
Bonds of Power

"Bonds of Power" is a gripping fantasy novel that tells the captivating story of Lug, a skilled and ruthless mercenary who meets a tragic and gruesome end, only to be unexpectedly transported to a new world where he is reborn as a king. In his previous life, Lug was a battle-hardened warrior who fought for wealth and survival. Known for his deadly skills and unyielding determination, he was feared and respected throughout the land. However, his life abruptly ends in a brutal manner, leaving him unprepared for what lies beyond. As Lug awakens in this unfamiliar world, he finds himself hailed as the long-awaited king, destined to lead a fractured and oppressed realm. Struggling to come to terms with his new identity, he must confront his own violent past and reconcile it with the responsibilities of ruling a kingdom. With his mercenary instincts still intact, Lug sets out to rebuild his kingdom and restore order and justice. Along his journey, he encounters allies and adversaries, each with their own ambitions and agendas. As he navigates the intricacies of politics, warfare, and diplomacy, Lug must learn to wield power responsibly and make choices that will shape the destiny of his people. Through the trials and tribulations of leadership, Lug undergoes a profound transformation. He learns the value of compassion, mercy, and sacrifice, challenging the ruthless nature that defined his previous life. As he builds alliances and earns the loyalty of his subjects, Lug discovers that true strength lies not only in physical prowess.

DaoistTHhcWD · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Overcoming of Past Part I

As Lug observed the resemblances between this realm and the one he had just experienced, he turned his gaze toward the entity and posed a question filled with curiosity and intrigue. "The entity mentioned that this place is not an ordinary space for casual conversation,how can i be her with Elysia?""

The entity, its ethereal presence radiating wisdom, regarded Lug with a profound gaze. A moment of silence passed before it responded, its voice carrying a weight of ancient knowledge. "I don't know"

The entity's response took Lug by surprise. Its admission of uncertainty momentarily unsettled him, as he had hoped for answers and guidance in this profound realm. Yet, the entity's honesty only deepened his curiosity.

The entity, sensing Lug's perplexity, acknowledged his reaction with a gentle nod. "There are truths and revelations that can only be fully grasped when one is prepared," it explained, its voice resonating with a profound understanding.

The entity continued, its voice tinged with a hint of melancholy, "The threads of destiny are delicate and ever-shifting. The moments you have here together are precious and dangerous."

With a voice infused with ancient wisdom, the entity spoke, "Through this trial Elysia is going to experience the first knowledge and powers that reside within herself. Her understanding of the magical arts shall expand your horizons and unlock your true hidden potential, but I warn you that it's possible that you can't handle the knowledge. You are not supposed to be here now!" said the entity with a look of seriousness.

Lug and Elysia exchanged a concerned glance, their hearts filled with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. The entity's words weighed heavily on their minds, reminding them of the risks involved.

Elysia, driven by her desire to be of aid to Lug, steeled herself and nodded in acceptance. Despite the warning, her determination burned brightly within her eyes.

"I understand the risks," she replied, her voice steady. "I am willing!". In her head If it means to assisting Lug in his journey she would do anything

The entity reached out and put a finger on her head. " You are a fool". said him with a sad look. for the entity this choice is the same as trow of life away

Elysia's heart sank as she contemplated the entity's words. She had been driven by her desire to help Lug and prove her worth, but now she questioned if she had truly understood the magnitude of what she was getting herself into.

As the entity's hand emitted a radiant glow, Elysia felt a surge of energy coursing through her body. She staggered backward, her eyes widening in surprise, before collapsing onto the ground.

Lug rushed to her side, his voice filled with concern. "Elysia! Are you alright?" he exclaimed, gently cradling her in his arms. He looked up at the entity, his expression a mix of worry and frustration. "What have you done to her?"

His entity's gaze remained calm and impassive. " To see the future, one needs to overcome the past, she should have come when ready. She chose the trial, then the trial she will face." in the moment the entity disappeared

Lug couldn't shake off the lingering question in his mind. Why had Elysia chosen to face the trial if she wasn't fully prepared? Is that his fall?

With a sense of unease and uncertainty filling his heart, Lug watched as Elysia lay unconscious in his arms. He couldn't help but feel responsible for her current state, questioning his own role in leading her into this dangerous trial. Doubt clouded his mind as he wondered if his actions had caused Elysia to make a hasty decision.

Gently brushing a stray strand of hair from Elysia's face, Lug whispered softly, "I'm sorry, Elysia."

As Elysia's mind drifted further into the dreamlike state, the scenes from her past became more intense and emotionally charged. She was confronted with moments of pain, loss, and anguish that she had hoped to leave behind. The memories played out in vivid detail, evoking the same emotions she had experienced during those challenging times.

Lug, recognizing the distress in Elysia's fading presence, immediately tapped into his inner strength. Drawing upon the deep connection they shared, he unleashed his power of Soul Resonance. As Lug focused his energy, a brilliant aura surrounded him, merging with the fading essence of Elysia.

As Lug's Soul Resonance enveloped Elysia, a profound shift occurred. Their souls became intertwined on a profound level, transcending the boundaries of time and space. Lug found himself immersed in Elysia's memories, experiencing them alongside her.

In the depths of Elysia's subconscious, a forgotten chapter of her past awaited to be unveiled. It was a story shrouded in darkness, a tale she had long suppressed, fearing the painful memories it held. But now, as Lug's Soul Resonance bound their souls together, the time had come for Elysia to confront her past.

"Mother, Father, please! Help me! Ahhhhh! Help meeee!"

The girl's pleas echoed through the silent village, but her desperate cries fell on deaf ears. She continued, her voice trembling with fear, "Why won't you save me? What have I done wrong?"

Her parents, their faces filled with twisted delight, exchanged a chilling glance. Her mother's voice, cold and distant, cut through the air, "You've always been a burden to us, my dear. It's the time for you."

Tears streaming down her face, the girl begged, "But I don't understand! Why are you doing this to me?"

Her father's laughter echoed eerily, chilling her to the bone. "It's for the greater good, child. You will bring prosperity to our family, whether you like it or not."

As her family turned their backs on her, the girl's cries grew louder, filled with both anguish and disbelief. She was trapped, abandoned by those she loved, in a village shrouded in dark secrets.

The girl, weak and emaciated from days without food, found herself chained and helpless. Her body trembled as she listened to the cacophony of voices reverberating through the hall.

In the midst of the crowd, a towering figure emerged, a man of imposing stature. His cold gaze swept over the girl, reducing her to nothing more than a commodity. The air grew thick with anticipation as he spoke with a callous tone, his words dripping with disdain.

"Behold the next item up for auction," he declared, his voice cutting through the silence. "A young girl, ripe for the shaping and molding by our esteemed masters."

The spectators, their faces devoid of empathy, fixated their eyes upon her, their gazes stripping away her humanity. The girl felt exposed, stripped of her dignity, as if she were no more than an object to be bought and sold.

The man's voice resonated once again, a twisted melody of greed and indifference. "Let the bidding begin."

As the chilling words hung in the air, the girl's heart sank. She was trapped in a world where her worth was measured by the highest bidder, where her dreams and hopes were reduced to a mere transaction.

In the heart of a unknown military installation, the girl stood amidst a group of other young girls, each adorned in uniforms, their faces determined and focused. The air was charged with an atmosphere of discipline and rigorous training.

They stood in formation, their bodies poised and ready, while an instructor barked out commands with unwavering authority. Sweat trickled down their foreheads as they pushed themselves to their limits, undergoing grueling physical exercises and honing their combat skills.

The sound of footsteps, synchronized and purposeful, echoed through the training ground. The girls moved in perfect harmony, executing drills with precision and unwavering determination. Their eyes gleamed with unwavering resolve as they channeled their inner strength, each one striving to prove themselves.

Amidst the intensity, the girl felt a sense of solidarity amongst her fellow trainees. They shared the same aspirations, the same desire to prove their capabilities and excel in the demanding world they found themselves in. Together, they faced the challenges that lay ahead, drawing strength from one another.

As they continued their training, the girl couldn't help but wonder what awaited them beyond these walls. Would they become pawns in a larger game, their individuality lost in the pursuit of a greater cause?

As the girl grew older, the scene shifted to a dark and unsettling moment. She found herself standing over an elderly stranger only on lingeries. Her face was showing a face of pleasure and satisfaction, but in an instant, that twisted expression vanished, as if it had never existed. the glint of a knife in her hand, she pressed against his throat then slit.

It was as if the act she was committing held no significance for her, as if she were detached from the consequences of her actions.

For her, the moral implications seemed to hold no weight. Her motives and intentions remained shrouded in mystery, hidden deep within the recesses of her mind. The girl appeared to be driven by an inscrutable force, guided by motives known only to herself.

In that chilling moment, the girl's detachment from the emotions that typically accompany such acts hinted at a complex and enigmatic nature. What had led her down this path? What experiences or circumstances had molded her into this seemingly remorseless individual? These questions lingered, unanswered, as she moved through life with an unsettling sense of detachment from the world around her.

Lug, having witnessed the scene and observed the unsettling display of emotions and detachment in the girl's eyes, began to comprehend why he had initially sensed that she was not an ordinary person.