

"You're not allowed to go out with him, because you're my girlfriend!", he thunders, anger evident in his features. I'm a little taken aback by this, but I shout back anyway. "FAKE GIRLFRIEND Skylar, FAKE GIRLFRIEND!". For a moment I think I see hurt flash across his eyes. I storm out of the car before he gets a chance to stop me. #~#~#~#~#~#~ Meet Ashley Reynolds, you're typical high school sweetheart, she suddenly comes across famous boy band lead singer- Skylar Anderson who happens to be the new kid. She has a terrible past which keeps her traumatized from time to time. But she has a loving family, who stick with her through her nightmares. Will Skylar warm up to Ashley and help her get over her past? Find out on this exciting journey through Ashley's life...

Thisbitchis17 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs


This is stupid, I mean, what kind of school has PE right after lunch. It's Wednesday people, the day I have PE... PE!!!

I feel like throwing up after my 3rd lap. I've never been the one to exercise and that's why I always avoided PE class in 11th grade with the excuse of being on my 'period'. Mhm, maybe that's why I failed it. What was your first clue?

Mr Ricardo Grandes, our PE teacher told us to do 10 laps for coming late and by us, I mean just me and my poor legs. I feel like he's getting back at me for declining his offer for a coffee date because I swear, I'm the only one who does laps when late for class.

He is currently dividing the others into teams for playing dodge ball. It's been a pretty long while since we last played dodge ball, all we ever do is 'Capture the flag'.

"Ms Reynold, come over here," Mr Grandes calls out.

"You sure you want me to come? I've barely done 4 laps," I say trying to hide the fact that I'm overjoyed he wants me to stop running.

"Oh, you're gonna complete the laps after the game," he smirks. Sigh. There goes my joy.


"That's two more laps ms Reynold,"

OMG, did I say that out loud?

"Yes you did," he deadpans.

Damn you inside voice. I turn to see everyone holding in their laughter. Great way to embarrass yourself, Ash.

Mr Grandes assigns me to a team and we start playing. Guess who's on the opposing team. Skylar Anderson. Joy. Few minutes into the game, 3 persons in my team are already out and 2 on the other team are also out. We take five and I walk towards the bleachers to get a drink from my water can. Someone sits beside me and while turning my head to see who it is, our eyes lock.

"Ugh! what did I do in this world to see your ugly face again?" he sneers. That's pretty ironic because, a lot of people called me pretty today. Also, is he serious right now?! We just played a game together and he's seeing me now.

"Same question goes to you pop prince," I retort.

He gives me an eyeroll, "Pop prince? really... come on, you can do better than that".

I scoff at him. Okay, this guy is weird. Wait... I'm weird too.

"As much as I hate myself for saying this, it suits you. You're a music sensation. But a rude egotistical certified Jackass too," I smirk at his priceless face. I'm sure he's used to people kissing his ass.

"Okay, back to the game students," Mr Grandes says.

Skylar turns to look at me and smiles... He freaking smiles at me. That's a first. It's that smile he displays on TV. The same smile that got me attracted to his music videos. "I Thought I recognized you, Ashley Reynolds, the little sister of the Reynold brothers" he says, standing up and walking towards the game.

"Feisty?!" I glower, "I'm pretty sure the magazines and gossip sites say 'Adorable' little sister". I stand up and follow him.

"True... But my description suits you," he smirks. We were now facing each other since we're on different teams.

"Hmmm... I guess so. Same way the magazines and gossip sites say you're 'Charming and Hot', my description of you being a troll 'in and out' suits you too". We were now glaring at each other and if looks could kill and Skylar was a cat, he would have lost the 10th life he doesn't have by now.

Our glaring contest gets disrupted by the whistle and the dodge ball match continues. Determined to hit Skylar in his family jewels, most of my balls were targeted towards him. Have I ever told you how much my aim sucks? No? Okay, MY AIM SUCKS EGGS!

I knock Cassandra in the other team out in a miserably failed attempt to knock Skylar out. There are 6 person's left in Skylar's team and 5 in mine. In a few more minutes there are 3 in his and 2 in mine. I notice that Skylar has also been aiming his balls at me which I skillfully dodge .

Skylar and I are the only ones left on our teams and I can hear MY teammates cheering Skylar on. My teammates. I'm not gonna pretend I didn't expect that. Hell I totally expected it. He is Skylar Anderson, it's not every time a celebrity chooses to go to your school.

As the Sophomore and Junior girls cheer Skylar on, the boys cheer me on too. Seeing beads of sweat trickling down Skylar's forehead, I immediately get jealous, I mean, come on I'm here drenched in my own sweat and that's all his body produces?!

I dodge a ball that Skylar suddenly throws at me and scowl at him. This is why I hate PE, all the cardio related stuff and all. I hate exercise. Looking at Skylar, I wonder how I'm going to win. If I throw a ball at him, I'll miss. If he throws a ball at me, he'll probably win.

Think Ash, think.

Yep, I've got it, time to play dirty. Skylar looks at me, probably confused about my suddenly smirking face. I put on my most innocent smile. He shrugs and throws a ball at me. He misses, only because I dodge. I make it look I tripped and fell. Upon hearing many gasps, I start sniffling hoping to get attention from the Pop prince.

I feel a presence behind me and I know it's him. Fool.

"Are you hurt?" He asks as I look up.

"Nope, but you will be," I take advantage of this and throw a ball at him. He falls backwards and I hear gasps. Every girl takes this as an opportunity to rush towards him and touch him. Sigh. Fan girls. Such a disgrace to woman kind.

The guys rush to help me up because they actually think I'm hurt.

"That was smart Ashley,"

"Way to take advantage of the situation,"

"Great job,"

"That was awesome," I hear some of them say. I look ahead to see Skylar glaring at me. I give him a victory smirk which he scowls at.

I 'Limp' towards Mr Grandes who, hopefully, did not notice my little stunt. "Good game Ms Reynolds. I might reconsider my punishment". I squeal and give him a hug. "I said might," he teases, giving an emphasis on the 'Might'. I mentally roll my eyes, knowing he won't change his mind.

Skylar walks towards me after managing to escape his crazy fan girls, "You're really crazy,"

It's not the first time I've heard that, "Thanks, I've been called worse". I flip my hair in his face and push past him making him stumble backwards a bit. When I reach the gym exit doors, I turn around and stick out my tongue at him. And with that, I leave .

I know what you're gonna say. How is he not supposed to hate you after this. Truthfully, I don't give a shit.



Wassup People :)

Chapter four is done... Any thoughts on Skylar Anderson??

Next update: soon

Vote, like and share your thoughts, alright?

I know you'll do it, you'll do it... right?

Haha... Pathetic

Stay Wild♡♡♡