"Sudah kubilang jangan menelan ucapannya mentah-mentah. Jadilah dirimu sendiri, dan lakukan yang terbaik untuk Cheery dan Keanu!" Tuan Damian menjawab.
"Baiklah, aku mengerti, Tuan," Trian menjawab Tuan Damian lalu menoleh lagi pada Tuan Simon sambil mengangguk menurut.
"Then can I meet Cheery? I know you will definitely take her with you. I just wanted to talk to her for a moment," Trian bertanya tentang Cheery pada mereka berdua.
"Cheery has already left for the airport and may have flown to Italy. Her mother's condition deteriorated again when she found out and saw Cheery's sad condition earlier,"
"They have already left for treatment. Actually I was going to wait for Keanu to come with us, but after I spoke to him, Keanu refused and wanted to be with you in this country alone. So I ask, take good care of your son while his mother recovers there,"
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