
But What About Romance?

Life is a drag, seeming to be too stationary for Mais taste. With one curious thought she asked herself "what's a good way to spend my time?" and the answer to that was agreeing to a meet up with an online stranger from a sketchy site. Little does she know "OLove" is a site for real obsessed killers to meet a partner of there dreams. Now she is left to be chased after seven different killers as more murders happen throughout her hell-spawned city.

Professor_Jelly0_0 · Urban
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3 Chs


Filex POV

Goodness it has been a month since she has moved in. A blessing, an angel. Today is the day I do it, make my move. Oracle had given a lot of advice over the phone, guiding me on the path to win her heart and make her mine, all mine.

I listened closely to the walls, waiting for her. The room was dark, lit up only by the blue buzzing monitor. Boxes of sewing supplies and soldering tools line my workshop room in an organized mess. The paper flyer laid on the desk with the title "OLove: It's A Guaranteed Match" Information for the companies number, locations and a highlight of the services they provide fill the paper.

Rushing to prepare I put on deodorant and a clean black and red sweater. I hear her rummaging around on the other side, oh what is she doing now? I can't help but think of how her slender self could be changing into new clothes. Just imaging her morning routine isn't going to cut it anymore. I slipped on my shoes, tripping over a cardboard box full of wires. I look in the mirror and straighten myself out. Hair: clean and fluffy, any target would swoon for those whose hair is like a cloud. Face: clear of any gunk and mess, could be too distracting if there was something on the face. Clothes: clean without stains, it shows the care you have about the small things. Gift: Something she likes and can't resist (is also doubling as my second pair of eyes).

I think back to the list of things that Oracle told me to keep in mind. Clean Confidence Captures Cuties, or the 4C rule. Perfect for interacting with the one you love.

The clicking of her door could be heard, it's time. Gently I pick up the stuffed bear that I spent countless days on. I rush out the door to see her standing there as her lovely, angelic self. She's sweet and coy but caring and energetic. She's like a bunny. I catch her honey laced voice as she looks at me, me!

"G-Good morning!" She greeted me as she fumbled with her key. Goodness so cute!

Remembering to be confident I greet her as well. "Good morning, Mina!" I greeted her with confidence. Now's the time, perfect time. "I-I.." dang the words got stuck as my tongue melted to the roof of my mouth, come on confidence! I steeled myself as I proudly showed her the bear, though just looking at her face causes me to look away shyly. "I made this for you..." To repay you for the cookies, "I'm sorry it took so long!" Really I am really sorry. Oracle had advised I get the camera assembly pack and it took a while to get the money. I hope you like the bear!

Even though some of my words didn't make it out I waited anxiously for her response. Looking up to see her face I realized she has her laundry baskets piled high, right today was laundry day. "Oh right, today your doing laundry." I could feel the embarrassment start to rise. How could I forget? Still a little anxious I continue to hold the bear as I think of what to do.

'I should help her but let's give her the bear first.' I try resting the bear on one of her baskets only for her to suddenly turn away and seemed to glare at me. 'Oh no! Did she not like the bear!? Is it too much!? Wait...d-does she know about the camera!? did she see it!? Oh no ohnoohnohohnoohno!' I started to panic as she placed the baskets down. What am I going to say? I'm sorry about the camera! please don't hate me!

"Wait a minute..." Mina commanded. I froze in place. 'Oh this is it, she knows. Shes gonna hate me! "These clothes are dirty, I don't want to ruin the bear." She then proceeded to gently rest the baskets on the ground and reached for the bear. Gently she took it within her grasp looking for a place to put it before the unbelievable. She put it on her chest!? The small bear poked out cutely from her tank top as it seemed to bounce on her boobs. 'Oh...OH!' I couldn't help the heat rushing to my head at the sight. 'Man I wish I was that bear!'

"There it shouldn't...wait..." Oh no, cramp could she feel the weight of the wires? "You could have held onto it until I came back," Oh, few. No wait. "I think I ruined the stitching.." She pouted like a bunny. She started to gently rub the bear and carefully checking to make sure the bear was alright. The bear bounced happily with the pats and padding. 'Man I really want to be that bear!' Wait don't touch the ears that much! "NO! I-I mean no your fine the stitching is sturdy." I made it myself after all, with the care and love I have for you.

"Wow, that's so cool Felix! You so cool, I love this bear! That so impressive!" Ah yes the praise I know too well, well she is my sweetheart. She seemed to relish in the comfort of the bear. 'I knew she'd like it' I couldn't help but want to praise her. And, well, Oracle said I should reward positive responses and behavior, I might as well try to do the laundry so she can enjoy the bear more. With confidence I grab the baskets, well top basket because her grip on the bottom one was strong, and started my match to the..questionable elevator.