

Book Link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/eternal-conquest-the-endless-pursuit-of-immortality-and-death_28871727300497505 "Apologies to everyone for the unresolved technical issue. Therefore, I will be reuploading this book under a new name and with a slight twist in the story as a gesture of apology. New Title: "Eternal Conquest: The Endless Pursuit of Immortality and Death" The chapters are already serialized in the aforementioned book, so please continue from, the above book You can locate it within the original Works section of my author profile. If not showing in there yet, you can search it, by copy pasting the title. For new readers, I encourage you to explore the original book for a richer reading experience. This current version will remain available on the platform for a few days before it is removed."

Vasudeva_AY · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs


The evening had fully descended, and the celestial scene played out above them. The sun had almost set, giving way to a visible moon, while the atmosphere turned colder. Chill winds blew through the air, and the stars began to make their appearance in the night sky, only to be masked by gathering dark clouds.

"I guess it will be raining soon," Mira observed.

"Hmm, let's move faster," Vivek replied, a sense of urgency in his voice.

The family of three quickened their pace, making their way through the residential colony. Houses of various colors and sizes lined the streets, with cars and bikes neatly parked in front of each residence.

Their house, situated at the left end of the colony, wasn't extravagant, but it offered a warm and welcoming shelter.

The entrance of Vivek's house presented a welcoming sight. A red metal gate, adorned with a rotation lock, stood as the guardian to their abode. Bright lamps on either side illuminated the pathway, casting a warm glow on the surroundings.

Upon entering, one would be greeted by two sturdy pillars supporting the roof, creating a sense of grandeur. Adjacent to the entrance was a small garden, carefully tended with short trees and designated areas for flowers. Lilies and sunflowers flourished, adding vibrant splashes of color to the greenery.

The house itself stood as a two-story structure with the added feature of a basement and a rooftop. Its exterior was meticulously painted in a combination of yellow and white. The yellow hue played a role in defining the boundaries and adding decorative touches to the structure.

The main entrance featured a brown wooden door, further enhancing the warm aesthetics of the house. Translucent windows on either side of the door allowed a glimpse into the well-lit interior, hinting at the coziness that awaited within.

Upon crossing the threshold, one would encounter the functional yet organized interior of Vivek's home. On the left, an umbrella hanger stood ready to accommodate rainy-day essentials, while on the right, a shoe rack provided a neat space for footwear.

The floors of both levels were adorned with polished wooden surfaces, contributing to the warm and cozy atmosphere. The ground floor boasted a spacious layout, with a large open area at the center designated as the living room. Here, a glass table was encircled by plush purple sofas, leaving the front open for an entertainment unit with a television.

To the right of the living space, the floor seamlessly transitioned into a well-equipped kitchen, accompanied by a dining table. On the left side, a guest room was tucked away, complete with its own washroom. Stairs ascended to the second floor, with a conveniently located store room adjacent.

The second floor, though slightly more compact, hosted four rooms accessible through separate doors. To the right end, one of these doors led to the bathroom. Above, the rooftop was largely empty but adorned with flower pots, offering a touch of greenery to those entering the home.

"I will go take a bath," Vivek declared. Mira, focused on preparing a meal, responded, "The tap on the ground floor is not working. Use the other bathroom. I will go and cook something." Vivek acknowledged with a nod.

Aarav, engrossed in his cartoons on the TV, seemed undisturbed. Vivek cast a brief, affectionate glance at both of them, mustering a small smile before heading to the first floor. As he entered the bathroom, he began his routine – undressing, turning on the heater, checking the water temperature, and finally, immersing himself in the warmth of the bath, if only for a fleeting moment of relaxation.

Amidst the soothing ambiance, Vivek's thoughts drifted towards the red file mission. He ruminated on the color-coded system that Leverage employed to denote the difficulty and danger levels of each mission. Red, in this case, signified high risk to life and high difficulty. Purple shared a similar difficulty level but with a moderate life risk. Orange indicated a lower life risk and medium difficulty, while yellow stood at the lowest level with no life risk and low difficulty. The vivid colors on those files represented not just tasks but potential perils, marking the intricate dance between life, danger, and the shadowy organization that sought to control it all.

"Red file, hmm, there are others who can do it, but they still specifically came to me. This... What could the reason be? <sigh >," Vivek mused, his mind grappling with the enigma behind the peculiar choice.

Feeling the weight of his thoughts, Vivek slackened in the bath. The warm water embraced him, and the weariness of his past and the uncertainty of the present bore down on him. Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to sink deeper into the tub, his head resting on the edge.

The quietude of the bathroom enveloped him, and fatigue gave way to a moment of respite. In that serene space, Vivek succumbed to the tranquility of the water, and soon, the rhythmic sounds of his breath betrayed the onset of sleep.

A knock on the door stirred Vivek from his slumber, and Mira's voice broke through the quietude. "Hey! Are you still in there? Come outside; dinner is ready," she called out. Vivek, now awake, responded, "I will be there. You go; I will come after drying up."

"Okay then," Mira replied, a fleeting moment of uncertainty crossing her expression. As she turned to leave, her mouth opened as if to say something, but no words emerged. Her eyebrows twitched slightly, and a somber look clouded her face. Silently, she pondered, "Did I do something that made him..." before ultimately leaving the room.

Vivek descended the stairs after getting ready. The dinner table, a square-shaped ensemble, awaited them, adorned with four wooden seats and a central glass sheet. Mira had prepared rice and curry, and as they settled in, Vivek took his place on the left chair, with Aarav and Mira on either side.

The atmosphere was laden with an unspoken tension as Vivek swiftly finished his food without exchanging glances with either of them. Abruptly, he announced that he had to work on a project from his company and requested not to be disturbed. With that, he retreated to the basement, red file in hand.

Mira observed his departure, her hands subtly moving near her chest as her thoughts swirled. Pupils dilating slightly, she contemplated asking him about his worries but hesitated once more.

"Is he really worried because of that old guy?" Mira wondered.


The entrance to the basement was connected to the store room, creating an additional space for Vivek's use. The basement occupied roughly over half the area of the floors above, lacking the same level of furnishings but boasting proper lighting. Two light rods on each side of the wall illuminated the space. While mostly empty, the basement housed some old items, including a rectangular table and a chair.

The design of the basement's dynamics was intentional, constructed in a way that prevented any sound or vibrations from escaping its confines. It served as a secluded and soundproof refuge for Vivek, a space where he could immerse himself in work without disturbance. The basement, with its strategic design, mirrored the complexities of Vivek's life, providing a sanctuary within the confines of his own home.

Vivek settled into the chair in the basement, placing the red file on the table. With precision, he removed the red cover, revealing an apparently empty file. However, Vivek had a different plan. Opening a drawer in the table, he retrieved sheets of paper.

Each sheet held a specific code, serving as a guide for organizing the contents of the file. Subjects of Leverage were equipped with these coded sheets to decipher the intricacies of their missions. Vivek arranged the sheets carefully on each page of the file, aligning them according to the corresponding codes.

Next, he produced a spray bottle, injecting a specific drug into it. Gently shaking the bottle, Vivek proceeded to spray the content on each sheet. The sheets, already infused with a reactive substance, responded to the spray, forming a black layer that permeated through the pages, revealing the hidden content. Vivek then meticulously removed the sheets.

"Every bunch of these sheets could be used up to three times at max. I still have one time left," Vivek remarked as he observed the chemical reaction taking place.

After a while, the texts on the pages of the file became entirely visible. Vivek focused on decoding the information, unraveling the details of the mission concealed within the coded messages.

As Vivek decoded the information from the red file, the details of the mission unfolded before him. An ancient artifact, estimated to be around seven to eight thousand years old, had been discovered in the southern region of India, near the Ruins of Dwarka. Dr. R.K Sharma, on an expedition exploring the ruins, found the artifact beneath an old sculpture of Lord Krishna, dating back to the same period as the artifact itself, confirmed by carbon dating.

The artifact, cylindrical in shape, exhibited peculiar properties. It was thicker in the middle and thinner towards the edges, with sharp ends. Its unique characteristic revealed itself when placed in different temperature water—emitting golden light in warm water, silver light in cold water, and appearing like copper or bronze in normal conditions. The material seemed resistant to corrosion or sedimentation.

Carvings adorned the artifact, accompanied by ancient Sanskrit texts. Dr. R.K Sharma translated a term as "VRISHNI YADUVANSH," indicating the descendants of Yadu in the Vrishni family branch.

The discovery drew international attention, becoming a coveted prize for foreign powers. A week after its discovery, Dr. R.K Sharma was attacked, and the artifact stolen. Multiple foreign powers were suspected to be involved in the theft.

According to informants, the artifact was still in India, located in Mumbai, but it was scheduled for shipping soon. The specific container on the ship remained unknown, but the potential shipping routes were identified.

The mission was marked by high security on each potential container route, a deliberate strategy to confuse and delay any interception attempts. The guards were well-armed and highly skilled, elevating the mission to a level of high difficulty and life risk. As Vivek absorbed the gravity of the task ahead, the shadows of his past intertwined with the complexities of the present, creating a tapestry of challenges that awaited him in the pursuit of this ancient artifact.

As Vivek pondered the details of the mission, a sense of suspicion crept into his thoughts. "An ancient artifact worth billions, but still there are others who could have done this mission. Why me? What are they planning?" Vivek questioned, his cautious nature kicking in. Memories of a similar mission at the age of 23 resurfaced, raising a veil of uncertainty.

With over two decades of experience, Vivek's instincts told him that something was amiss. "Or maybe I am just overthinking it, but no matter what, I have to stay alert," he concluded, acknowledging the need for vigilance.

Closing the file and stowing it away in the drawer, Vivek leaned back in his chair. Thoughts swirled in his mind as he contemplated the implications of returning to the world of missions after seven years. "Seven years, huh. It's time to return to the business," he mused, embracing the challenges that lay ahead and preparing to navigate the intricate web of intrigue surrounding the ancient artifact.

In a swift motion, Vivek stood up and shifted the table aside from its original place, revealing an irregular and rough wall behind it. The surface hinted at a concealed secret. Stepping aside, Vivek extracted a metal object and forcefully slammed it against the uneven wall. As the impact echoed, it became apparent that this section of the wall was different—it was not made of bricks but of wood.

Clearing away more of the wall, a hole roughly the size of a fifteen-inch laptop emerged. Vivek stepped back and pulled out a metal panel, exposing a black locker behind it. With practiced ease, he entered a code, and the locker obediently unlocked. From within, he retrieved a small black suitcase and a pair of handguns.

After securing the hidden compartment, Vivek restored the table to its original position and placed the suitcase upon it. With a decisive motion, he opened the suitcase, revealing its contents—an array of tools and equipment that hinted at the preparations required for the mission ahead.

The contents of the suitcase were meticulously organized. The upper section featured a screen displaying the subject's status, and in Vivek's case, it showed as nil—an indication of his detached and untraceable existence. The lower compartment held essential items: a watch, a pen, black sunglasses, and a microphone with an antenna. Vivek extracted the antenna, connecting it to the screen, and plugged the suitcase into a switch.

As Vivek activated the system, the status transitioned to active. With swift efficiency, he registered his details, specified his arrival location, and outlined the necessary requirements for the mission, including funds, clothing, and other essentials. A prompt response followed, assuring Vivek that everything would be prepared within seven to eight hours. He was instructed to collect the items at the assigned tower and hall.

Vivek completed his preparations in the basement, closing the suitcase after disconnecting the plug and antenna. He carefully stowed away the firearms and the now-inactive suitcase, then ascended the stairs to the upper level.

In the dimly lit room, he found Mira and Aarav peacefully asleep. The clock on the front wall revealed that it was already 2 AM. Quietly slipping into the room on the right side of the stairs, Vivek swiftly changed into his office suit. He tucked the handguns into the hidden pocket of the blazer, opting for a stealthy and discreet approach.

Dressed in a grey suit, he added a stylish touch with a grey straw hat adorned with blue linings. Completing the ensemble with black shoes, Vivek then opened the suitcase to retrieve the sunglasses, pen, and watch. He donned the accessories, the watch subtly displaying his status, and placed the sunglasses in his front pocket. Ready for the challenges that lay ahead, Vivek stood poised, his appearance reflecting a blend of sophistication and preparedness as he embarked on the impending mission.

Vivek took a moment to write a brief note, expressing his departure and assurance of a swift return. He affixed the sticky note onto the fridge, a small but significant message left behind for Mira and Aarav. As he stood there, his gaze fixed on the note, a subtle hint of emotion clouded his eyes. His legs seemed momentarily rooted to the floor, as if a force within him hesitated to take that step away from the comfort of home.

"I feel that emptiness again inside me " , he looked at his hands which were covered in blood ,his eyes became wider and pupil dilated and his mouth opened a little. He moved his eyes towards his feet and could see countless figures with disoriented faces were crawling up holding his leg. 

He recognized all the faces , these were the people he killed , he remembered all of them.

Suddenly his eyes further widened and line of tears fell from his eyes. He saw two faces resembling Mira and Aarav and both said in unison , "Why? , Why dad/Vivek? , Why we had to die because of you?". 

A strong current moved through his body and made him stunned ,his legs were numb and he suddenly fell to the ground on his butts.

His vision became blurry and when cleared his eyes there was nothing in front of him. His legs were free.

His body was still trembling but he stood with the help of the chair nearby and wiped his face but his eyes were as red as blood.

After building courage he moved outside.

Outside of the house , a car was already waiting for him.

"Hello subject 1289 , we noticed that your status became active so we reached here to pick you up as we know you are in a hurry to complete this mission" the same man that gave Vivek the file said, He was wearing the same suit as before. Vivek had already informed the organization on the suitcase about the start of the mission. 

Vivek moved his head up a little showing agreement. He then moved towards the car.

It was a custom made car and was black in color , so no branding was visible on it . Also it 2:45 AM in the morning so it was dark. The stars were still visible in the sky but moon was already going down. Very strong cold winds blew towards Vivek's face , his hat was in his hands and his black hair made waves with blowing winds. The wind was cold but was filled with freshness that made the tired Vivek a little bit relaxed and fresh.

He opened the door of the car , it was a four seater with three screen one in front and two on the back . The cover of the seats was of orange brown in color and the back seat had the separation in between it with holders on each side .

Vivek sat on the back seat of the car on the left side , soon the man sat next to Vivek and the doors and windows closed. The windows were of bullet proof material so was the car. The driver of the Car was quite old and when he looked at Vivek , Vivek bowed a little to show respect as elder. The Driver smiled at him and then started the engine.

"Subject 1289 it will take some time to reach , you can have a nap , you look tired" the man suggested after looking at his blood red eyes.

"It's ok i am fine", Vivek replied, his gaze focused on the journey ahead.



"We have arrived , you go towards the tower area ,I have some other stuffs to do" the man said.

Vivek left the car and moved towards the Tower Area.


YADU: A mythological king who is the ancestor of Yadavs and a descendant of Moon god.

VRISHNI: It is a sub branch or say family that comes under Yadavs , other families like Sambal , Andhaka , Ahir etc are also the same.

SANSKRIT: It is an old language

Hey guys , Vasudeva here with a new chapter , hope you like this one too and see you in next chapter.

Thank You for reading and bye bye :)

Vasudeva_AYcreators' thoughts