
Breaking the ordinary

Ethan, your average modern boy in modern society, ignorant of the hidden society, gets a system in his mind by some accidents. It's tale of a young man to reach the highest point of the hidden society and to know the hidden creatures living beside them.

samandridaku · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs

observing new powers

Just as their cards notified them of their fight, everyone started thinking as of who will win the fight. Everyone here was skilled enough to gauge the strength of others. Having trump cards was a different case though. Some of the people had already heard of the twin sisters but sure enough there were ignorant people too like Ethan who knew nothing at all but he wasn't worried as he was sure in his strength.

As they were still standing there, the man in white came and guided the both fighters to the arena and the rest of them to a sitting area. The people in the crowd also settled down as they were also anticipating the fight.

As the two entered the arena, they got covered in a blue sphere!

As Ethan saw the sphere, he was surprised because he didn't see stuff like this before. But when he scanned it with the system, he saw the information about the sphere and got enlightened. At the same time he came to a conclusion that it sure was a good idea to come here.

The others weren't here for the first time so they knew that it was a protective barrier. Just in case someone tries something from outside or the attack from fighters is too strong, it is to protect from such things.

Just as the barrier covered the arena, the twin and the man in his 40's with curly hair couldn't hear anything from outside.

"I know who you are and I know you are strong. But of course I didn't come here to be a scapegoat for others. So you better remove that smirk off your face!!!"

Just as the man finished his sentence, he attacked without any warning. Everyone outside, including the other participants were excited as to what would happen. Ethan too was looking at a fight between professionals for the first time so he was paying extra attention to the fight plus he wanted to know the different fighting styles and wanted to know as to how strong the power of these people was.

For one, he knew the power he gained from the system was different than the power these people were using. He wasn't sure about the difference so he wanted to see.

Inside the arena:

As the man was approaching the girl, his aura shot out of level 40. Obviously Ethan still didn't know how they tell their power level but as he was seeing everything in numbers which was simple so he was used to telling people's power that way too.

Suddenly, there was a sword in man's hand. Ethan felt quite surprised because he thought he also had something like inventory but he ruled that possibility out, not sure why but he didn't want to admit it. Just as he was thinking how the sword appeared, he heard a voice behind him.

"You don't seem like you understand what's going on so let me tell you.", the guy with spectacles was standing behind Ethan, don't know how long.

As Ethan saw this man, he couldn't help but feel a bit weird, he wasn't sure what was it of this man that was giving him a weird feeling but he sure that this feeling wasn't just a feeling so he did not get too close to him. The man in glasses noticed it but didn't care as he was used to this kind of reaction from people.

"So that curly haired man just used his ability to create that sword. If that's not enough for you to understand then let me elaborate it for you. His abilities are to create sharp stuff. I know it sounds quite orthodox and not cool ...", as continued.

"..but his abilities let him create sharp things as many times he wants and i'm not sure of the number of how many he can create at the same time but it cant be less than 200 at the same time."

It wasn't just Ethan who was listening but the other participants were also paying attention to this information. As any kind of information was valuable.

"So now imagine being targeted by 200 sharp swords coming at you at the same time, man just imagining it is making me excited hahaha, let's hope he wins or else I will have to find him later to fight.", as the guy in glasses finished the sentence, he touched his glasses as he was showing off but nobody stated it outright as they knew he had enough power to back that showing off!

Just as their conversation stopped, their attention was attracted to the arena because of a huge explosion!

As all looked at the arena, there was smoke everywhere and then they saw the man flying out of the smoke back to his initial position!

"It seems like she is stronger even though I had high hopes for that man but alas ..."

Everyone heard this comment made by the man in glasses but nobody refuted. Ethan, who was very interested in what happened in the arena, glued his eyes to the arena. As Ethan was way too curious about the power of a girl, he couldn't help but wish for the smoke to subside quickly.

As the smoke subdued, everyone saw a golden color sphere around the girl. Her hair was fluttering in the sphere and she still had that smile on her face.

"Barrier or deflector. Whatever you may prefer, that's what her ability is. She can pretty much deflect every attack coming at her. I know the weakness too but obviously I'm not going to share that much information for free hahaha", the man in spectacles explained again.

Ethan was surprised by his knowledge!

Not just Ethan, if Andrea who was aloof and who looked someone who kept to herself couldn't help but praise that guy inwardly.

Knowing the ability of an enemy was a great feat which would change the course of the fight completely.

"So i'm going to rip that tongue of yours so next time you won't be able to ask me to stop smiling.", the girl said as still there was that symbolic smile plastered on her face.

The man, who just spewed a bit of blood due to the attack, was getting up, hearing that he had a shiver down his spine. Even he knew he couldn't beat her.
