
Bloodlust - A Togachako Fanfic

A story of redemption and humanity in a character most in the world have considered beyond it. A story of love and tragedy as the two try and find a way to survive in the strange world they have found themselves in, be it either dealing with Toga as a roommate and lover or the new wave of villains that have arisen in the light of Izuku Mirdoriya taking up his position as the symbol of peace. This is also a story of many other lost souls, people who have been affected by the league or the world the league fought against and how their tragedy affects those around them.

TheMadOwl · Anime e quadrinhos
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Love Hurts: Himiko Toga

Five years, five agonising and long years that had slowly dripped by like blood from an open wound, drip...drip...drop. The war on villains had been a horrible ordeal for Toga, what had started out as a carefully planned take over of japan and break down of the hero society that had shunned Toga was a complete failure, beyond a complete failure! Just the memory of that day was enough to drive Toga to a point of rage and sadness she couldn't comprehend. Toga had lost so much, friends and those she considered family...she'd lost Jin, her closest friend, to a society that didn't want him and saw him as a threat.

Toga had managed to disappear from the battle by a complete miracle when everything was wrapping up and her friends were being captured. She had been locked into a battle with Ochako, forced to fight tooth and nail in order to be able to get away from the hero. Don't get caught, those were the only words that existed in her brain on that day. She hadn't been able to give Ochako the love she wanted to deliver onto her, she wasn't able to soak Ochako in her own blood and confess her desires, so much was left unsaid between the two, it just made that ache in Toga's heart pound more and more, each heartbeat a painful thing she'd have to endure as she lived a life she no longer desired for herself. Her life had returned in some ways to what it used to be, one of fear, anxiety and for once, regret, if only that she was not able to confess honestly to Ochako.

Toga had spent a good two years on the run, without any support or supplies, she was just back to being a girl with a knife...nothing more, Toga was not capable of being the menace that she used to be. It brought her back to her youth, what little she had of one, Toga tried not to think back on that very often, she always put on a cheerful and chipper attitude but there was no denying the pain that existed deep within what remained of her fragmented soul.

Toga eventually had gotten the heat to die down after a few months, hospitalising a few pro heroes that got in her way, she couldn't bring herself to kill them, they weren't special to her, they didn't deserve that special kind of love. When Toga was able to get away and was no longer being tracked, she'd retreat to her childhood home. She couldn't help but be curious, if the old Toga family home was still standing.

The bruised, beaten, bloody and dirty Toga climbed through a broken window into the living room, standing there as she looked around the room, doing her best not to fall over with the weight of the tragedies that played out in her mind, her parents shunning of her desires and hatred of what she loved so closely. They never understood and would never accept Toga for who she was, that's why she wanted to cut them out of this world...she would have liked that. After more regret and sorrow was piled onto her heart, Toga couldn't resist but make her way upstairs, it was the real reason she had come here after all. Toga wondered, that's what her mind did best as of late, she wondered what her room would look like now, she had fond memories of her bedroom, the pretty pink sheets, the soft plush toys that line every surface and the bed where she'd always have the same dream of that red sparrow...that dream was dead now, replaced by a hawk she tended to and befriended, eventually tearing out her heart and there was never any blood, the dream would always just drip away, just like Jin.

She entered the room and found nothing, absolutely nothing, there was barely even the outline of her furniture there anymore. It was like all trace of her had been erased from this world, so, she collapsed into the centre of her bedroom, crawling up into the fetal position as she began to bleed onto the floor, ready to let the rest of her leave this world. In what she had expected to be the end, she did smile, that wide and sadistic grin full of ecstasy as one last word passed through her mouth before she succumbed to her injuries "Ochako..." As consciousness faded away from her, she would find her mind in one last dream, she feared the hawk coming back to rob her of her love but instead she dreamed of being cradled in Ochacko's loving arms, held close as she passed on...it was a nice dream.

Some time later, Toga would awake, not within her room but within a bed, a medical bed with an IV drip hooked up to her arm and most notably, her wrists cuffed to the supports of the bed. Toga didn't even fight it, she didn't bother to struggle or freak out like she might have done in her younger years, when she had something to live for. The vampire schoolgirl would just remain laid down, whether it was heroes or not didn't matter to her, nothing had any value to her anymore. It did turn out that in fact, she was not captured by heroes, Toga had been rescued and brought back to health by the remainders of the paranormal liberation front, the fading echoes of the league's dream of freedom, it was an unfortunate reminder of what she lost. Toga didn't even respond as they questioned her, they wanted to know if anymore of there were anymore members of the league had survived or were free...there was not. Compress, Dabi and Spinner were arrested and Shigaraki and Twice were dead, the league was finished and Toga did not have the strength or the planning to prop it back up, she would have liked to, to have made more new friends who shared in her dream.

Toga spent a good two weeks in that bed as her body healed, she didn't move and she didn't talk, the girl was practically catatonic and unresponsive, even when a particularly annoying member of the liberation front would poke her cheek and try and get a response. He'd say things like "Aren't you going to do anything? you barely eat what food we have and you just drain our supplies, the others might respect you but I know what you are, you're just some idiot kid who was good at doing what others told you." He was right to some degree "She'd always been a good and obedient child." Her parents had said, it was true to some degree. Sure she liked to go off on her own little errands like when she met up with Izuku during the hero internship but that was very personal at the time. Toga no longer had feelings for Izuku, or at least, her feelings were very different. She wanted to kill Izuku, not that special kind of killing she had in mind for Ochako, no. This killing would have no blood, no cuts...no love, she wanted to break Izuku, no muffled screaming through a gag like all the others, she wanted him to die quietly and quickly...to rid the world of the things she didn't like.

Toga would remain in that state for a good while longer, until one day, that particularly annoying villain, who had the habit of watching TV next to Toga's bed because she was "such a good listener.", changed the channel over to the news as it was currently showing the new UA graduates going through their ceremony. The villain would continue trying to goad Toga, they were over confident and had already seen their efforts get little result so to them it was just a bit of fun "hey, aren't those the kids that killed your friends? You gonna get mad and go hunt them down, huh?" She didn't care anymore, with people like Deku around, there was barely any place in Japan for villains anymore. The ceremony was of course a big affair, all involved were heroes in more than the literal sense, they had saved Japan and perhaps even the world from the wrath of All For One and the league. They all gave the same trite speech about wanting to save people and keep the world smiling, what about Toga? Was she not part of the world? No, she wasn't, at least not the one they wanted.

Then...Ochako came up onto the stage, the moment Toga heard the voice, her eyes would flick up to the screen as she had previously just been staring forward the entire time, only occasionally blinking. She heard Ochako's voice, saw the strong woman that her love had turned into and then that speech, of course, such a proud hero she had to give a long winded and passionate speech about making a world where everyone could be happy. It was the same thing everyone else had said, just phrased ever so slightly differently, it wasn't making people happy, it was making EVERYONE happy. It reminded Toga of their last "Conversation" Where Ochako had reached out to her but Toga had refused it, maybe it was her twisted desperation for anything to hang on to but it felt as if Ochako was speaking directly to her, wanting to make her happy again.

After all the time she had spent in her state, she finally talked, repeating the small part of Ochako's long speech that mattered so much to her "Happy." then in an instant, her mouth split wide into that wicked and sadistic grin, before she reached over and grabbed the scalpel from a nearby surgical tray and lunged at the annoying villain that was in a state of shock at Toga finally moving and speaking. She buried the scalpel deep in the side of their neck, snapping the flimsy blade with the force she put into it and getting a good spray over Toga's face which she licked clean, she'd be needing that blood for later.

The next few minutes could have been considered the end of the remains of the paranormal liberation front. As Toga tore the d-list villains with mediocre quirks to complete ribbons, splattering their blood across the walls and floor, Toga was intended to be their saviour, their new beacon of hope, but instead, she was their demise. They had no way of fighting back against the crazed villain, a few weeks of inactivity were nothing to dull the hardened killer's bloodlust. Even the members who had been nice to her weren't spared, nothing was spared, not even the walls as they themselves looked as if they'd been ripped open and forced to bleed due to the impact from the various quirks and corpses that hit them.

Toga would make good work of the blood she gathered from the ordeal, creating a sizeable stockpile for her plans. Toga was going to make the world a happier place, just like Ochako wanted! Toga set out from the hideout, it was in a bad place anyway, heroes did end up stumbling across the massacre days later. They couldn't place what it was, it wasn't Toga's usual MO, she was violent and bloody but even she didn't make a point of brutalising her victims, she was slow or fast, never in between. Either a long excruciating death or a quick and careless death...Toga gave everyone in that building both.

Toga would eventually manage to stumble through the broken down streets she found herself in, her legs had only been responsive for long enough to kill who she wanted to kill, now that adrenaline was lost she found herself stumbling through the streets in an attempt to even walk. She must have looked so pitiful, an excited young woman, overflowing with affection who was desperately hurrying on her way to rendezvous with her lover.

As Toga made her way through broken buildings and flipped over cars of the yet to be fixed cities, she found herself thinking back on all her time with Ochako. She had never been able to keep Ochako alone for long enough in order to truly give her that special kind of love. Something had to be done about that, this couldn't be like all those other times because this time she had no way out, no where to run to and no escape, no friends to come save her if she got in trouble. Toga elected for a new strategy, she'd work her way up to Ochako, isolate and terrify her in order to keep her off balance and alone, it would be perfect!

The whole plan started with Toga getting her footing back, both metaphorically and literally. Toga would head underground once more, she'd gotten a few contacts from Kagero after the whole paranormal liberation front incident. Before the raid Toga had felt change on the winds, she often did but somehow she had known something was coming so had set up a back up plan. Toga had the name of some brokers that at this point were more then desperate for villains with the ability to keep under the radar and when Toga rocked up, her quirk, reputation and skills did all the speaking for her, she actually quite enjoyed the attention and praise she got from the brokers that wanted to work with her.

Villains weren't looking to go after heroes anymore, they had a new and more talented generation to go up against and despite the new heroes being young, they had survived against the league so no one who knew what they were doing was going to take them lightly. It was to the point that villains barely existed in Izuku or Bakugo's patrol areas, never mind Shoto or Fumikage, they had proven themselves to be powerful heroes. Not that Toga cared, she had enough anger directed towards them that she would take jobs in their areas, almost hoping to run into them. It managed to get Toga a good bit of capital for her plans.

Toga would first begin by tracking down Ochako, she always yelled something about "Gunhead martial arts!" Every now and then and there was a hero called Gunhead so that was probably a safe bet. One logical deduction later and Toga was in the alleyway just across from Gunhead's agency. Toga was using the disguise of some random woman she'd found on her way over there, they'd likely find the young girl's body. Toga was nice enough to leave her alive, the girl wasn't special after all and hadn't seen her attacker, she just needed a little blood from her for the day and she was so nice as not to struggle, just stood there terrified.

Toga was thankful for the amount of blood she got, it gave her plenty of time to watch the agency, she had at least 54 hours worth of blood from the girl so she could be out there as long as she wanted. Toga had arrived early, around 5am and would set up in the alleyway, watching the entrance and the building as a whole. It wasn't that long until Ochako showed up, the moment it turned 7am, the black and pink clad hero would show up, charging inside the building with energy and cheer. Toga couldn't help but grin in that short flash she spotted of Ochako. She wanted to lunge at her here and now, make the most of this limited opportunity, for a moment after seeing Ochako, she felt as if she could take on Deku in hand to hand combat! Toga knew better though and would stay to her secluded spot and keep an eye out for Ochako to emerge. Not fifteen minutes passed before Ochako returned from the building, shooting out like a bat out of hell. "There goes Ochako-chan, always in a hurry to help some one."

Toga followed along from the alleyways, Ochako was thankfully just going in a straight line as she could just soar over the buildings. Ochako was like an angel, soaring over the buildings...whilst a devil chased after them form below without their knowledge, wanting to claw that beautiful creature down into the lowest pit of hell, right beside her. Toga would stalk the area Ochako floated around in every single day, it took her a while to narrow down Ochako's patrol area, it was so large! but of course it was! Ochako was a peerless hero with an amazing quirk! She could do anything! After finding Ochako's patrol area, she'd stalk it almost religiously. It was likely that Ochako might have spotted the same few people following her every day but it was likely just some reporters or super fans, most of the students from Class A had them at this point, especially Deku though he of course never really took to the spotlight.

There was one very specific thing that would take in from Ochako's patrol, she very closely neighboured Tsu's patrol route. It was no surprise as the two had always been close friends who worked together especially well and with the patrol areas having gotten smaller due to the destroyed cities, it was almost expected that the two ended up so close together. When Toga caught sight of Tsu meeting up with Ochako on their patrol...she could feel her blood boil. Tsu was always the one who got in the way, the one who saved Ochako when Toga was so close to confessing properly. Just seeing the two together again, fighting and being close friends, it made Toga ball up her fists so tight her hands would bleed.

It was at that point that she knew exactly how to act out her plan, how she would finally get Ochako all alone and to give her her special love. First things first, Tsu had to go, there was no denying that, but Toga didn't want take away her close friend, as much as Toga hated Tsu and desperately wanted to make her pay for all the times she'd butted in, Toga would let Tsu live but she would need to be put into a state that she would not recover from, at least not quickly. It was intended as an act of kindness to her dear Ochako-chan, show her that she cared for her friends too, a mercy meant as a gift.

Toga pulled herself away from her stalking of Ochako to stalk Tsu for a little bit. It wasn't anywhere near as fun, Tsu wasn't as beautiful or as flashy as Ochako, nowhere near as cute but maybe Toga could fix that when she got her hands on Tsu? Unfortunately, she couldn't do that. Toga hated how she had to do this, it made her feel so dirty! Toga had procured a special device, something that would mount onto her wrist, a small concealed firearm that no one would see coming. Toga would wait for Tsu to be alone, secluded and on her way home from hero work. Before Tsu could get to her car, Toga approached, she had taken on the form of a man that Tsu had rescued recently, pretending to just want to thank them with a hand shake. She managed to drop Tsu's guard and brought up her arm, It was only a small projectile so the shot had to be good and thankfully it was. Toga shot Tsu right in the lung before the hero could even realise what was going on. She could hear the gasping and wheezing from Tsu and smiled wide, sure she hadn't been able to cut her up and enjoy herself but the look of fear and surprise as she gasped for air? Priceless.

With Tsu shot, she got out of there quick before any of her hero friends could figure out what had happened. Toga was elated when it was all over, a complete rush washed over her as she accomplished her job. Sure Toga had managed to get one over on other heroes before but this one was special, this was a hero she was never able to beat and had always been a thorn in her side. It wasn't just an act of revenge or random violence though, with the task complete, she was one step closer to her goal. Tsu was of course swiftly taken to the hospital for medical treatment, the quick response and advanced medical technology managed to save Tsu but they had no idea when she'd wake up, no chance of Tsu waking up too early and telling Ochako what was coming for her, no, that was for Toga to do.

Toga kept an eye on the hospital Tsu was taken to, she wanted to see all of her friends go in and out with that same panicked expression. Of course almost all of Class A showed up to make sure their friend was okay. Only one person didn't show up for whatever reason, that being Jiro which confused Toga somewhat but she didn't care, Jiro wasn't important, she was just a girl with weird ears. Ochako was the one she wanted to see, the one who rushed past the front desk and bolted straight for the elevator, Toga only saw this because she had gotten ballsy and was in the waiting room to watch everyone come in, it was a delightful sight that she could still have such an effect on the group, that even if they had forgotten about her...they wouldn't forget this.

With Tsu out of the way, Toga would enact the next part of her plan, she needed to scare Ochako into further isolation, keep her from reaching out to her friends and make her laser focus on Toga. Toga would go back to the broker she was working for and ask for very specific contracts. Every high rank villain usually ended up making some one mad and it was never just heroes, any villain who got far had to backstab and betray some one and that usually didn't end well. For the next three months, Toga would hunt down any villain with a price on their head. The effect was twofold, it gained Toga yet more capital and fear within the villain community, even if most people didn't actually know it was her but also gave her a special way to reach out to Ochako.

After about five months after Toga put Tsu in a comma, Ochako would get called out to an old abandoned building, being told there was something she needed to see. When Ochako arrived she'd see a horrific sight, multiple bodies of villains slumped against a wall that was coated in blood in the shape of a giant heart with three words written in the middle. "Miss you! -Toga" There was no way she wouldn't get the message, Toga was coming for her.

Toga would hold off for another month, she wanted to let Ochako's paranoia and fear of Toga coming after her build up. She could see that Ochako's confidence was being sapped slowly with every patrol she went on, frantically watching every street corner, not just for a crisis...but for the blood soaked blonde that had made Ochako her target. Toga progressed her stalking at this point, she wanted to really get to know Ochako in this state, in a state where she was constantly thinking about Toga. It made her feel so special to constantly be on the hero's mind, Ochako checking in regularly with her former classmates for updates but never wanting to spend time with them in fear of getting them or herself hurt.

There was unfortunately quite a hitch in Toga's plans as some one almost got to Ochako first, it was just some rando with a gun related quirk who managed to catch Ochako off guard and blasted her in the stomach with a shotgun shell, tearing apart her well toned flesh and damaging her organs. Toga wasn't there that day, she was doing another job for her broker, keeping him happy so he'd keep her happy but when she got home, she saw the news "Gravity Hero Uravity Hospitalised!" the shrieking headline declared, It's safe to say that the tv didn't survive that unfortunate news, the sofa barely did. It would also be safe to say no one got in contact with her around that time, Toga was already considered a loose cannon but to find out her pet project was potentially dead? No one wanted to deal with a Toga that manic.

Toga of course didn't take the situation lying down, first and foremost...she paid a very special visit to the villain that had hurt her precious Ochako-chan, she wouldn't give him love but it was slow and painful, she might never have heard some one scream that much, sort of sent a message to the other villains that Ochako was off limits...a sort of kind gesture to Ochako as it would likely keep her safe. Toga of course did break into the hospital in the disguise of a nurse...full disguise, skin and all. She wanted to get close to Ochako, closer than anyone else had ever been before and so, she'd brought a bag of her own blood, she'd slip into Ochako's room late at night whilst she was alone and would swap the bags out, she put her name on it too so Ochako would know who was so kind to donate their blood to her! She of course took the blood she was replacing and would find some use for it.

Ochako would recover just a few days after, the incident hadn't seriously injured her, just taken her off the streets for three days, so she was back to it soon after. Ochako was told to take it easy so instead of regular patrol, she was asked to give a panel and sign some posters at a convention that Yao-momo was headlining as she had become quite the movie star, something both Ochako and Toga were well aware of as Ochako had cameoed in a few movies and Toga would watch said movies religiously.

Toga could not pass up on the chance to spend time with her idol, she just couldn't! She'd managed to secure a ticket from her broker and used the blood she had taken from the hospital to sneak in. She didn't really care about all the other heroes that were there. Mineta had shown up for whatever reason and was giving a panel with Mt.Lady, as expected, though not like anyone actually wanted to hear from that little creep. Toga made a b-line for Ochako's panel though, it was something about how she handled different rescue related emergencies. It was so droll, not something that Toga cared about, saving people really wasn't her forte. What she was excited for was what came after the panel, the signing.

Toga was never really a patient person, the fact she had played out her plan this well was honestly a miracle and could only be contributed to her desire to make certain this would all work out. Waiting in line to see her love whilst everyone else got to spend time with her, it was hell, it was a level of hell one could not even comprehend and she wanted desperately to use the knives she had stored in her backpack to cut every single person who got to shake Ochako's hand or give her a friendly hug and thanks. Eventually, Toga got to the front and she practically froze. She had bought a limited edition poster of Uravity that she intended to get signed but finally being face to face with Ochako, now she was conscious, was something else.

Admittedly, Toga wasn't the most...subdued during the whole ordeal, giddily exclaiming how happy she was to see Ochako, only just being able to hold back her confession. Ochako, the professional that she was, just laughed it off and thanked Toga, signing the poster before taking a selfie with her. Being that close to Ochako, smiling next to her and taking a photo with her, like they were friends!? It made Toga completely ecstatic, she was smiling from ear to ear...that same smile, Ochako wouldn't notice though, she'd just chalk it up to a weird super fan but there was likely still something deep down that made her think elsewise, time would tell.

After Toga's indulgence, she would swiftly put her plan into action, she had gotten the assistance of a villain who went by the name "Omnipotent", some brooding and quiet sniper who came highly recommended, she reminded Toga a lot of Dabi so she quite liked him, not that the two got along, Omni found Toga super creepy and was only doing the job because it paid well. Toga would get Omni set up around the warehouse district and gave him strict orders to only incapacitate Ochako, not kill her, that was for Toga to do.

With the ambush set, Toga went out and grabbed her victim, a dock worker who really should have stayed in bed that day. She grabbed him, bled him dry and then set out, covering her new form in the man's blood to look like they were injured before ducking through back alleys and making her way towards the street. Ochako was back on patrol and Toga more than knew her patrol route at this point so exactly on time she'd burst out onto the street in her guise "Uravity!" She'd call out in the man's voice "You have to come quick! My friend Haru! He's being crushed" And would then begin to take off towards the ambush point...it was time.

Of course the great hero Uravity couldn't resist the call, what kind of a hero would she be if she said no to this stranger calling for help? Toga knew this, she knew this oh so very well, Ochako would try and save everyone, even at one point she tried to save Toga, it was unfortunate she failed. It didn't take very long for them to get to the docks and find the crate that had crushed the supposed victim of this "Accident". Within moments, Ochako shot towards the crate and placed her finger tips against it, causing it to float. Before Ochako could even clock sight of the absence of a body underneath the container, a silent shot rang out from an unknown distance and direction, there was no warning given. A bullet ripped through Ochako's shoulder, tearing through flesh, sinew and muscle before impacting the concrete behind her, a splatter of blood wasted against the floor whilst Ochako was knocked off balance. Making use of this opportunity, moments after the bullet hit Ochako, whilst she was dazed and reeling from the pain and sudden shock, Toga lunged out to Ochako, diving into her stomach with her shoulder and wrapping her arms around her in a tackle.

As Toga impacted Ochako's stomach, she let her quirk drop, the façade of a dock worker melting away into a viscous grey sludge that dripped off her body, revealing her full and naked form. It had been years since the two met so Toga of course looked a little different, somewhat more mature as her body had filled out but with those twin spider lily buns and that big wide gaping smile, there was still a childishness to her. As her disguise melted away and the two hurled through the air towards a warehouse full of metal containers, Toga looked up to her love, the woman who had tried to save her so long ago and called out "I MISSED YOU OCHAKO-CHAN!" The look of shock, fear and surprise on Ochako's face was more than enough to please Toga, she had maybe wanted a smile, some immediate sign that she was missed and that this reunion was welcomed but her delusion would not be met so simply.

As the two approached the ground, Toga pulled her arms from behind Ochako's back and pushed off from the approaching concrete, allowing Ochako to hit it with her back as she sprung off of it. She wanted to stay close to Ochako, to keep their reunion nice and intimate but she was no idiot, she knew that if she tried to take Ochako straight ahead things would end quickly, either through Ochako's martial arts or her quirk would be enough to put a stop to this. Toga pushed off from the ground and rolled forwards before darting to the side to disappear behind a container, out of sight once more and that was all she needed in order to slip away from the time being.

"Toga!" Ochako called out, "No more games! This ends here!" And she brought a hand to her wound, trying to slow the bleeding and mitigate the pain to some degree. Toga wasn't going far, she had her equipment and clothes stashed away in a little nook and was currently in the middle of getting dressed. The large structure of the warehouse meant there was a particularly strong echo so their voices would bounce around with no real direction, allowing Toga to safely continue their conversation "Exactly! I'm so glad you get it!" Her voice assailed Ochako from all directions, giving no warning to her. "I want us to be together Ochako-chan! I want us to be so close we're practically the same person! We already have so much in common, we've both lost so much!" Toga would not stay in one place though, she'd stalk Ochako from up above, the muffled thud of sneakers against storage containers becoming mute under Toga's skills as she encroached on Ochako.

Once more, Ochako called out into the distance as she shifted from between container to container, staying out of the doorway's line of sight to avoid getting shot again, "I'm not going to play to your sick delusions anymore! We're nothing alike! I tried to help you once before! This time, I'm taking you in!" Toga's face lit up with joy as she closed in on Ochako, having caught sight of her and managing to get in close, talking now would just give away her location. Whilst Ochako was walking between a set of parallel containers, a hallway of steel and rust wrapping around her and encompassing her sight, Toga took her opportunity to draw two knives, one in each hand before she leapt down from above and sailed through the air towards her beloved Ochako-chan "Ochako-chan! Let's die together! So we'll never be apart again!" She couldn't help herself, the back and forth between Ochako was something she lived for and if she was going to die here, she deserved to live a little. The sudden exclamation served as a warning for Ochako though, as Toga descended upon her like a shattered skylight with the intent to shred her to ribbons. Ochako managed to hop back swiftly, just in time and a good distance out of range, she stood there for a moment, taking in the ferocity that was Toga's so called love and affection.

"That's enough!" She made an effort to silence Toga, not moving forward as that would give Toga an opportunity to strike, Ochako had to take her time, Toga had planned this well and she was aware of that, this wasn't some impromptu ambush "I'm not going to let you kill me! If you want to die, that's not my problem anymore!" Her words were cruel and pierced Toga's heart, a visibly pained look on Toga's face as she heard those sickening words from the person she adored so dearly "You're being mean..." She said quietly, her hands wrapped tightly around the handles of her blades, flesh squeezed against plastic as Toga found herself in a moment of anger. She didn't want Ochako to think she was doing this out of anger though, so she'd swallow those feelings, she'd do this out of love and wanted Ochako to understand that, she couldn't move forward until Ochako got at least a modicum of that "I don't want to die, I want us to die together!" She practically swooned with her words, her blades coming up to her cheek as she struck a cutesy pose "I want it to end together! Both of us in each other's arms as we bleed all over each other! Like Romeo and Juliet! It'll be so romantic!" She felt that sufficed for a well enough explanation and dashed forward, leaning low with both of her weapons raised "I want you to know just how much I love you!"

Toga lunged forward, attempting to strike at Ochako, slashing out in both directions with her blades, trying to cut her from the centre of her stomach outwards, she only managed to clip the side of Ochako's waist as she dodged though and would soon feel the impact of Ochako's elbow against her upper back, causing her to grunt out in a quiet exclamation of pain before turning on Ochako, one knife trying to slash against her stomach whilst the other made an effort to go upwards, along the length of Ochako's torso. The attack forced Ochako up against the metal container behind her and didn't manage to so much as scratch her this time, which in a way, Toga was thankful for, she really didn't want to start cutting up Ochako's pretty face yet. With her back up against one of the metal containers, Ochako was pinned, she couldn't make the container weightless as the one above it would keep it pinned and reaching out to get the second one was far too risky, she just had to go on the defensive for now.

Ochako parried what wild slashes she could, bringing her forearm against Toga's wrists whenever they came close in order to block the strike, but there would still be shallow cuts against her forearm and shoulders when Toga responded by swiftly pulling the blade back. It was a dance of metal and blood, flesh torn apart in a frenzy as Toga laughed manically, she had missed the joy of tearing apart some one she loved, no one could replace Ochako in her heart and she didn't want them to, Ochako-chan was perfect! Ochako on the other hand was beginning to run out of options, she couldn't play the long game with a sniper bearing down on them and a crazed killer right in front of her, she needed to find some middle ground. She switched strategies when Toga went for a slash against her face, ducking low and letting the blade scrape against the container and she charged forward, grabbing a hold of Toga, placing her fingers on the girl's back to make her weightless, allowing her to pick up more speed before slamming Toga's back against the container that was adjacent to them.

There was a gasp from Toga as she struggled to catch her breath, her blades clattering to the ground "You always have to make everything so difficult!" Toga barked out at her love, she wasn't a strong brawler, more hit and run so her only real option was to grab one of the suckers from her shoulder and plunge it into Ochako's back "You always have to make things difficult!" She yelled as she plunged the needle into Ochako's spine, blood pumping through the tube and into her mask. The taste was divine, people talked so much about what they did with the ones they loved, the kissing, the love making but none of it could compare to the sweet taste Toga had sloshing around in her mouth. Ochako's hold wavered and she pulled back, yanking the needle out of her back swiftly "And you're always hurting people!" She rebuttaled before she slammed her fist into Toga's face, causing a spray of blood from within the mask. Toga grunted and was forced back with the impact, her head slamming against the container before she began to float up.

Toga knew she was in a bad situation, that if she was left to float away that Ochako would get away so whilst Ochako was trying to back up and let her float away, she activated her quirk, the grey viscous liquid seeped out of her pores and covered her body, her voice changing to being a dark reflection of Ochako's as she took on her form "All I want is to be happy, I'm sick of you not letting me have that!" And with that, she pressed her hands against the crate, causing it to float before kicking off from it and toward Ochako "So I'm taking my happiness back from you!" Her gaze had become cold, her heart waving for a short moment as Ochako continued to irritate her by rejecting her affections, Toga was rationalising it simply as Ochako playing hard to get. Ochako tensed as she saw her own visage taken on by Toga, the form some what bulky and irregular owing to her clothes underneath but it wasn't really something Ochako prioritised on focusing on. Ochako got herself ready into a combat pose and when Toga got close she made an effort to flip her into the ground. Toga reached out, trying to grab a hold of Ochako's face and neck but she was too slow, too unused to this weightless feeling and how to navigate herself so Ochako was swift to counter, grabbing her wrist and as she intended, slamming Toga into the ground, she was a lot more predictable when using some one else's quirk, especially Ochako's.

Though Toga hit the ground hard, a crack rattling out from somewhere within her body, she wasn't going to let Ochako just throw her around without any concern for her feelings. Now she was back near the floor she was able to grab one of the knives and before Ochako even knew what had happened, there was a knife in her shin that caused the girl to shriek out in pain. Finally, a good cut, a good stab deep through her flesh. Toga used this opening to grab a hold of one of Ochako's knees, though she was weightless she had momentum and would bend her legs, bringing down her knees and wrapping them around Ochako's neck tightly. Ochako began to beat against her doppelganger's thighs as Toga tightened the hold on Ochako, it wasn't that Toga was particularly strong, just that she had gotten into a very advantageous situation. Toga would make use of one of the other knives on the ground, grabbing it up and stabbing it into the thigh of the same leg she had already stabbed which resulted in a strained shriek from Ochako's pressured throat. In one swift motion, Ochako put her hands together and cried out "Release!" Before she forced the muscles in her legs that were already screaming against her to jump and she brought her legs up.

Toga's eyes went wide as they were both lifted up, Toga could at most touch Ochako to make her weightless but it wouldn't stop them from dropping, she didn't have enough time to touch both of them. Ochako screamed out as they both fell a short but harmful distance towards the floor "I'm done trying to help you!" And then as Toga's blonde hair hit the concrete, a loud thud that echoed through the girl's entire body "If all you want to be is a villain, then I'll take you down like one!" The impact to Toga's head left her somewhat dazed and her legs loosened, being pushed off by Ochako meant she fell backwards, onto her back with her head towards Ochako and facing upwards. Toga was practically seeing stars as blood dripped down from her forehead and onto the ground, she wasn't dead but if a good few more feet had been put onto the drop, that could be the case, or at least some serious complications.

Ochako was presently stuck on her ass, her hands going to her leg, holding the thigh tightly just above the second knife that had been stabbed into her, hissing in pain. She couldn't remove the knives now less she bleed out but they were currently immobilising her leg and too much violent movement would risk piercing something serious. Toga slowly began to return to her senses and turned to her side and tried to push up to get back on her feet. "Why?" Toga would hear from her opponent through pained and sharp breaths. Toga looked up, blood running down her face and blinding one eye rather well but even with one eye she could see the look of anguish on Ochako's face. "I offered you a hand before, I knew you were hurting and I wanted to help you." Toga stayed quiet, letting Ochako say her piece as she climbed to her feet, feeling light headed and falling against the container, standing opposite Ochako now. "You slapped my hand away," Ochako continued, keeping her leg straight and getting her one good leg under her to push up, placing her hands against the container for support "You wanted to keep being a monster," to which Toga quickly cut in with "Shut up." But Ochako just kept on going "You wanted to hurt everyone around you, so what's this? One last batch of pain for everyone who ever came near you?" Once more "Shut. up." Toga's voice climbed slightly in volume here but it was nothing to deter the hero she was facing.

"You say you want us to die together..." Ochako's face twisted in anguish, it wasn't even a matter of her injured leg being immobilised, it was screaming out in pain and Ochako could barely do anything to ignore it "Is that all you are?!" She managed to look on at Toga, trying to pierce through her eyes with her gaze alone "Just anger and violence, you talk about love but all you ever do is hurt those you say you care about!" Toga couldn't take any more, she rushed forward and grabbed both of Ochako's wrists, pinning her up against the container, blood still dripping down from her forehead and mixing with what blood of Ochako's had already pooled on the floor "SHUT UP!" She screamed into Ochako's face, mere inches away from the writhing brunette "You don't get it! You never tried to understand me! You kept saying I deserve what's coming to me! That we're not the same! You say all these horrible and mean thing!." Her quirk began to run out, showing the pained look beneath the mask she had been wearing, the viscous liquid sliding off her skin and clothes until that too mixed with Ochako's blood on the floor. "You want to help me? That wha-" She didn't even get a chance to finish "I WANTED to!" Ochako biting back now "I thought you were just in pain but that's not it! You ARE pain! You don't want to be happy! You just want others to suffer!" Toga couldn't take anymore of it, anymore of this person for whom she had such great affection, trying to cut her so deeply to hurt her, to deny her very purpose for living. Toga let out an almost animalistic growl before she brought up her foot, stomping down on the blade that pierced Ochako's shin, ripping it all the way through flesh and muscle till it stopped just above the ankle.

Ochako shrieked out in pain unlike anything else, if things had gone smoother, Toga would be enjoying all this. Toga then grabbed tight onto Ochako's face, before slamming her against the the container repeatedly "STOP IT!" She couldn't hold herself back now, things had gone on for long enough. Ochako didn't last much longer, four or so more slams and her only good leg finally gave out and she was left, only being supported by her head that was forced up against the container. With one more to make certain, Toga let go and allowed Ochako to fall to the ground unconscious. Toga let out heavy and rapid pants as she tried to catch her breath and steady herself. Her joy and enthusiasm was returning to her as she reached down to the blades on her thighs, grabbing a fresh knife as she stood over Ochako's unconscious and bleeding body.

Finally! After all these years, after every dream of meeting Ochako, after all the preparation and planning, it was here! That special moment that had kept Toga alive, she was barely a ghost at this point and this would be it! This would be the moment that she was finally truly happy! It was hard to reinvigorate herself after the less then stellar interaction with Ochako but the promise of ending the nightmare still brought a smile to her face. and so, with her wide grin, wild eyes and a giggle she raised the knife up high and in one swift motion brought it down, aiming for Ochako's forehead...but it didn't land, it smashed against the concrete to the side of Ochako's head and the blade completely snapped, the sound of the metal breaking in two rang out like a shot in Toga's mind. Toga stood there in a stunned silence, her feelings were often straightforward to her, "I love this person and it feels good to hurt them." or "This person is making me upset, I'll kill them." but she didn't know how to categorise these new thoughts that ran through her head, they were foreign and uncomfortable, new and irregular. All Toga could make sense of was that she was currently doing SOMETHING, that something was tending to Ochako's wounds. She knew that Ochako kept a first aid kit packed away in her hero gear in what could only really be called a utility belt of some sorts, she'd seen Ochako patch up a few civilians with it before. Her own first aid skills were lacking, she had no real knowledge but a good but of first-hand experience tending to her own wounds. All she could really accomplish was wrapping the bandages tightly around Ochako's wounds, mainly her head and arms where there were cuts that could be treated easily.

Toga just found her own mind racing in surprise and confusion with her own actions, Ochako was adorable, the complete picture of beauty, beaten, bruised, cut and dying, it was everything Toga wanted! Why couldn't she make it final!? Why couldn't she give Ochako her love?!?! Was it that she had begun to hate Ochako? That her love had drifted away from her just because of what she had said? Was Toga's love so fickle that it could be stolen away from her by something as simple as that? She really didn't want that to be the case, that she was angry at Ochako, to the point that it ruined their so called relationship. Still, she kept on treating the wounds, she didn't want Ochako to die like this, she couldn't do much about the knives in her leg yet.

Toga finished up bandaging Ochako's wounds but had no desire to just leave her there for the other heroes to find. Toga was acting completely on autopilot, tears welling up in her eyes as she carried Ochako bridal style through the warehouse and back out of it, beginning to head into the more run down parts of the city...back to her hide out.

Toga had managed to find a quaint little office building surrounded by collapsed towers that served as her hideout. It was also used as her own little personal playground, she had brought...distractions here often, to keep herself happy and to drain them of blood for her missions, that's what the guest bedroom was being used for though there was no one in there currently. As Toga's plot had progressed, she had less need for distractions and anybody she brought back was purely for professional purposes, in fact she had stopped bringing them home at one point, just extracting blood from people who were unfortunate enough to end up isolated near Toga. Toga made her way through the front door, with the collapsed towers around, it was practically buried in rouble, making it hard to spot, one would have to know what they were looking for in order to find the sequestered little office block building that Toga had transformed into an apartment.

Toga took Ochako inside and would close the door behind her, it wasn't even a key lock, it was an electronic number pad that of course only she knew and the few times her temporary crushes had gotten that far, they were never able to figure it out. The house actually looked pretty normal, especially for Toga, the place was clean and well put together but didn't really have a lot of personality, more looked like a show room home then anything, not something Toga had styled herself. What Toga had styled herself was, of course, the bedroom.

Toga carried Ochako into the bedroom with a rather dejected looking expression, it was her usual resting face with a hint of contemplation as she was still questioning her actions. None of it really made any sense to her and would make much less sense to an onlooker.

The bedroom was designed as one would expect from Toga, a thick pink carpet, white walls and various pieces of wooden furniture, a large bed with white sheets was the most pressing as that's where the unconscious hero would find herself. The rest of the room was of note, underneath a filled in window was a long cushioned seat that currently had a variety of plush toys of heroes, they were all of class A and were lined up next to who they'd want to be next to, except Ochako, Ochako was off to the side with a crudely made Toga toy, oh and of course Deku's toy was pinned to the wall, just its head with a knife through the forehead.

There was also a desk to the right of the door that could only be described as a shrine to Uravity, the surface was lined with little knickknacks of merchandise that had been made of Uravity over the years. Despite being a sidekick, everyone knew she was still a talented pro and intended to run her own agency some day. There was every conceivable thing with Ochako's face on it, badges, pens, pencils, bobblehead, figurines, you name it. There was, however, one thing that stood out and rested in the middle of the desk, a very large black diary, a Frankenstein-esque thing that seemed to have been made larger after its initial creation, with various pages and spines attached together to make the tome of a diary even larger.

Toga's full attention was currently on Ochako though as she laid the girl out on a towel before getting the medical kit she'd stolen from the hospital and began to properly dress Ochako's wounds. The most pressing were the stab wounds, she had to remove the knives and work on them carefully, cleaning up the wound and disinfecting it before working on stitching it shut, being knocked unconscious worked as a decent anaesthetic, though there was no doubt that these wounds would hurt like an unimaginable hell when she awoke, especially the one in her shin was especially nasty. The initial stab wasn't particularly clean as it had been a rather frantic fight but when Toga had stomped on it, the blade had curved and nearly ended up coming out of Ochako's shin. Toga had to remove it carefully and use a ridiculous amount of stitches, she was a trained hand at the art but in no way was she a professional, just what she had done on herself and what she had witnessed the many times she had visited hospitals to steal blood or medical supplies. Toga did of course take the chance to lick the blood clean, as if it was cookie dough from a wooden spoon, it tasted about the same, Ochako always had that lovely warm sweet taste that just set Toga's heart alight, it was a good reminder of why she had gone through all this effort.

Toga had enough blood on storage to take care of Ochako's needs, she did also set up an IV for the girl from her medical supplies. She had some type B blood as well as some O- on hand which she real hadn't expected to use for this...she hadn't planned to bring Ochako back here at all and even now she didn't have an explanation to give herself. She did take some precautions with Ochako, she knew that Ochako wouldn't be completely capable of fighting back or even making a run for it but her quirk could still be a risk, even to Ochako herself if she fell on that butchered leg. She had some mittens like the ones Ochako would sleep with, she found them cute so had gotten a pair for herself, she placed them on Ochako before reaching under her bed to get yet more restraints, settling only for two pairs of handcuffs, she'd put a single pair on each of Ochako's wrists to act as a strap for the mittens, so she couldn't remove them herself.

With Ochako restrained, tended to and hopefully comfortable, Toga decided to take care of herself. Toga would get undressed, let her hair down and get into the shower, she needed time to clean off and think about everything that happened. Though as Toga made her way past the mirror, she couldn't help but transform into Ochako for just a moment, to look at her happy smile...She climbed into the shower and fell against the wall, sliding down against it, her fake skin squeaking against the wet wall. She'd stay in that skin for a little while whilst she thought, maybe it was the concussion she'd been given? She more than likely did have a concussion from the impact after all. Maybe everything would be back to normal in the morning? Maybe she could finish the job then? After a while, her quirk did run out, she wasn't worried about it too much, if she wanted more blood she could just drain from Ochako in the morning, she'd likely have recovered enough for that by then.

Toga's little joyride over, she returned back to the bedroom as herself in just some cute pink lingerie and would climb into bed next to Ochako, laying with her and cuddling her nice and tight. She had doubts about all this, she didn't understand her actions because as some one who had always acted on impulse, on instinct, things didn't usually need to make sense to her, they had always been so simple but this...this was different, there was something going on inside of Toga she didn't understand. Still, as she felt Ochako's warm skin pressed against her own, she couldn't help but give a soft smile, it was not the smile of a deranged lunatic lusting over their prey, it was the smile of a young woman who for the first time in a long time, could get some a good night's sleep.

This is my first ever time writing a proper story, especially a fanfic, I feel it's right to be transparent and open with that. I'm not saying this is my first ever time writing stories, I've been a role-player for about six years and I'd like to think over that time I've actually cultivated some worthwhile writing techniques.

Alas, this is not for me to decide but instead for you, dear reader. If you see this thing as some poorly written disaster then so be it, you're welcome to say your piece however you wish. If instead you have found any joy in this work, I'd like to hear about it! However minor, I'll admit to not having an awful amount of confidence about my work as this is new territory for me so any positive feedback is quite appreciated. I also request constructive feedback, in droves, if you see an issue with my work, please do point it out and I shall endeavour to do better with the next chapter.

That being said, please enjoy, this has been a story I've been wanting to do some time and feel capable enough to take into my own hands so I hope it's worth your time!

TheMadOwlcreators' thoughts