

Kelvin's His hand squeezed her boobs , so hard that she almost cried.

• Pak ! •

Kelvin held his cheeks with a bloodshot eyes. The girl just called for fight.

The evil smile on Calvin face became more bright.

~ ` Mr Young `

' Call me hubby`

` In your dreams `

Facing each other , Calvin got a chance to finally see her full body.

Her hips where thin but she had hips. Her hair is black , her school uniform is tight enough to showcase that her boobs.

Sarah caught the gaze of his eyes. Her eyes run down her body ending at her boobs.

` Pak ~

' You are pervert ` Sarah angry voice could be heard.

She walked off leaving Calvin in great shock.

Arabella felt something was wrong. No one was by her side.

' Oh no '

This school was is so big. A red hair walked pass her .

' Hey , can you help me '

The red hair babe turned to her , staring at her.

Arabella almost fainted. Her crush, he is .

She fainted