
Brain Fog Effect

On her sixteenth birthday, Oxy Jane had a strange dream of entering a city called Cerebra. And Cerebra was the name of a city that suddenly disappeared sixteen years ago from the world. In that dream, she met a boy named Helio who claimed that he was the gatekeeper of the dimension. So, Oxy wasn't dreaming. She had entered into another dimension. The connection between dimension and their world caused chaos. Some people died from being trapped in the dimension. They were attacked by a monstrous head-eating creature called Uron inside. This strange phenomenon was also known as the brain fog effect. Not only that, her school principal, Mr. Dome, was someone who had been watching her all this time. Mr. Dome told her that she was one of six children who survived the lost city. And each of them had strange powers as a result of the horrific experiments. Oxy met new friends. Some were good and others were difficult. She also met people who wanted to use kids as them their weapons because the war will come. Could Oxy and her friends save themselves? Also, could they save the world from the disaster of war?

daemie29 · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs

Oxy Jane (1)

Today was the day for Oxy Jane. It's her birthday. The date stated on her birth certificate. Even though she was an adopted child, her birth date was verified, no doubt at all.

Today, she was sixteen years old.

Oxy always waited for her birthday every year. Even though no one celebrating it for her. There was no birthday party for her.

Her birthday was very important for her. It showed her true identity that she had been born into this world, with some purpose for the happiness of her parents. Her 'true' parents. Yes. It meant she once had a real mother and real father.

Her birthday was the same day as the memorial of the lost city, Cerebra, the city which ever existed in this world. The city vanished without any logical explanation. A very strange and tragic phenomenon that happened sixteen years ago. Also the same with her age.

Skeleta was the city where Oxy lived. And Cerebra was the city beside Skeleta before. The land where Cerebra ever exist remained an empty land that was burnt and barren. People said it was the dead land. No plants or animals could live there.

The government built delimiters around the land so no people could go inside. They said the area was very dangerous. Maybe the area was poisonous or something. The Government didn't explain much.

Oxy had been trying to find something about Cerebra because of her curiosity. And she wasn't sure what she had heard. Many people told that the city was lost because eaten by a monster.

That's ridiculous. In this modern life, the existence of such a monster was impossible. Only humans, animals, and plants, as well as small creatures such as viruses and bacteria, lived in this world.

Monsters just lived in the fairy tales. There had no evidence of the existence of that terrifying creature in this world.

Back in her birth date, Oxy often imagined the face of her real parents. They might have red hair. Maybe one of her real parents had straight hair, either her mother or her father, just like her. One of her parents might have black eyes and big eyes. Their skin might be light, slightly yellowish. She described their face based on her.

Oxy was adopted by brown-skinned parents. Her adoptive mother's name was Grace Jane and her adoptive father's name was Bill Jane. Jane's parents had a biological son named Darren Jane who was the same age as her. Because of her different skin color, Oxy looked much more conspicuous around her adoptive family.

Her foster parents were very nice. They both always gave attention to Oxy's needs. But The Janes only never celebrated her birthday, they never mentioned it once.

Oxy had tried to tell Grace and Bill about her birthday, but neither of them showed to care. At first, Oxy felt she was being ignored. She thought Grace and Bill weren't happy to adopt her. But Grace and Bill always kept their eyes on her. Never once abandoned her. They even took care of her education. They sent Oxy to the same school as their son, the best high school in Skeleta, Riverwaze High School.

Oxy didn't like the idea of going to the same school as Darren. She had already tried to negotiate with Grace and Bill to send her to another school. But Grace and Bill did not agree. They did not realize that there was a fierce feud between Oxy and their son.

Darren was a very handsome boy. He was always popular everywhere. But his attitude was not good as his face. Darren was a troublesome kid. He hated Oxy very much from the beginning. Darren even bullied Oxy with his gang.

"She is not my sister. She is just a homeless kid."

Darren always said that to his friends. Oxy used to cry a lot because of that. But all Darren's words were no effect on her anymore now. Maybe because she grew older and she got stronger.

Just like her relationship with her adoptive brother, Oxy never managed to make friends. She didn't know why but it was so hard to have friends.

She had been trying but she could not fit into any group. While kids always needed groups in their school life right?

She just wasn't as bright as the kids in the book club, not athletic enough at any of the sports clubs, and not even attractive or talented to get into any art club.

Oxy was just an introverted girl. Much worse.


"Oxy, don't hang around for a while today."

Grace told Oxy that morning while preparing breakfast for her husband and son.

Meanwhile, Oxy made breakfast for herself. She didn't like bread like Jane's family. She loved eggs very much so she let herself busy cooking the fried eggs.

"Yes, right," Bill said, his forehead looked wrinkled, even though he was not frowning at that time. "The hospital called me yesterday. Someone died with an unnatural case of death."

Bill was a scientist before he worked as a professor at the university. People said he was a genius and had an important job in the government in the past. But Bill was just like a regular old man who looked exhausted all the time when he was in the house.

"That's terrible." Grace sighed, glancing at the morning news on TV.

"Is it a murder case?" Darren asked curiously. "I heard that people died in their sleep. It could be a disease that causes people to die suddenly in their sleep."

"Where did you hear that, son?" Bill looked anxious by Darren's words. "Don't hear anything from unreliable sources. Wait for the right news. And don't be the one who spreads the hoax."

"I heard that from Eddie. His father was a cop. Mr. Crane? You must know Mr. Crane, right, Dad?" asked Darren.

"Well, I know." Bill nodded.

"So I can't believe Eddie's words even though his father is a cop?" Darren asked again.

"Yes. Don't believe it until the right source tells you." Bill said firmly.

"Is it all right for you back to the Lab, honey?" Grace asked Bill, looking so worried. "If it's a disease, maybe it's infectious."

"We'll follow the safety protocols. So don't worry, honey." Bill said and kiss her wife on the cheek. "See, Darren? Stop making your mother worry with your words." He said irritated at Darren.

Darren just shrugged unconcernedly

"But why i must go home early?" Asked Oxy. She was more concerned about her freedom because today was her birthday.

The three Janes looked at Oxy with the same sharp glare.

"Oxy, just do what I said to you. Besides, you don't have anything to do after school. I've heard Miss Clarrise saw you hanging around, alone, nearby the delimiters of Cerebra again." Grace said. "It's a dangerous place. And anything you do will be dangerous if you are alone."

"You should have joined the club, Oxy," Darren said. "Like me. Mom, I'll be busy with the basketball club. So I'll be late."

"It's okay. As long as you come home soon. Don't go anywhere after that." Grace said as she stroked Darren's head gently, her eyes filled with love for her son.

Oxy snorted in annoyance. Darren just shot her a smirk.

"You should be home early too," Oxy said as she and Darren walked out the door together. "I know your club isn't that long. Your Mother would be mad if she find out you hang around with your stupid gang."

"Pretending to be my sister, Oxy?" Darren scoffed. "Try to tell my mother, then you will suffer forever at school." Then Darren rode his bike.

Oxy sighed seeing Darren slide away. She never told Grace that her bike had been broken by Darren and his gang.

So she had to walk to school.


Riverwaze School was one of the best schools in Skeleta. But it was also the most terrible school because there would be always bullying from bad kids to weak kids. Went to the same school as Darren would never be good for her. Darren had bullied her since they were both babies.

At first, Oxy didn't understand why Darren was so happy to make her cry a lot. Darren liked to push her down, snatched her toys, or never even wanted to share his toys with Oxy. All of that actions finally became clear when Oxy was about six years old.

Darren didn't like Oxy because she was an adopted child in Jane's family. Maybe Oxy's existence sucked him.

Oxy was still able to get through the school gates before the bell rang. With lazy steps, She headed to the school building. She kept walking even though the students around her were running because they didn't want to be late for the class.

Oxy felt the sharp gazes fixed on her. She looked up and found the principal's office window. Mr. Dome, the pale-skinned man, was the principal of their school. He stood there and looked at Oxy.

Oxy frowned. This was not the first time she felt Mr. Dome watching her from the window with that sharp eyes.[]

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