

warnings evil mc. might kill your fav characters. do not complain when he acts like an asshole or does something evil. a selfish and evil man is transmigrated into An au mcu with the powers of the astras of the brahmastraverse. in a quest to entertain and impress the previous omniverseral devil and become the new one. I fully expect the majority of you to know nothing about brahmastra (bollywood fantasy movie) hence everything will be explained in the story and if you have any questions feel free to ask me in the comments btw nothing in this story including the images used belong to me

draculemorningstar · Filmes
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6 Chs



after about 5 minutes my golden eyes flew open glowing from the inside and whith white sparks coming out from the sides, i spoke one word, a word that would change the very fate of the marvel verse forever.



I couldn't help but grin like a loon after knowing of my powers, I had the potential to be one of the strongest being in the MCU at the very least I had the potential to became a universe destroyer just with the powers that Bob had given me not to mention the things I could find here If I tried.

To understand my excitement you must first understand what the brahmastra is. There was once a group of great sages who meditated deeply in the Himalayas.for which they received a Boon.A divine Light (Brahm-Shakti)! As that Light met the mountain, Weapons of Power (Astras) were born.Such as Bearing the power of fire-the Fire Stone (Agnyastra)!,The Water Stone (Jalāstra)!,And the Air Stone (Pawanāstra)! ,Astras that contained the powers of,different animals and plants.

The sages had achieved what they desired.

But then, a cry arose from the Universe.

You see,within the Light another Astra (weapon) was being born.

An Astra like Lord Shiva's Third Eye.

It could Create...but also, Destroy.

The sages realised that this Great Astra

would have to be controlled.Eventually, with great struggle and sacrifice...

the sages calmed the Light. Then, at the peak of the mountain appeared...The most powerful of all...the Lord of all the Astras...BRAHMĀSTRA!

The sages knelt before the Brahmāstra and they called themselves ,The Brahmānsh! Passing the Astras down generation to generation,the Brahmānsh existed secretly in society,protecting the Astras, and using their Energies for the greater good.

Time moved forward,each Age came and went by,the world kept changing,and with that change,the world forgot about the Astras.

As to why I claim to have the ability to eventually destroy the universe? Its because even though I'm not Hindu I know that in  Hindu mythology, the Brahmastra is said to be able to destroy the whole universe, it is capable of destroying creation itself and vanquishing all beings

(A/N Not Hindu so if I'm wrong about something plz correct me)

When I meditated I realised my power was to get the powers of different astras until eventually I got the brahmastra itself.

Now how I get these powers is a little more complicated, first of all the astras I receive won't be in weapon from but I'll get their powers themselves eg instead of getting the light sword itself I'd get the power to manifest/ conjour it and instead of the fire stone (agni astra) which allows you to manipulate fire, I'd get the ability to manipulate fire.

This is especially good as it makes it so that my powers can't be stolen from me or lost. Becouse knowing me I'd have lost the brahmastra to my couch.

As to how I get my astras? That depends on a variety of things, I get one everytime I do something worth rewarding eg defeating a enemy or manipulating a hero into doing something or by doing something Bob finds amusing such as fucking a heroine.

To get the brahmastra tho I'd have to do something legendary eg something like killing thanos or beating him to the stones.

For that matter It seems like me discovering my powers was something that was worth considering a achievement.

Becouse I can feel something new in my very being.

Closing my eyes I focus on it,only for my consciousness to be pulled into what seems like a throne room with a roof that shows a starless night sky. Looking closely I realise it isn't completely starless as there's one star to the top right blinking brightly and incessantly as if asking for my attention.

The moment I think of touching it I get a packet of information about it sent directly to my brain. The astra I had just received was the chameleon astra which allowed me to shapeshift into different people.

Huh not what I was expecting..but also not bad.

Opening my eyes i get off my bed and stand infront of the mirror, a second of concentration later and captain America is staring right back at me.....heh this might not be the best for combat but I feel like I know how to use this to amuse Bob and get another astra out of it.


Tony stark pov

Watching pepper sway her ass as she walks to the room to "get herself ready for me" I start getting hard in actipation, I hadn't installed any camera in the apartment exactly for this reason pepper found it weird that jarvis could see us do it. Just as I was about to take of my clothes and go in after her I get a call from happy.

"What is it hap? You have 15 seconds to convince me not to drop the call"

"Boss someone left a decapitated head and a note for you in your office....what should I do?"

Well shit this was serious.

"Stay put I'm on my way"

I run to the balcony while my suit equips itself and I flyoff towards happys location. I'm sure pepper will understand.



Coming out of the bathroom wearing her new lingerie she bought specially for tonight , she sees Tony in his boxers looking at her with a gaze so lustfull and hungry she felt herself become wet from it! Before she could say something he grabbed her by her sides and pulled her in for a hungry kiss before quickly saying " happys called me for something important babe, we don't have much time so we're going to have to make this quick"

Saying that he pushes me onto the bed and goes down on me, if I wasn't wet before I certainly am now , and when we actually start having sex my eyes roll over as I lose my breath! Why does it feel like his dicks twice as big as the last time we had sex!? Whatever he did I most certainly am not gonna complain about it.




I returned to the tower 45 mins later still thinking about the later and the decapitated head next to it, which according to the letter was of no one important it was the head of a pedophile that was merely there to grab my attention and jarvis confirmed this claim.

This proves 2 things 1 whatever was in that letter was important and 2 whoever wrote that letter was ruthless.

The letter itself was no less terrifying it claimed to be from a man/ alien named ebony maw he spoke on behalf of a galactic Overlord named Thanos.

The letter claimed that the earth had something called a space stone and if it was not handed over to thanos ,its rightful owner, then thanos will send a champion to conquer both the earth and the stone.

Now as much as this all seems like bullshit to me, someone did kill a dude to send me that letter, so the least I can do is not treat it like a joke.

Opening the door to the room I see Pepper sleeping with a blissful smile on her face , I take off my clothes and join her ,poor girl must have been tired as hell working as the ceo of the company and must have gone to sleep while waiting for me.



Looking at the 2 new stars next to my old one I couldn't help but laugh manically ,I had gotten stronger then both captain America and early iron man in one night and all I had to do was kill a pedophile and get laid.


Still haven't decided on a name

Also still might or might not drop