
Broken Mate

Tessa found her world turned upside down when the mysterious white-haired Omega showed up in her home. With him bringing her her first experience of love, also came trouble and war. She found her life had been built on lies and secret. Her heart shattered and her world came crashing down when she believed her lover was murdered. She thought it was the end of her, not realizing it was the beginning of many heartbreaks, battles, secrets being unearthed, masks being broken and war being unleashed. Will her love prevail and bring peace or will it bring war and the destruction of the werewolf world. Let's find out!

Jp_foresight · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
61 Chs

Adan vs Alpha Bayron & Marcel

Making their way through the woods, Alpha Bayron glanced at his son who seem worried. They were almost at the pack's border, which meant that was the only chance to talk to him before they engage the enemy. "What's on your mind son? Worried about the war?" He probed

"Of course. Not knowing what to expect is making me nervous. You said we were facing off against the Black Lotus, a group you founded. You said they were a set of special skilled wolves. That isn't helping me calm down at all. If they are as dangerous as you claim then I don't think we should be engaging them one on one" Marcel explained fearfully.

"That's why we both are here and with our own army behind us-" He glanced back at army following closely behind them. "I wouldn't willingly put you in danger. Sending you alone to fight is like setting you up to fail. I know you can't take them on on your own...that is why we are going to take anyone we end up running into together, leveling the playing field" Alpha Bayron explained.

"Why though? If you originally found the group, why did you part with them?" He asked curiously.

"Because of you..."


"I ended up betraying them because of you. Alpha Maynard had captured you, making you is prisoner. He reached out and then offered me a way to get you back. He said I should hand them to him and he'll let you go. He's been hearing the rumors about me building a skillful group. I ended up accepting the deal, setting my men up" He explained with a hint of regret in his voice.

"He did keep to his word and freed you. He ended up capturing one of them, Damien, but Kreed escaped and came for me when he figured it out. He thought he killed me. He left and continued what i started, bringing together a group of elite wolves"

"Wow! And now? You don't feel any regret even though they are continuing your original goal" Marcel questioned, staring intently at him.

"My goal is to unite the wolves togetber under one throne. I came to see that Alpha Maynard shared the same goal with me. So we ended up calling a truce, forgetting the past and aiming to bring to reality, our goal..." He paused, coming to a halt. "We are here" He added as they got to the border, but that wasn't what made him stop on his track. What made him stop was seeing the enemy waiting for them just outside the border.

"I guess they knew we were coming" Marcel stated, eyes fixed on the Black Lotus member who was sitting down on the corpse of their scout they had sent earlier, his army standing behind him. His hood and mask were in place.

"We've been waiting for you" Adan said to them calmly as he stood up from the corpse. He took off his hood, exposing his short dark hair.

"How did you all know that we will be splitting up in group and also where we will be heading to?" Alpha Bayron asked.

"We have our ways. Enough of this small talk. I will like to cut you down as fast as I can so we can move on to the next group, one step closer to ending the war" He stated, surprising them with how calm he was. He glanced back at his army and nodded his head, giving them the permission to attack. They all immediately began shifting, growling and howling.

"This is it! Don't let them cross the border. We must pin them here and end them here" Alpha Bayron ordered just as his men began shifting also. The woods was filled with wolves howling and growling, shaking the trees. "This is it, it's just one of him and two of us. We can take him, but don't in any way underestimate him. We don't know what to expect, especially since we don't know his visual prowess" He explained

Seeing his men fully shifted, growling and barking angrily at the enemy, Adan raised up his hand, giving the signal to attack. They immediately zoomed past simultaneously, eyes on their target. "Attack!" Alpha Bayron shouted and his men dashed toward the enemy also. The ground shook under their heavy footsteps. They ran into one another, clashing with the enemy.

Marcel looked over at where Adan was standing and his eyes widened, taken aback. "Where is he?" He asked worriedly.

His father looked over, wondering what he meant and saw for himself that Adan wasn't there. He was standing across the battlefield where the wolves had clashed and was now fighting for dominance, but now he had disappeared. "Behind you" They heard his calm voice behind them and swiftly turn only to be met with his kick simultaneously. He had kicked them hard on their chest and also used them to prop himself, making a backflip and landing on his feet.

Alpha Bayron and Marcel found themselves on the floor. They quickly stood up to their feet, regaining themselves. They glanced at one another, acknowledging how strong their opponent was, judging from the impact of the kick. Without exchanging any word, they instantaneously and simultaneously zoomed toward Adan, claws and fangs out and eyes glowing.

Adan stood calmly as he faced off against the formidable pair of Alpha Bayron and Marcel. With their werewolf strength and speed, they easily closed the distance between them and Adan, going in for the attack. Adan ducked under Marcel's powerful swing, countering with a swift uppercut that sent him stumbling backward. Meanwhile, Alpha Bayron charged at Adan, his claws extended. Adan swiftly sidestepped, narrowly avoiding the deadly swipe.

Using his agility, Adan somersaulted over Marcel's attempted tackle, landing behind him. With a burst of strength, he delivered a powerful kick to Marcel's back, sending him crashing into a nearby tree. But Alpha Bayron wasn't one to be underestimated. He lunged at Adan, claws slashing through the air. Adan dodged and weaved, his movements almost too quick for the human eye to follow. With a lightening-fast counter, he landed a solid punch to Alpha Maynard's cheek, momentarily stunning the alpha.

As the fight raged on, the combatants utilized their surroundings to their advantage. Adan seized a fallen branch, twirling it expertly as he parried Alpha Bayron's attacks. Marcel, recovering from his collision with the tree, joined the fray once more, launching himself at Adan with a ferocious roar. Adan remained unusually calm as he fought off the dual assault, his muscles straining with each move. He managed to land a powerful kick on Marcel's chest, sending him sprawling to the ground. With a surge of adrenaline, Adan turned his attention back to Alpha Bayron, their eyes locked in a fierce battle of wills.

Marcel got up to his knees and glanced over at his father and Adan who were engaged in a close combat, his father trying to cause damage with his claws but Adan parrying every single attack. Marcel spat out the blood that had gathered in his mouth, wondering what kind of monster Adan was, he hadn't been able to land a single hit on him and he kept sending him to ground like he was nothing.

Alpha Bayron, still engaged in a close combat that didn't seem to be working with Adan, realized quickly how dangerous he was. He was calm and calculative. Every strike he had made was done with precision. Realizing this, he knew taking Adan down will be very difficult contrary to what they initially thought. He hadn't started using his ability yet, he was toying with them. The last time Alpha Bayron struggled in a fight was against Damien during training. Now fighting with Adan, he thought about how close they were in strength or even, the mystery man he was sparring with might even be stronger than Damien.

Adan effortlessly dodged the attacks, his movements fluid and graceful. He weaved between the strikes, his speed evidently superior to the Alpha's, allowing him to anticipate his every move. Seeing Marcel approaching from behind while he was still focused on the Alpha, Adan focused his strength on his right hand. Just as Marcel was about to strike from behind simultaneously as Alpha Bayron threw a jab at him. He caught Alpha Bayron's punch, tightening his grip on his wrist and twisting the Alpha's arm. He then swiftly turned leaned back, dodging Marcel's attack and immediately followed with a strong punch that sent Marcel crashing into a fallen tree, leaving him momentarily stunned.

Turning his attention to Alpha Bayron, Adan pulled the Alpha to himself but Alpha Bayron turned it into an opportunity, nodding Adan with so much it sent him stumbling backward and letting go of his wrist. Seeing that as an opening and opportunity, he dashed immediately to him, not wanting to waste that opening. Before Adan could get his footing and balance back, Alpha Bayron landed a barrage of punches on his chest, ending it with his claws slashing across his chest, drawing out blood. Still, he wasn't done yet, he grabbed Adan's hand and pulled him forcefully to himself and elbowed his stomach and then immediately picked him up "Marcel!" He called and hurled him to his son.

Marcel swiftly got up to his feet and leapt off the floor with a growl. He focused his whole strength on his right punch and delivered it, landing the bone cracking punch on Adan's chest midair, sending him to the ground. Immediately Adan landed on the ground, they both swiftly zoomed to where he was and was simultaneously about to punch him against the ground when Adan speedily propped himself up and backflipping away from them, dodging their attacks.

Watching Adan back on his feet, dusting the dirt off his robe as though nothing happened, left Marcel speechless. He wondered just how durable Adan was that he was able to tank his powerful punch as though it was nothing. "Come at us with everything you've got, don't hold back!" Alpha Bayron shouted at him angrily. Seeing and utilizing that opening that made them put him on the ground gave him a boost of energy and confidence, realizing he wasn't untouchable.

"Very well then" Adan calmly said and then grabbed his mask, pulling it off. They were taken aback by his looks. He looked younger than they expected, given his personality and voice. Alpha Bayron had thought he might be same age as himself but seeing him now, he seemed to be barely older than Derek. "Let's end this. Enough of this games" He added, letting go off the mask. As soon as the mask hit the floor, his eyes began glowing red.

"This is it! He wants to use his ability. Be careful" Alpha Bayron warned as he himself became active, expecting anything.

To their very eyes he disappeared. "What the hell?" Marcel looked around, taken aback by what he just witnessed. The Alpha wasn't spared either, he was visibly shocked.

"Behind you" The Alpha heard a whisper in his ear and swiftly turned around only to be met Adan's punch to the face. Adan immediately pulled him back, not giving him a chance to stumble back. He landed more blows from his chest to his face rapidly, pulling him back to himself anytime the impact caused him to stumble back.

Alpha Bayron was taken aback, confused with what just happened and what was happening. He wasn't being given the breathing space to think or the opportunity to block his attacks. The blows and slaps kept landing ferociously with lightning speed. He felt his bone in his chest crack, and also his nose dislocating. Seeing Adan had appeared to his father, toying with him, Marcel closed the distance between them, dashing toward him angrily, growling loudly. Immediately he got to where Adan was, Adan turned his head suddenly, to face him. With his glowing red eyes, he stared directly into Marcel's eyes.

Marcel not relenting, threw a jab at him that landed on Adan's face, causing him to stumble back. He immediately took the opening and pounced on Adan, landing rapid punches on his face, causing his lip to tear and his nose to start bleeding. He ended the barrage of punches with a hardened kick to Adan's side, damaging his rib and the impact sent him crashing against the tree behind him. Not giving him the chance to recover, he pounced on him, punching him against the tree and then swiftly brought out his claws and began slashing Adan's chest, blood rushing out.

"Here!" He heard his father's voice and turned quickly, catching the stake his father threw to him. Without thinking twice about it, he drove the stake into Adan's stomach. Adan growled loudly from the pain and began struggling to pull the stake out as Marcel began twisting it inside him. Struggling with him, It dawned on Marcel that that was the first time he was struggling with him and trying to stop the attack. He had been taking his attacks, hit after hit without trying to block and dodge.

Realizing this, he immediately stopped twisting the stake and looked back where his father was standing but was horrified and bewildered when he saw Adan standing there instead, eyes devoid of emotion and calm as one could be. "No" Marcel muttered, his heart pounding as he slowly turned to see who he had been attacking. His heart stopped when he saw his father against the tree, bloodied and bruised and with the stake still inside him. "No!" He immediately cried out.

Alpha Bayron coughed out blood, staring at his son with a scared look. "He...got...us....don't stare into his glowing eyes" He warned, haven figured out Adan's ability. Though it took him almost dying by his son's hand to figure it out. Staring directly into Adan's eyes activated his ability, altering reality and making you see what's not there or changing what you see, putting you in a hallucinating state. "Don't stare at his eyes" He coughed out blood again.

"Too late" Adan calmly said, standing just behind the sobbing Marcel. He swiftly grabbed the stake and pulled it out from Alpha Bayron's stomach, ignoring his painful growl. Within a second, he turned Marcel to face him and stabbed straight into his heart. Marcel immediately spat out blood. Aiden wasn't done yet, he pushed him against his father, both of them pressed against each other. And without slowing down, Adan marched the stake deeper into Marcel's chest that it ended up coming out from his back and piercing into Alpha Bayron's heart also.

With the long stake pinning both of them together, barely alive, Adan grabbed Marcel by his shirt and dragged both of them along with him to where the main battle was going on. He saw that their enemy was dominanting as many of his men were on the ground dead, some in their human form and others in their wolf form. To turn the tide by breaking their spirit, He threw both of them to the middle of battlefield. They all simultaneously stopped fighting and turned their attention to him "Your Alpha is defeated" He announced loudly and calmly.

Immediately they saw this, what he didn't expect, happened. The enemy wolves left quickly began running away, scattering into the woods, retreating. They knew they were done for with their Alpha defeated. So they decided to save themselves by running off. Within a minute, all of them had escaped and out of sight, leaving just him, his remaining men and the Alpha and his son there on the battlefield. Seeing this, his men began howling happily, celebrating that they won the fight. "Now we will advance and push forward!" He announced, leading the way as they crossed the border, leaving behind Alpha Bayron and his son who were still pinned together on the floor, life slowly sipping out of them.

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