
CARA : My Love, My Family are a Mess

Loosing her first love during a mission and being raped by her own dad were the most painful memories she had. But... what about loving the man who was not meant for her? And what happens when you die but the only solution is M2V drugs?

Irene_Francis7 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs



    I was comfortable to stay at Mr Xavier's place, it had everything that I needed. That night I was treated like a queen to the extent of asking myself ' aren't other workers jealous of me? ' After dinner, I went inside the room of Bella and Becca because since I arrived,they were no where to be seen. I touched the door knob then slowly opened the door, I found Mr Xavier seating on the bed. I quickly spoke

  " Am so sorry sir...I mean, I'll just go"

Before I went away Xavier spoke back

  " No no no... it's okay! You can come in. By the way, I wanted to talk to you remember?" He asked me with a warm smile and I was like

  " Sure" I took light steps inside the room and I was like

  " I'm sorry sir, I just came to check on the kids... that's all"

   " I understand but, Bella and Becca are at their aunty's house. I think they will come tomorrow so, don't worry." He spoke while taking a seat on the chair.

  " Come and seat here" I went and sat on the chair beside him, I quickly looked at his right ear and saw the glittering earing.  I quickly looked at the table in front of me the moment I realized that he knew I was looking at his earing. There was this sort of feeling Ever since I met him. I mean, I was always nervous and silent. He spoke again

" Uum... Cara, Becca and Bella are the only family I have. Their mother is dead and I'm the only parent they have so please, don't just take care of them as their nanny....I want you to be like their mother"

   " You don't have to worry sir, I will treat them like my own kids." I didn't add any word after that sentence, our conversation was boring and silent. All the times, he was the one who started talking to me. He spoke again

" So, let's talk about the payment. How much do you want me to pay you?" I kept quiet without an answer and he carried on while sharing his thoughts

   " I thought...1000 USD per month are enough, or you want more?"

   " No Sir, it's okay... that's such a huge sum. Thank you sir."

    " By the way....Ms Cara, I prefer to be called Xavier. The word ' Sir' makes me feel uncomfortable so much girl."

  " I'm sorry Sir" I said it again!!! This dumb head, I was like

  " I mean.... I'm sorry Mr Xavier" he looked at me and smiled. He finally replied

   " Not bad " He stood up and took his notebook from the table then spoke to me

  " I guess.... I miss my room now! You should know that you are home, just make yourself comfortable. Goodnight" he got out of the room and slammed the door behind him.

I sighed heavily and spoke to myself " why do I feel so nervous around him? Shit!! He even didn't ask about my past, that's odd.  Anyways, let me go to my room."

  I went back to my room and slept. The next morning, I woke up earlier before everyone since I heard no sound from outside. I looked at the clock on the wall, it was four o'clock in the morning. I was like

" Gosh! Why do I always wake up early whenever I sleep inside huge mansions?" I tossed my body in the huge bed and finally I decided to wake up. I threw the blanket from my body and allowed my legs to wear the cozy slippers.

    I decided to head towards the kitchen where I planned to make breakfast for Mr Xavier since, I was told that he usually leaves a note on what he wants for breakfast the next morning.

   I took light yet lazy steps towards the kitchen in the first floor. While I was going downstairs, I heard a voice speaking

" Why are you so late? Did Boss tell you to delay the order?" You know I can kill you here and no one will find out"

  It seemed like a dream. I pinched myself and thought if it was real. I was able to recognize the voice that was speaking. It was Mr Xavier!! I stood still and tiptoed tho hear more clearly. Mr Xavier carried on

  " So when are you bringing the M2V?"

  " The Boss said that you should be patient."

" He has been saying that for a month now? How can I trust him? Anyways you gotta go. It's not safe here at this time"

Then it was silent.

   I knew that Mr Xavier is involved with Mr Hutchinson. I thought that this could be helpful to reach Mr Hutchinson easily. I decided to turn back and go back to my room before he finds me there. As I was turning back to go I heard a voice

  " Where are you from Ms Cara? " It was him.... Mr Xavier. I turned back and pretended like nothing happened, I looked at his blue eyes and replied courageously

  " I just came for a glass of water. "

" Then? "

   " I drank the water"

    " Were you here for a long time?"

    " Noo....just like 2 minutes or something."

He sighed and looked away for a while he then turned to face me. He started looking at me from my toes and then knees,when he reached at the laps,  I became uncomfortable since...I had worn a short pink nightdress. I was like

  " I will go for a shower then head back to the kitchen for your breakfast."

   He cleared his throat to ease the embarrassment and remained silent. I started walking away, I took almost three steps and surprisingly... Mr Xavier caught my wrist. I felt like goosebumps and I don't know why but, his touch was  like an electric shock feeling....that touch made me feel so high. I turned to face him. He looked at me and said

  " You should watch where you are going, the oil spilled over there. Be careful "

   I looked at the floor and saw the oil. I was like

      " Thank you Mr Xavier" he didn't let me go and spoke again

      " Wash up quickly and come down." I gave a nodd and agreed to what he said. He finally let me go, I walked quickly inside my room, I closed the door behind me and leaned on it. I sighed heavily and I was like

" So he is involved with Mr Hutchinson and they are planning to get the M2V pills here.... And I don't know why he looks at me affectionately. Anyways, let me find a place where I can settle and write my plans"

    I gave it a thought and finally I decided to take a shower first. I finished taking a shower and wore a sweatshirt together with a sweatpant ( navy blue in color), I tied my hair into a ponytail then dropped to the kitchen where I met Mr Xavier again.  I was like

  " What do you prefer for breakfast?"

He was standing five steps away from me. He smiled and replied 

" it has been long ever since I heard that..." He stopped talking for a while then carried on

   " french toast and a short macchiato....I guess that will do."

I started preparing the breakfast for him and he was watching every move I make. It was so uncomfortable having someone looking at everything that you do. After 20 minutes, I was done and he was like

" You can take it to my room. I will have my breakfast there.." I took everything that I prepared inside his room while he remained at the kitchen. When I finished putting everything on the table, I was like

" Woah!! He has the nicest room here!"

    I remained silent after seeing a photo of a young lady on one of the wooden cases in front of me. She had a bright smile and from her photo I could see how beautiful she is. Besides the photo,there was a bunch of keys and from my quick judgement... I knew that they were of Mr Xavier's room.

    I stole the keys and hid them in my pocket because I was curious to know what type of business that he does for Mr Hutchinson. I planned to search his room until I find something that could lead me concerning their partnership, how to avenge Nathaniel and most of all... getting the M2V pills on my hands. I was still looking at the photo when I heard the door opening. It was Mr Xavier again. He spoke to me

" Uum... thank you for preparing such a great breakfast. You can go."

       I decided to leave before he noticed anything suspicious.  I got out of his room and slammed the door behind me, I closed my eyes and gave a sigh, I then opened my eyes, and saw all the workers staring at me. My eyes popped out and I was like

   " Guys.... it's not what you are thinking, I just---i mean--- breakfast and---"

    I was not able to speak clearly, I stammered whenever I wanted to talk. I tried to put myself together and speak again

" I mean---he told me---yes he called me and I was ---- holy shit!!" I shrugged and rolled my eyes. An old lady spoke to me

  " You don't need to explain anything, we are all happy that our boss finally allowed a good looking lady like you to enter his own room." They all smiled and I tried to reply

   "C'mon! He told me---" before I finished my sentence, a young lady interrupted

    " To enter his room!"

I palmed my face and sighed. They all looked at me and started giggling. After some seconds they all headed to the first floor.

I went after them and joined them for breakfast. I even got to know their names. The old lady was Tessa and the young lady was Natalie. Ofcourse, I couldn't forget Davis who was the driver since I just met him yesterday. It was almost 6 am in the morning and Mr Xavier left for work together with Davis.

      Before Mr Xavier left for work,he informed me that Becca and Bella will soon be home. He then left, Tessa and Natalie went to buy some groceries while I remained at home though they insisted that I come along with them. I promised to go with them next time since I wasn't feeling well. Then....in some minutes I was all alone.

I ensured that everyone is gone and  that's when I got the chance to explore Mr Xavier's room. I thought why he didn't ask about his keys and he seemed comfortable, anyways...I got to investigate his room now!! I ran quickly to his room and took the keys from my pocket.

    I opened the door quickly and closed it behind me slowly to avoid any possible sound. I started checking around the room and ontop of the drawal there was a briefcase.

I reached out to the briefcase that was closed. I had no passcode but, I knew that if Mr Xavier is really involved with Mr Hutchinson... Then I can guess the passcode. Whenever Mr Hutchinson chose a passcode,there was number 1 and 4 in it. So I started trying to open the briefcase with different passcodes. I was like

" Maybe it's 114, 124, 134 ,144,154 , 164, 174, 184, 194 , 104" I paused while my hands were trembling then continued

  " Okay... you have to hurry up Cara, 411, 412 , 413 , 414---" and the briefcase flew open. I saw the many small transparent pouches filled with white powder....I knew that they must be drugs.

   " Shit!...so he is really involved with Mr Hutchinson?!" I whispered to myself then closed the briefcase and squatted to open the drawals. That's when the door cracked open.  What the heck??!!! I hope it's not Mr Xavier. While I was still puzzled the person entered the room. It was Mr Xavier again.... I don't know what to do!