
Bored Harry In MCU

Tired from being the Wizarding worlds saviour and defeating every new dark Lord as easily as breathing, Harry Potter decided to test the limitations of his mastery over death and explore a new world.

Shucky · Book&Literature
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6 Chs

002: Orientation

[AN: I have never been to Jerome, Arizona. Only seen pictures but it looked like a nice small town I could set the beginning of the story in]


Harry realised that if this new world was similar to his old one he would have a very hard time doing the research he wanted. There was no Boogle or YoHoo yet in this world and even if there was the computers of this time would be very slow and inefficient for him to use.

This meant he had to find another way to learn about this world properly and he already had one idea. An idea that he hated himself for considering.

Harry decided that the best and fastest way would be to use someone's brain to learn what they know using legilimency. But because he hated the invasion and attacking of a persons mind that it would entail he had to pick carefully.

So Harry walked down the quiet early morning streets of Jerome Arizona and pondered who he would choose to help him. And the answer almost literally hit him in the face as a man almost ran into him.

After years of fighting and training to be the most powerful and dangerous being on his old world Harry's body had developed some weird but useful abilities. For instance as Harry was distracted by the question in his own head he didn't notice the sweaty man running at him carrying a big bag over his shoulder.

And since Harry was distracted his body took over and prevented the man from running into Harry and possible attacking him like had happened countless times before. Harry was alerted almost instantly to what his body was doing but the muscle memory had saved his life many times and he was proud of it. So Harry leant back and as the man made contact Harry rapidly spun around the man and grabbed his arm twisting it behind his back.

It didn't take long for Harry to realise what happened, in fact he realised almost instantly but kept on stopping the man. With his foot on the back of the man's knees and holding his twisted arm behind his back harry heard the clear sounds of sirens behind him.

Studying the man under him Harry noticed some strange details, such as the drops of what seemed to be blood on the bag the man was carrying and the old revolver which clattered to the ground. Harry wasn't sure if the gun was in the man's pocket or if he was holding it but it wasn't there before so must belong to the man. And Harry also noticed that the zip on the bag had opened and revealed quite a lot of money inside it.

Harry heard the distinct commands which are given by police in America. "Freeze! Hands up!"

Harry let go of the man and stood up then slowly raised his hands. "Put your hands on your head and interlace your fingers!"

Harry thought it would be best to comply with the officer and explain what happened later. Feeling the metal wrap around his wrists Harry was then escorted by a different officer into the back of an old police car. He was read his rights, which he wasn't even sure applied to him as a British citizen, and began his journey to what he assumed would be a small police station.

Harry was taken to the police station and was interviewed about what happened and how he ended up on top of a suspected bank robber. So harry explained that he was just travelling and ended up in town.

The cops didn't believe a random British man would stumble into their small town and just happen to come in contact with a criminal so they locked him in a cell while going to check his story.

Harry could have easily escaped and used magic to get himself freed but he was hesitant for multiple reasons. If he was in a rush then he might be more inclined to escape but he wasn't, he had no goal yet and was just learning about the new world he was in. He also didn't know how much his magic would work or if he could be spotted. Until he knew how to properly hide his magic he didn't want to use it too much, especially not on police officers to escape. And the final reason was that it would require memory charms and although it wouldn't be hard for him he still didn't like messing with peoples minds unless he needed to.

But looking across the cell into the next Harry realised there might be exceptions to the rule. Harry realised a few hours ago that he wouldn't be able to learn about this world properly unless he used someone else that grew up in this world.

So Harry decided that the bank robber he had accidentally caught was the best option at the moment and he got to work.

It was a Saturday which apparently meant the police go home at 6PM and don't come in again until the next morning.

Harry spotted an officer walking over to him. "Look, the tellers at the bank only remember one person but we still haven't verified your alibi yet so we're going to have to keep you over night"

"No problem officer I'm sure everything will be resolved soon"

"Yeah sure" the officer sighed and walked away. So Harry settled down for the night and got to work on the criminal in the next cell.