
But What About Romance?

Life is a drag, seeming to be too stationary for Mais taste. With one curious thought she asked herself "what's a good way to spend my time?" and the answer to that was agreeing to a meet up with an online stranger from a sketchy site. Little does she know "OLove" is a site for real obsessed killers to meet a partner of there dreams. Now she is left to be chased after seven different killers as more murders happen throughout her hell-spawned city.

Professor_Jelly0_0 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


The clock in my room slowly ticks away as the sunlight pours in. The honey glow from the sunlight stretches across the furniture in my room making even the dust floating about stand still in a motionless picture. The orange-brown wooden dresser sat across from the bed, neatly organizing my clothes. The white closet doors were closed properly next to the window which was to my left and which sat parallel to my bedroom door. My nightstand stood at attention on my right, holding up my phone that has been charging all night I tossed and turned in my white sheets, not wanting to get up for the day.

It was Saturday. The start of the weekend I had to myself in my new apartment that I moved into roughly about a month ago. It was small but still had cheap rent and a better rep then the rest of the apartment complexes that I could afford to look at. Sundays were my designated laundry day which was evident to the mountain of dirty clothes that sprang up and out of my hamper that was shyly tucked away in a corner.

'I really need to clean those clothes.'

I shut my eyes in annoyance before coming to terms with the fact I needed to take care of the mountain before I had nothing left to wear.

As I rubbed my face I began to sit up in my bed and face the closed door of my bedroom. It was a pain to open it every time for it was too big for the frame, making it difficult to open every time. Yet despite the frustration of dealing with the door I still couldn't bring myself to leave it open.

Sitting up I stretch and yawn before I slowly make my way off the bed to open the door.  Struggling with the handle I lean against the door before violently pulling back to finally crack open the door. The hall was dark and littered in dust. The door across from Mr remained shut, like any unoccupied rooms should. The bathroom at the left end of the hall remained ominous in the dark, spooking me. Carefully I made my way over to the light switch which was at the other end and near the walkway from the kitchen and living room.

In the living room sat my TV, couch, coffee table and a sunlit window which all sat to my right. To my left was the kitchen with the old refrigerator, rusted induction stove, crappy coffee machine, small sink and barely working microwave which was mounted on the wall above the counter. The counter made an L shape with half lines against the wall and the other curved over only stopping stort I'd aligning with the door to the outside all of the apartment complex.

I yawned again, not really ready to put too much thought on the potential fire starters the appliances are. Making my way over to the coffee machine to provide it the water and cheap coffee grounds to make me my day-starter drink. opening the fridge to recover some milk I noticed the empty white baren fridge staring back.

'I need to get food to.'

My stomach groaned in agreement, hungry for the egg and cheese sandwich that I couldn't make due to the lack of both eggs and cheese. I have bread though, one half finished loaf of sliced bread sat on the counter which looked more depressed than I. But that wasn't the only food I had. I reach down towards the bottom cabinets which held a half finished box of cereal, a box of crackers and a half finished bag of BBQ potato chips. Half heartedly I reached out for the cereal box and yawned again.

'I guess the money from yesterday is going towards food.'

Thinking about the paycheck from yesterday I groan. The money was just above minimum wage by two cents, I guess the fancy museum is trying to be 'prestigious' with  how much they brag about paying above the minimum. The last two weeks we experienced rushes with tourists for the 'Beginnings of Spring'. It was just another fancy holiday period  to celebrate spring. This year we got 'Oh-so lucky' with the stupid rat that gave us an early spring. This up coming week should be the last of it. I've been trying to find a second job but so far no one has called back.

'Well get food, clean clothes, and try to apply for another job.' If this list keeps growing I fear that this weekend won't be restful.

After eating my rationed breakfast I head back to my room to my closet to take out my laundry basket. After struggling to free the large white plastic basket from the closet I eyed my mountain of clothes that seem to cackle evilly, knowing that I will have to take the time to sort colors, manage to bring all the clothes with me and still carry my laundry detergent. The sorting ordeal seemed to go on forever, taking my tired brain to work overtime before celebrating my one tackle over a challenge.

Dark clothes seem to be my largest load due to the chilly weather, which makes it easier to wash all that I can without colors bleeding into one another. But I still have a load of colors which would need its own basket to carry. Again I go back to my closet to dig around for a small bin to put my clothes.  That's when I latch onto a small blue plastic bin, just about big enough to hold everything. With some struggle I crawl out of my closet and started placing my colors in neatly. I place the smaller basket on top of the larger one and carry the stacked clothes out of the room.

Down the hall I go towards the living room and resting the baskets on the couch. I sigh as I look down at the baskets, thinking of the journey down the hall to the rickety and not up to code elevator. Usually I take the steps ever since maintenance started to neglect their duties, but I can't do that down the stairs. Going to get my laundry detergent I hear the sound of my next door neighbor shuffling about. It's Felix, he usually is eerily quite but today he seems more active. Now that I'm thinking of him I can't help but reminisce about our first encounter.

It was the second day I moving in when we met. I was moving boxes into the apartment when I bumped into him causing both of us to stumble and for him to fall. Panicked I asked if he was okay while placing down the box. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!" The nerves in my body swiftly guided me to help him up and brush him down. His straight black hair was a mess and slightly oily as his bangs covered his eyes. A black hoodie draped over his skinny frame as the sight of a grey sweater could be seen peeking out under the hoodie on his shoulder. He wore navy blue denim jeans and worn black sneakers. He mumbled under his breath. "N-no, I'm sorry. I'm in the way." He rubbed at his forehead and started rushing towards his door. Before I could say anything he slammed the door behind him. But I felt real bad to say that that was my first impression. So I slipped a note under his door to ask what type of dessert he likes the next day as an apology. He slipped a note under mine insisting I didn't have to. Which led me to say that I feel bad not giving anything to him as an apology. Funny thing is I didn't bake him anything for about a week, since he didn't want anything. So I made myself some cookies the second Saturday there and wouldn't you know it the next morning I saw a note on the floor asking for some chocolate chip cookies without any nuts because he was allergic. It was kinda cute to imagine him squirming nervously as he written the note or when he smelled the cookies. That Sunday I spent all my effort to bake him the best cookies and deliver them while they were still warm. At first he didn't open the door but slowly he cracked it open. That's were our relationship is now for all I know, he still is quite but on the occasion I do see him he is all nervous and mumbles. He writes letters time to time and slips it under my door which is cute.

I set down the big bottle of detergent onto the baskets as I check my phone. 9:54 AM the time flashed, telling me I better hurry before all the washers are taken. In a hurry grab my apartment key, open the door and started lugging the clothes out to the hall. I closed the door behind me and begin to lock it as I hear Felix unlock his door. The next second I look back to my door then his again he was out in the hall, with something in his hands.

"Ah! G-Good morning!" I great him with nerves prickling at me. This wasn't exactly the best time to sit and chat when that old fart could be taking my washer.

He nods in greeting. "G-Good m-morning, M-Mina!" He fidgeted as I stuffed my key into my pants pocket and leaned down to pick up my baskets. I pushed my strands of dirty blonde hair out of my face as I lean back up. He seemed rooted in place as I looked back at him. "I-I..." he started to mumble "I made this f-for you, I-I'm sorry it took so long." He shyed away from his own arms as he pushed the object forward and looked away. It was an adorable stuffed bear with copper fur and dark black eyes, it kinda felt like it was staring at me. It's little black nose was stitched carefully as it's little mouth came to a cute smile. It held out a reddish-orange tulip which made the whole product seem adorable.

Felix retracted his arms as he realizes I couldn't grab it. "O-Oh, right your doing y-your laundry today." Felix wanted to rest in on the dirty clothes but I moved out of the way before he could.

"W-Wait a minute," I started and he froze seeming to be lost in his own thoughts as he gripped the bear. "These clothes are dirty I don't want to ruin the bear." I tried to place the basket down and find a place to put it. After some thinking I just stuffed the bear carefully down my tank top and let it rest gently on my breasts. The little bears arms stook out with the flower and seemed to be comfortable. "There it shouldn't-wait actually you could have hold onto it until I came back, now I think I messed up the stitching." I played a little with the flower-holding bear to see if I did indeed ruin it.

"Y-You didn't!" Filex yelled at I saw some color creep up his face as he looked at me. "I-I mean the stitching is very strong so it shouldn't have come undone." Felix fidgeted a bit more with his hands as I patted the bears head gently.

"Really? Wow that's super cool, I actually can't believe you put so much effort into this bear for me, thank you!" I beamed as I embraced it's soft fur a bit more. Oh yeah, that's the stuff. It felt like a cloud with how light it was. Yup, I think I'm in love. Dang I was a sucker for soft things. To my surprise as I turned to say goodbye Felix grabbed the small basket on top.

'That's new.'

I wasn't going to complain, if he wanted to help, but I didn't think Felix would do that. Felix seem to steel himself as he looked at me from his slightly taller stature. From here I could see his cobalt blue eyes, really pretty eyes. I almost seem to lose myself only for him to look away nervously.

"I-I thought you would like some help." Filex stated shyly as we made our way down the hall.