

The day wasn't going good at all for Sarah. Yesterday she bumper into a guy , his face never left her vision.

Even though she was wearing her hoodie she hated it .

`` How l which l could change the time `` she said angrily. Rita walked at the left side of her thinking about her own problem.

A guy just came to her ask for her body. If it wasn't God she would have been in jail by now.

Whiles the her elder triplets sis where busy furious about yesterday incident. Arabella kept her eyes hooked on her phone.

' Sis's see my idols. The pink hair guy is my soon to be husband `` Arabella bulted out.

`` For once be serious . `` Rita spilled out angrily.

`` Let me see `` .

The phone soon reach to Sarah. Her expression became dark all of a sudden.

Her eyes where fixed on the blue hair guy. He looks exactly like the guy from yesterday

~~ `` Wait who the hell is this monkey in blue hair ``

``` Calvin Young ``

The place soon became silent , the girls drove their bicycle to the school entrance.

•Blue High School •

A sudden wind came from behind them. Sarah dress almost flew up.

`` Don't you have eyes ``

The engine came to a hault as the car door opened

Sarah almost chocked to death

"Y ....o...u "

` It your soon to be hubby`` Calvin chuckled leaving into the school.

Not a person who backs off Sarah followed him as a dirty smile appeared on Calvin's face.

Rita busy singing to \ Influence by Chris brown .

What the hell watch where you are going' Rita bent down to pick her books scattered on the floor.

Expecting a sorry from the guy Rita tuned off the music. Such words never came.

` Can't you say sorry` she snorted

Kelvin still stood at the same spot , watching at the corridors. His hand flickered , he pinned Rita to the walk.