
Breaker:New beginning

So,I was reading some breaker and a thought crossed my mind. Why isn't there any good fanfic related stories about this amazing manga? Now,I'm not implying I can write a good one,but I will try. Ah,yes the synopsis:MC will have a hidden power(generic Shonen trope) and it will be from the world of Naruto. I'm pretty sure you already guessed who's power he's gonna have. Shi-Woon will have to face the difficulties of a Murim-in and go through various challenges, while trying to keep his everyday life in check. That's all I'm gonna say,hope you'll criticize this story,as it will help me grow as a writer. But only constructive criticism. Anyways, enjoy the ride:)

FANATIC · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Breaker:New beginning

Hi there I'm new here. If you're a new reader or just happened to pass by my story,sorry about my writing grammar in advance. English is not my native language, but I will try to improve. In this story I'm going to try to connect some of my favorite mangas:Naruto and Breaker. This chapter is just an introduction, so it will be very short,hope you understand;). Now,i won't distract you any longer and don't be too harsh on this author.

It was a cloudy day. The sun's rays hadn't even been able to pierce through the impenetrable darkness, that was the sky. A boy woke up. He groggily tried to brush of the sleep from his irises,but,ultimately,failed in this attempt. He went to the bathroom and splashed some cold water on his face to wake himself up and giddy up a little. The breakfast was nothing special:some eggs with bacon and a hot cup of bitter tea. The boy's mother was always working,but her wage weren't enough to cover for the life expences and thus,they couldn't even afford to spend some money on a decent tea pocket. His mother knew,that she at least had to get her son some kind of protein so he wouldn't starve.

      That's how the boy named Shi-Woon usually strated his mornings. The next thing to do was to go to school. The 15 year old boy hated this, to the point when this feeling of hopelessness, that swirled in his stomach, almost made him nauseous. It was al because of Chan-Ho and his goons. Every time Shi-Woon went to the place people called school,he always expected something. And it was not a difficult test,or a confession from a girl-it was a beating. He was never a tough guy and couldn't really stand up for himself. He never fought back.

-*Chan-Ho*: -" hey, guys,look who we got here. A little maggot. Oh,why are you looking down? Scared of something?-"Chan-Ho taunted"


Chan-Ho:"-huh,not answering back?,just as I thought,you weak, little peace of human garbage."

Then the goon, who was standing from the left to Chan-Ho decided to speak up:-" he knows,what's gonna happen,just give us your money already and we won't beat you too hard."

Shin-Woon followed by looking through his pockets to give away the money,that his mother gave him:-"here,now just please,leave me alone".

"Damn,look at this bastard,he thinks he can answer back,let's rough him up a little."

      -A few minutes later-. "Uuugh,I hate this,I hate this so much,just what cam I do to make it stop?!Should I just? No! I can't leave my mother like that!!! What am I even thinking. Still,I don't think I can continue on living like this".

    Just when Shin-Woon was lost in thought a loud voice startled him.

-"Oi,you wouldn't even try to fight back? Hehe,guess you're just a coward then. Buddha boy!hehe"