

A man of youth declares the ruining of humanity for the sake of creating God.

CieloCoffin · Urban
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14 Chs


"Sir Fachtna, we delivered the goods as you asked."

"Good, now get out of my sight before I blow a hole through your head."

The large man and his lackeys then rushed out of the darkly lit room.

Fachtna, seventeen years of age, is blind in both eyes, but not enough that glasses won't fix. He was taller than the average on the island. Lean in muscularity, short in temper. He owned an array of guns, all of different styles and origins. He had an especially nice seven-chamber revolver and his 'mystical' nock gun. Those two were off-limits from ever being used, ever. The last time anyone touched them, they were skinned and their corpse was left hanging on a pole in front of the school.

He was known for his fearlessness, as he had an openly known drug ring. Where he would stash and distribute drugs to children on the island, then take them away to work off them and produce more drugs. That he could then recycle through the island turning them around and selling them for double in different parts of the mainland.

He swooped his hair back, the slight gel gliding grotesquely through his fingers, wiping them in a routined pattern upon a towel by his side.

"Helen, we sold twice as many as before correct?"

"Well yes and no." Helen a woman roughly in her newly twenties was a simple-minded woman. Dark hair with lightened tips, round soft eyes that had a woody glow. Her motto in a sense was 'make money.' A thing she has followed her entire life.

Checking the numbers related to their total returns her face began to look dark as she kept scrolling.

"What is it."

"It seems Jo has involved himself again."

"Shit, why does he always have to keep bothering me, that damn brat."

"Well, it seems he's only been protecting his section of that particular neighborhood. From how it looks and seems, Jo has gotten himself in a secondary obligation."

"I haven't seen him around the school recently. Rumour was he dropped out, must mean he got a job of some sort."

"Most likely."

"All right then."

"His section isn't too large, that's why the totals haven't really dwindled."

"Hmm, that's good, seems he's begun to realize what's truly important. Not every child can be saved."


"Let's see, whom can we contact to burn down his entire life."

"Hoyes is a possible option."

"The 'Demented Forest,' huh? Heard he's a prickly one."

"You and he have a very similar style. He's just more subtle."

"Openness is the key to success. Death and torment arrive to the ones who fear the eyes of all."


"Don't contact him. Instead, get me either, 'The Talent,' or 'The Unknown,' one of those should work."

"I think that may be impossible."

"...Why is that?"

"Toto is hard to find and recruit. He's also dangerous, even if we could harm him. He's sadly too valuable, right now everyone is turning a blind eye, but if someone like him were to get hurt. Well, to put it bluntly, you should kill yourself."

"All right. Well, then the other."

"It's not the same as Toto, in a way, it's the first issue with Toto. And that is we don't know where he is."

"Well, I do."


"People call him 'The Unknown' as a joke, he's quite known. It's just he's known both ways for different reasons. Tell me this Helen, why is that guy considered one of the 'Heavenly Three' rather than the 'Earthly Three' or none of them at all."

"Because he's a good fighter."

"Right and wrong. Each of us are good fighters, some better than others. Our titles are given for a reason, like them or not. Maah is well known. 'The Unknown' is not. I've seen it once, the man I thought was a lazy piece of shit, was actually a terrifying beast. I would rather fight the other four all at once by myself than go against that man."

"Really...?" Helen's face looked stunned, contrasting with her normally cold exterior.

"Ya, it's considered the unknown, because no one lives to know. Finding him isn't hard, convincing him may be. Send some grunts, some of the petty thugs, Ramos or Druid command. Send them to the other side of the island, there's a brothel not many people know about. The reason generally being, well for one, that guy is almost always there, and secondly, because most of the girls are very much underage over there. The oldest I've seen anyone work over there was probably twenty-six at most. The last time I saw him, he was complaining about how much he liked her, but she sadly got pregnant. Well, that should be enough to help you out, right?"

"Yes, I'll tell Ramos and Druid immediately."

"Oh ya, make sure they try not to fuck nobody, even if those damn mermaids try seducing them to the underworld. Because if he is there, then the second they pull out their dicks will be the moment he pulls out their spines. Well anyway, I'm going out for a smoke, would you like me to bring you a drink?"

"No, I'm good thank you."

Fachtna then stepped outside the concrete building, the sky was gray.

"Man what a gloomy sight."

Lighting up a quick cigarette, he took it in, releasing it as lightly as he could.

"This shit really is disgusting."


The next day on the grassy plains was a run-down building. Nine men ranging from the ages of sixteen to twenty-two stood outside.

"This is it, right Ramos?"

"Ya, that's what the boss said. Now you all remember right? Try to fuck, touch, or mingle in any way with one of them sluts, and you'll die."

The eight that stood behind him gulped, the eyes struck a cold sweat pooling off their backs.

"Relax. If you stay focused and do what you're told, the reward will be greater than any dirty ass pussy this place could be providing."

"Yes Sir!"

"Alright, I'll stand outside and wait, all of you hurry up."

The eight other young men rushed into the building. Surprisingly enough the place was quite spacious, no one was there but a few girls gathered at tables. A woman that seemed to be around Ramos's age sat at a large desk.

"Well looky here we have some truly dashing young men."

Other than Tibber and Guam, who were twenty and nineteen respectively, the rest were all underage.

Tibber being the oldest walked to the counter announcing what he wanted.

"I would like to know if you have any other guests staying here."

The woman's face then became quite serious, and even though the hall wasn't necessarily loud so to speak, people were still talking. In this instance, silence fell.

'What the hell, I know he's a big deal, but pressure like this seems quite unnecessary.'

Tibber thought all this as a young man came walking down the steps. His long white hair was frightening at how white it was. Each strand was like its own invisible rainbow, as when light passed through it, all colors shimmered. His face was smoothly white as well, like a glossy paper, his skin subtly blocked off all other colors. His lashes were preposterously long, and shiny, which practically made his eyes glow. His pearl-like eyes were no different as when the light hit them, a soft pink glimmered, showing a similar pinkness to his lips.

He had a slender body and as he took each step an unwarranted pressure exuded off of him. He was seemingly naked as all he had covering him below was a single thin bedsheet he wrapped around himself a few times.

"Now who must you all be?"

"My name is Tibber sir and I..."

"Pause right there," his hand gestured in the air, "I am only sixteen years of age, someone such as yourself does not need to treat me with such high respect."

His voice was like a clinging serpent coiled around Tibber's throat. Though he said not to treat him with such authority, Tibber felt if he didn't he would be killed.

'The fuck! This guy, this guy, the legendary 'Unknown' is only sixteen. What type of preposterity is this?'

"I will try," he said hesitantly.

"No, you won't."

Tibber's body flinched as he looked towards the ground.

"Know this, it was foolish to come here, now leave."

"I'm sorry to say, but I can't."

"Now why is that?"

"My boss needs your help."

"Oh my, well I only know one person who would choose to pull a prank like this. Well, how about this, go tell Fachtna, to fuck himself. For I wish not to play in any of his silly games."

"I-I really can't do that. I could get in serious trouble."

Tibber unknowingly just realized, but his hands and knees were already on the floor as beads of sweat dangled from his face. His eyes stuck to the wood below him. Then a look of shock and fear sunk in. A seeping red liquid was spreading below him, rolling past his knees toward his hands. Looking up, Maah seemed to give a look that said, 'you may look behind you.' And so he did, the seven companions he arrived with had their spines removed and shoved up their anal cavities.

'My GOD.' Tibber couldn't stomach it, all the girls stood back near the walls and corners. The quiet was soon run amuck from the loud yelps of hurled vomit.

Tibber was shaking profusely, he was about to die. Closing his eyes, darkness stayed, light never came back to Tibber's eyes.

"Alrighty then, you fine ladies clean this up. Madam, send Clarice up."

He said whilst climbing back up the steps, his voice reverberating like a sweet melody. The pureness of it almost made the woman forget where she was.

"My goodness. I know it has been a long time, but clean it up alright. Clarice! come with me."


About an hour after all their deaths, Ramos stood conflicted.

"What is taking them so long? They couldn't have actually... No Tibber is with them, his libido is incredibly well controlled, I shouldn't be worried about a mistake like that. Then what happened."

Ramos continued to mumble to himself. He then concluded, 'They're dead. Holy shit, they are all dead.'

"Fuck! I need to call Helen right away."

Ramos then began to sprint running as fast as he could not even bothering to look where he was going. Just a continuous climb through till he reached the town centre.

Walking into a cracked and misshapen concrete building, Ramos jutted up the steps. This hike from the brothel took him two hours without rest.

"BOSS! Haaah...Haaah...Haah."

"Ramos take your time and breathe. I probably don't need to ask, but they're all dead, aren't they? Fuck! Can't even keep it in their fucking pants."

"No... Boss, you're wrong... I sent Tibber with them. Unless they were planning for it... haah, and sent somehow the most beautiful and seductive woman ever. I highly doubt Tibber would fail in controlling his men."

"You have a point, Tibber only loves his girlfriend, the act of cheating is like killing every living thing they possibly can to him. So your right, I highly doubt any of them stuck it out, and even if one of them did, he's not irrational enough to simply kill all of them. Did anything else happen?"

"I don't know. All I could do was stand outside the door, it was quite silent for most of it. I did recall a voice that wasn't too feminine, that I wasn't aware of. I believe, and boss these aren't my words, but he said to tell Fachtna to go and fuck himself."

Surprisingly to both Ramos' and Helen's surprise, Fachtna was relatively calm.

"Haah. This guy really is a piece of work. Helen start spreading a rumor that we have 'The Unknown' on our side and we want to go to a turf war with Jo and his gang."

"What?!" Both Ramos and Helen were in complete and utter shock. He wanted to go to war.

"Sir, Jo may be a tad annoying, but he isn't ruining things enough for us to need to go to war."

"Yes I know Helen, but 'we' are not going to war, 'they' will be going to war."

"You're not really suggesting."

"We'll make it so he and him, kill each other, or at least harm each other to a degree that we can finish them off at the last minute."

Chiming in Ramos added, "But with that being the rumor, won't 'The Unknown' just come for us himself."

"Ya, but we change locations so much, and that doofus is so lazy, that giving him a false location to bite the gullible Jo will be easy enough. Jo will buy into the rumor instantly, mainly because he and 'The Unknown' have never met nor heard much about each other. With a few small tweaks to the plan, we can make it so Jo seems like a subordinate or at least knowledgeable enough about us. That will make Maah feel warranted enough to kill him."

"That plan seems quite complex."

"Yes I know, and that's why we'll be getting some bigger brain power."

Helen looked at Fachtna in fear as she muttered, "Hoyes."