

It was the season of spring,

In a park which was surrounded by colony buildings ,Vivek was sitting beside the shade of a tree on one of the empty benches in the park, many people were around especially couples and families having their little picnic. Children's were running around playing and enjoying multiple rides.

The area was filled with roses ,tulips and other flowers, warm winds blew carrying the smell of flowers and snacks. The sky was clear and the light blue color of the sky was captivating to the eyes ,the sun was in the sky shinning gently upon a women playing with a little boy.

The young woman, appearing to be in her late twenties, possessed a timeless beauty that captivated the onlookers in the park. Her jet-black hair framed her face, and her eyes, also dark, mirrored a depth of emotion. Adorned in a light pink gown that gracefully complemented her slender and tall figure, she exuded an elegant charm. Clear and sharp facial features, including a straight nose, rosy cheeks, and full lips, placed her in the realm of upper-tier beauty.

Beside her, a child of about 7 to 8 years old shared strikingly similar facial features, creating a familial connection. His eyes, slightly upward tilted, added a touch of innocence to his appearance. The boy sported a vibrant ensemble, donning a red t-shirt paired with blue shorts. Both figures sported radiant smiles, emanating happiness.

In the midst of the blooming flowers and warm breeze, the woman indulged the child in joyful play. Slowly swinging him in circles, the duo formed a heartwarming spectacle. The child's laughter echoed through the park, and the bond between them was evident as they reveled in each other's company, creating a timeless moment against the backdrop of the enchanting spring day.

Vivek, a man in his late thirties, commanded a formidable presence with a well-built physique and an imposing height. His facial features bore the mark of a life lived with intensity. A long, straight nose with visible nostrils carried an upturned end, adding a distinctive touch to his countenance.

The depth of his dark brown eyes told a story of anguish, anger, hatred, hardship, and experience. As if windows to the soul, his eyes revealed an abyss so profound that it seemed impenetrable by any glimmer of light. A glance into Vivek's eyes would uncover a realm of emotions that hinted at a turbulent and complex journey.

His thick eyebrows and eyelashes framed those intense eyes, while full, pinkish-red lips and a light beard contributed to an overall domineering look. There was an air of authority about him, and it felt as though he possessed the ability to unravel the deepest layers of one's being with just a gaze from those intense and expressive eyes. Vivek's appearance suggested a man who had weathered storms, leaving an indelible mark on his very being.

As Vivek gazed towards the sky, his eyes, though seemingly lifeless, still retained a spark of vitality. A heavy sigh escaped him, echoing the weight he carried within. However, when his attention shifted towards the playful scene of the woman and child, a transformation overcame him.

In that moment, a metamorphosis occurred. The eyes that once held a glimpse of emptiness now flickered with a subtle resurgence of life. A glimmer of light pierced through the perceived darkness, and a soft smile graced his lips. The change in his demeanor was profound, as if a hidden warmth had been ignited within him.

To any observer, this alteration would be striking. The man who, moments ago, appeared burdened by the trials of life now emanated a magnetic charm. His handsome features, coupled with the newfound light in his eyes and the gentle curve of his smile, had the potential to captivate any onlooker. In that moment, Vivek became not just a figure of strength, but also a captivating presence capable of stirring hearts with a simple, genuine expression.

Suddenly a man in the black suit with glasses approached Vivek, a smile playing on his face, the atmosphere took an intriguing turn. The newcomer, in his mid-sixties, bore fair skin, big eyes, and a straight, high-bridged nose. However, much like Vivek, a deep abyss resided in his eyes, hinting at a reservoir of experiences.

With a quiet demeanor, the older man sat beside Vivek, sliding a red file onto the bench. The exchange seemed to cast a shadow over Vivek's countenance. The once warm and smiling face transformed abruptly, replaced by an expressionless mask. His eyes, which had briefly shown a glimmer of life, reverted to their previous deadened state.

The red file on the bench seemed to carry a weight of significance, the contents within possibly unraveling a story that Vivek was reluctant to confront. The silent exchange between the two men spoke volumes.

The man in black said, "It's been a long time, 'subject 1289.' We haven't seen you in years."

Vivek replied with a tone that carried a mix of weariness and determination, "You know that I left the organization seven years ago, and the master promised me that neither me nor my family would be involved in any matters from then on."

The man, maintaining his smile, casually responded, "Oh, really? He didn't mention any of these things to me. And as for your family, if you—"

He stopped abruptly, sensing a sudden shift in the atmosphere. A chilling aura of death emanated from Vivek, thick enough to send shivers down his spine. Vivek's lips curled into a half-smile, and a killing intent, reminiscent of a hundred death slayers, pierced through his dark brown eyes.

Attempting to hide his unease, the man continued, "Calm down, 1289. This is the last mission for you. If you complete it, all your connections and even past records will be erased from the organization. You will be a free man."

Vivek, unyielding, questioned the man's proposition, "What about the agreement seven years ago? It clearly mentioned ab—"

The man interjected, "I know about the agreement. It only mentions that you will be left free. It does not say anything about you taking missions and completing. It only says that you will leave the organization. But does it mention that the organization has left you? I don't think so!"

Vivek, growing increasingly frustrated, accused the organization of manipulating its subjects with intentional loopholes. He scoffed at the idea of blindly trusting their words, drawing from his own experiences on the other side of such manipulative tactics.

"You guys are just toying with me, as you do with every one of your subjects. You knowingly create loopholes in documents to make your subjects continue working for you regardless of their choice. Do you think I am new to this? Haven't I been in your place, intimidating the so-called subjects with these loopholes? So, why do you think I will trust your words of breaking all connections? Do you think I am a 10-year-old?" Vivek retorted with a mix of anger and suspicion.

The man chuckled slightly, finding amusement in Vivek's predicament, before adopting a more serious expression. "You know too much; that is your problem. Besides, the organization will allow you to make the agreement yourself. And, as you know so much, you yourself can create a document with fewer loopholes."

Vivek, resigned to the reality unfolding before him, let out a weary sigh. "I knew this day would come, where you would use loopholes to control me. And, as far as I know, no one who was trained and brought up in LEVERAGE could be free of this matrix. <sigh > And creating an agreement by yourself is already bliss in itself. But remember, my family is not to be involved. If anyone harms them, I will make sure that Leverage pays with blood and tears."

The weight of Vivek's words hung in the air, a testament to the intricate and dangerous web of control woven by LEVERAGE. The man's earlier promises seemed like thin threads against the backdrop of the organization's ability to manipulate agreements and relationships. As Vivek reluctantly faced the reality of his situation, the specter of his past affiliation with LEVERAGE loomed large, threatening not only his freedom but also the safety of those he held dear.

The man in the black suit maintained his smile and replied, "As expected of the Slaughter King. Sure, your family will be kept safe by us."

Vivek's eyes widened in disbelief, and he retorted, "What? Didn't you listen to what I said? My family is not to be involved."

The man dismissed Vivek's concerns, stating matter-of-factly, "We haven't been in contact for years. How can we trust you? So, for our own safety, we have to have something in power. After all, you are the Slaughter King, who wiped out the whole village of around 105 people in one night. Not even little kids and babies were left."

Vivek's fists clenched in rage, the mention of his brutal past weighing heavily on him. He realized, however, that arguing with the messenger was futile. The power behind the man was formidable, and Vivek found himself trapped between his desire to protect his family and the ominous forces that sought to exploit his dark history. The ominous reality of his past deeds had come back to haunt him, and he begrudgingly acknowledged the intricate and perilous game he was being forced to play.

Vivek reflected on the formidable entity known as Leverage, realizing the magnitude of its influence. It wasn't a small organization; in fact, it held a pervasive and ominous presence within the fabric of society. What made it even more threatening was the revelation that over one-third of government officers were subjects of Leverage. Beyond its political sway, it exercised control over various aspects of society, earning the moniker "shadow government." Leverage operated covertly, concealed from the eyes of the common populace. Only its own subjects and the highest echelons of the government were privy to its existence.

The organization was renowned for its subjects, highly trained assassins who underwent a rigorous and brutal upbringing. Most of these individuals were abandoned children, while others were born and raised within the confines of the organization. Starting their training at the tender age of six, these subjects were immersed in every facet of the art of killing. Their education extended to mastering the art of disguise, controlling their emotions and desires to an extreme degree, and understanding human psychology and manipulation.

Upon reaching the age of 18, these subjects began receiving missions, and there was no retirement from this deadly career path except through death. Deprived of individual names, they were only referred to as subjects followed by the time of their birth or the time and day they joined. These individuals, completely broken by the organization's ruthless training, were devoid of normal human emotions and desires.

Vivek recalled the chilling reality that not even the act of killing a newborn would induce guilt in these subjects. Their consciences had long been extinguished, replaced by an unwavering focus on completing their missions. Their only semblance of family was the connection to their masters, who taught them the dark arts of manipulation and murder. Vivek couldn't shake the realization that even the masters held no genuine attachment to these emotionally detached and morally numb individuals.

[Vivek's thoughts unraveled, and he shared a glimpse of his haunting past with a voice laced with introspection and pain. "I wasn't like other subjects. The organization head himself taught me. He made me feel everything—from killing a person to enjoying the hunt. But unlike others, I wasn't devoid of emotions. On the contrary, the head forced me to have emotions but still do what is necessary, i.e., the mission."

He continued, revealing the profound impact of his actions on his psyche. "Every person I killed, every life I took, still stays with me. Their sorrow, their despair still stays with me. I still feel their flesh, blood, anger, and hatred towards me when I took their life."

A moment of reflection followed, and he contemplated the true reasons behind his departure from LEVERAGE. "Maybe that is the real reason why I left LEVERAGE, or maybe it was her." An image of a woman materialized in his mind, hinting at a person who held significance in his tumultuous past.

In a vulnerable moment, he questioned, "Did you ever love me?" The weight of unspoken emotions lingered, and the complexities of Vivek's past seemed intertwined with a desire for connection and understanding, even in the midst of his haunting experiences.]

In the span of a few fleeting moments, Vivek's internal turmoil unfolded, yet externally, he composed himself and uttered, "Okay, I agree, but my..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the man interjected with a reassurance, "Your family will not know anything about this, and they would be kept safe."

A heavy "hmm" escaped Vivek's lips, his eyes betraying a deep well of sadness. The weight of his decision settled upon him as he once again directed his gaze towards the woman and child, the symbols of a life that seemed increasingly elusive. The park, bathed in the gentle hues of spring, witnessed the silent struggle within Vivek as he grappled with the shadows of his past and the uncertain path that lay ahead.

"You do have a nice little happy family," the man remarked, a subtle smile playing on his lips. Vivek responded with a hopeful exclamation, "I hope it remains happy, and I come back alive to see them again."

However, the man's next words injected a note of bitterness into the conversation. "But she is not the woman you left the organization for," he stated matter-of-factly.

A surge of rage flashed in Vivek's eyes as he retorted, "You don't have to do anything with that."

The man acknowledged Vivek's sentiment, conceding, "You are right. I am leaving the file with you. Take a look and get prepared with the necessities. You have to report at Tower 12, 2nd hall, during the afternoon. I hope your family wouldn't have made you weak, Slaughter King."

"Hmm," Vivek replied, the gravity of the situation sinking in. The man departed without turning back, leaving Vivek to contemplate the impending mission and the shadows of his past.

As the man disappeared from view, Vivek thought, "It's already been seven years, a long time indeed," and his gaze shifted to the sky, perhaps seeking solace or answers in the expanse above.

The evening had settled in, and as the sun dipped below the horizon, the atmosphere in the park grew chillier. The ambient sounds of insects filled the air, and the soft glow of streetlights began to illuminate the surroundings.

Vivek remained seated on the bench, lost in his thoughts, when the woman and child approached. Aarav, the boy, joyfully ran towards Vivek, wrapping him in a warm hug that instantly lifted Vivek's spirits. "I think it's a lot of playing for a day. Let's go home, Aarav," the woman suggested, and the boy nodded in agreement.

As they prepared to leave, the woman noticed the tension in Vivek's demeanor. Concern etched her face as she inquired, "Who was the person before? You look so tensed after meeting him."

Vivek, caught off guard, attempted to downplay the encounter, "No, just an old acquaintance. His wife passed away two days ago."

The woman, named Mira, wasn't convinced. She pressed further, "You are lying, right, or do you think I don't know you?"

Vivek's frustration erupted, and he yelled, "I said he was an old acquaintance, so he is. Why do you have to interfere in every matter?" Mira's expression shifted slightly, but she chose to maintain her composure as she observed Vivek. His face bore signs of fear—wide-open eyes, dilated pupils, and raised eyebrows—a stark contrast to the calm facade he usually presented. The tension lingered in the air as they stood in the dimming park, the secrets of Vivek's past threatening to cast shadows over their seemingly ordinary lives.

[ ] = represents thoughts in mind.

Names meaning,

Aarav : peaceful

Mira : Ocean or sea

Vivek : wisdom or discernment

Hey guys, Myself Vasudeva , this is my first work on webnovel , i hope you guys like it .

Appreciation and Constructive critisizm are always welcomed.

please feel free to use the coments section for you advice.

I will try to improve the work as it goes on .

Thank You Reading :)

Vasudeva_AYcreators' thoughts
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