

A man of youth declares the ruining of humanity for the sake of creating God.

CieloCoffin · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


A rumor was soon spread over the week, people who were well aware of the statuses at play, felt a jolt of fear, but also anticipation. 'If Jo wins,' they thought. Many thought this, possibly being a light through the corrupt tunnel most of the island was falling into. The only problem was, Fachtna had 'The Unknown' on his side. Most didn't know that there even was a person with such a title, but when explained, the naivety of their wishes soon plummeted.

This was further invigorated by the recent event of eight people dying. The general public couldn't wrap the entire context around it, but they knew something was wrong. The girls who worked at this brothel also went to school, the few that did attend at least. They all seemed to be baffled and soon Maah would know as well.


In one of the steaming rooms on the second floor, a gorgeous man laying between three young ladies enjoying simple comfort.

'Haah, this is getting annoying. What the hell is Fachtna thinking? Does he want me to fight this Jo guy so badly? Well, I can't, the time is not right yet to conquer. Haah, man I'm tired, brother.'

Maah, canceling his thoughts got up and dressed in semi-casual white attire. Maah knew these rumors were stupid, long before any of the ladies announced what was going on too.

'Does he think I'm stupid? No. Fachtna isn't so conceited that he would think such a simple-minded plan would work. He's thinking of something else. But what. This whole plan seems incredibly flawed.'

Walking out the door, the musk blasting out and filling the halls, Maah's face looking so deadly serious that it made some of the younger workers faint.

Stomping out the door, he tied up his long hair and headed for the other side of the island. Before that could happen though, he was interrupted by a younger-seeming man with semi-curly hair and sleek attire.

"Hoyes, correct?"

"Seems you remembered me."

"No, not really."

Hoyes' face scrunched as he tried to contain his irritation.

"Is that so, yet you know my name."

"I've heard of your existence, and considering all other options, you just seemed the most logical step up."

"Your quite smart."

"No. All of you are just stupid."

'This brat is truly irritating, but I need him. I doubt he's noticed. Somehow though, this is unkillable... Should I provoke him a little instead?

"If we're all stupid, then your seemingly quite weak. With your body, I doubt you have a chance to best Fachtna."

"Haah. Simple provocation. If you have nothing more, then I'll be going."

"Hmm, is that so? You know it's a long way to the stage, are you sure your 'head' can handle it."

Putting a sharp emphasis on the latter. Once fully connecting to his ear, Maah turned, and his face rolled like a tiger. His bloodlust was immense, exceedingly contradicting his normal aloofness.

"I know not how you found out, but if you know this much then you must die!"

"Oh my! I'm shakin' to the very sliver of my core. Try me brat."

"Y-you, dare!"

Maah leaped striking so fast that even light couldn't catch up.

"What the hell."

His hand was plunged into Hoyes' chest. There seemed to be one problem though. Hoyes wasn't hurt, more precisely speaking, Maah felt nothing. His hand felt like it simply passed through the air.

"Shit! How the hell does someone like you have something so advanced?"


"Did he give it to you?"

"I'll answer when you get here, seems like Heaven and Earth are about to reunite."

Once finished, Hoyes' body began to phase into blue light, in seconds simply disappearing.

"Damn him. They want my wrath. So..." Cough...cough!

A stabbing pain resounded inside his head.

'I-I thought I had more time. Has it gotten this big already? What type of tumor is growing inside my head.'

Maah thought these things, but he knew most of what went on, especially how he first began to die.


Down a slope to a stone arena, small and oval-shaped, steps of steps covered in mass and roots. Deep in the forest, most local gangs arrived. Fachtna was already there with most of his support. To most of everyone's surprise, Toto was here sitting in a tree sucking on a juice box.

Everyone had the same thought, 'What a fucking weirdo.'

Arriving shortly after and seemingly not thinking it was weird was Jo and his 'crew.'

The crew was subjective when most of the people behind him were barely in middle school.

Most of the older guys tried to contain their laughter, but they soon stopped needing to as they saw Jo's face.

"Holy shit, is he really gonna kill somebody," some guy murmured. A second later his head was flying in the air. Standing behind the now-to-be corpse was Mukhtar. His sun-like hair blazing with the wind, his face looking absolutely indifferent.

Thirty minutes later, the night began to approach, then from a rustle came Hoyes, nonchalantly sitting to a side. His eyes then burst wide open as he looked at Jo's group, he knew most of them. Lull, Jimi, Jinu, Jeanne, but then, who the hell is she?

'She's not normal. A 'Djinn' possibly, no she looks too intact. I've tried countless times, and it seems to never work. So I doubt it's that. I wish I could ask where she came from, but then all these other nasty ass creatures would look at me as if I'm after a child. Haah...'

Sighing inwardly, Hoyes then got a jolt that sparked in his ear. 'An artifact...'

Hoyes stood frantically. The people around him scurried away like a pile of roaches.

'Where is it? Her! But how... It is.'

Hoyes stared at Yaffa, a pink whistle with a rosy-colored chain holding it around her neck. Jo noticed that Hoyes was staring, he then got up, but as he did a terrifying pressure arose. It wasn't his, for a white light casting away all shadows had arrived. Even in anger, he was graceful. Maah.

'He's here!' They all thought. 'The Unknown.' All anyone could do was stare, other than the five other stars who were already there. The pressure was mostly too great for the average of them, though Jo stayed calm. Being the youngest meant he had to play it the smartest, he chose then to stay his ground and see how everyone else reacts.

Toto somehow had an apple he began munching on, his face was blatant with boredom, but he had to be there so he was.

Mukhtar's face was simply solemn and dry.

'Perfect. What an utter fool. I figured he would come, but for reassurance I got Hoyes to provoke him however he could. He did better than I thought. Truly incredible.' Frachtna tried to keep his stoic appearance, and though no one could see it, his lips were quivering, trying to stretch upwards.

'Well, I'm one step closer. Now how to make a commotion after his death? The whistle... I'll just wait and see.'

The pressure slowly dissipated, as Jo, Fachtna, and Maah entered the arena.

"Fachtna, you've pushed it enough, where's Hoyes?"

'Huh, I'm glad he got him to this stage, but did he lose a couple from his anger? Hoyes is... What the hell, where did he go? It's getting dark, and I can't get a feel for the place with so many people here.'

"He was here a minute ago. Hey say something Joey Boy, you saw him eh."

"Are you trying to die early?"

"Jo, your brattiness is on an all-time high."

Jo turned without saying anything, his face looking at the most beautiful man he's ever seen.

"I know not why you're here, or who you are exactly, but you want to harm him as much as I do. You want Hoyes, I know where he lives, I'll give you the information if you join my hand."

Jo was talking quite low, so as most looked, it could only seem to be three guys standing close to each other.

"When are they gonna start...?" Some guy mumbled.

"Soon I think."

"Doubt it."

"Oh come on..."

Soon the grunts and visitors began to murmur to themselves when a large bang went off.

Everyone turned in silence, only a few seeing what truly happened. Instantly they all saw, he who most would consider the most frightening. Laying near the trunk of a tree, the tree slowly came down from where Fachtna made an impact.


Most had no words, no thoughts, even the people who had a good glimpse couldn't tell what happened.

"H-he just w-went flying."

"God! What in the..."

Soon they all began to talk in rambles, then behind a tree to the left of Fachtna came Hoyes. His smile was not infectious.