
BTS: The Eighth Member

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Sesoip_Kim · Música e bandas
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

First Day of School and Friends! Pt.2

He had finally made to his classroom, as soon as he entered he quickly made his way to the teacher,

"excuse me," said Yeonsua trying to get his teachers attention

"huh, oh, another student, welcome you can call me Mr. Hyun and what might your name be?" said the teacher warmly smiling at him

"my names Yeonsua, and I'm here for kindergarten," said Yeonsua smiling

"well welcome to kindergarten you can go play with the other kids while I wait for the others to come ok?"

"ok" said Yeonsua

Yeonsua let out a sigh of relief that he was finally in the classroom, but he was in for a surprise because as soon as he saw a another super close to him,

"eeeeek" screamed Yeonsua somewhat silently

"hi, what's you name?" asked the kid

after calming down Yeonsua was finally able to introduce himself ,"m-my names Yeonsua, w-what about you?"

"my names Sung-Ho, you want to be friends?" asked Sung-Ho innocently smiling

as soon as he heard the word friend Yeonsua smiled, for getting before he immediately replied, "of course!" he said excitedly

"awesome! lets go and meet the other kids," said Sung-Ho

"ok," Yeonsua said feeling a little nervous but still a little excited

and so they met the other kids, there were not a lot, only about 15 other kids, but still to Yeonsua who had only met a few amount of people this felt like a lot. The due continued until the teacher finally said,

"ok children, please sit on this carpet,"

"""ok Mr. Hyun,""" said the class as they quickly gathered on the carpet

"ok, today were only going to do a greeting to each other and read a few storys then it will be end of the school day so you guys have to go home got it?" said Mr. Hyun gently

"""ok,"""" said the kids as they smiled

"first lets introduce each other, ok who wants to go first?"

and so the class started off with a introduction session, the first person to go was Jeong-Hoon who introduced himself, then the kid next to him, named Eun-Woo went, this continued until it was his turn,

"my names Yeonsua Han and I like watermelons," said Yeonsua finishing this activity

"ok kids, now let read a story together, the story for is called Cinderella,"

and so the day went on as the teacher read the Cinderella book and many other books to the class, thankfully all the kids enjoyed very single book and didn't wake up from the world of fairytales until it was time for school to end,

"ok kids, its the end of school please get your jackets and you can leave,"

the day of school ended and so everyone left

"bye kids see you tomorrow!" said Mr. Hyun

""bye"" said everyone

-entrance of the school-

after separating from Sung-Ho he quickly went on his way to go home, only to find his grandparent already waiting for him with a smile on their faces,

"grandma!, grandpa!" shouted Yeonsua running up to them "what are you doing here?"

"Were here to pick you up of course," said Seoha smiling

"you didn't have to, you could have stayed at home and waited," said Yeonsua

"yes I could have, but I wanted to meet my dear grandson faster," said Seoha pinching Yeonsua's cheek, "so, how was you first day?"

"It was great, I made a ton of friends," Yeonsua replied smiling as he though back to when he was in the classroom,

"that's good," said Seoha smiling in relief

"so, what did you do today you rascal," asked Yoonsuh

"oh, we introduced ourselves and then read a book with the teacher,"

Yoonsuh nodded and said, "ok lets go home now,"

"ok, lets go!," said Yeonsua smiling

and like that Yeonsua's first day of school ended.

-Authors note-

hello author here once again, I just wanted to say that this part of the novel will be mostly about Yeonsua's early years and so will not have too much about Kpop, also I am going to slightly skip through the early years, but don't worry the days when he gets into Kpop will be in more detail. Thank you for reading, bye.