
Bored Harry In MCU

Tired from being the Wizarding worlds saviour and defeating every new dark Lord as easily as breathing, Harry Potter decided to test the limitations of his mastery over death and explore a new world.

Shucky · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

003: Fresh Start

[AN: I decided to switch to a first person view because I find it easier to write form a perspective rather than saying Harry this or Harry that. Also longer chapter!]


With a few charms the solid metal cot in his cell was actually quite comfy, Harry had less need for sleep than a normal person but he still enjoyed the comfort a good nap could bring him. And after scraping the memories and experiences of the criminal he needed the comfort.

Harry had learned that this world was identical to his old one and wondered how much would stay the same for his time here in the coming years. Harry didn't know how long he was going to stay in this world, he wondered if there was a version of the veil here like his old world. Who knows?

He was prepared to stay here forever if necessary which is why he needs to be careful about using his powers and his actions.

He watched as the officer who arrested him yesterday fiddled with the lock to the front door and opened the station for the day. The small town police station had the cells and all the desks used by the police in an open plan all together so you could see everything that happens there.

The cop opened the door and stood back seemingly to let someone else enter before him. Apparently he was talking to a woman who must have been waiting for the station to open.

The short woman with tied up pink hair walked into the station like she had been there a million times. Her dirty vans slapped on the wooden flooring and an old bag hung by her side. She spared Harry a tiny glance before walking up to a desk which seemed to be used as the main front desk for the station.

She hauled her bag onto it and took out a notepad and pen. "Come on Steve, you know the whole town is going to know about it by lunch, why not give me a head start?"

The officer, who Harry now knew was named Steve, sighed and walked around the desk to sit in a hard chair. "You know perfectly well why I can't do that Ally, it's an ongoing investigation. And even if I wanted to help you we still have to check out a suspect" his head jolted sharply in my direction behind him.

Her light eyes turned to me so I politely raised my hand in greeting with a smile on my face.

"How is he a suspect? All the witnesses I interviewed said there was only one robber and he didn't have a getaway driver."

"Alison, what did I tell you about interfering before a case is closed? And we caught the original robber and him together with the weapon and all the money" Officer Steve's voice had a stern tint to it now.

She looked sheepish as she replied rather cheekily "I wasn't really interviewing the witnesses just some innocent questions, and I thought you weren't going to give me any information"

Officer Steve sighed again and I decided it was time for me to put in my two pence, or vent I guess since I'm in the states. "I'd be happy to tell you my side of the story miss, I'm not currently doing anything" the last half of the sentence was with a smirk in officer Steve's direction.

Before she could respond to me he spoke up. "You are a suspect in a bank robbery, your not talking to anyone until this is sorted out"

"It was my understanding that I had the right to an attorney, what if I was to say miss Alison was my lawyer?" I gave a small look to her.

"Yes that is my client and I insist on talking to him alone" she said confidently like it was an absolute truth, even though everyone knew it was a lie.

"Fine but if he kills you I reserve the right to say I told you so at your funeral" Officer Steve got up from his chair and walked over to my cell to open it up so I could talk to this woman. When I stepped out he reached for my hands which I assumed was to open the handcuffs but I simply held up my hands.

"Don't worry I'll get that for you." The cuffs were off and hanging in my right hand. "Hey! Do not do that again" he shouted.

Trying to steer me away Alison said "Right this way sir" she pointed to a small room obviously used for private conversations.

I walked past her and guessed she was around 5'4 against my 6'3 frame. The power from the hallows also came with a growth spurt giving me a much fitter body.

In the room there was a small table and a set of chairs in the middle of the room. There was also a small water cooler and some mugs next to the door. I headed to the chair facing the door and took off my hoodie leaving me in the jeans and a black t-shirt. My 'attorney' grabbed her bag from the desk and sat opposite me.

She was wearing some jeans like me but hers were lighter, tighter and had rips all along them. She was also wearing a white t-shirt with the design of a brand I had never heard off before but it was clearly old and very used.

She set her bag on the table and took out a small handheld recorder. She slipped a tape into the device and pressed play. "Thanks for agreeing to talk, can I ask your name, job and what happened yesterday?"

Respecting the shift from her playful attitude with the officer to a serious one she had now I replied "My name is Harrison Potter, usually people call me Harry. I am currently travelling which makes me unemployed I guess. And yesterday I had a lovely stroll threw this lovely town and happened to catch a bank robber."

"People don't just catch bank robbers Mr Potter, especially when they are so rare in small towns like this, can you elaborate on your actions leading up to the event?"

"Okay, I guess it started on Friday, I rolled into town and headed over to the bar, not sure what it was called but I can't imagine there are that many here"

"Actually we have 6 in Jerome" she told me in a rather short tone. I think my comment was taken badly.

"No disrespect indeed Miss Alison, I simply meant it's a small place, but a very beautiful one as well. Anyway I had a few whiskeys in one of your bars and then decided to take my stroll. I was walking when someone started to run towards me, I'll admit I was distracted but when he was about to collide with me I apprehended him. Then Officer Steve and another officer who's name I don't know yet."

She wrote some notes on what I said in her pad and looked at it for a few seconds "so you're saying it was all a coincidence? You just happened to meet a bank robber. Did you know this town has one of the lowest crime rates in the state? And my name is Alison King just so you know" she smiled sweetly and waited for my response.

"Well trouble has a way of finding me, and I have a thing for small towns. That's a lovely name by the way"

She blushed slightly and looked at her notes "So a British man just happens to stumble into a small Arizona town and catches the first bank robber in probably 100 years without meaning too?"

"You forgot that I did that after a night of drinking whiskey"

She laughed "so how do you end up here, and if you actually are innocent where are you going next?"

"Well I flew into the small airport near here and hitchhiked to the next closest town. After this I'm not sure, maybe I'll stay in Jerome for a while and relax a bit. I've been travelling for years and think it could be nice to stay still."

She scoffed a bit "you only look slightly older than me you can't be more than 22, how can you have travelled so much?"

"Well, I spent a while working you could say, so I wanted to travel as much as possible. And as for how, I'm massively wealthy from a few good stock trades I made couple of years ago with some inheritance money. What about you, do you want to travel?"

I think she was taken aback by my honesty. "Well yeah but I'm only 20 I want to save up and travel in a few years." There was a small silence while she wrote in the notepad again "I'm sorry for your loss"

"It happened a while ago but thank you" I peered out the window and saw that the bartender from Friday was talking to officer Steve. I got up and got some water from the cooler. The mugs looked old and cracked but they were better than nothing. I also got Alison a drink as well.

I walked back to her and offered her the the mug "Here, I thought you might want a drink" I held up my mug "to my innocence?" She raised hers and went to hit out mugs together, unfortunately the cracked mugs seemed to finally crack and both of our mugs broke on impact. This would be fine apart from the fact that the water went all over Alison and onto her white t-shirt.

"Damn it!" She said, "I'm so sorry I didn't know that would happen" I told her. As she was trying to wipe away any excess water I noticed the affect the water had on her top, it seemed like she had taken the day to not wear a bra and currently exposed. I turned my head and grabbed my hoodie. I held it up in her direction and cleared my throat.

She looked my way "what? I don't need your hoodie" I turned back to her and glanced down for a second then back up at her face. She also looked down and quickly took my hoodie. After putting it on officer Steve came in.

"Well Mr Potter seems like your alibi holds up and the actual criminal said you had nothing to do with it so you're free to go. What happened here?" He was looking at the broken mugs and water on the floor and Alison who was in my much bigger hoodie which almost looked like a dress on her.

"We're fine Steve just a small accident with the mugs. Seems like you're free to go Harrison, where are you staying so I can return your hoodie?"

Officer Steve left after her reassurance. "Actually I don't have anywhere to stay yet, I'm looking for a fresh start and this seems like a good place to do it. Maybe you could help me by showing me around town? If your not too busy that is"

She took a little to decide but I could see in her beautiful eyes when she decided "Fine, luckily for you I don't really have anything else to do today so sure I'll show you around"


[Please comment some suggestions or criticism, it all helps me in the long run and if you think you'll like this story then I guess it helps you as well :)]