
Build A Family Of Gods

The Story is about an Medieval Fantasy World where our Mc got Transmigrated and Become an Family Head of a Small Noble Family in an Small Kingdom with an System with which he get Rewarded for giving Birth to Child with better potential. As he uses his System to develop his Family and gets Stronger and Stronger. From an Baron to an Duke of a Small Kingdom an Then a Duke of a Small Kingdom to a Duke of the Great Empire and From a Duke of a Great Empire to a God of the Word. MC have a Laidback, Carefree and Cautious Personality. He will not risk his Family or Himself for Small Benefit, He Doesn't want to become a King or Emperor because he don't want to work all the time and spend his time with his Children and Wives. English is my third language so there may be some grammatical mistake so hope you don't mind :)

BibAsXettri · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter -04: Family Development

In the dimly lit room, Janice had just given birth, and the maids were bustling about, tidying up the aftermath. Once everything was in order, Rennes was allowed to enter. As he stepped into the room, he saw Janice, who had just finished the laborious task of childbirth, resting on the bed. Her once rosy complexion had faded, and she looked drained, having expended much of her vitality during the process.

Upon seeing his wife in this state, Rennes couldn't help but feel a pang of distress in his heart. He approached her side, his concern evident in his eyes. Sensing her husband's worry, Janice managed a weak smile, touched by his care and affection. They spent a quiet moment together, simply relishing each other's presence.

After some time, Rennes turned his attention to their newborn daughter, who lay beside Janice. The baby, still tiny and delicate, was wrapped snugly in a soft blanket. Rennes couldn't resist extending a gentle hand to play with her tiny fingers. Much to his delight, the baby responded by grabbing onto his finger, her eyes lighting up with an innocent and joyful expression.

Observing the heartwarming interaction between father and daughter, Janice couldn't help but smile warmly despite her exhaustion. Then, as if a thought had occurred to her, she spoke softly, "Rennes, we haven't given our daughter a name yet."

"Hilda... Hilda Pendragon," Rennes announced after a moment of contemplation. According to the system, his daughter had a medium level of Warrior talent, far surpassing his own. She was destined to become a formidable Warrior in the future. The name Hilda held the meaning of a warrior, a fitting choice for their daughter.

With a soft hum of approval, Hilda seemed to respond to her father's choice, her tiny face breaking into an even brighter smile.

As the months passed, it became evident that Janice's body had suffered more strain due to birthing a bronze-level offspring. Rennes spared no expense, allocating half of the territory's annual income to purchase an Advanced nourishing potion. This significant expenditure put a temporary strain on the family's finances, but Rennes was determined to ensure Janice's swift and full recovery without any lasting effects.

Rennes continued to diligently hunt monsters in the nearby forest during his free time. With his 6th-tier Strength and 5th-tier Gale Sword Skill, low-level monsters outside the forest stood no chance against him. He dispatched them with ease, earning their valuable materials.

In just half a month, Rennes managed to hunt three Tempest Wolves, four Beast Rabbits, and five Orcs. While these creatures were low-level monsters, ranging from tiers 1 to 3, they were still monsters with valuable bodies and mana cores. Selling their parts to merchants, Rennes easily earned over a hundred gold coins.

Rennes's enthusiasm for monster hunting grew with each successful expedition. He found solace in these excursions, a welcome break from his duties as a husband and father.

[One year later]

Despite his wife's strong insistence, Rennes had to take protective measures during their intimate moments. The system rewards hinged on the birth of new children, so the absence of a new addition could make those rewards vanish. Consequently, Rennes's cultivation and strength hadn't improved significantly over the past year.

However, Rennes hadn't been idle. Drawing upon his knowledge from his previous life, he ventured into the alcohol industry and established a brewery within his territory. Offering affordable prices, unique flavors, and effective marketing, the Pendragon Brewery quickly gained popularity in the surrounding towns.

The sound of clinking glasses and laughter filled the taverns, where patrons enjoyed Pendragon Beer's distinctive taste. Within a year, the Pendragon family's assets had multiplied several times over. Recognizing the potential of this lucrative venture, Rennes decided to share the sales rights with influential nobles in the nearby towns, forming an alliance of interests that bolstered the family's influence.

No longer a mere footnote in the aristocratic circle, the Pendragon family had risen in prominence. Yet, amid the family's growth, Rennes remained focused on preparing for their next child. The rewards from birthing a bronze-level offspring had given him a substantial leap in strength, and he was eager to continue.

Aware of her husband's intentions, Janice, who had been on a break for over a year, willingly embraced the prospect of pregnancy once again. After two months of dedicated efforts, Janice was indeed pregnant. To maximize the chances of having a child with high potential, Rennes spared no expense, procuring various Advanced potions to nourish her body and the unborn child.

The Pendragon family was poised for another exciting chapter in their journey, filled with love, ambition, and the promise of a bright future