatoes with crepe batter, I also made a Sardine Pomme Galette that has potatoes, cheese and semi-dried sardines. Combined with a Meat Bordelaise Sauce which is made by using pan drippings from the entrecôte and bordeaux wine, all served in a single plate. I had whipped out my own highest quality ingredients. It was a 'Hachis Parmentier' one that was at the pinicle of mortal cooking.

Serving the dish I was going to warn Momo's mother, however seeing the look she gave me, knowing her thoughts were probably ones I didn't wanna know, I let her be. With their first bites, I heard their hearts speed up, suppressed moans could be heard all across the room, their muscles contracted as their fingers and toes curled, hot breaths released, and the foodgasms struck them all with the exception of Yachiru. Unbeknownst to me I was titled as the 'Demonic Culinarian' by the Girls on this day. Having a extra serving in my inventory, I took it Nemuri's place, along with a note to put her at ease. Entering I left it on her table and left before my presence was detected. Like sand in an hour glass time flew by yet again, the tests weren't really that difficult, as one with perfect memory, I might as well get some tofu and beat myself to death if I were to fail.

Today was the day of the practical exam. We wouldn't have the standard exam of facing robots like the previous years. This was due to the worry of a villain revival. So with the intention of preparing us for such an event as well as to take precautions to make sure the students can fight against flesh and blood, we would be fighting against the UA teachers. We would be paired up and each team would face a single teacher. The pairs and the teachers they will fight had already been decided. Shoto and Momo will be paired together and face Aizawa in combat for their exercise test. Aizawa says that Izuku, Katsuki and Myself will be paired together, much to their shock. Izuku and Katsuki become more surprised to learn that we would be facing All Might in combat for our exercise test. All Might tells us to cooperate together to defeat him.

Aizawa says that the ten teams will be transported by U.A.'s buses to an uninhabited training city area where their exercise test will take place. The remaining pairs were: The Principal versus Denki and Mina, Thirteen versus Yuga Aoyama and Ochaco, Present Mic versus Koji Koda and Kyoka, Ectoplasm versus Fumikage and Tsuyu, Midnight versus Hanta and Minoru, Snipe versus Mezo and Toru, Cementoss versus Rikido and Eijiro, and Power Loader versus Tenya and Mashirao.

We all arrived at the uninhabited city, Each of us formed our respective pairs and the pairs go with their assigned teachers to their designated areas. Every U.A. teacher explains the test exercise win conditions, each pair must either handcuff their assigned teacher or one of them must escape the battlefield. The two optional win conditions must be accomplished within 30 minutes. By accomplishing one of the win conditions, the pair will win and pass the test exercise. The U.A. teachers will also be using super compact weighted bracelets (courtesy of Mei Hatsume) to handicap themselves. Recovery Girl along with Yachiru, monitoring the test exercise, begins the test.

Katsuki decided to fight All Might in order to handcuff him while Izuku suggested that avoiding the fight with All Might and escaping is a better course of action. Me and Katsuki ignore Izuku's suggestion and begins going toward All Might. Izuku tells us that the idea of us beating All Might is ludicrous. Katsuki smacks Izuku onto the ground, Katsuki angrily orders him to stop talking while Izuku says that he is talking because he wants them to pass. Izuku and Katsuki get into an argument, Katsuki declares that he can pass the test himself and didn't need Izuku's help in the first place while Izuku says that Katsuki's bad anger is the reason nobody likes him. Suddenly, I punched out towards the exit, sending out a Shockwave that clashed with All Might's which devastates the area Between us this, causes Izuku to fall down. It seems All Might decided that its time for him to enter the battlefield. Realizing this wasn't getting anywhere I spoke.

"If you're gonna be a coward then just stay out of our way. Just because you're facing a strong opponent you wanna run, then just quit, you have no right to ever call yourself a hero. Let's go Explosion brat."

Ignoring the blondes explosion at my words I glanced towards All Might. All Might declares to us that he is a villain and collateral damage means nothing to him. He then charges straight towards us. Seeing this I recommended Bakugo to go get his fight or I would end it instantly. Apparently he thought I was just talking big and was just scared, but he went either way, so I didn't bother correcting him. I didn't want to fight a handicapped opponent, hence my impatience. Feeling All Might's pressure, Izuku tells Katsuki that we have no chance of winning and should run away. However, Katsuki refused to run away. He used Stun Grenade against All Might which distracts him. Using the opening he charged at All Might, but the Symbol of Peace grabs his face, stopping his advance. Katsuki launches a flurry of Explosions against All Might. However, his Explosions do not faze the Symbol of Peace. All Might slams Katsuki down onto the ground, before turns his attention to us, seeing me standing the with my arms folded, he focused on Izuku who was planning on avoiding him. He questions Izuku on his decision to escape. Izuku activates One For All: Full Cowl. He jumped away from All Might, but Katsuki had also leapt towards him at the same time, the duo collide in the air as a result. After the recoil, Izuku begs us to escape with him as we have no chance of winning. Angry, Katsuki still refused to escape, saying that he will win because that is what a Hero does.

Looking at All Might punching towards me, I slapped away his hand to the side. Following up I used a leaf hurricane, sweeping his feet from under him. The momentum caused him to roll forward crashing into a nearby building. Getting up he looked to me with a serious gaze. Seeing I wasn't acting, he seems to ignore me for the time being. Izuku was still trying to convince Katsuki but to no avail. Suddenly, All Might appeared in the air wielding a guardrail, All Might pins Izuku on the ground, then punches Katsuki in the stomach before he can attack, greatly injuring him and sending him flying backward. Seeing this I began unwrapping the bandages on my arms. All Might approached Katsuki and says that he understands his jealousy of Izuku's sudden growth; All Might tells Katsuki that what he is currently doing is a waste and must grow his willingness to borrow other peoples' strength. The weakened Katsuki struggles to get up and tells All Might that if he must rely on other peoples' strength, then he would rather lose. At that moment I appeared before him, and before he could react I kicked him high into the air.

With 'Shadow of the Dancing Leaf' I appeared behind him my bandages began wrapping around him tightly. Feeling him trying to break free I spoke.

"Don't Die"

I began spinning at a high speed, both of us falling. Increasing my weights to increase the momentum, I Pile Drived him into the ground. The impact was not small sending a Shockwave in all directions. Jumping out of the pillar of smoke. I began walking towards the exit. Telling Izuku to handcuff the man. With my Byakugan I could see he was still alive, he was unconscious and bleeding from his head but wasn't too serious. He was deflated tho. Lucky for him Bakugo was too focused on me as well as unable to move. Izuku seemed to not handcuff him so I simply left, passing through escaping.