
Can you love me, Dear husband?

A girl tries to change from her dark past when she meets her true love. But her past won't let her go. The more she tries to run from it the more it became more obvious... What would she do? Face her past and tell her love with the consequences of losing him or hide it from him and manipulate him to be with her. Unknown to her, his husband knew some secret that would shock her.

_EverSmile · Fantasia
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14 Chs

The threat 1

Loveth went back to her room and turned on her data to chat with Wiliams. As she turned her data on, a message was posted.

She opened it and read it.

"What! What am I going to do now?" She said, shivering.

Loveth was restless, she couldn't sleep again. All the joy in her vanished. She began to talk to herself.

She regretted every aspect of her wayward life.

"Who should I tell now? What am I going to do? Should I give him money to shut his mouth? I don't want to lose Williams" Loveth lamented

Loveth's body was hot and she was sweating profusely. Tears streamed down from her eyes.

She quickly took off her dress, picked up her towel, and rushed back to the bathroom. She was staying inside the bathtub to cool her body. She thought for a while and decided to tell Williams her past no matter what it would cause her.

"I need to tell him. It is better to tell him than for him to hear from outside" Loveth thought. and left the bathroom.

She got to her room and discovered that her phone was beeping.

"What is it again? Won't you allow someone to rest?" She said to nobody in particular.

"Ten million naira? For what? This man is very wicked. Does he want me to sell my father's property? Impossible!" Loveth said and angrily threw her phone on the bed.

She put on her nightwear and lay on the bed thinking she would sleep quickly.

Her phone began to ring again. She was reluctant to pick it thinking it was the wicked man again.

"Oh! It's Williams. I have to put myself together now" she said to herself.

"Hello! Thank you for today, I appreciate" Loveth said calmly.

"You are welcome. What happened to you? I can sense it, you are not fine" Williams said curiously.

"Hmm! I'm fine. Nothing much" Loveth replied, faking a smile.

"You can trust me by sharing it with me, you know, a problem shared is a problem solved" Williams said calmly.

" It's nothing. I am just having a slight headache but I will be fine" Loveth replied.

"Okay! If you don't want to share it with me, no problem. I just want you to know that I care much about you" Williams said.

"I'm sorry! I promised to tell you when we see each other. I have some things to tell you" Loveth said.

By now, she has started crying, she can't handle it anymore.

"Pretty! Pretty! Don't cry. Whatever it is, I will stand by you. I won't leave you alone" Williams said.

"Are you sure? " Loveth said.

"Yes. Just trust me enough to tell me. And please, don't cry. Everything will be solved soon" Williams said.

Williams began to crack jokes to relieve Loveth of her pains. She didn't know when she started laughing.

The duo talked about other things before they dropped the call. Loveth was relieved of her burden. She didn't know when she slept off.

Mrs. Henry got to the room and decided to start a conversation with her husband.

"My dear, I'm just happy that Loveth has changed completely unlike before that she didn't have respect for us," Mrs. Henry said with a smile.

Mr. Henry sat up on the bed. He knew that his wife had many things to talk about.

"You are right. I could see it too even in her dress because of that I've been thinking of a bigger way to celebrate her on her birthday" Mr. Henry said.

"Exactly my dear, that is where I'm driving at. I want us to celebrate her in a big way. I also hope she brings her new lover." Mrs. Henry said.

" I know. I also like the way she is taking office work seriously. Her beautiful presentation has made oil and gas to partner with us" Mr. Henry said happily.

"Are you serious about that? Have they notified us?" Mrs. Henry asked curiously.

"Come and see" Mr, Henry said.

Mrs. Henry moved closer to check the mail sent by the managing director of oil and gas. She jumped up immediately and began to dance.

Her husband stood up and joined the dance too.

"When did they send the mail? How come Loveth is not yet aware?" Mrs. Henry asked curiously.

"They just sent the mail. She would have slept off by now. She will see it tomorrow. I'm sure it would have entered her mail by now." Mr. Henry explained.

Loveth was sleeping, she didn't know that a message has been dropped in her mail. Williams on the other hand could not sleep. He was thinking about what could have happened. He was pacing up and down in his room.

He began to think about many things.

At last, he summoned courage and said to himself that everything is under control.

Loveth woke up in the morning and went to the bathroom to relieve herself. She got back and laid on the bed. She picked up her phone and she opened her mail.

"What, they have eventually selected us at oil and gas company. Williams did not tell me anything, is he not aware?" Loveth said to no one in particular.

She rushes to the room to freshen up. She wanted to inform her parents.

She dressed up and moved quickly to the dinning room thinking that her parents will be there already.

She didn't meet them, so she rushed to their room.

"Dad! Mum! Good news. I want to share it with you,come out for breakfast" Loveth announced as she got to the entrance of their room.

"Alright, daughter! We will join you soon." Mr. Henry shouted from inside.

Loveth went back to the dining table and began to eat.

"My dear, let us suspend what we are doing and go before your daughter will come and break this door." Mrs. Henry said jokingly.

"I believe she wants to tell us about the outcome of oil and gas. So, don't act as if you have seen it before" Mr. Henry said.

They both moved out of the room and went to their daughter in the dining room.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry were surprised that their daughter was already dressed for work.

"Do you have an appointment this early morning that you have already dressed up?" Mr. Henry asked in surprise

"Mum! dad!, There are some files I could not check yesterday because I went for a date" Loveth explained.

"Dad! Mum! We are rich. I'm so proud of my dad's reputation" Loveth said with a broad smile.

"Yes, my daughter. What is it with oil and gas?" Mr. Henry replied pretending as if he is not aware.

"They have approved our proposal. We are partnering with them" Loveth said happily.

"Wow! This calls for a celebration" Mr. Henry said.

He stood up and went to the kitchen. He opened the freezer and brought out a bottle of wine. He returned to the sitting room.

Mrs. Henry called the cook and told her to bring three cups. The cook brought the cups and Mr. Henry opened the wine.

All of them were holding their cups. Mr. Henry poured the wine and they made a toast to a better life.

Loveth began to play music underground.

After some minutes, Mr. Henry stood up and appreciated his daughter for a job well done. He also said some beautiful things about her. He promised to reward her for a job well done.

Loveth checked her phone and discovered that the time was far spent. She stood up immediately and announced that she would be leaving soon.

She rushed to her room and picked up her bag. She searched for the shoe she would wear.

"I'm very happy, we have to establish another branch. As this will help to grow more" Loveth whispered, lost in thought

"Joy! Please we want to do a surprise birthday for Loveth, so I want it to be between us" Mr. Henry said to the cook.

"Wow! Okay sir. I almost forgot her birthday." Joy replied cheerfully.

" I will go and enquire about the peace hall if it has not yet been booked. I will also pay for the cake" Mr. Henry said.

" Wow! That is nice of you. We don't have time again. We have to start making arrangements" Mrs. Henry said.

Loveth took her bag and rushed out. She got to her car and zoomed off.

As she got to the junction where Williams alighted a day before, she thought of seeing him.

It was as if they planned, she looked down and saw Williams from afar.

Loveth was happy. She halted the car.

Williams on the other hand didn't know anything. He was just walking very fast as he was almost late for work.

"What! This car resembled Loveth's car. What is she doing here?"Williams said in surprise as he moved closer to where the car was packed.

" Pretty! Good morning! How do you know that I've not gone to work? I'm so happy to see you today" Willams said happily as he got inside her car.

"I thought of seeing you so I looked down and I saw you from afar so I decided to wait," Loveth explained.

"Wow! I'm almost late for work too and to get the means of transportation on time here. It is always difficult." Williams said.

"Oh! Sorry about that, if you don't mind I can be picking you up every morning" Loveth said.

"I'm grateful. We will talk about it later, enjoy your day at work" Williams said as he alighted from the car and wave her goodbye till her car is out of sight

"Alright, thank you. It's like he is not yet aware of the partnership" Loveth thought as she drove to her office.