

It was after 7 years, 7 long years that I was seeing her. The elegant yet sassy girl who brought me out of the darkness and stole my heart and broke me all again,all those years back

I was never intrested in coming to this party but now I'm glad I did just to see her there. Or maybe not so?

She still had that same beautiful face , same dirty blonde hair .Only thing which felt different were her bright grey eyes.

They still held their charm which could leave any man longing for them, but there was something else too. A seriousness which seemed to do nothing else than make her look more mature and as sexy as hell.

I miss those days when these grey eyes used to look straight through my soul without leaving any of my doubt or anxiety unsolved.I can't help but think how sexy she is looking in her white satin gown. Looks just like an angel , my Angel, My destruction . Who fought and fought my demons ultimately to lose herself somewhere.

A painful ache develop in my chest just by looking at her . I just wanna grab her and lock her in my basement. So that she would stay with me . Only me-

With me? No way. She was the one who destroyed me. Now the turn is mine. And I would make full use of it-

"Hey Kace " I was brought out of my thoughts by Mike.

"Hey bud!" I reply but my eyes are still glued to the girl in white

"Boy! Why are you standing here alone ? Come , everyone is excited to meet the handsome CEO of the great Scott Enterprises Holding's "

and he leads me to the group busy, chatting.

If it would have been any other day , I wouldn't have given a single fuck to know who in the hell wanted to meet me but tonight was different. I was getting another chance to see the most beautiful girl I've ever met in my whole life .

I would have never cared about any silly party if it wouldn't be for her. I have to get her!

"Attention guys . Look who's here" Mike says and I wish I could just vanish from this site. All the eyes are at me and I never liked any attention and here I stood in the group of people who thought I was a genius to be CEO of such extensive business at a young age when I did nothing more than tackling the already created empire of my dad. I cringed as the whole bunch of eyes were on me but my only relief was that she was looking at me too.

I flushed at our eyes contact. Damn it ! Have I been nervous around any girl except her ? No ! She was the only one who could do that. But why?? Even after everything that happened, why does she still affect me so much?

I had a small talk with the group while she just stood there drinking her wine, until everyone left leaving us alone.

"Hi" I said to start a conversation.

"Hi" she replied with a weak smile

"So how have you been ?"I asked

"Good. You?"

I could realise she was as nervous but I had to tell her what I had in my mind.I had to tell her that I want her back. Anyway , anyhow. She has to pay for what she did! She would pay for I just have to have her back to me. But it would be too soon if I ask her this now. I have to wait. Have to make sure she wants to be mine first.

I'm pulled back to reality by the buzzing sound of her phone and she excuses herself from me to attend the call and then disappears in the crowd.

Rest of the party pass in haze but I still managed to get her number and ask her to hang out with me ,later some time.

Step one - done

I happily reached my penthouse ,changed and went to bed thinking of the girl who ruined me.....

Next chapter