
Breaker:New beginning

So,I was reading some breaker and a thought crossed my mind. Why isn't there any good fanfic related stories about this amazing manga? Now,I'm not implying I can write a good one,but I will try. Ah,yes the synopsis:MC will have a hidden power(generic Shonen trope) and it will be from the world of Naruto. I'm pretty sure you already guessed who's power he's gonna have. Shi-Woon will have to face the difficulties of a Murim-in and go through various challenges, while trying to keep his everyday life in check. That's all I'm gonna say,hope you'll criticize this story,as it will help me grow as a writer. But only constructive criticism. Anyways, enjoy the ride:)

FANATIC · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 2

Shi-Woon was neither surprised nor displeased by the sudden words of a stranger. After all, his day was already quite bad and he didn't expect it to get any better. But a single spark ignited inside of Shi-Woon. A feeling,something akin to a sharp needle poking his brain,making him doubt his actions and life choices. What if he stand up to them? What if he didn't give up?What if he didn't want to be a pushover anymore? But as soon as that feeling came into his mind,it left,just as fast. It was a fleeting,but a pronounced sensation.


Next day,Shi Woon woke up not feeling particularly excited about his upcoming day at school. After all,he knew how it would go. His main agenda was just to get through the classes, not get caught by Chan Ho and his goons during recess and go home as normal.


A great plan or so he thought, but after getting cornered at tge school toilet, he began cursing his rotten luck. It happened again.

Pov: Se Hi

After getting to school and looking for my classroom, I noticed Shi Woon walking down the hallway with an apathetic look. His gaze was downcast, as if he didn't care nor see what was happening in front of him. At that moment I got worried. After all, it was not the first time he had that look in his eyes. Many times before,when I asked him abouthis well-being, he would answer me with the same tone,that worried me so much. "-It's OK, just had a bad sleep,that's it". His excuses were different each time, but I knew he was lying. But I couldn't do anything, because he would always shrugg me off and tell that he doesn't want to talk to me at all and that I should not have conversations with him either.

Back to Shi Woon:

-"You were talking to Se Hi earlier this morning, didn't you? Just how many times do I have to remind you that she is mine! Or better yet,maybe I should do something about,don't you think?"

-"Fine,stop it,please, here you go, that's all the money I have on me now!"

-"Ha,you're a smart one,after all,fine, I'll you for now". Chan Ho says,but not before kicking a defenseless Shi Woon on his stomach once,before heading out of toilet.


-"Damn it, now my lunch monet are gone again,gonna have to stay hungry throughout the day" mumbled Shi Woon. When he got to class,he saw his new teacher and was surprised it was the man from earlier who called him a "buddy boy" who is weak because he can't fight back his bullies. When the class was about to start the man noticed Shi Woon and decided to remind him of how he got his ass beat yesterday. Shi Woon was very worried,because he knew,if he switched on Chan Ho or the teacher would call him out on beating Shi Woon, his life would be ruined. Speak of the devil, Chan Ho decided to break in,saying that he should just start the class. The man seemed unmoved by Chan Ho's angry tone and just when Shi Woon thought they're about to have a confrontation, the man backed away,saying that he was about to start the class.


-"Tch, telling me I am a coward, yet being scared of Chan Ho,what a hypocrite. But,I guess I can't blame him, after all, Chan Ho is a scary person. Who knows, he might even be connected to a gang."

***Later that day***

Shi Woon was just going home, passing through the street. That was when he thought he heard something coming from a nearby alleyway and wanted to take a look. Imagine his surprise,when he saw a guy from before, Chan Wo was his name,for all he remembered, getting beat up by some shcummy induviduals.

Chan Wo's pov:

-"The place I went to was nor bad,saw some beautiful women got some drinks,but 5hen these annoying guys started bothering me,telling me to go outside". I knew I'd handle them easily, I'm a martial artist for God's sake. And a good one at that but I just didn't eat to go through all that trouble of covering up murder in case I couldn't hold back enough. The reason for such actions would be the non-involvement rule of any Murimins in normal people troubles,especially killing them. That was strictly forbidden. Because of this fact, Chan Wo didn't want to fight these low lifes and just leave this place peacefully. Unfortunately his plans were interrupted by a punch in his nose. These people were fairly confident in their abilities as they thought he couldn't possibly do anything to fight such a large group.

Shi woon pov:

-" Yikes,that was a nasty punch,looked like it broke his nose. That guy just got into big trouble, I should probably inform someone...but who?"

Then something unexpected happened: Chan Wo,who was lying on the ground just a moment ago,suddenly stood up and said something to the guy,who punched his nose before delivering a perfectly coordinated combo. His movements were fluid and flawless. The first guy got punched right into his gutt by Chan Wo's fist. Then he pivoted his body and punched with another hand and finally,completing the combo, kicked the guy with his foot into his abdomen. The impact was so bad, that person fell unconscious from the sheer strength of that kick. The other goons were handled with such ease,you wouldn't even call it a fight, just a child's play. In fact, it probably was exactly that,because Chan Wo's antics were befitting a child stick in a grown man's body. He goofed of at first,before getting out of that alleyway.

Shi Woon just couldn't believe that man. He was so strange, it was buffling. Why would he be hiding all that speed and power? That was a question for another time. But in the meantime, Shi Woon was happy, because he caught the whole battle(one-sided beating) on his phone.

Something strange was awakening inside him a desire for battle, a thirst for blood. He didn't know, where it was coming from, but he was sure to find out. But right now,he needed sleep. Until the next day...


Hello there,dear reader, I'm sorry for abandoning this strory and bad writing on my first chapter. I don't know if I've gotten better,but be sure to leave your reviews on this fanfic. I'll try to post more frequently from now on. If you see any mistakes, comment to me about,I will be sure to correct them. Until the next update,see you later.

Well,on a New year's eve I decided to come back. Don't consider this novel anything special,I'm just learning how to write one. Updates are not gonna be frequent too,so don't expect much from this story.

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