
Bnha: I Don't Run An Orphanage!

Izuku Midoriya, couldn't be a hero. But despite this, he soon finds he's a magnet for trouble, particularly trouble involving children. There a lot's of children in the city with quirks that cause issues for them and the people around them. And if their parent's won't care for them then he will! It may not have been the type of hero he wanted to be. But he's a hero none the less! The Fanfic is made by Kyodon and not mine.

Screm_Boi · Anime e quadrinhos
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160 Chs

Chapter 13: Shorts 4

"Yes!" Izuku raised his arms into the air in celebration. Sitting back in his chair as it rolled back towards the window.

It had been a week or so since they moved in, and Izuku had finally decided to get his quirk counselors license.

Using an online test.

Wow! That was...really easy. Izuku thought his celebratory high diminishing. A bit too easy. If it's that easy to get a license for quirk consoling then that would explain why society has so many quirk issues.

Moving away from that thought, Izuku thought about the children. They were currently all around the house, enjoying themselves to their heart's content.

I should check on them, but I still have a lot of work to do here...I should use the cameras. Izuku rolled his chair back up to his desk and went on his computer.

Another feature of the house was that it had cameras all over the place. And Izuku's phone and computer were both capable of viewing these cameras at any time.

"Let's see what they're doing," Izuku said.


The Greenhouse was about as big as the average person's house, with plenty of space for all sorts of plants.

Eri and Kioku were currently inside said greenhouse, staring at a very small plant.

And given that Eri was the one who wanted to do this, you can probably guess what kind of plant it was.

"So this is gonna be an apple tree?" Eri asked her sister.

"Yup. It's gonna grow big and apples are gonna come off the branches!" Kioku said. "But remember daddy said it's like a baby right now. You need to give it love and food and water!"

"Food and water?" Eri didn't know that apples needed to eat. How did it eat without a mouth?

"Daddy says that plants eat sunlight. Except for a few that eat bugs." Kioku made a slightly disgusted face. Bugs were gross and not food. She tried eating a few once back when her parents hadn't fed her for a while. It was as gross as it looked. "Yuk!"

There was a small pause, as once the conversation had run its course, neither really knew what to talk about. They weren't exactly social butterflies and mostly relied on Izuku to fill the silence.

After some more silence and sometimes staring at the plants, Eri spoke.

"It's nice in here." The horned girl said.

"Hmm. Your right." Kioku responded. "It's really warm and sunny in here."

"It makes me...kinda...sleepy." Eri yawned, and her eyes drooped a little bit.

"Me too." Kioku said. "You want to take a nap?"

"Ok." Eri yawned.

Back with Izuku.

The greenette smiled as he watched both girls slowly fall asleep together on a lawn chair located in the green room.

I'm glad Eri can finally get some sleep. Izuku thought. Ever since Kioku had erased some of Eri's memories, the girl had had a much easier time sleeping.

She still required someone to sleep with her, otherwise, she would get flashbacks on incomplete memories, and unpleasant feelings. It's nowhere near as bad as it used to be, but it could still be improved.

Kioku herself had been a huge boon in Eri's development. Her overprotectiveness of her family and of Eri especially served to help Eri feel comfortable and safe. And in return, Eri's cute factor and shy nature gave Kioku that little sister feeling she always wanted. Despite the fact that Eri was older than her.

Turning away from that adorable scene(as hard as that was) Izuku looked through the cameras until he reached the library.


Fu and Kei were currently reading to their heart's content.

Fu was reading a fantasy manga, while Kei was learning about snakes.

"Fu! Fu! Did you know snakes have ears inside them!" Kei told him excitedly.

"Oh. Ok." Fu said, not looking up from his book.

"Ah, Fu you're not listening!" Kei whined.

"I am. But I'm also trying to focus on my book." Fu explained.

"What's it about?" Kei asked him.

"It's called an Isekai manga. It's about this guy who dies and is sent to another world, and is turned into a sword, and is picked up by a cat girl, and they try to become strong so she can evolve." Fu explained, calmly, with a tad bit of excitement.

"Wow, you must really like it! You sound excited." To anyone who didn't know Fu or Kei, they would say that Kei was being sarcastic. But she did really mean that. In comparison to how he normally sounded, he did sound a lot pumped.

"It's a good book," Fu said. "And Izuku says there are mountains of books like it."

"Wow." Kei imagined a literal mountain of books.

"Izuku says he'll help me find the best ones if I do well with my training," Fu told her. "Because he said that there are a lot of boring, bad ones too."

"Mmmmm. I wanna see em." Kei said after some thought.

"See what?" Fu asked.

"That bad ones." Kei elaborated. "I wanna see the bad ones."

"Why?" Fu asked, looking confused.

"Because maybe I'll like it." Kei shrugged. "Kiba didn't like it when I tried to cook, but I liked it. So maybe even if other people don't like it, I will."

Fu thought about that for a moment. "Hmmm. You have a point...but...I think I still want to have Izuku tell me what the good books are."

Fu didn't have all day to waste after all. He still had to train to be a hero, keep up with his education and other things too. And life was only so long.

Wait a second. Fu thought. Can I die of aging?

Back with Izuku.

Hmm. Looks like Fu had some sort of major realization. I'll have to ask him about that later. Izuku thought.

I'd taken him a long time to take out many of the inappropriate books in that library. Although he doubted he had managed to get all of them.

"Ugh." Izuku groaned at the thought of one of the kids cracking open a book explaining in detail how babies were made and the best ways to do it. I'm going to have to hire someone to sort through the whole library.

The hiring process when it came to the facility was...difficult.

Not because of any issues with money or finding capable people, Izuku's own wealth combined with the government support, made that easy.

The hard part was finding people he could trust. Izuku's combination of bad experiences and paranoia made putting his full faith in people rather difficult. And as such he had been putting off the hiring of new staff for a while.

Izuku forced the topic off his mind. Let's think about something else. I believe Kota and Sansan are at the pool.

The Pool.

Now Kota wasn't the biggest fan of quirk training.

But he had to admit this was kinda fun.

Kota shot out three blasts of water above the pool.

Sansan jumped out of the pool like a dolphin, and caught the water, absorbing it into herself.

Then while in mid-air, she shot the water out at a target that was placed at the side of the pool.

The water, however, missed the target by a few inches.

Sansan landed back in the water with a splash.

"Missed," Kota called out.

Sansan's upper body came out of the water and she looked at the target. "Drwat." She snapped her fingers in typically cartoon fashion.

"You're not very good at this yet." Kota snickered. "I guess water tricks just aren't your thing."

Sansan gave him a very upset pout, before diving back into the water.

After a few moments of silence, Kota started to get confused.

"Uh, Sansan?" Kota called out. Can she drown?

Suddenly Sansan's gooey hand emerged from the water and grabbed Kota's face.

"Huh!?" Before Kota could try and pull her off of him, Sansan's hand grew and fully enveloped Kota's face, before expanding out into a bubble, making an air bubble around Kota's head.

"What are you-AhhHH!" Kota was suddenly pulled into the water by Sansan.


"AHHHHHHH!" Kota was dragged through the water by Sansan, at speeds faster than any normal person could swim.

He was pulled up and down, in loops and swirls, in spirals! If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't have any clue what he was doing, this would have been extremely fun. Oh who was he kidding, it was still fun.

After a few seconds Kota saw the rest of Sansan's body, she looked like a giant slime balloon filled with water.

Kota was brought to Sansan, and then he went inside her.

Sansan floated to the surface, bringing Kota up with her while he was still inside the bubble of water.

And then a hole appeared above Kota, and all the water was forced out, bringing Kota with it.


The water came out like a fountain, with Kota at the top.

"Woah Woah Woah! Let me down!" Kota cried from the top of the water spout.

Sansan stopped the water spout and brought Kota back into her water bubble.

"MmpH!" Kota held his breath, as he no longer had the air bubble.

Then, San's body morphed into a crude canon, aimed at the target.


Sansan shot out a huge blast of water, with Kota in it, hitting the target and knocking it over.

Kota coughed a lot, recovering from his impromptu ride.

Sansan popped out of the water, absorbing all the water that clung to her, before shooting it back into the pool. Leaving her completely dry...well as dry as a person made entirely out of a liquid could be anyway.

She stood over Kota with a new expression she learned how to make.

The smug face.

"Ok." Kota coughed. "You're pretty good in the water."

Back with Izuku.

Izuku frowned, concerned that Kota might be hurt.

However, Kota seemed just fine, getting up and walking around in no time.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Sansan is possibly the most powerful of the kids right now. I should probably teach her how to restrain herself. Izuku cringed slightly at the word restrain.

It was no secret Sansan hated staying still, and anyone who knew why couldn't blame her. A year in a jar would cause anyone to hate being still.

Izuku also theorized that it was why Sansan liked learning to fight and use her quirk so much. So no one could ever put her in a jar again.

He couldn't blame her for not getting out of the jar. The glass was rather durable, and without any room to move around Sansan's strength wasn't anything too special. The lid had also been sealed shut onto the jar, meaning that there was no way of opening it.

But still, she might have been able to get out of it by drilling through it. But given her age, she probably didn't think about that.

Izuku switched through the camera's looking for Kiba. But she was nowhere to be found.

She must be in her room. Izuku thought.

While the kid's rooms had cameras, Izuku had turned them off. He thought they deserved one place in the house that was there. Where they had full privacy.

I think I can guess what she's doing there. Izuku sighed.

Fortunately, he didn't need the security cameras to see it. All he had to do was go online, and search the name, Ruler Of Eternal Darkness Kiba.

And of course, she was live.

Kiba's room.

Kiba had wasted no time decorating her room.

The entire thing was painted a very royal purple and dark black, done easily thanks to Sansan.

Her bed now had a canopy on it, complete with purple and red coverings, blankets, and pillows.

They had even replaced the glass in her window, with red-tinted glass.

Kiba herself was at her desk on her new P.C., live streaming.

"Ha take that! And that!" Kiba said as her character cleared away a wave of enemies. "Fear the power of eternal darkness! Slumber forever in the sea of doomed souls! All shall kneel before me!"

"My dude this kid has zero chills."

"It's like Satania had a child with Shalltear."

"Never getting that out of my head."

"Press X to hail the queen."





The game Kiba was currently playing was Castlevania vs Hyrule Warriors 2. A Musou game which some people would call the best thing Nintendo has done with Castlevania since they acquired the license for it, although most would disagree.

The character she played was, of course, Dracula.

"That's right my minions! Prostrate yourselves before me! Ahahahaha!" She crackled.

"Do you think she knows what prostrate means?"

"She seems like the kind of person to look up words in a dictionary to sound impressive."

"My lady, I humbly ask you to play Street Fighter 45."

"Isn't that considered a rage game now?"

"Dude she's like seven you can't recommend games that hard!"

Kiba looked offended. "Pah! You dare doubt my ability! Fine! I'll play this game and prove my ability!"

"Well, that's gonna be a fun stream."

"Long live the queen!"

Back with Izuku.

Izuku scowled at the screen.

"If she ends up playing that then I'm going to need to buy an extra computer monitor." Izuku sighed. "Ever since Arc System works started becoming more mainstream and popular Capcom just hasn't been the same."

Ever since Namae had suggested it and Izuku explained it, Kiba had become obsessed with "spreading her influence and gaining followers" via the method of Youtubing.

And to be fair despite only starting a few days ago, she was quite good at it. Her personality made her entertaining to watch, and of course, the fact that she was absolutely adorable helped quite a bit.

I just hope she doesn't do anything stupid for views. Izuku cringed at the thought.

As Izuku tried to think of a way to keep her from eating laundry detergent or something like that, he got a notification.

Two people approaching the gate.

Izuku tapped the notification and he was brought to the camera outside the gate.

Oh! It's Uraraka and All Might!

A few minutes later.

The three of them sat in Izuku's office. With Izuku in his chair, and Ochaco and All Might sat on the opposite side.

"I hope you like the tea. I kinda made it in a rush." Izuku said apologetically.

"No no, it's more than fine. On such short notice, I'm surprised you were able to make tea at all." All Might said.

Ochaco was looking around the office in a freaked out manner. "It's so big."

"Hehe. Yeah. I think they might have gone overboard." Izuku said nervously. But it keeps the kids happy so I don't really mind too much."

"You never told us you were super-rich!" Ochaco shouted.

"Well, I wouldn't say I'm super-rich. The government paid for the house and most of what's in it." Izuku explained. "I do have a lot of money though. The government pays me every month and it's...a significant amount. Mom also brings in a lot of money too."

Izuku felt uncomfortable talking about his wealth. He had become rich so suddenly that he had to keep reminding himself of it. Not to mention it just felt weird to him.

"Um, but how are you? I heard U.A. is starting soon and I realized that I never asked you how you did on the entrance exam." Izuku blushed with embarrassment as he realized their last visit was basically all about him.

"I passed!" Ochaco said proudly. "And I got a pretty high rank too! Although, I did break my arm in the process."

"Really are you ok!?" Izuku panicked slightly.

"No no I'm fine!" Ochaco moved her arm around. "See just fine!"

"Oh ok, that's good." Izuku breathed a sigh of relief. "But, how did you break your arm?"

"Well uhhhh." Ochaco looked away, as she tried to find the best way to lie about this. "My quirk suddenly mutated and gave me crazy super strength out of nowhere! And the kickback is what broke my arm!"

"You quirk suddenly mutated?" Izuku thought about that for a while, slowly putting the pieces together. "Wait! You mean One for All!"


All Might spat out his tea and Ochaco's eyes widened with surprise and panic.

"Oh sorry! I forgot I'm not supposed to know about that!" Izuku apologized.

"H-how?" All Might asked, recovering from his spit-take.

"Uh, well do you remember Kioku?" Izuku asked them. "She has a memory reading and altering quirk, and she didn't trust All Might too much so she looked at his memories and she told me everything!"

"Wh-what do you mean everything?!" All Might asked.

"Almost everything after you got One for All." Izuku clarified.

All Might said nothing. Stunned at how, without him knowing, every secret he had was exposed. And by a child no less. How could he be so careless?!

"I'm so sorry! Please know that she was punished with no dessert for a month! I would have had her erase the memory of her telling me this but I thought if I did that then I wouldn't be able to make sure she kept it a secret and since she can't erase her own memories I-"

"Midoriya!" All Might shouted, stopping Izuku from rambling on.

"Y-yes," Izuku responded.

"It's...fine." All Might sighed. "It's not truly your fault. And I can't be too upset with a child trying to protect her family. Although I would like to talk with young Kioku."

"Of course! I'll have her apologize to you as soon I can!" Izuku said.

After that, there was an awkward pause as neither party really knew what to say afterward.

Eventually, Ochaco was the one to break the silence.

"So, what now?" She asked.

"Well, I don't think I have to stress the importance of keeping everything you know a secret." All Might said. "If this ever got out-"

"Uraraka would be in a lot of danger," Izuku said solemnly. "Especially if All for One finds out."

"Who?" Uraraka asked.

All Might gave Izuku a freaked out "what did I just say?!" face.

"Wait you didn't tell her about him yet?" Izuku was shocked.

"I was waiting for the right time." All Might sighed, rubbing his temples.

"Sorry but...it seems like you should have told her about him before you even gave her One for All. No offense but it seems like you just painted a giant target on her back without telling her." Izuku said. "N-not that I'm saying you did that it just kinda seems-"

"Ok, I'm kinda freaking out a little, who's All for One?" Ochaco but in.

"He...Alright, I'll tell you who he is. As well as the origin of One for All. But remember, nothing I say leaves this room." All Might warned.

One long story later.

"Why didn't you tell me about him before!?" Ochaco shouted at her teacher.

"I thought it would overwhelm you!" All Might defended.

"Of course it would overwhelm me! Everything about this is overwhelming!" Ochaco argued. "You can't just ask people if they want a super-strong quirk, and not tell them about the over a hundred-year-old immortal supervillain who's been killing the people who have this quirk, since it was created!"

"I killed him! It's not like he's still around anymore!" All Might argued back.

"Uh." Izuku opened his mouth to say something before closing it again.

"Is there something you'd like to say young Midoriya? All Might asked.

"Well...did they ever find All for One's body?" Izuku asked him

"Well no." All Might admitted. "But-"

"Are you kidding me!" Ochaco shouted.

"But I'm sure that he's dead!" All Might finished. "I smashed his face in. There's no way he could have received from that."

"Uh, All Might," Izuku spoke up once more. "There are quirks that can regenerate from that. In fact, Fu's quirk can regenerate from that. And if he had multiple regeneration quirks, matter or flesh manipulation quirks, illusion quirks, body duplication quirks, or consciousness transferal quirks, he might still be alive."

All Might paused as he considered Izuku's words, and grew slightly pale at the possibility that his age-old nemesis could still be alive.

"I can't believe this." Ochaco looked ready to rip out her hair. "You thought you killed someone who has been gathering tons and tons of different types of quirks for centuries, by punching him really hard!? And you didn't even have a body as proof!"

"Ok, so perhaps I may have made a few laps in judgment." All Might admitted sheepishly. "And perhaps I should have informed Uraraka of this before I gave her the quirk."

"Of course you should have!" Ochaco butt in again.

"But to be fair he's also been assumed dead by government officials." All Might said, defending himself once more.

"Um, the government also told me they filtered all the books in the library to be appropriate for children. I found ten sexual education books and one book about how to cook a human body." Izuku said.

"Well...I honestly have no idea how to respond to that." All Might said.

Ochaco was facepalming so hard right now. "Do you have any other major lapses in foresight you want to tell me about?"

"I don't think so." All Might said.

"What about Nighteye's death prophecy?" Izuku asked.

Ochaco screamed.