

Book Link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/eternal-conquest-the-endless-pursuit-of-immortality-and-death_28871727300497505 "Apologies to everyone for the unresolved technical issue. Therefore, I will be reuploading this book under a new name and with a slight twist in the story as a gesture of apology. New Title: "Eternal Conquest: The Endless Pursuit of Immortality and Death" The chapters are already serialized in the aforementioned book, so please continue from, the above book You can locate it within the original Works section of my author profile. If not showing in there yet, you can search it, by copy pasting the title. For new readers, I encourage you to explore the original book for a richer reading experience. This current version will remain available on the platform for a few days before it is removed."

Vasudeva_AY · Eastern
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25 Chs


Thirteen years had woven a tapestry of life in the vibrant streets below. The sun, like a benevolent sovereign, extended its warm embrace to the multitude on the lively thoroughfares. The lingering scent of damp soil hinted at a recent dance between the heavens and earth. Streets, now a whirlwind of activity, witnessed a grand spectacle – merchants orchestrating a symphony of commerce, workers laboring under the weight of elite aspirations, and the air buzzing with the contagious fervor of a bustling market.

In Zhen's room, nestled on the second floor with a commanding view of the street, the atmosphere mirrored the vivacity outside. His abode, a sanctuary of both simplicity and sophistication, embraced the day's radiance. The window, a portal to the world, framed Zhen seated in contemplation. His eyes, akin to seasoned observers, curated stories from the bustling scenes below.

The room, adorned with a bed, closet, and a table with his legs comfortably stretched, seemed a stage for his silent musings. The sunlight, entering like a conspirator through the curtains, added an ethereal glow to the room, as if nature itself approved of the unfolding drama. In this tableau of life, Zhen remained a silent protagonist, absorbing the world's tales through his observant gaze.

"It never changes," Zhen mused, a detached observer in a world entrenched in its harsh realities. He watched with a stoic gaze as a hapless worker bore the brunt of an elite's fury, a scene that had become all too familiar. "I'm getting too used to this stuff," he muttered, absorbing the barrage of slurs hurled at the downtrodden laborer.

In a monotone reflection, Zhen articulated the grim truth that governed this society. "If a person can't awaken the sea of consciousness or the third eye, they're deemed lowlives, destined to serve the whims of these elites, irrespective of the nature of the service – physical or otherwise. Even if they face death, it goes unnoticed, a predetermined fate accepted by the common folk."

As he shifted his gaze to the morning sky, Zhen contemplated the pervasive cruelty that stained this world. "In my thirteen years on this planet, I've witnessed the face of human cruelty not just in private but out in the open. Slave trading, public beheadings, and the public humiliation of the lowlives are commonplace. Torture is an everyday occurrence," he sighed, a profound weariness permeating his words. "I don't even care much about what they do anymore. Even if I could care, I wouldn't be able to change a thing. In this world, power speaks louder than words."

"There's no specific name for this planet; every region calls it by its own name," Zhen began, sharing a lesson in planetary nomenclature. "The clan records indicate that there are two major continents, each boasting an area approximately equivalent to Earth's total surface area."

Offering geographic insight, Zhen continued, "We find ourselves in the southern region of the eastern continent, renowned for having the highest concentration of resources. Yet, despite the abundance, people are ever eager to snatch even a single spirit stone from one another."

With an air of familiarity, he elaborated on their specific location. "The Xiao Clan is situated behind Mount Xiao, named after our esteemed clan founder, Xiao Bai Ren. We're surrounded by three other clans – Zhao, Fang, and Yang," he recited.

Encouraging his elder companion's knowledge, a girl in a red frock, appearing around eight, chimed in, "Very good, Elder Brother. You've mastered the geographical details. Now, revise the power system, so you can ace the academy entrance exams." Her charming baby face, marked by big eyes and a button nose, hinted at her youthful charm.

"I've already told you, I've memorized everything. You're the one wasting my time," Zhen teased.

The little girl pouted and exclaimed, "Huh, you're so mean! I'm trying to help you learn, but you don't even appreciate my efforts."

"Brother, you don't need to add your non-human commentary in your answers. Otherwise, the academy will kick you out," she remarked with a sarcastic smile.

"Now, go play with your tiny friends. I need to revise the power system," Zhen said, ruffling her hair as she made her way out.

"Alright, off I go! But beware, big brother, if you indulge in any more time-wasting escapades, I'll unleash the mom-monster, and you'll face the consequences!" declared the little girl, cunningly closing the door.

"<sigh >, Jeez, having siblings is like trying to study quantum physics with a potato. She's like a mini-Riya, back when we were still kids. I wonder if Riya is still holding it down on Earth," Zhen pondered, reclining on his chair. [Selective memory loss]

"Caught you red-handed again, huh?" quipped the same little girl, peeking through the door, only her eyes visible. "I might just have to dial up Mom and spill the beans..."

"No, no! I swear, I'm on the study grind!" Zhen hastily pulled out a book and pretended to read. The little girl eyed him skeptically before finally retreating.

"Hell, having siblings is like wrestling a jellyfish – unpredictable and slightly painful," Zhen grumbled, shaking his head. Zhen played along with his little sister's antics, understanding that sometimes adults have to become kids in the eyes of children.

"And my other issue, other than this sister of mine, is this spy," Zhen murmured, gazing at the edge of the window.

"I was three days old when I sensed this guy. He's good, but I'm better. I don't know why, but I feel like he knows too, that I am aware of his presence. And over these years, a complicated relationship has formed between us," said Zhen.

The spy also knows that Zhen is aware of his presence, and every time Zhen finds his hiding location, the spy's respect towards Zhen grows more and more, forming a complicated relation between them.

"I haven't taken actions against this guy. Mainly because of two reasons: number one, if ration goes out and father is not home, this guy gets the job done, with me getting credit for it. Secondly, he helps our family in many chores and is more like a shadow family member. Even my mom has sensed that someone else also lives in this house. And everyone has mutually accepted that person."

"Beyond the mere trifles of privacy issues, my existence in this cosmic haven dwarfs the mundane life back on Earth. Yet, rather than basking in unbridled joy, I find myself teetering on the precipice of anxiety. What if, in a cruel twist, even these luxuries are snatched away from me?" Zhen mused, his voice resonating with a profound and ominous undertone.

His gaze fixated on the ancient tome cradled in his hands, adorned with the enigmatic title, 'Cultivation.' With a deliberate flair, he unfurled the book's inaugural page.

"Power System: a classification that transcends mortal limitations. It has the three realms that shape the very fabric of existence," Zhen intoned, eyes glinting with an otherworldly wisdom. "Firstly, the wretched Mortals – the lowly, the unawakened, the powerless, incapable of unlocking their dormant third eye."

A pregnant pause hung in the air before he continued, "Mortal Yodha, the revered warriors, the awakened few who tread the path of cultivation. But, for beyond lies a veil of mystery shrouding the Immortal and Gods. A void of knowledge, an abyss of uncertainty, where not even a solitary mortal has dared to ascend."

Zhen's countenance remained stoic, yet his words carried the weight of subtle revelation. "I can't shake the feeling that there's a deliberate dearth of information concerning the divine echelons. In a world where severed limbs dance back to life, can we truly believe that the path to ascension eludes us? I ponder this in the face of eternity," he declared, his expressionless visage betraying the depth of existential contemplation, his eyes akin to an abyssal portal into the unknown.

Zhen delved into the ancient text, turning the fragile pages that whispered the secrets of existence.

"Rankings, a mortal Yodha's ladder from the humble Rank 0 to the awe-inspiring Rank 7," he murmured, eyes tracing the words etched on the parchment. "Few traverse the arduous path to Rank 5 in their lifetime, and even fewer ascend to the elusive Rank 6. At the summit stands Rank 7, a realm reserved for the geniuses of geniuses. On this vast Continent, a mere handful, no more than a half-dozen, hold the esteemed status of Rank 7 mortals."

With a focused gaze, he turned another set of pages, continuing his journey through the arcane knowledge.

"Cultivation, the pursuit of higher truths within oneself," Zhen explained, his voice steady. "It unfolds with awakening, a transfer of natural essence into one's body, clearing the channels of both body and spirit. This awakening hinges on aptitude, the innate talent embedded within an individual."

His finger traced the depiction of chakra points on the backbone, a roadmap to spiritual ascension. "Seven major chakra points, from Muladhar near the appendix symbolizing Rank 1, to Sahasrara at the crown denoting Rank 7. Each open chakra corresponds to a distinct rank, a testament to the intricate connection between the body and the journey of cultivation."

Zhen continued reading, flipping through the pages that unfolded the mysteries of Orbis.

"Orbis: spherical wonders birthed within the bowels of beasts. They grant Yodhas a myriad of abilities, from life-affirming healing to lethal destruction, and even the power to soar through the skies or navigate the depths of the ocean. These cosmic orbs aren't just tools for Yodhas' direct use; they serve as the building blocks for crafting weapons, armor, storage devices, and even intricate medical instruments. The versatility of Orbis knows no bounds, limited only by the imagination of the wielder. The potency and effects of these orbs, depends on the chosen rank."

Zhen shifted his focus to the classification of these enigmatic orbs.

"Orbis, the classified wonders, are divided into the realms of Primal and Supreme. Primal Orbis, found within the wild and beastly and generated within their bodies. Supreme Orbis, shrouded in mystery, remain veiled in the shadows of insufficient information."

He paused, a smirk playing on his lips as he divulged a snippet of secrecy.

"Some truths are destined to stay veiled. The Supreme Orbis is one such enigma, a clandestine gem in this vast tapestry of knowledge. Well, that wraps up my entrance exam syllabus. It'll be a stroll in the park competing with these fledgling aspirants," Zhen declared, his lips curving into a self-assured smile as he reclined in his chair.

A voice from downstairs interrupted his scholarly pursuit, calling him to a more mundane reality.

"Zhen, come down, lunch is served," Miko's voice echoed through the house.

Zhen blinked, realizing the passage of time. "Oh, it's already afternoon," he remarked, a casual acknowledgment of the temporal flow of time.

Zhen gracefully descended the stairs and slid open the door adjacent to the staircase. The room, a serene haven, welcomed him with a seamless blend of comfort and nature. A lush green carpet adorned the floor, complemented by a sturdy wooden table positioned at the room's center. The door on one side faced the enchanting garden, where a tree adorned with blossoms stood as a testament to the beauty outside.

The aroma of both delectable food and fragrant flowers wafted through the room, creating an atmosphere of instant relaxation for anyone who stepped inside. Zhen's senses were captivated by the symphony of scents, fostering a tranquil ambiance.

Around the square table, Bi, Miko, and the little girl were already seated, leaving a designated space for Zhen. With a swift movement, he settled onto the awaiting pillow, and Miko, the gracious host, commenced serving the feast to each eager diner. The table brimmed with an array of dishes, and the air buzzed with a mix of familial warmth and the promise of a delightful meal.

"How's your preparation going for the coming entrance exam?" Bi asked, a mysterious blue glow shimmering in his eyes.

Zhen glanced at Bi, his narrow abyssal eyes revealing a depth of experience. He took a casual sip of tea before responding, "You yourself know that the exam is just a facade. Only those capable of awakening will enter the academy. Even if someone who can't awaken aces the exam, they'll eventually be thrown out of the academy."

Bi, undeterred by Zhen's straightforwardness, offered words of encouragement. "You are as straight forward as always, but giving your best is the best thing, even if you can't pass."

Zhen, with a slight nod, accepted Bi's words. Inwardly, he couldn't help but think, "How do I explain to this man that this entrance exam is just child's play for me? And here he is, worrying for nothing."

While Bi tried to uplift Zhen's spirits, he himself was battling nerves for his own exams. Despite his outward strength, Bi's legs betrayed him with continuous shaking. Yet, he maintained a stoic expression, a facade for Zhen to keep his hopes high. "Today's children take everything too lightly. I was a genius among my peers, yet I only managed to score a total of sixty points," Bi reflected on his own past.

Miko, perceptive as always, saw through Bi's disguise. She gently placed a comforting hand on his leg, silently assuring him not to succumb to stress.

"After they took me in, it only took a mere two years to master their language, and now I speak it even better than them. Five years after my adoption, the family witnessed two significant events. Firstly, Bi – or Father, as I call him – achieved a breakthrough, soaring to the rank three core formation stage, and then, in a remarkable succession, reached the rank three petal formation stage. Secondly, my little sister Yin came into the world."

In the span of a few seconds, Zhen's thoughts raced through complexities that would take others much longer to comprehend.

"Papa, don't worry; I've been helping brother with his studies," Yin chimed in, her mouth full of rice.

Bi and Miko exchanged a proud glance, acknowledging Yin's efforts.

"Eat your fill and study properly," Miko advised Zhen with a reassuring smile.

Zhen nodded, the subtle interplay of family dynamics and extraordinary abilities blending seamlessly in the routine of meals and studies. The household thrived in its unique tapestry of everyday life, where each member played a vital role in their own distinct way.


The day of the entrance exams had arrived, and Zhen found himself in his room, standing before the mirror. He adorned a traditional outfit, reminiscent of a black kimono with striking red borders. The ritual of wearing traditional clothing for exams held a certain significance. With medium-sized almond eyes, brown pupils, and sleek black hair, with a mesomorphic body, Zhen could be deemed handsome for his age. His straight nose added a touch of maturity to his youthful appearance.

"Brother, this is warm water," Yin entered the room, carrying a small tub.

"Make your hands and feet warm; it will give you more ideas," she suggested.

Zhen playfully ruffled her hair, a warm smile on his face. "Go, tell Pa that I am ready and will be there in a moment."

As Yin scampered off to deliver the message, Zhen approached the window, feeling the warm air tousling his hair. It was a comfortable warmth, ideal for the journey ahead. After setting his hair with a splash of water and refreshing his face, he descended the stairs and stepped outside. Bi stood near the entrance of the house.

"Ready for the exams?" asked Bi.

Zhen nodded with his usual expressionless demeanor. Bi, feeling a surge of paternal love, attempted to hold Zhen's hand. "I am not a baby anymore," Zhen asserted, withdrawing his hand.

"Oh , my bad," Bi apologized.

As they walked, the academy entrance came into view. It was a magnificent sight, two pillars standing tall with a board above proudly displaying "Xiao Academy." No other parents were in sight, as the clan believed in letting the young ones grow independently, intervening only when necessary.

"I don't much care about all these child-dropping rituals," Zhen thought, maintaining his usual poker face.

Zhen's silence made Bi wonder if he had embarrassed him by coming to drop him off. Bi raised both eyebrows, stealing a glance at Zhen.

"Okay, bye," Zhen said in a plain tone, moving ahead. Bi lingered, watching to ensure Zhen entered the academy safely.

"Isn't he overprotective? I'm not even his own flesh and blood," Zhen contemplated as he walked through the academy entrance.

As Zhen entered, he was greeted by a grand square teeming with kids his age, all bustling around. Three pavilions stood ahead, each adorned with a board displaying the names of the exam aspirants.

"Oh , look , he is Bi Zhen" said one kid in a yellow dress, "He indeed is very arrogant , look at his face" said the boy next to the kid.

"I have heard , he was able to speak and walk by the age of fourteen months " said the other.

"Isn't he handsome too", said one of the girls , other girls of the group giving an agreeable nod.

Zhen sighed and didn't gave much attention to the flattering.

Moving toward the middle pavilion, he quickly found his name on the list. Without sparing a glance elsewhere, he proceeded straight into the pavilion's interior. The inside was grand, with multiple jewels embedded on the walls above the reception straight ahead.

"Entrance exam, Xiao Bi Zhen," he declared directly to the receptionist while maintaining his expressionless demeanor.

"Aren't you a cute little thing," remarked the receptionist.

"Stop wasting my time. Tell me the floor and room number," Zhen demanded, his straightforward approach catching the receptionist off guard. However, she dismissed it, not taking a child's words too seriously.

She playfully mimicked him, engaging in verbal banter. "What will you do, little brother, if I don't tell you?" she teased.

Zhen sighed, weariness evident in his posture. Suddenly, he swiftly pulled out a dagger from behind him, and with a jump, positioned himself behind the receptionist. His hand clamped around her neck, the glint of the dagger menacingly close.

"You insignificant creature, how dare you offend me. I may not be awakened yet, but I can still snuff out your pathetic existence, and no one in this wretched place will care. Your replacement will be just another stepping stone," Zhen hissed with venom. His eyes widened, pupils constricting, and a twisted grin spread across his face. It was a smile that spoke not of warmth, but of the darkness and madness lurking within. It promised mercilessness.

The once lively receptionist morphed into a statue of fear. Her earlier vibrancy vanished, replaced by a ghostly paleness. She swallowed hard, her eyes growing wider, eyebrows shooting up, and her lips parched – visible manifestations of the terror she held within.

"Sorry, esteemed sir, this servant deserves nothing but death," she stammered with a trembling voice.

With calculated precision, Zhen moved away from her, returning to his spot near the reception. The receptionist, still breathing heavily, hastily handed him a token bearing his name and the type of exam. Only when Zhen had completely vanished from her sight did she permit herself a shaky breath, the air thick with the lingering threat that hovered over her like a malevolent shadow.

"It was a wise decision to carry forward the practice of the arts learned in Leverage from my past life. This time, I began quickly, and it has notably enhanced my speed and flexibility."

"I stay away from pointless killings," Zhen whispered to himself, the words echoing in the quiet corridors of the academy. The sinister undertone of his earlier threat still lingered, but his declaration hinted at a semblance of self-imposed restraint. In the depths of his complex identity, a line was drawn – a boundary between calculated menace and a twisted sense of morality that even a thirteen-year-old assassin grappled with.

Zhen walked through the meticulously designed corridors of the academy building, passing wooden doors adorned with portraits on either side. Each step echoed with a sense of purpose, a silent prelude to not to mess with him.

Eventually, he found himself standing in front of a designated room. Pushing the gate open, he entered a well-lit space with a red carpet beneath and multiple tables arranged for the examinees. At the far end, a stern-looking examiner, likely a rank three yodha, awaited.

Zhen approached him, token flashing, and requested the question paper. The man handed him a sealed envelope, instructing him to take his seat.

Choosing a spot in the corner of the room, Zhen settled in. The room gradually filled with other examinees, each carrying their aspirations and uncertainties into the space.

"Look isn't that kid the prodigy they say" said one of the examinee looking at Zhen.

"Yeah , you are right I heard he was blessed by the moon deity" reassured the other.

"The exam will commence in ten breaths of time," announced the examiner, setting the stage for the challenges that lay ahead. The air in the room thickened with anticipation, and hopes that these aspirants carried.




Thirteen years whisked by like an ephemeral breeze, transforming Vivek into Zhen. The next chapter eagerly awaits Zhen's awakening ceremony. Stay tuned for the unfolding saga that promises twists and revelations. Your continued readership is deeply appreciated.

Thank you for embarking on this journey with us.

Bye bye ;)

Vasudeva_AYcreators' thoughts