
Bra:the saiyan princess

After the revival of planet Vegeta by prince Vegeta himself he brought back all saiyans killed by frieza and their home planet,this makes Vegeta the new saiyan king and Trunks the saiyan prince and Bra the saiyan princess,what will occur with this sudden change to the universe and how will it impact the Z-fighters.[Z-GT canon]. SEX AND NUDITY WARNING

Darktruth098 · Anime e quadrinhos
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9 Chs

Gravity training

King Vegeta was dead. He had been killed by a group of Saiyan rebels, and the planet of Vegeta was in mourning for the beloved ruler. Prince Vegeta had taken over, and after all the years of waiting, he was finally king of the revived planet. This made his wife Bulma the queen, and their children Bra the princess and Trunks the prince.

Vegeta wanted to prove who was the strongest warrior, so he declared that a tournament would be held every 6 years. Bulma had the idea to add a women's division, and Vegeta agreed. Now, after 12 long years, the second annual Royal Tournament was about to begin in a few days...

Bra and Pan stood in the gravity chamber, facing off against each other - a ritual they had done many times before. Bra was wearing a blue leotard with long knee-high white boots and white gloves, with a yellow hair piece, and her saiyan armor in a crop-top style, with a yellow loincloth. Pan, meanwhile, was wearing blue and yellow cropped saiyan armor, an orange bandanna and a blue thong, with black boots.

'Ready?' Bra asked, her voice dripping with confidence.

'Oh, I'm always ready,' Pan replied with a grin, her saiyan eyes flashing with determination.

The two girls nodded to each other, and then instantly transformed into their Super Saiyan 2 forms. The gravity chamber was filled with a sudden surge of power, and the two saiyan women began their battle.

The battle between Pan and Bra had been raging for over an hour, both of them evenly matched and determined to win. Bra had the upper hand, however, as she had the advantage of her Saiyan armor. Pan had no such protection, and the two of them had been trading powerful blows and Ki blasts with each other.

Bra shot out a powerful Ki blast at Pan's armor, breaking it completely and leaving Pan topless and exposed. Pan reacted quickly, punching Bra in the face multiple times before unleashing a Ki blast of her own. Bra managed to dodge it, but the blast still managed to hit her in the left side of her chest, exposing her left breast.

With a growl of anger, Bra ripped off her armor and punched Pan in the gut, causing her to bleed and her thong to tear into pieces. Pan was now completely naked, save for her boots. She shot out a Kamehameha wave, which blasted away Bra's leotard and loincloth, along with her gloves, boots and hair piece. Bra was now naked and incredibly angry.

'You think you can beat me like this?' Bra shouted, her voice filled with rage.

'I didn't think I would do this well,' Pan replied, her voice firm and determined.

Bra fired off a Ki blast of her own, which knocked Pan backwards. She then finished Pan off with a powerful knee to the jaw, causing the other Saiyan to collapse to the ground.

Pan lay there, her body battered and bruised. Bra stood over her, ready to deliver the final blow. But Pan wasn't done yet. She gritted her teeth and summoned all the energy she had left, transforming into a Super Saiyan with a Kaio-ken x10. However, the power was too much for her and she quickly exhausted herself. Bra was declared the winner.

The two saiyan women limped out of the gravity chamber, both bruised and battered. But as they walked, they began to laugh and joke, feeling the victorious exhilaration of the battle. They both knew they were ready for the tournament.

Bra and Pan stepped out of the gravity chamber, their bodies slick with sweat and the remnants of their armor clinging to their skin. They had just finished a long battle, and were both exhausted from the intense sparring match.

'Showers,' Pan said, her voice rough from the fighting.

Bra nodded in agreement and they both headed towards the showers. When they got there, however, they saw that all the showers were taken by other saiyan women.

'Looks like we're sharing,' Bra said with a sigh.

Pan shrugged and stepped into the shower stall with Bra. The warm water cascaded over their bodies, washing away the sweat and grime of battle.

Bra grabbed the soap and began to scrub her body, her naturally blue hair sudsing up quickly. She glanced over at Pan and noticed her staring at her chest.

'What?' she asked, raising an eyebrow.

'Nothing,' Pan said, quickly averting her gaze.

'Come on,' Bra said, a smirk on her lips. 'You were checking out my boobs, weren't you?'

Pan blushed, but nodded.

'Well, let's compare,' Bra said, standing up straight. She grabbed Pan's hands and placed them on her chest.

'Yours are bigger,' Pan said, her eyes widening in surprise.

Bra laughed and stepped back, turning around so that her back was to Pan.

'Now let's compare asses,' she said, arching her back slightly.

Pan's eyes widened again as she looked at Bra's pert bottom.

'Mine's bigger,' she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Bra laughed again and turned back around. She grabbed the soap and began to wash Pan's hair.

'Thanks,' Pan said, her voice soft.

'No problem,' Bra said, her voice gentle.

When they were finished, they both stepped out of the shower and grabbed their extra clothes from their lockers.

Bra put on a blue leotard and white boots with white gloves. Pan opted to put on black panties with cropped blue saiyan armor.

'Ready to go?' Bra asked.

Pan nodded and the two of them left the gravity chamber facility created by the new king Vegeta a few months ago.