

Our Mc was lokw you or me was he an orphan no was he hated no he was your joe smhoe walking down the sidewalk when evrything change and now he lives his life. In a MHA AU so if sone things dont add up thats why. *NO GACHA* *NO STORE* *Curse Words Should be Beep out* *Chapters Min. of 1000 Words* *Chapter Upload Once A Week Min.*

PUGMECH · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chp. 5, Lore Dump


--(MC POV)--


That was an exquisite nap I feel better than I ever have in the few hours I was here well other than that power up nothing can top that euphoria of that. I then wake up in a room it looks like one of those interrogation rooms at police stations well I know where this is going.

Hahaha all according to plan and if I am correct, they should be coming through those doors any second now trying to intimidate me and then try and get some answers out of me. What they don't know is that I will have them feeding at the palm of my hand.

All of a sudden, the door opens and out comes Detective Tsukauchi he has a lie detector quirk. As expected, they need someone to find out what I will say is true or not.

He then sits down in the chair in front of me.

He then says "We have a few questions to ask you first up is what's your name?"

I then say "Well that's rude asking someone's name before telling your own. Here how about you say yours first then I will say mine"

"Fine my name is Tsukauchi but you can call me Detective," said Detective Tsukauchi

"There that wasn't so bad, was it? My name is Xander or my hero name is super monkey" I say

He then writes that down. Seems like he is writing a report about me since I am pretty much a ghost if the system is involved.

"How old are you?" asks Detective Tsukauchi

"I am 22 years old," I say

He then goes on about more boring questions about me like when I was born, etc.

He then says "Where are you from?"

"Not of this world", I say

I then see his face pale a little and his eyes open up in shock since I did say the truth. But then again maybe the mind thing that BOB gave me works on his powers too.

"You mean like an alien?" he asks

"Well you can say that but I am no invader on the contrary in those damn bloons who are the invaders," I say while I slam my hands on the table while I say bloons

"By bloons do you mean these golems," asked Detective Tsukauchi

"Yes, they were a menace to my world their one goal is to just destroy they always come out those portals in waves. They even successfully destroyed my old planet I am the only survivor," I said

He then pales even further it seems his quirk just thinks I am telling the truth which means it can't work on me.

"I came here sent by my kind do continue to destroy the bloons and to stop them from destroying another planet," I said

"Well from your opinion you think we stand a chance against them?" he says

"Not one bit" I reply


"What do you mean we have, ... some great and powerful heroes here," said Detective Tsukauchi

"I am not talking about their powers alone although most heroes could only put a dent on a bloon. I am talking about your society and government it's the most corrupt I have ever seen. Not to mention that your society as a whole took the name hero in vain," I said

"Can you clarify what you mean that we took the name hero in vain?" asked Detective Tsukauchi

"You see your society made the word hero bigger than what it is, a hero can be anyone it can be someone saving the day protecting the innocent because it's the right thing to do not because of the money. One of my greatest inspirations of a hero once said "A hero can be anyone. Even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a little boy's shoulders to let him know that the world hadn't ended." I say

"You see being a hero isn't about saving the entire world it's about saving their world. That's what a true hero does," I say

"..." said Detective Tsukauchi

"In my world, we know of this concept and live by it every one of our species is unified to fight against a singular threat. But your species can't even do that I am highly disappointed in you for that alone." I say

"Although that being said there are some from your species that can show this kind of way to live by. But they are put down by society which means you all failed again. Since in what world do you live in that shuts down those who just want to help." I continued

"So that is why I have decided that helping this world mean nothing if there is nothing worth saving" I finished saying

"..." said Detective Tsukauchi utterly dumbstruck by my speech

When all of a sudden, the door opens again and Nezu comes out. Just as planned.

"You can now leave Detective," said Nezu and then he said "… oh and do make sure all recording devices are turned off I am sure you understand"

"Of course, Nezu sir," said Detective Tsukauchi and then left the room

Now, why would Nezu be able to tell the police force to do this well of course the reason is a long one. I will just shorten it for simplicity's sake since Nezu was experimented on because of his quirk one would think he would hate humanity.

Well, he is smarter than that since when he discovered about OFA and AFO. He decided instead to fix it of course in his vision to make some heroes at least do something since he was waiting patiently to train the next generation of OFA. This is why I know the Hero Public Safety Comision under check. Since he could destroy them though it would be troublesome to handle the aftermath.

He is smart but not strong which is why he surrounds himself with heroes for insurance. Of course, I don't doubt he has backup plans if anything happens there is a reason, he escaped from being experimented on.

So, which is why he came here we are more or less the same we are not human and we both are sapient. So, I am a thorn in his plans so he can either convince me to change my views or formulate a plan to take me out.

Of course, this is what I planned from the start he will "convince" me to change my views by teaching the next generation what it means to be a hero which was my plan. All according to keikaku.

"So, I see that you view on humans was the same as mine," said Nezu

"Of course, how can an intelligent species that know working together is more beneficial in the long run but then chooses the instant benefit and future loss," I say "Humans are the scum of this world"

"I don't disagree with you there, but it seems you know more than you lead on," said Nezu while sipping tea that came out of nowhere

"Of course, I am not a Buffon. I know that humans can be the lowest of scum but there is an off chance that in a pile of coal a diamond is hidden under the piles of coal dust just waiting to be polished and refined to its maximum potential," I say

"I was correct our vies are the same so how about we agree to a little contract," said Nezu

"Depends on the terms of the contract," I say

"How about you come to my hero school and teach the next generations of heroes under your tutelage," said Nezu

"I see a slight problem in this agreement if I do go to your school and work at it you would be my boss how about this we both are in similar positions are we not we are different than them. Since you want to keep me under check won't the best way be right under you what I am saying is I want to be the Vice-Principal" I say

"We do have that position currently vacant and that's because I don't trust anyone. This will allow us both to blossom a wonderful partnership. I also trust in your position to not let greed outgrow your judgment since like you said we are different from them" said Nezu

"Of course, there might be one hitch to our plans which is my Identity and my education. Of course, the public can't know of my extraterrestrial origins. That doesn't mean a select few can know." I said

"Of course, who knows how the public will react well expect us," Nezu says

"Now I trust you to make a fake Identity and continue on that point. My powers are not what you call quirks mine is far more powerful though I trust you can make something up" I say

"Please this is child's plays I am starting to think you doubt my abilities," Nezu said while taking another sip of tea

"On the country If you couldn't do that our contract would be terminated immediately," I said

"Now moving on my education is nothing to be compared about to this planet at least. Let's just say I am a quick learner," I said

"I will trust in your abilities just like you did in mine," Nezu said while smiling

"Finally, I want some privacy so if I catch you spying on me in any way this is over," I said

"Of course, you can't build trust while invading someone's privacy," said Nezu

I know he is lying of course he would have placed cameras had I not said that. So now that this is done time to elaborate further.

"Now I do have some questions," said Nezu

"Of course, I will answer the ones I can currently answer," I said

"So, what are these, bloons you call them," Nezu said

"We truly don't know of their origins you see my race was a peaceful one we were what you called here the tribal era. Then they came out of nowhere from those portals many of our kind perished we were driven near extinction only the strong survived though not through choice. They just couldn't run away fast enough." I spoke

"Then what you call Darwin's theory of evolution or survival of the fittest happened. Several millennia passed and we slowly grew stronger under their oppression. We began to fight back though our population shrunk, even more, when it just started to grow back to its original numbers" I said

I then looked to Nezu who just sipped his tea and nodded to continue my story.

"So then it started all over again our population shrunk but we got stronger so strong we could eventually survive the vacuum of space though we did not discover that until later. But while we got stronger so did the bloons so it wasn't enough to wait and evolve so we went on and delved into the arcane and mystic arts." I continued

I then see a glint appear in Nezu's eye when I confirm magic was real.

"We never stopped we always thought we could become stronger and wipe out the bloons for good. Then we went into science and a technological boom happened we were advancing quickly. In fact, this society you currently live in is just in the history books from mine everything here is just so primitive and rudimentary." I said

"They focused so much on quirks that you didn't continue in way of science. They were born with nothing but rose to the top when everything around them was stronger than them. Not because of some power but because of their mind. They forgot their roots when they gained something they never had." I said

"I digress. My race as many classes as you may call them in our types of monkeys. I am currently in the super monkey class though there are many different types. There are special monkey and they are called many names hero, legends, special class. What they are called does not matter," I said

"What matters is that they are the only one of their classes there is no other. The same can be said of regular classes only one monkey can be one class they cannot switch. Well, they can but, it will take too much time and effort to so. Which is where I came in specially designed by science and blessed with magic. I can switch into any class. For most of my life a lab was my home" I said

Nezu the says "So we both grew up in a lab. That's another thing we have in common." Then he took a sip from his tea. Is that a never-ending tea cup? Anyways.

"Yes, although it wasn't so bad compared to yours. Anyways I would be one of the first new breed of monkeys but it was all in vain bloons attacked everywhere. They destroyed our Nations, our cities, our homes. The lab where I was in was the last place monkeys were still alive. The bloons then found out our location and were slowly advancing." I said

"With no hope left we decided to take them down with us and destroy our planet. We barely had portal technology so we set course to a random far away habitable planet. We already discovered space travel but wherever we went they followed. So, the best choice was to get as far away from their fast." I continued my story

"But what we didn't expect was they were already preparing to destroy other worlds too. The planetary explosion was already too far in to pull out now. So as the last ray of hope they sent me to try and save this planet while they escape and go off world and regrow our population" I say

"Wouldn't it take millennia to rebuild?" Inquired Nezu

"No, you see the portals were still experimental so within them time worked differently. When we sent an apple through there in came back as an apple tree seeds. The second time in came back as compost it was essentially also a time machine an accidental one at that. But luckily, I was implemented with an immortal gene so my cells never just die stop reproducing. So, while it may have felt like a few hours for me it could have been a few decades or a millennium." I spoke

"Then wouldn't the bloons already invaded before?" Nezu Inquired

"They would have if the explosion hadn't entered their portals and wiped out most of their forces. Though they won't stop they will slowly get stronger a keep on fighting. Now back to my powers I only have a few from unlocked currently but more will be available as time passes. So, I just have one question to ask." I say

"And may I know what that question is?" Inquired Nezu

"When do I start" I say

 (A/N: First chapter using gramarly so it should be better now, if not well I at least tried. Also drop a comment, review or stone if you liked what you read. It helps me sew if any of you actually like this novel. Anyways have a great day.)

: )