
Breaking the ordinary

Ethan, your average modern boy in modern society, ignorant of the hidden society, gets a system in his mind by some accidents. It's tale of a young man to reach the highest point of the hidden society and to know the hidden creatures living beside them.

samandridaku · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

let's begin!

As the remaining 12 people entered the next room, Ethan was truly shocked by the enormous area in which the arena was built!

"How did they even manage to do something like this?", Ethan thought to himself. Sure enough he didn't know anything about the big families and how they operate or their power system so him being shocked was totally okay.

Looking at Ethan all shocked and surprised, Andrea gave a light snort as she was looking at some countryside bumpkin.

"Sure enough he was very strong but if he doesn't even know about this fighting arena then surely he can't be one of the big families. Just a countryside bumpkin!"Andrea was the girl who was standing in the corner in the first round all the way through.

She sure was a woman with great charm. She was around the age of 24 and her level was 48 which of course Ethan had noticed long ago. She was wearing a hoodie with tight red jeans, had crimson color hair contrasting with her pure white skin, it was giving her a very unique fighting aura like a strong fire.

Sure the hoodie was hiding her body very nicely but it wasn't enough to hide her perfect figure that would make any man commit a crime and die in bliss.

Hearing her grunt, no one said anything as the remaining people were not just some nobodies who knew nothing about her. But strangely they kept their distance from her. No one was dumb enough to anger this tigress.

On the other hand Ethan didn't know anything about her. Hearing her light grunt, even though he wasn't completely sure if it was directed to him or not, he didn't react in any way making the girl more annoyed. Jenny beside Ethan was too busy in thinking about her life which was surely going to change for the better but she still had a knot in her heart deep down.

As the 12 people were led in the arena, it sure was mind blowing. Sure it was mind blowing for Ethan the most but some of the other people also couldn't help but to acknowledge the power and influence of the Bailey family. The Bailey family was one of the four big families of salmon city.

The thing that Ethan noticed the most was the crowd because there wasn't much. But the surprising thing was that the people who were sitting in the crowd were all, big people! That's what Ethan got from the first look. And as he saw all these people wearing suits and had different emblems, he knew they all were influential people.

Even Andrea was being respectful and alert as not to show any bad action to offend these people. The most chill person here was the man in tattered clothes. It was almost as if he didnt care about the status of these people. As these people were led in, the man in white left quietly without any disturbance.

"Welcome to the fighting arena you lots. As you guys might be feeling that things are a bit different this time around but don't feel alert, we had to do it in order to lessen the number of participants."

"Plus we had other reasons too but from now onward it's just the usual. You will fight to earn money. As many of you already know the rules but for those who don't know, it's pretty simple. You can kill if you want or you can just win if the other party surrenders."

"As in all previous competitions it's going to be chosen by the number draw. You all have been assigned a number on your cards, you can check it. And the opponent's number will appear on your card. That's it for the explanation so let's begin!"

Ethan who was listening very attentively got his attention diverted to the level above this white clothed person and he wasn't that shocked but he was sure of one thing ..

He wasn't strong yet!

The white clothed person had a level of 56 which was the strongest person he saw yet! Ethan wasn't scared! On the other hand he was feeling excited! He now knew that there were many strong people so he had to be stronger and he had a thing that other people didn't have, the system!

In the remaining 12 people there were 8 guys and 4 girls including Ethan and Jenny. The other two girls who looked around the age of 19 were twins with orange hair. They were wearing white frocks which sure suited them. They both had the same level of 39 so Ethan wasn't worried about them. But the notable thing was that they also had an emblem on their clothes which indicated that they were not just 'somebody'!

And the other 8 guys that were present, the most noticeable, sure was that tattered clothed dude! His level was around 43 which sure was impressive as he was looking around the age of 22. But Ethan wasn't wary of him! Strangely Ethan was more interested in the guy in glasses! Not in any strange way! He was just interested in the aura that he was emitting.

He sure was handsome. Ethan was cursing his ancestors inwardly for his good looks but he was more interested in his aura. He too was leveled above 40 but he felt more dangerous than other participants. Ethan took a careful note in his mind to pay attention to this dude.

As he was looking at these people, some others were also trying to gauge each other's strength. Ethan looked towards the crowd where influential people were sitting and sure enough he felt disappointed.

"Yo system, you being useless again! What is it here that's suppressing your ability to look at their level!! Will you be kind enough to explain?"As Ethan was dissing the system to his satisfaction, the system's metallic voice sounded in his head.


"A powerful aura is suppressing your ability to look at their level. Host should hurry up and level up or level the system up!".

"Are you by ...some chance .. calling me weak and useless!!!!"


As their debate was going on, suddenly everyone heard a sound. A man who looked like he was in his 40's looked at his card and then looked at the other people. Sure enough one of the twins was smiling merrily. Many people felt chills looking at that smile.

It was about to start!

The first fight!!
