

"You're not allowed to go out with him, because you're my girlfriend!", he thunders, anger evident in his features. I'm a little taken aback by this, but I shout back anyway. "FAKE GIRLFRIEND Skylar, FAKE GIRLFRIEND!". For a moment I think I see hurt flash across his eyes. I storm out of the car before he gets a chance to stop me. #~#~#~#~#~#~ Meet Ashley Reynolds, you're typical high school sweetheart, she suddenly comes across famous boy band lead singer- Skylar Anderson who happens to be the new kid. She has a terrible past which keeps her traumatized from time to time. But she has a loving family, who stick with her through her nightmares. Will Skylar warm up to Ashley and help her get over her past? Find out on this exciting journey through Ashley's life...

Thisbitchis17 · Teen
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12 Chs


My alarm clock rings. Ugh, I hate waking up. Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking and yes, I'm a whole lump of lazy. I quickly get up and do my morning routine. I hear a faint knock on the door just as I'm about to enter my closet.

"Who's there?"

"It's Sophie, may I come in?" the voice asks.

"Sure," I say as I walk into my closet.

The door opens and closes, then I hear her greet, "Morning Chica".


"Wow, you've got a lot of clothes!" I hear Sophie gasp from behind me.

"Yeah," I reply casually holding out a pair leggings.

"So your mom was right was right," she says.

I furrow my eyebrows, "Right about what?"

"She actually sent me up here to make sure you're not going back to wearing ugly leggings and sweat pants". Sigh. Typical mom. Believe me, it's not the first time she's sent someone up here to do that. Now that Sophie's here, she's gonna be doing that... a lot. "But hey, I'm not gonna stop you from wearing what you wanna wear".

"Is it weird that I actually wanna wear what mom wants me to wear?"

"Nope, Siéntate," Sophie says, "Let's see what you've got in your closet". She looks around and selects an outfit for me. After that, she straightens my hair and does my makeup. In no time, I was ready. We both go down for breakfast and then I drive to school.


"Baby you are looking hot as fuck!" Stacy gasps as she sights me coming down from my car. I roll my eyes as I shut the door of my car.

Jenny lunges towards me trying to rip my face off, "Are you sure you're not an alien". Seriously?! I changed my wardrobe, big deal.

I look at my outfit, I ended up wearing blue skinny denim jeans and a cropped white hoodie, so I guess I look hot. We walk into the school arms linked as usual. After Jenny and I take out our note books, we escort Stacy to her locker to get hers and I sight Josh from afar coming towards us from the end of the hallway.

"Hey Ladies," he greets.

"Hey," Stacy and I greet. Josh is one of Chase's friends, but unlike Chase, we've known Josh forever. Even their other friend Michael, he's the dumb one. But girls don't care, his looks cover up for it.

"Sup loser," that was Jenny. She and Josh have some sort of chemistry and they act like they've known each other for years meanwhile, they met this senior year.

"Ugh, I greeted the ladies, not you Jenny," Josh says.

"You dipshit," Jenny curses, clearly offended.

"Uh oh, bye girls, I'll see you guys in class. Gotta run before she bites me," Josh says with pretend fear as he jogs away.

"Aww, you guys are so cute," Stacy cooes, taking out some notes from her locker. Jenny just shrugs and walks towards our class flustered. I give Stacy a knowing look as we walk after her.

History class, one of the most boring sleep worthy classes ever. How can a teacher be so oblivious to the fact that he is boring as hell. Stacy's fast asleep, probably dreaming about young Channing Tatum and Jenny's super busy painting her nails. You know that saying 'Saved by the bell', well, I speak for my entire class when I say we've just been saved from the pits of boredom by the school bell.

Stacy, Jenny and I are headed straight to our lockers when someone bumps into us.

"Oh I'm so sor—oh... It's you. Better save my sorries for humans," the person snarls. Only one person has that fake voice—Madison.

"Oh sweetie, next time get your teeth whitened before you talk to me," I say. I know, I know, that's a very lame comeback. Well it's not my fault, I've got nothing.

Madison rolls her eyes, "You stopped making sense the minute you started talking".

"And you started making sense the minute you stopped talking," I retort. And with that, I drag Stacy and Jenny out of there before they go all 'Bitch mode' on her.

"Why didn't you let me stay back and trash talk her," Jenny complains as she pulls her hand out of my grasp.

"Exactly Jen, that's what I was afraid of. You're new here and making your lunatic self your first impression isn't exactly the best idea, Okay?" I say

"Whatever you say mom," she says, causing Stacy to snicker.

"Well I've got Biology right now and you guys have Geometry, so I'll meet you both in the Cafeteria, Yeah?" I say grabbing a bar of toblerones from my locker.

"Okie dokie,"

"Aye aye captain," they say at the same time. Creepy.

"Okay you guys should never say that again... It's weird," I slam my locker close and they reply with a nod, walking away with stupid grins on their faces. The things my friends do.


"Care to explain why you're late Mr Anderson?" Mrs Tatar asks. I look up to see Skylar walking in, panting like a 'ME' after climbing up the stairs.

"I'm... I'm really sorry ma'am... Junior... fan girls," he says with a polite smile. Oh sure, be nice to everyone but me.

"Sorry about that Mr Anderson, I'll see what I can do about it," she turns to the board and continues what she was writing, "Have a seat".

Skylar walks in and slides into the seat next to mine. When turns his head towards my direction, he becomes horrified. He gets up immediately and is obviously looking for another empty seat. Unfortunately for the both of us, there isn't any.

He slumps back in his seat and sighs dramatically, "Take a picture, it'll last longer," he suddenly says still facing the board, making me notice that I'm staring. I quickly look away feeling flustered. I was caught in the embarrassing act of staring.

"Okay students," Mrs Tatar starts, "In our last class we talked about morphological variation and in this class, we'll be learning about physiological variation. This has to do with differences in the ways individuals of the same species behave or react to conditions in their environment..."

30-torture filled- minutes later.

"Now students, I'll be pairing you for your project," Mrs Tatar says followed by a series of groans and 'I hate projects' . I'm not exactly an 'A' or a 'B' grade student so yeah... I also hate projects. 

She begins to call out the names as I drift away, looking at my nails like they're the most interesting things in the world. "Mr Anderson, you'll be paired with Ms Reynolds," I hear her say. 

It can't be a coincidence. I shoot up my head to look at her face... yep, that's her match making face. For some reason, Mrs Tatar likes to play matchmaker during group projects. I look at Skylar who is also looking at me with the same expression—horror.

Immediately, we both raise our hands at the same time.

"No you cannot switch partners," she says with a knowing smile. Oh Damn it.

"What did I ever do to deserve this," Skylar sighs dramatically. Other names are called and some students keep asking to switch partners although they know the answer to the question. A big steaming pot of NO.

I think it's time for me to ask the obvious question here. "Mrs Tatar?" I call out, raising my right hand.

"Yes?" she fully turns towards me.

"What's this project about?"

"Finally someone asked. Well it's mostly based on what we just discussed during the lesson. Physiological Variation. I want you to observe your partners closely, see how they react to certain circumstances and make a report on it," she pauses to catch her breath, then continues, "And for that to happen, you and your partner have to spend a lot of time together. For those with same sex partners, I suggest having sleepovers from time to time. This report is to be submitted individually to me, two months before your finals. The report would be kept confidential".   

I hear some students sigh in relief at the last part. I gotta admit, this is one of the weirdest projects in the history of Blue Lake High.

"Observation number one, she spaces out a lot," I turn to look at Skylar who is looking at me with a glint of amusement in his eyes.

"I do not," I retort.

"You've spaced out about six times during the lessons," he deadpans. The bell rings and we start packing up our books.

"And you say I'm the one staring,"

"I wasn't staring, I was... observing,"

"Sure," I pat him on his shoulder and start walking out. He chases after me and finally falls into step with me.

"Okay fine, I was staring. But you can't blame me, you were just so pretty,"

I turn to look at him, "I vividly remember you calling me ugly during PE on Wednesday".

He looks around nervously and scratches the back of his neck, "You still remember that?"

"Yeah... I do," we reach my locker and I punch in my combination. The only thing I wanna think of right now is CHOCOLATE.

"Sweet mother of Doritos!" Skylar exclaims immediately I open my locker. I chuckle at his reaction while getting myself a handful of m&ms.

"What did you expect pompoms and a makeup salon?"

"Yeah kinda... Observation number two, she has a weird but cute chocolate obsession," he says and I give him a light push.

 Why is he being nice to me all of a sudden. Oh... that's how he gets his hook-ups. Well, sorry champ... I'm not available.

He starts smiling. "Woah! It smiles?!" I feign surprise, "Observation number one, Skylar Anderson can actually smile".

"Don't be so dramatic, I smile so much it hurts," he says as he starts walking towards his locker. For some stupid unknown reason I follow him.

"Then I guess you were taking a smiling break that day at the restaurant," he turns to me with an amused smile.

"That's what this is about," he says shoving his books into his locker. Poor books.

Of course that's what this is about. You dream of meeting your idol everyday and when you finally meet him, he turns out to be a rude ass. I scoff at him in a 'what was your first clue?' kinda way.

"I'm really sorry about that. Truthfully, I just thought you were another fan girl 'accidentally' bumping into me. In my defense, it was the eleventh time that day and I was really annoyed," he says in a breath.

I smile at him genuinely for the first time, "It's okay... I'll see you some other time". I turn around and start moving towards the cafeteria, then he stops me.

"Do you mind sitting at our lunch table today, what better way to start our project than introducing you to the rest of the band. Besides, with you around me, the fan girls will only ogle from a distance," he says with a smile. 

This is really happening people! Skylar Anderson wants to introduce me to his band mates...Skylar Anderson! Keep your fangirling under control dummy.

"Sure, but my friends have to be there too. I gotta warn you, they are obsessed with 'FOREVER ALIVE' and they can get crazy at times" I warn. FOREVER ALIVE, that's their band name. The name that gets every girl screaming once mentioned. He just shrugs. Hmm maybe he can handle a little fangirling.

I text Stacy and Jen to meet me at the table where FOREVER ALIVE sits. Skylar and I walk towards the table and once again, the whispers increase a notch. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a lot of students staring at us probably thinking of a suitable title for this scenario. 

'Skylar Anderson hooks up with Ashley Reynolds'. 



Hey sugar plums... (okay I'll stop... not)

This is so cliche... Skylar and Ashley end up getting paired for a project,

Any thoughts? Don't be shy

Next update: soon

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because I know, deep down you care.

Till next time...