
Burnt Souls

Life can be too harsh sometimes. Living or choosing to die is always your wish. Can you live a life of misery? Would you allow yourself to love and be loved after being hated for so long? Can love truly overcome all? _________________________________________________ "Could someone who've been betrayed all life will ever fall in love?" Kace , 19 and perfect in every possible way. Academic topper, Soccer player, perfect cook, sharp and witty, not to forget the damned looks. The only thing he isn't perfect at is to love and being loved. The seemed to be playboy, the dream guy of every girl in the college, well everyone except one. Nyla Wilson, a pretty girl with half of the college hitting on her. She is another model student to beheld. Academically perfect, dancer, artist, a cheerful attitude and a personality which seem to attract almost everyone to her. Kace, an introverted person , minding his own bussiness and keeping away from everyone else ,successfully guarding his own secrets, while Nyla, cheerful , almost childish person, who has a great bunch of friends and seem to have no problem in her life. But is that so? Or is she hiding her true self behind this cheerful mask? What happens when these two opposites are stuck with each other for the next three months in a friendship deal. Will they be able to tolerate each other through their friendship deal. Will there be more? Or will they break even more? Tune in ,to find out!!

Inked_hearts007 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 1

9 years back....

It was such a feeling of relief to be away from my so called family. Mrs Leila Scott,or simply the women who gave me birth suggested me to be with them and do my college in New York . But my whole intention of coming to Seattle alone was to get away from them.

I knew very well that Mrs Scott had a very clear idea of the reason for my despiracy to move to Seattle but I knew she would pretend atleast once to stop me and she didn't disappoint me.

She was all drama and I was quite pleased by it.

But I had my ultimate wish to join Seattle University and I was leased a lavish apartment by Mrs Scott. Plus a roommate Mike. Ofcourse she had to show off her wealth. But who cared.

Anyway I didn't had any intention to live in a dorm. Plus having Mike meant division of my house chores . Best part about Mike was that he went to Seattle University too, and would sing all his daily life to me but won't force me to spill my secrets, even after being my best friend since last 15 years.

I was living my perfect life . No one interrupted me, no one had any interest in my life until one fine day I crashed into the nosy girl who wouldn't keep to herself

Library, Seattle University

It had been a months in the college and I didn't had any single friend excluding Mike . It's not that I could give a fuck to this friends shit.

I simply liked to bury myself in my books . It helped me to keep my first rank though it wasn't a hard job for me to be first even without being so buried in books . But books kept shit off my mind and kept my so called fucking family away .

I spent most of my time either in campus library or at my apartment reading books .

It was my regu-


"What the hell man!!" I yelled at the girl who just crashed into me and started collecting my books just to realise that mine were mixed with hers.


I mentally made a sarcastic remark and rolled my eyes

"I'm sorry "she spoke and this was the first time I looked at her. She had dirty blonde hair falling freely over her shoulders, her lips were full and plush, her white tank top hung to her curves and blue denim shorts showing off her long ,perfect legs. But the most captivating thing about her were her eyes. Perfect shade of metallic grey that held a depth of ocean and charm of an angel.

She looked simple,yet eye appealing. Plus brownie points for no make up

"Yeah fine" I replied collecting up my books

"So sorry I wasn't looking straight and we crashed"she said in her unsure yet beautifully ,musical voice.

"I already said it's fine"I replied with my normal thick tone

"Umm. Yeah. I'm Nyla Wilson"she tried to make a conversation

"Kace Scott" I replied.

"Nice to meet you"she gave me a smile that seemed to brighten the whole library.

"Wish! I could say the same" I muttered under my breath.

We started walking towards the parking while I was desperately trying to avoid her.

"Don't you think you're too much arrogant to be tolerated?" she finally said.

"Ohh. Yeah. Tell me something I don't know" I tried to avoid any conversation

"Hey Kace!" Both of us turned to see a girl in blue top and extra short denim shorts reach us.

Fuck! Thea

I mentally prayed if any other girl was left to piss me off today, lord please send them later. Thea was torture enough. Tolerating Thea on one side and all other girls from the whole world on other , still I believe tolerating Thea would be more difficult.

No doubt the girl was pretty. Her long deep brown hair fell softly on her shoulders. She had preety hazel eyes. But the problem was she was too clingy.

No doubt I got attention from most of the female population in the college. All of them fell for the empty shell I was .

But it's just a pretty face!

In past month I rejected more girls than I've rejected in my whole life. Some of them hated me after being rejected and tried to avoid me, while some spread rumours of me being a playboy.

I never cared for those fucking rumours and things went on . Ultimately I became the playboy of the college and one of the favorite hit-spots for girls to come and hit on and get blown off.

Still either way girls would come, try on me once and get away. Thea was different and just intolerable. She had a wave of arrogance in her ,which she would drop just around me.

She would come every time me asking me to hang out with her, everytime just to be rejected. Still she won't stop coming to me. But this made everyone think she was some secret girlfriend of me or something.

I seriously wonder what made people think I would like to be even friends with a girl who is just clinging to me for my looks. People really think shit.

"We're having a party tonight. Wanna join?"she completely ignored Nyla

"No"I replied

She finally looked at Nyla and gave her a look as if claiming me and warning Nyla to stay away from me.

"You must be the newbie everyone is talking about. I'm Thea Ferries"she finally addressed Nyla

"I don't know about being everyone's gossip material but yes I'm new . My name is Nyla Wilson"

"How long have you been here?"

'Girl could you be anymore arrogant? And why exactly do you care?'I mentally asked

"Joined last week only"Nyla replied politely. This girl was too polite for Thea. Way too much polite. But who cares.

"Ohh. Wanna join for party at frat house?"

"I'm not sure I would join. Parties were never my thing"Nyla gave her a sympathetic smile and Thea turned her attention back to me

"Kace, you've got to come. Please, it will be fun ! I promise"

"I'm not coming. I already told you once"

She turned to Nyla and I gave Nyla a look to stay out of it.

"Actually, you know I'm a month late to join. So he is helping me with my notes and whatever I missed"Nyla said completely surprising me

What the fuck!!

Why was she saving me ?

Thea's face dropped and the look on her arrogant face was worth capturing.

"Well in that case, I don't think I can do anything. See you guys later"and she walked away

"You didn't had to save me. I could handle her very well" I spoke up finally after Thea left

"Yeah. That's why I intervened . I couldn't see that humble girl being snapped at by you" this girl purely hates me . I could see that in her eyes.

"I never asked her to cling to me" I snapped back.

"You're way too much arrogant. Dude! She clearly likes you, a lot. Can't you be a bit nicer to the people around you?"

"Who the hell are you to say that to me?"

"Yeah very well said. I can clearly see you don't like me. And clearly I don't care about it either cause simply I can't tolerate you either"

"Yeah. So lets just stay away" I suggested

"Fine by me" she huffed and walked to her car , a white Saab9-3. She drove away without giving me a single look.

Out of all the people, especially the girls in this college,she was the only one who hadn't tried to hit on me and instead want to stay away, which is fine to me. Actually pretty good

Nyla was clearly different. She didn't fell for my looks. No doubt she had a pretty face too, in fact prettiest I've ever seen. But her attitude showed either she didn't knew how appealing she looked or she didn't cared.

She didn't had an arrogance just she had a thing for her dignity and the way she stepped in to prevent Thea from being insulted showed she cared for others too.

And now she clearly hates me

Which is best for both of us.


"Kace,you back?"I heard Mike as I entered my apartment

"Yeah" I considered going straight to my room especially to avoid Mike as I always do but I don't know what got into me and I went to him in kitchen

"Hey, bro!" I started the talk

"Hi! You need something?" He gave me a confused look . It was obvious as I never talked to him or anyone. I just used to listen to him .

"Yeah. I don't know how to put this in front-"

"Just spill the beans, man" he cut me mid sentence

"Do you know Nyla Wilson?"

"Your classmate?"

"She is my classmate??" I was surprised

"Wait a sec , bro! You didn't knew? She is in every single course you have taken. How could even ignore someone liker her? Like in just a week she had been here, half of the college wants her. Some are too much desperate for her"

"Ohh" why am I even talking about her? So she had a similar thing to face at college.

Rejecting people!

"Yeah. Still that girl don't have an ounce of arrogance" He brought me out of the whirlwind of my thoughts

"You talked to her?" My turn to enquire

"Ye. I have her phone number"

"Wow! "

"Yeah ,she just asked me not not share it. Otherwise half of the college would be calling her"

"She is pretty I accept but nosy too"

It was expected that she would be getting attention. I just didn't expected half of the college to be mad about her.

"Bro,what are you thinking?"Mike snapped at me

"Nothing" I lied "So you are friends with her?"

"Ain't you too much interested in talking about her?"he gave me a smug smile

"I'm going to my room" I was too pissed off about what was going in my head. I didn't need any shit from Mike.

"Yup. We are kind of friends . Since she is new,I'm one of those rare people whom she talks to. But will you tell me why are you so much interested in her?"he won't leave this

"I bumped into her today. " I admitted finally

"So now you like her too?"

"No. I'm not into her or anyone. I don't give it a fuck. But it was weird that she was in every single class I attended and still I didn't knew her"

"When did you started thinking of how abruptly you behave with people?"

" That was rude" although he was correct. I never paid attention to anyone but I can't help thinking about her.

"Sorry"he said

"It's fine. I'm going to my room"

"Are you mad at me or something ?"he asked with an uncomfortable look"I mean about what I said about you being weird"

"Nop. "I gave him a smile"plus what you said was true. And I don't mind truth" I reassured him before entering into my room

I went to complete my assignments when I realised there was a book,  a diary infact which wasn't mine

It must be hers and might have been mixed with my books when we crashed. I've got to return it but before that I've got to check if it's even hers

I walked to the kitchen to Mike.

"Umm. Mike ,can you share Nyla's number?"

"Are you serious? Kace Scott wants the new girl?" Mike grinned from ear to ear

"It's not that" I defended myself "I've got a book,above actually which isn't mine. It must be hers and have mixed with my books when we crashed" I didn't bother to tell him that ,it was actually her diary.

"Well ,return it tomorrow when you go for college. What's the hurry"

"Right" I muttered and stormed to my room.

Why would I want to hurry. She can get her diary tomorrow. I'll return-

Mike entered my room and handed me a piece of paper

"Here. Just don't share it to anyone else please. She will kill me"he said and left the room without waiting for me to reply

I looked at the number, planning my next move.

Let it be . She can get her book tomorrow. But it isn't fair of me to keep it until then. Not after my rude encounter with her today. She needs to know atleast.

I call her,as I was about to hang up ,she picks .

"Hello?" her voice dances on the other end of the call

"Hey. It's Kace"