
CARA : My Love, My Family are a Mess

Loosing her first love during a mission and being raped by her own dad were the most painful memories she had. But... what about loving the man who was not meant for her? And what happens when you die but the only solution is M2V drugs?

Irene_Francis7 · Fantasy
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16 Chs



  I was almost opening the drawals when I heard the door being opened. I stopped opening the drawals and Saw Mr Xavier entering the room. There was no where to hide and for real, he had seen me already. He closed the door behind him and faced me. He was amazed! How could I get the guts to enter his own room and above all... I looked suspicious. He spoke to me politely yet seriously

" What were you doing inside my room? "

My lips trembled severely and I felt like... it's the end for me. I bit my lower lip because I didn't want him to notice that I was trembling. He asked again

      "Ms Cara I asked you a question? "

    " Uum.... Sir... I just, I mean...I was cleaning your room. There was dust everywhere "

He raised his left eyebrow with doubt then asked

" Then, why I can't see you having any material for cleaning? I can't see a mopper here, no bucket...." He paused to allow me to talk

And I was thinking like ' c'mon Cara.... think of anything to say '

     He stepped closer to me and looked intensely in my eyes

       " Or do you think that...I didn't see you when you stole the keys. " I blinked several times and got nothing to say. Holy shit! No word was easy to be spoken. He kept quiet for a while then took his phone out, he gave me his phone and he spoke

  " Can you also explain about that? "

    It was a video. I saw myself opening the briefcase and how I reacted when I saw the drugs. I saw how I was almost opening the drawals up to the time that Mr Xavier entered his room. My lips continued to tremble with fear... I blamed myself for acting recklessly and for failing to avenge Nathaniel this early. He spoke to me

   " Uum... I guess there is something that you are hiding from me. Are you a cop? Are you on a secret mission? "

  I pulled myself together and replied after swallowing a lamp

" Okay Mr Xavier..... I'll be open." There was a moment of silence before I continued, For now it's better to lie than telling the truth, I carried on


    " I'm a drug dealer, I was banned from my group after stealing more than 10kgs of cocaine. Everything was taken away from me including my family... They almost killed me but luckily an innocent guy helped me and took care of me... until you found me. I just planned to steal drugs from you... I wanted to make money. And I was searching the drawals to see if there is any weapon that I could take with me. "

  He sighed and replied " how did you know that there were drugs inside my room. ?"

     " I saw you in the morning receiving drugs from one of your workers."

       " What about the passcode??"

    " I just guessed that "

He kept quiet for a while wondering if I was telling the truth. He took few paces towards the drawals then opened the third drawl. He took a gun from it and then cocked it.. he pointed the gun on my head and I was like

" You can kill me if you want to but, come to think of it... Why would I lie to you?"

     He took the gun away from my head slowly,and spoke in return

      " You know what Cara?... No one escapes my territory. It's either you die or become one of my subordinates. So that depends on what you choose"

      " I guess being your dog is worth it, so long as I get a bone to chew "

He smirked and returned the gun in the drawal. He took the briefcase and handled it to me. He smiled and spoke

     " Show me what you got young lady! Meet Mr Brendan at City Dreams Hotel, fourth floor room no. 231, you need to be there within fifteen minutes and this deal is worth 100,000 USD..." He took his car keys and gave them to me

    " Take care of my baby ( his car ) I just bought it last month and I will send you his number"

I smirked and replied

   " You won't regret it." I took the briefcase and before I left he gave me a gun for protection. He spoke

" I bet you know how to use it. Use it if things don't go on your way and ....to remind you, this is just a test to prove yourself to me, don't think of running away with the briefcase cause I got my eyes on you. Also, my business name is Reids not Xavier okay?"

   " Sure, You got my word" I paused for a while and continued

    " What if Becca and Bella return home?"

   " I'll handle them.... you don't have to worry"

  I opened the door and got out of his room. I went to my room and changed my outfit. I wore a black ripped jeans, a white tank top with a black cardigan, together with white sneakers. Before I left, I took a poisonous syringe that I had once bought as one of my weapons since I had planned to buy weapons for avenging Nathaniel. I hid it syringe on the left side of the cardigan. After I was done with everything, I took quick paces heading out of the house, I reached to the parking ground where I saw many cars being parked. I opened the door of the black Bugatti divo. I threw the briefcase on the backseat and before I entered, Davis asked behind me

  "  Where are you heading to Cara? I can take you there"

   I turned to face him then leaned on the door and replied

" Don't worry... I'm going to sign a deal for Mr Xavier somewhere"

    " Did Boss send you himself?"

    " Yeah"

     " That's odd...he has never sent anyone to sign a deal for him",

  " so Am I ghost or what? Because from what you said it seems like I'm a ghost. Davis, I'm just a person like you! Why can't I sign it?" I smirked and entered the car then closed the door.


  I started the engine while leaving Davis still thinking about what we were talking earlier. I finally drove off heading to City Dreams Hotel. When I reached there, I parked the  car, took the briefcase with me and entered the building. I took the elevator up to the fourth floor and I directly headed to room number 231. While standing at the front of the door, I took my phone and called Mr Brendan.  He picked up the call and he didn't speak anything, I was like

  " I'm a representative of Reids...he sent me." As soon as I finished speaking, the door was opened.

I entered the room and it was stinking alcohol and cigarettes, I saw almost six guys inside. One guy was seating on the chair while smoking and the rest were behind him, I quickly guessed that the one seated was Mr Brendan and the others were bodyguards. All of the bodyguards had worn fair black suits and seemed muscular. I saw Mr Brendan pointing at the chair that was facing him indicating me to get seated there. I didn't seat since I do not trust drug dealers. I was like

" Are you Mr Brendan? "

  " Yes I'm. " He replied after blowing the cigarette's smoke from his mouth. He took the cigarette and smashed it on the ashtray then licked his lips. He spoke to me

   " I heard that Reids trusts you so much and that's why he sent you." I didn't reply sooner...I kept quiet for a while then, I put the briefcase on the table. I was like

    " I have got 12 packets here. I'll take 100,000 USD in exchange"

  Mr Brendan smiled and he ended up laughing. He was like

" I really like you... you seem very confident!! I've never seen a lady who is confident as you are. What's your name?"

    " Isabella " I replied boldly that I was amazed with my confidence

    " Okay Bella.... let's finish the business."

He kept quiet for a while and then carried on

    " Jax, bring it "

    The so called ' Jax ' came with a briefcase and opened it so that I could crosscheck the money. Mr Brendan was like

   " Uum, That's 100,000USD. There are 5 rows each with 4000 USD. "

  I stepped closer  with the other briefcase containing drugs on my left hand, and took the briefcase with money then verified the amount. I was like

  " You can also check the drugs" Jax took the drugs and checked them. He reported to his Boss

   " They are good"  I took my briefcase containing drugs and returned their briefcase. I was like

  " let's close the deal Mr Brendan. I hope that we shall close it peacefully."

Mr Brendan smiled at me and I was like

    " You give the money and I give you the drugs." Jax threw the briefcase to me and I did the same.  I then spoke

  " Let's call it a day."

As I was about to leave, each bodyguard took his gun and pointed it at me. I smirked angrily and spoke to Mr Brendan

   " You motherfucker didn't I tell you that...it should end peacefully."

    He Laughed at me so loudly that I thought he was mocking me. He spoke

    " It's not like I wanted it to end up this way. It seems like you are the one who doesn't understand this."

  " What are you talking about?" I was still standing near the door and he replied

    " Aren't you going to seat?"

    " You can just speak"

     " Okay " he took another cigarette from the cigarette case and lit it. One thing that I noted from him was that... He was a lazy talker and that made me impatient. So I was like

     " Can you just spill everything?"

He blew the smoke from his mouth again making the room to stink more. He then replied

    " Reids allowed us to take you, in exchange for drugs. He said that you are very skilled, confident and firm . He also said that you are pretty. " He kept quiet for some time and then spoke

  "Why don't you be my wife?"

  Deep inside I was furious, I felt disrespected and seemed cheap.  I thought that Mr Xavier seems to find me cheap. I was really mad but I had to cool my temper. I had to find a way to get out of here. I smiled at Mr Brendan and replied

" It's an honor to be your wife."

I walked slowly to where Mr Brendan was and Jax was like

" You should step back"

Mr Brendan replied to him  " it's okay she can't do anything"

I then allowed my hand to pat his head, I allowed my lips to kiss his dirty cheeks while I continued talking

" I never thought about being fortunate like this."  I  slowly allowed the syringe to drop up to my left palm and when I felt it, I took it quickly and dug it on his neck. Jax shot my left arm in response and I was like

  " It's a venom, if any of you dares to shoot me again, you won't get the antidote... you shoot me, you loose him. and he has 20 minutes to survive"

  Mr Brendan fell down while struggling to find relief from pain. The venom was spreading. I was like

" There is only one way to save him." I kept quiet for some seconds and spoke again

  " I'll go with Mr Brendan and Jax. I'll give you the antidote and you will give me the money and drugs."

Jax was like

" The boss can't go anywhere in this state. I'll go with you. The rest of you will stay here looking at our Boss"

Though I was in pain, I seemed normal. I covered my wound with my palm so that people won't notice anything. After 2 minutes we were already inside the black Lamborghini Gallardo that Mr Brendan owned. Jax was the one driving and within seven minutes, we were inside the mansion of Mr Xavier. I took the drugs and money with me to my room then returned with an antidote. I spoke to Jax

  " Inject this into his body, don't forget to send him to the hospital. If he starts vomiting,then that's a sign of recovery."

  Jax didn't reply a word, he got inside the Lamborghini Gallardo and drove off. I then went back inside the mansion. I was letting my anger take part now, I walked quickly still holding my shoulder and entered Mr Xavier's room.

  He was puzzled to see me there. He blinked several times, I stepped closer to him... I looked intensely at him with anger. He spoke

" Cara--" before he continued talking, I slapped his right cheek and I was like

  " So you said that this was a test but you sold me to him?"

He kept quiet for a while still embarrassed. I continued

   " You made me do dirty things Xavier!"  I shouted his name fully with confidence.... maybe it's because of anger. I was like

  " You made me kiss that wrecked man and almost killed him... I ended up getting shot!"

" What else did you do? Exclude the kiss and the attempt to kill him." He spoke so relaxed and he didn't seem apologetic. I replied

   " I never thought that you could talk that way."

He took another gun from the second drawal  and cocked it. He gave it to me and ordered me to shoot his head. He then said

  " You can shoot me...if that will ease your anger"

I slapped him again. While my eyes were swimming in a pool of tears. I spoke to him

" Do you disrespect me that much?? Do you see me that cheap?"

" I don't! ...I guess I need to repay you."

" For what?"

" Seems like you did everything out of your will..let me make it up to you"

" What do you --" before I was able to finish my sentence, Mr Xavier allowed his lips to collide with mine. He kissed me slowly yet softer. His tongue explored every tip of my tongue and made me weak. He caressed my hair and held my waist, I closed my eyes slowly while my heart skipped a beat.

* * *