
Chapter 1: Number 202

What is your name asked a skinny old man who looked to be around 60 years old wearing a white lab coat and black gloves and boots he was seating in a chair on the opposite side of some glass that seemed to be one way

My Name is *****

Hm ok you are assigned to cell I mean room number 202 and from now on while your here you shall be known as number 202 got it


now I well be asking you some questions just sign here for your cooperation and once your done with that put this on the doctor said as he handed ***** a shock collar that seemed to restrain the strength of the target as well as tightening when the host lust and anger levels go up like something you would put on a dog (image in comments)

after being handed the papers ***** started to sight each and everyone after reading a whole bunch of unnecessary things he started to just feel it in without a care of what it said

ok I'm but before he could finish a figure in a gas mask and a yellow suit came in and took the collar off of the desk that ***** had placed it on and forcefully put it on and then the room started to fill with some kind of pink gas and that was the last thing that ***** remembered

we're am I wait room 202 it spelled out on the door when 202 got up he could se that he was in a room akin to a prison cell with no bed or toilet the floors and walls were old and cracked up full of vines and small insects crawling about and there was only one source of light that was coming in from the small bars on the top half of the door which was the only new looking thing in the room it was completely made out steel and there was and extremely cold breeze coming in from the small slit under the door

after 202 was done observing his new room he neared the sound of people speaking and jingling keys after about 3 minutes of the people outside talking the door was unlocked and out came the same doctor from before with 2 guys that looked like the other guy who put the color on him and dragged him hear (but these is he's first time seeing him since he was behind a one way and all)

doctor thank goodness your hear I think you've made a mistake I'm not supposed to be hear you said you were going to cure me of my cancer so if you can just get me out of her and clear up this misunderstanding please

after ***** said that the doctor started to laugh manically for about 10 seconds and then said hahaha no your in the right place are you stupid did you actually think that I was going to cure your cancer for you well I guess I am in a way in exchange of you turning into my perfect Mutate soldier well your just a Guinea pig for my experiments for them since it's not ready now come along test subject number 202 we have test to do and your wasting my time

wait but that not what we agreed on

on the contrary it says right here in you signature that you have sold you body to me to use for whatever purpose during and after life

wait no you tricked me I'll I'll kill you as 202 said this he grabbed a shock baton from one of the yellow suit guys and tried to attack the doctor but was soon assaulted by the force of the other yellow guy punching his stomach making him gasp for breath falling to his knees the doctor began to press down on a re button which then assaulted 202 with the shock from his color making him drop to the ground face first twitching trying to give out a yell of pain but could only manage a small squeal

you Buffoons hurry up and take the prisoner to the testing room how many times do I have to tell you you should know by now now hurry up you neanderthal before I take away your lunch brake

ye yes boss on it