
Bounty of The Stars

Join Kita, a young and brilliant scientist, as he embarks on an extraordinary journey through the vastness of the galaxy. Fueled by ambition and a desire to uncover the hidden wonders of the universe, Kita seizes the opportunity of a lifetime aboard the revolutionary THS Shore research vessel. Their mission: to study a colossal super structure enveloping a Blue Giant, a task that promises unimaginable revelations. As Kita and the crew set sail, they find themselves caught in a whirlwind of mind-boggling discoveries, each more astounding than the last. Some hold the potential to reshape humanity's future, while others pose unforeseen risks. Amidst the chaos, Kita's fate changes in a way he never imagined. Faced with the unforeseen circumstances, the choices he makes reshapes his future. Now bored with life, Kita sets out on a journey that leads him to navigating not only the mysteries of the cosmos but also the treacherous waters of interstellar politics, Kita strives to leave an indelible mark as one of humanity's greatest minds. His journey takes him to ancient ruins, unveiling long-lost secrets that redefine humanity's understanding of the galaxy. Driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Kita embraces the unseen, unearths the unfound, and ventures into the unfathomable depths of the unknown. Prepare to embark on a captivating expedition, as Kita pushes the boundaries of exploration and grapples with the extraordinary challenges that lie beyond the reaches of human imagination. Updates on: GMT 2:00 PM or 14:00

HalfPint · Ficção Científica
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149 Chs

Towards the Future

After greeting everyone and having a talk with them, things calmed down a bit. Kita was sitting at the bar, drinking a blend of some specialty liquors. It helped calm him down as he contemplated his future.

He was done from the military, that much was clear as day. He didn't want to go back either. There wasn't anything left for him at the military. What he planned on doing was to travel the Galaxy.

The Milky way was huge. If one tried to see everything it had to offer, even on the fastest ships humanity ever built, Human lifespan was still too short to see everything.

Humanity boasted one of the shortest lifespan among all the known civilizations. Even with the medical advances, 100-150 years were on the relatively shorter side for the average lifespan of a civilization.

Although countless state backed and private research organization worked continuously to improve this number, it was still quite hard to increase the human lifespan any further.

Kita was already in his 30's. Although he could be considered young, but he really wasn't. If he wanted to set out on a journey to travel the stars, he doubted that he could even cover a quarter of the Milkeyway.

But that wasn't an excuse. He didn't know how long he would live. Helen's sudden death made him realize that he could drop dead at any given moment. Humans generally lived for something. If they lost that reason for living, then they would lose their way.

Kita had lost his. So he wanted to go see whatever it was worth seeing.

But the feasibility of this plan might be a bit hard. He would firstly need a ship.

"There are plenty secondhand ships on the market. I wonder if I can find a good one.", Kita contemplated. He wasn't short of money. Even if he had lost his position at the military, he was still Kita Thiels. The inventor of Artificial Gravity systems. He still earned plenty of royalty every day. People all over human space used his inventions every secound. Money was the last thing he needed to think about. His bank account was loaded.

He could afford to buy a decent ship, maybe even order one from the docks. But that would probably take upwards of over an year. He didn't want to wait that long to get a ship.

He decided to take a look at the used ship market after this. He wanted to see if he could buy anything decent.

As he sat their and contemplated his future. A hand suddenly landed on him. That snapped him back to reality, He turned to his side to look at who it was.

It was Dr. Kbom. Who was looking at him with a calm expression.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing… Just contemplating what to do now that I'm no longer in the military."

"You want something to do? Come work for me. I am always in need of talented minds for the company."

"Dr. Kbom I.."

"Oh, don't fret over it. I planned on doing so for a long time. I want you to take over the company as one of the lead researchers. I'm sure you'll bring it to new heights."

Kita was touched by his suggestions. It showed just how much he trusted Kita. Kbom Heavy Industries was a galactic conglomerate that did it's business in all of the human occupied space.

Almost all of the FTL drives currently in use were developed and manufactured by them. Working as a lead researcher of this conglomerate was a huge honor. If anyone was to get an offer like this, they would jump on it in a heartbeat.

But Kita had other plans in mind. Although joining the company seemed like a really great plan, he didn't want to work for anyone else anymore. He wanted to work for himself from now on. He wanted to be responsible for himself.

"Dr. Kbom… Thank you for the offer, But I don't think another job like that is suitable for me. I just want to lay back and travel the galaxy."

"What are you talking about? You want to throw away everything again and become a vagabond or something?"

"Yes, I promised Helen long ago that I'd take her to travel the galaxy some day. But I lost her before I could fulfill her wish. Losing her made me realize that life was too short to just stay cooped up in a lab somewhere. There's much to see and much to do. I'd rather die looking a a stunning nebula than anything."

Dr. Kbom stayed silent for a bit. He didn't know how to respond to Kita…

"Now that I think about it, York did mention something like that. You wanting to travel instead of working for the Company. I didn't think you were serious."

"I am serious."

Dr. Kbom looked at Kita intently for a minute. Before giving out a sigh.

"Fine. You want to travel. I won't stop you. But remember, if you ever want to come back, There's always a place for you in the Company. All you have to do is show up at the front door. And the job is yours."

"Thank you for your generous offer."

Thankfully, Dr. Kbom didn't push him in the matter. He couldn't have refused him if he insisted that Kita worked for the company. But that didn't came to be.

So It was time for Kita to look towards the future. He wanted to do everything he ever wanted to do. He wanted to see everything there was to see.

For now, he enjoyed the company he had currently, who knew when they would meet again after this. So he enjoyed the moment.

Unknown to Kita, a lot of things were happening in the background. There were a lot of parties that maneuvered around each other.

Kita didn't know that whatever happened back in the NEX2320, still wasn't done haunting him.

Hello again! With this chapter, we begin a new journey for Kita. Thanks for everyone that has read till now. For all those who have stuck till now, I have a request. I want you guys to give a review of the story till now. Don't fret over anything. Just give me your honest Opinion. I want to know how you guys are recieveing my story. Thanks for sticking with me till now, I have a lot planned for the next few arcs. Hopefully you'll enjoy them as much as I hope. Thanks for reading, and as always, leave your thoughts and comments down in the chapter or paragraph comments down below. I'll read em all! Thanks <3

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