

Book Link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/eternal-conquest-the-endless-pursuit-of-immortality-and-death_28871727300497505 "Apologies to everyone for the unresolved technical issue. Therefore, I will be reuploading this book under a new name and with a slight twist in the story as a gesture of apology. New Title: "Eternal Conquest: The Endless Pursuit of Immortality and Death" The chapters are already serialized in the aforementioned book, so please continue from, the above book You can locate it within the original Works section of my author profile. If not showing in there yet, you can search it, by copy pasting the title. For new readers, I encourage you to explore the original book for a richer reading experience. This current version will remain available on the platform for a few days before it is removed."

Vasudeva_AY · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs


As the Moon Festival wrapped up, Vivek, Bi, and his wife returned to the familiar embrace of their home. Bi, simmering with frustration, paced around the wooden-floored bedroom while his wife cradled Vivek, seeking comfort in the glow of moonlit curtains.

The room held the echoes of the night: a bed on the right, a closet on the left, and a window beside the bed, its sill adorned with a stoic stool. The full moon cast its gentle rays through the curtains, offering a calming luminescence. Outside, a clear sky unveiled dark clouds in the distance, a subtle reminder of the cosmic dramas that unfolded.

Seething with indignation, Bi couldn't contain his thoughts. "That clan leader, sly as a fox! Purposefully kicked me. I warned him about the Orbis's resilience against stone tiger attacks – everyone knows they're fiercest at rank three. He orchestrated it all to snatch that coveted rank five Orbis," Bi vented, his anger echoing in the serene confines of their lunar-lit sanctuary.

"Calm down, at least no one was hurt, and you know we can't do anything to him. Leaving without further interrogation was already a bliss," said Bi's wife, attempting to soothe the storm within.

"Miko, you know nothing. The fact that he let us leave so easily is the only thing making me more nervous," Bi retorted.

"Remember that couple who adopted a foreign blood child and brought him to the ceremony? Clan leader instantly killed them, and they had a strong family background too." Bi recounted with a grim tone.

"Maybe this baby was blessed, which is why he spared us," Miko suggested in a hushed voice.

"That's an even bigger issue. He spared the baby because of the blessings of the moon deity – no one can offend a god. But we were left alive without any punishment. That's the part I'm struggling to digest," Bi confessed, tension etched across his face.

"You know, the blessings provide an external source of cultivation, and the more people blessed, the lesser everyone's share. If someone gets blessed, most of the power of light gets diverted to that person, increasing their cultivation drastically or bestowing other gifts," Bi explained, his voice resonating with anger and anxiety.

"Do you see that crescent moon on his forehead? It's undoubtedly a gift, and if I'm not wrong, it could potentially be the foundation for a Supreme Orbis," Bi continued, his tone carrying the weight of his concerns.

"Supreme Orbis!" Shock painted Miko's face. "But isn't that an exceptionally rare blessing?"

"Indeed, and that's all the more reason to worry. Remember how many Supreme Orbis the Colossal Stone has provided? Only three," Bi stressed, his anxiety growing.

"Clan leader is no fool; he would surely have recognized that mark. It's not complete, but someone with a strong family background could understand it. And here's the really alarming part – the blessings of these Supreme Orbis are provided only once in a hundred years," Bi explained, his gaze fixed on the moonlit night outside the window.

"Once in a hundred years?" Shock was written all over Miko's face.

"Not only that, but in five hundred years of our clan's history, only three people—the clan founder and two earlier clan leaders—have received this boon. The scary thing is, like other Primal Orbis, the Supreme Orbis can be extracted from the body of the deceased," Bi explained, now looking at Vivek in Miko's arms. Miko couldn't find words, but her face conveyed the profound pain she held.

"The situation looks dire. I've only been here a day, and it already seems grim. I need to learn their language as quickly as possible," thought Vivek, his stomach loudly reminding him to eat. In response, Miko's maternal instincts kicked in, and she started breastfeeding him.

"I can't do anything about it. For the coming months, this will be my only source of food and water," Vivek thought, drifting into sleep.

"Don't get too attached to the baby. We don't know what will happen tomorrow, and if the clan leader wants anything, we can't resist. Now, it's what destiny has chosen for this baby," said Bi.

Upon hearing this, Miko's face fell, and the pain in her eyes was palpable.

"What if they were to extract the Supreme Orbis from the baby?" Miko whispered, gently placing the sleeping Vivek onto the bed.

"Hmm, not now. The mark on his forehead indicates that the Orbis has yet to fully form. He'll live for a few years, but beyond that, I can't make any promises," Bi reassured Miko, who had now leaned her head against Bi's shoulder. Her hands conveyed a silent ballet of worry and tension—one wrapped around Bi's hand, the other pressed near her chest, a poignant symphony of maternal concern.


The following day unfolded in the hallowed Elder Hall, where Bi stood at the epicenter, cradling Vivek in a woven basket. Encircled by elders seated on regal chairs, their collective gaze converging on the clan leader perched upon a throne, the hall mirrored the grandeur of a parliamentary assembly. The leader's throne, an opulent spectacle adorned with myriad jewels and intricately carved spells, commanded attention. A sumptuous blue cushion graced the throne, while wooden chairs with crimson cushions cradled the elders.

A resplendent chandelier cast its radiant glow upon Bi, suspended like a guardian above. Beneath, a scarlet carpet embraced the space where Bi stood, the focal point of attention. The walls, adorned with an array of exquisite materials, added an enchanting allure to the already beautiful Elder Hall. The stage was set for a momentous chapter.

As Bi held Vivek in the basket, a palpable tension gripped the Elder Hall. The clan leader, shrouded in authority, surveyed the assembly with an inscrutable gaze. The elders, a tapestry of wisdom and experience, awaited the unraveling of the peculiar fate entwined with the baby cradled in Bi's arms.

"Bi," intoned the clan leader, his voice echoing through the ornate hall. "Explain the circumstances surrounding the child's presence in our sacred Moon Festival. Your actions have roused both curiosity and concern among our esteemed elders."

Bi, standing resolute, began recounting the improbable tale of finding Vivek near the Moon River and the celestial events that transpired during the festival. As he spoke, the air in the hall crackled with a potent blend of skepticism and intrigue. The elders exchanged furtive glances, and whispers floated through the chamber like elusive specters.

"If I am not wrong, then I am the epicenter of their discussion," ruminated Vivek, observing the hushed deliberations unfolding in the Elder Hall.

"Esteemed elders," declared the clan leader, and a hush fell over the assembly.

"This child," he gestured toward Vivek, "is bestowed with a gift from the Colossal Stone, and there's a high probability that it is the foundation for a Supreme Orbis," announced the clan leader.

A cacophony of noise erupted, the Elder Hall abuzz with questions and gasps about the mysterious Supreme Orbis.

"But this Orbis is not yet fully developed," clarified the clan leader in response to the fervor.

"What should we do about it, Clan Leader?" inquired an elder.

"We will allow this child to nourish the Supreme Orbis. Once it has fully taken shape, we will excavate it and present it to our younger generations. It will be the greatest honor for foreign blood to contribute to our mighty clan," declared the clan leader.

"Clan Leader is wise," an elder bowed in approval.

"What about the baby's origin? What if a powerful force from another clan is behind it? What about the safety of the village?" voiced another elder, expressing a legitimate concern.

"Indeed, I share your concern. That's why we will dispatch a team from the Phantom Unit to investigate the baby's origin," responded the clan leader.

The mention of the Phantom Unit sent ripples of speculation through the elders. Whispers filled the hall as discussions about this secretive force unfolded. "The clan leader seems serious about this. Phantom Unit, a secret force in the village?" murmured one elder. "Yes, it's said no one knows their real identity, not even their own partners," chimed in another. "Aren't they ruthless killers, primarily used for assassinations and spying?" speculated a third, turning the Phantom Unit into a topic of fervent intrigue.

Bi, carrying Vivek in the basket, stood in the Elder Hall with a heavy heart. Despite foreseeing the inevitable consequences, the reality of Vivek's destined path weighed on him like an unshakable burden. "It was my mistake," Bi admitted, the admission tinged with a complex mix of resignation and regret. His face, a canvas of conflicting emotions, displayed the toll of acknowledging the harsh destiny that awaited the child he held in his arms. Even though he had anticipated the unfolding events, the weight of responsibility and the somber reality etched lines of sorrow across Bi's visage.

"Respected Clan Leader, what about the baby? Where will he be by the time of excavation?" inquired one of the elders.

"Since this child is destined to be a gift for our clan, we will keep him in the palace, with maids tending to all his needs. He will be surrounded by everyone, and what we desire most is the completion of his Supreme Orbis," declared the clan leader with an air of dominance.

"Leader, you are wise and merciful," praised an elder.

"No!" A loud, defiant voice resonated from the entrance near the hall.

Miko, adorned in a pink dress, rushed towards Bi from the entrance. "Miko," Bi uttered, his face a tumult of emotions, making it challenging to discern whether he was angry or shocked.

She reached Bi and immediately bowed towards the clan leader. "Clan Leader," she began, but an elder interjected.

"Bi, this is the Elder Hall. How can this low life enter this sacred place?" thundered an elder like a bolt of lightning.

"Presumptuous! Bi, can't you handle your women?" criticized another elder.

"Silence!" commanded the clan leader in a low but threatening voice.

"Speak, what do you want to say?" demanded the clan leader, But no emotion of anger appeared on his face.

"Thank you, Your Authority. Clan Leader, I have a simple request," Miko said in a low tone while bowing on the floor.

"Continue," permitted the clan leader.

"Thank you, Leader. Until the Supreme Orbis is formed inside the baby, I want to keep him with me," requested Miko.

The clan leader stood up in anger. "Presumptuous! How dare you go against my decision?"

"I dare not, I dare not," stammered Miko, panic evident in her voice.

"Leader is wise and merciful. I just beg him to give me this baby for the time period. I don't have a child of my own and don't know if I ever will. That is why I want to take care of this baby. I will provide him with everything he needs, and when the time comes, I will sacrifice him for the greater good," pleaded Miko.

"Miko..." murmured Bi, his eyes shifting as he observed Miko.

The hall fell into silence for a moment before an elder erupted, "How can we give this treasure to some lowlife?" The elder's rage resonated, and other elders joined in, clapping their thighs in agreement.

"Silence!" commanded the clan leader, and then after a thoughtful pause, he said, "Okay." The declaration sent the elders into a chorus of approval.

"Esteemed elders," spoke the clan leader, his voice resonating in the hall, "This woman may be a lowlife, but she is the wife of our clansman. As the clan leader and a father, I can't turn a blind eye to a parent in such conditions. Hence, I have decided."

The atmosphere shifted, and the elders, once critical, now praised and bowed to the clan leader, repeating, "Leader is wise and merciful."

"Thank you, Your Authority," said Miko, instantly elated. However, Bi's brows furrowed, realizing that the clan leader wasn't the type to let go of a matter so easily after announcing his decision.

Vivek in the basket could only observe the commotion around him. "Damn, if I'm not wrong, they're probably deciding what to do with me. It's bad, really bad – this useless baby body and language barrier," babbled Vivek, once a formidable assassin, now trapped in an infant's form, feeling utterly powerless.

"But," said the clan leader, and the hall fell silent once again.

"If you won't be able to fulfill your promise of sacrifice, then your only punishment will be death," declared the clan leader, his voice echoing through the hall.

"Yes, Your Authority. If such a crime happens, this lowlife will deserve death," affirmed Miko.

"Miko," uttered Bi, placing his hands on her shoulders. His face revealed a myriad of emotions, with lowered eyes and parched lips reflecting both his love for Miko and his self-directed frustration for not being able to change their fate.

"Now dismiss, and remember today's day," commanded the clan leader with unwavering authority.

"Yes, Your Authority," acknowledged the couple, bowing before exiting the elder hall.


The sun soared brightly in the sky, emitting scorching heat waves. The broad street was nearly empty, with only a few open shops on the side. Very few people were outside, and those who were seemed to be workers.

Bi knocked on Miko's forehead with very little force.


"Are you insane? What if that leader would have killed you right there? You know, non-Yodhas are nothing more than livestock to these people," scolded Bi, his frustration evident on his face.

"Nothing happened, right? Don't worry," said Miko, clinging to Bi's hand.

"<Sigh > If I was strong, then you wouldn't have to be called that lowlife and be humiliated again and again," Bi said, clenching his fist and furrowing his brows.

"They had no right to discriminate against a person based on whether they are awakened or not," Bi expressed, anger and frustration towards himself visible on his face.

"Don't blame yourself. You are who you are. I love you like this only. No more power or status can make my love for you fade away, and I never will blame you for this," Miko reassured, looking into Bi's eyes. A small smile formed on both of their faces.

"How can these two always remain happy amid every crisis? I see one getting sad, then one cheering the other up, and both become happy. Looking at them seems like a fantasy," mused Vivek, observing the couple's little smiles.

"Do you have any name in mind for the child?" inquired Bi, his eyes ablaze with eager anticipation.

"Oh, I haven't thought about it yet," responded Miko, her countenance a canvas of profound reflection.

"Well, any preferences or suggestions?" she asked Bi.

"Hmmm, let's see. This baby was found near Moon River and was blessed by the Moon Deity. What about Yue Ming?" proposed Bi, sounding confident in his suggestion.

"Yue Ming sounds good, but what about Bi Zhen?" Miko countered.

"If you have already thought about it, why did you ask for my opinion?" Bi teased, making a grin face.

Playfully, Miko elbowed him in the stomach and walked ahead, with Bi holding his stomach as he trailed after her.

She looked at Vivek in the basket and said, "Zhen Bi." "She is probably giving me a name. Well, I don't much care about it, as long as people are able to spell it, it's good," Vivek babbled and then smiled at her, signaling that he is okay with the name.

With a tender touch, Miko gently lifted Vivek out of the basket, cradling him in her arms with a maternal warmth that radiated love and protection.

"Xiao Bi Zhen, my son, our son," she whispered, her voice carrying an emotional resonance that echoed the profound significance of the moment. Her gaze met Bi's, and in that shared glance, they acknowledged the newfound bond that had sprouted in the midst of uncertainty. The weight of parenthood hung in the air, mingling with the subtle joy that sparkled in their eyes, creating a tableau of familial bliss against the backdrop of their unfolding journey.

Hello folks , baby Vivek is now off duty probably getting his diaper's changed.

I hope you liked todays baby adventure too.

Thank you for reading

Bye bye ;)

Vasudeva_AYcreators' thoughts