

What if Rhaenyra had had a twin? Watch as Baelon makes his way through his father's court

AgustinaGM18 · TV
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10 Chs

Chapter 07

Maegor's Keep

Pov Baelon

When I decide to close the gap that separates us, she is the one who breaks the distance, she places her two hands on my chest as she slowly advances when I feel her lips on mine, my heart rate soars, and our lips feel for the first time, we move shyly, when I get used to her, I enjoy the kiss, the air begins to lack, I slowly get away from her.

-Let's go inside" I whisper. I grab her hand and we start walking toward the bed, I sit on the edge of the bed and Rhae is in front of me.

- Sister, are you sure about this? Asked.

- Yes, I want to continue." She answers looking at me determinedly.

Rising from the bed I walk towards her and place my hands on her cheeks, I close the space between our faces and place my lips on hers, I move calmly, I enjoy her lips, things heat up when I trace her lips with my tongue opens them, I put my tongue in her mouth and she begins to dance with hers, my hands go down her body and I place them on the small of her back, surrounds my neck with her hands, we kiss them greedily, hungry each other, repressed desire for months. We kiss for minutes, we walk away when our lips give no more.

I rest my forehead on hers, I try to catch my breath, my pulse beats a thousand seconds, I look at her and she is in the same state as me, I let out a giggle and look at her with all the love and desire I have for her, while she reflects the same as me.

- I've wanted to do this for months, I've hidden my desire day after day, it's a pain to be close to you and I can touch or kiss you the way I've wanted."

- I went through the same brother, but I didn't want to take this step because I wasn't sure if you felt the same, I was afraid. - She answers.

- I've been a coward, we could have been together for months, I was afraid you'd reject me, I can't imagine being away from you Rhaenyra, just imagining it hurts my heart" I speak, she looks at me with a look full of love.

- We've both messed up brother," Rhae tells me as she strokes my cheeks.

- We would have to go to sleep it is late, tomorrow we talk about how we are going to continue from now on" I tell him.

We lay on the bed, with our faces centimeters apart, I come closer and leave a chaste kiss on his lips.

- Sȳz bantis, jorrāelagon. " (Good night, love).

- Sȳz bantis lēkia. " (Good Night brother).

I draw her into my arms, I look at the stone ceiling and allow myself to be happy for what happened, I will fulfill the promise I made to mother, whatever the cost. I feel how the dream is coming to me, and after days I sleep in peace.


I wake up by the movements next to me, I open my eyes slowly getting used to the sun's rays that enter through the balcony and give directly to the bed. I lean on the wooden backrest, look to my side and watch as Rhaenyra sleeps face down, the sun's rays reflect off her hair, and her platinum strands have an otherworldly glow.

I raise my hand and start running my fingers through her hair, I am always fascinated by how her hair is so beautiful, golden and platinum strands mixing with each other, the perfect blend of mother and father's hair.

She watched as her eyelids begin to move and she opens her eyes, her bright lilac irises connect with mine, we observe each other when she is the one speaking.

- What a beautiful way to wake up. "I speak quietly. His eyes are closed again by my caresses.

- Good morning beauty, How did you sleep?" I ask.

- Very well brother, for days I did not sleep so well" he answers.

- I'm so glad you're so relaxed, these days have been hell." I exclaim as I pull my two away from her hair, she makes a noise of protest, I laugh at her reaction "I want to get up sister, we can't stay in bed all day " I tell her.

- Always so responsible brother, nobody is going to tell you anything for staying a while longer in bed. "Rhae says as she gets up and leans on the back of the bed.

- I know that nobody is going to say anything to me sister, but you know that every morning I will see Vermithor and fly with him" I tell her as I walk to my closet and take off my nightwear and choose the clothes of the day.

- Whatever you say, brother, you have to relax more" Rhaenyra speaks to me from the bed.

When I'm ready, I turn to the mirror and look at my hair, it reaches my shoulder blades, I have to cut it I don't like it so long if it reaches my shoulders it's fine, I tie it up, when I'm ready I grab it Blackfyre placed it in its sheath and tied it around my waist. I walk towards the bed and see how Rhaenyra runs her eyes over me.

You look handsome brother" She says as she gets up from the bed and walks towards me, she wraps her arms around my neck and joins our lips, she moves her lips calmly and I continue to enjoy the kiss, the sweetness of her lips hypnotizes, the air begins to lack us we separate slowly, I lean my forehead on hers.

- I love you Baelon" He whispers to me.

- Me more beautiful" I reply as I wrap my arms around her and pull her close, resting my chin on her hair. We stayed embraced enjoying the moment.

- Because you are not going to change and we have breakfast in my studio, we talk about how we are going to continue from now on." I propose while stroking her back.

- I like the idea, but weren't you going to see Vermithor?" He asks me.

- Yes, but I would like to have breakfast with you, then we can both go to the dragonpit and see the dragons, we have all day." I exclaim.

- Sounds good to me, you go while I go to my rooms to change and we meet in your study"

-As my lady orders" I tell her while I give her a kiss on her cheek.

I walk away from her and walk to the door of the room before leaving I turn to her and give her a kiss with my hand, I see a smile form on her face, and she giggles. I walk through the corridors of the fortress heading towards the Kitchen Tower, I can see how the servants go from here to there doing their job. I get to the kitchen and go through the door when I walk in the head cook sees me immediately, she comes towards me bows, and speaks to me.

- My prince, what a joy to see you again, how can I help you?" He asks me.

- Good morning, I would like you to prepare breakfast for the princess and me, cook all the things that the princess likes, and when it is ready take it to my study." I order.

- Very well my prince. I also wanted to tell him that I already have the people he asked me to look for. " informs me

- Well done, when I finish breakfast I go back to the princess and see if they are fit for work. When she comes I want them to be here and if they haven't had breakfast you can give her breakfast" When I finish talking she sees me with her eyes open.

- My prince is very kind, he will be a great king. " She tells me as she leans over again.

- How is your name?" I ask.

- Sonia my prince" he answers.

- Very well Sonia I say goodbye, well done" I tell her as I turn around and leave the kitchens.

I leave the place and head towards my study, I arrive and tidy up the place a little when I finish, there is a knock on the door, I open it and it is my sister.

- My princess, how beautiful she looks today" I say to her as I grab her hand and give her a kiss on the back of her hand.

- You also look handsome my prince, as always" he answers me with complicity.

- Come my lady - I step aside and she enters my solar.

We settled on the chairs in the middle of the room, stared, the tension is palpable, I decided to break the silence.

- I always saw you as my sister, my other half, I never saw you in any other way, but everything changed when I found you talking to mother, I went into her room and you were sitting on the balcony, the sun was shining on you, you looked like an angel, I was hypnotized looking at you, my blood beat for you, from that day my attraction was growing and my love for you, blossomed, I did not know what to do with all these feelings they were new to me, I felt so overwhelmed, but I realized that I did not have because to deny them, I was always destined to love you, my other half is you Rhaenyra" He finished speaking and looked at her with all the love I have for her.

- I have always loved you Baelon, since I was a child I could not be away from you, but I realized that I wanted you as a man, I longed for you to touch me, kiss me, but I was afraid, but we were both cowards, but now we are finally together " She says while looking at me.

- I want to marry you sister, I want you to be my queen and be by my side, I will not let you marry any man if it is necessary to flee elsewhere I will do it, you will always be first for me than anything else " I look seriously.

- I want the same thing, I don't want to marry anyone other than you, either. We must be careful from now on until we can convince father to let us get married. "She answers me as she gets up from her chair and comes to sit on my lap, she wraps her arms around me and hides her head in my neck and I wrap my arms around her waist.

- The same I think, we must be careful the walls of the fortress have eyes and ears, we will have to be cautious" sigh and squeeze against me.

- We can't tell anyone, but I'm sure some people are suspicious, your brother wasn't the most sneaky person" She says with amusement.

- I try not to be so affectionate with you, but it's impossible for me, have you seen sister? The most beautiful woman in the seven kingdoms" I leave a kiss on her cheek.

- Are you trying to seduce me, brother? " Ask mockingly.

- Maybe, I'm getting it? I whisper to him as I lower my mouth to his neck and start to leave kisses all over her skin.

- Mmmh yes" exclaims as his fingers sink into my hair,

I get lost in her, holding her waist with my hands while I adore her neck with my mouth, sucking her pulse point leaving a mark, she lets out a moan as she begins to move her hips slowly, I move away from her neck and look at her, her eyes are closed, her mouth open, her skin flushed, I look at her red lips and lose all control, I pounce on her kissing her greedily, our lips move to the beat of the other, under my hands and I grab her ass and squeeze him, "Baelon" groans my name and starts moving her hips faster, by friction my cock gets hard, she feels it from and looks down at the lump that has formed in my pants, she raises her gaze and our eyes meet I can see the lust in her gaze, it is she who begins the kiss now, and passes her tongue over my lips I let her in when her tongue comes into contact with mine I let out a moan, She feels it and starts grinding against my penis, I'm about to move my hands when I feel like they knock on the door.

- My prince, I come to bring what I had ordered. " The maid on the other side of the door speaks.

I look at Rhaenyra with wide eyes, she looks back at me, she gets up from my lap and starts to layer her dress, I look at my clothes and they are a mess, my hair must be the same, the bulge in my pants is evident. I try to calm down and

- Calm sister, they do not know that you are with me, go to the balcony and hide there until they leave" I grab her hand to calm down.

- It's okay Baelon" she whispers to me and walks to the balcony.

When I see her disappear on the balcony I take a breath to try to calm down, I look around to see something that is Rhaenyra's and there is nothing. I go to the door before I open it I look at my body for the last time, everything is fine except the damn lump in my pants, damn it. I open the door and see three maids with trays in their hands, step aside and let them in.

- Arrange everything on the table. " I order them, they start leaving everything on the table, they arrange the utensils, and once they finish one of them asks me.

- Does my prince need anything else? " As he says that, he observes me and when he sees my pants his eyes open and he blushes,

- No, they can retire" I tell them, they bow and leave.

close the door and I let out a sigh, damn now the rumors are going to start, I don't care what they say about me, thanks to the goddess they did not see Rhaenyra. "You can go out sister," I say out loud, she pokes her head out and when she doesn't see anyone, she goes out and walks to her chair she sits down, when she looks at me she sees my pants and starts laughing

- It's not funny little sister, the maids saw me hard, now I'm going to be in the mouth of the damn snakes of the court" I exclaim as she continues to laugh.

- It's not that big of a deal brother, the only thing they're going to say is that you have a big cock, a real dragon" He tells me while laughing in my face

- Keep laughing at my little sister, but you'll see."

I sit in the chair and start breakfast, rhae joins when he finishes making fun of me, we have breakfast in silence, it is our moment of peace, we have always had breakfast in silence enjoying the intimate moment and the meal.

- I want you to come with me once we finish breakfast, I have sent for new cridas and three sworn shields for you, you cannot be unprotected, the cridas are of low birth and will be more loyal to us, we are giving them the opportunity to bring money to its home, pay you fairly. The guards are being chosen by Harwin, when they see that they are competent I will evaluate them and you will choose, remember not to trust anyone until you see that they are totally loyal to you." I tell him seriously.

- I understand you brother, mother always advised me not to trust anyone but only you." She speaks softly.

- Mother was always an intelligent woman, many of these people thought she was a sheep, but inside her is hidden a dragon, she came to the surface when they enraged her." I say proudly in my voice.

- You are the same brother, you have the same ferocity as a mother, she always told me" She looks at me, her eyes fill with sadness when she talks about mother.

- When we finish evaluating the new servants, we go to dragonpit, we can do some races, I'm sure my guy beats his lady. "I wink at her and she looks at me irritated.

- Don't say that about my lady Syrax brother, your dragon is old and my girl is young we beat her easily" she says proudly.

- If you say it, sister, we'll see."

When she finishes we get up and leave the room, walk to the kitchen, our elbows are linked, and along the way we cross several nobles and servants, we arrive at the tower and I see six people waiting, Sonia, the cook.

- My prince, my princess, these people are the ones I select." Sonia tells us.

- All right, ladies introduce yourself. "I exclaim loudly.

- I am Alissa, my prince, my princess," she exclaims. She is a girl with fair skin and brown hair, no more than 20 onomastics.

- my name is Dana, my prince, my princess," the second girl replies. She must also be the same age as Alissa, the difference is that Dana has red hair and brown skin.

- My name is Mary my prince, my princess" The last woman speaks, she is bigger, she must have forty onomastics, black hair, and brown skin.

- From now on they will be my sister's exclusive servants, they will take care of all her needs. I will go straight, be loyal to my sister and me and you will be rewarded betray us and heads will roll, I will pay you five gold dragons, as you will realize it is more than what the other castle workers are paid. I give you this opportunity I hope you don't disappoint me, lastly, if you see or hear anything that endangers the princess you come directly to me, that's all. "I speak firmly as I watch them with fire in my eyes.

- My prince, we will be loyal to the princess" The three answer with wide eyes and full of happiness, I guess the coins come in handy.

- Perfect, now you will talk to the princess and she will tell you what to do" I tell them. I turn to Rhae and speak in her ear" They are all your sister, tell her how you want them to work I will go talk to my servants" I give her a kiss on her cheek and go to the men who are waiting for me.

- From now on you will serve me, as I told the women, if you serve me well you will be rewarded if you betray me, you know what will happen, you will be paid five gold dragons, introduce yourself I tell you. The first man steps forward.

- My name is John, my prince," he says. He has black hair, and brown skin, and should not have more than twenty onomastics. He lowers his head and returns to his place, the next one is advanced.

- My name is Luke, my prince." Speak. He is a boy, he must have about eleven onomastics, brown hair, and fair skin, he trembles like a leaf, lowers his head and returns to his place. The last man steps forward.

- My name is Richard, my prince, I have a forty-one name day, I come from the north looking for work, I have already worked as a servant" He introduces himself. He evaluated and I realize his northern appearance, black hair, brown eyes, strong body, and serious look, I observe him carefully and I can see his experience, I like him.

- Very well men, you can start working, they will serve exclusively to me if someone comes to bother me they will warn me, also if they observe or hear something that is dangerous for the princess and they will warn me. Ricardo will be the leader, the work will be distributed, one will be when I wake up until it is time for dinner, there will be another and will be until the night, then the last one will enter that will be during the night, they will be given a room for the three, they can stay there or return to their homes. I finish and affirm with my head.

I turn to my sister and walk towards her, I stand next to her.

- How was she a sister? "I ask him, as I place my hand on his waist.

- Very well brother, I already organized them, very obedient" She tells me as she looks at me.

- Perfect sister, I some last things and we head towards dragonpit" I say.

- Gather the six of you" I exclaim loudly, everyone gathers in front of me, I look at them seriously and I speak again "I'm going to give you certain rules. Anything you see or hear in my sister's or my rooms will not be told to anyone, you can interact with each other also ask for help, your rooms will be next to each other, you always have to be available as we can travel to Dragonstone or any other Castillo. e they can stay in the rooms and eat with the rest of the servants of the castle and they will not say anything to the other servants of us, very careful with what they speak, that would be everything they can start working " I say goodbye

I let out a sigh, I turn to Rhaenyra she takes my hand and starts to lead me to a separate corner of the corridor, she pushes me against the wall and connects our lips, she kisses me with desire, our lips move harshly, I move my hands towards her ass and I squeeze it, there are no spaces between our bodies we devour each other like animals, I am beginning to lack air, I slowly separate my lips from her while I bite her lip gently, she lets out a moan as she leans her head on my breast.

- What was that? "I ask with heavy breathing, while I still have my hands on his ass.

- You don't know how handsome you look when you give orders" Rhae speaks against my chest.

- Has it? You are a beautiful sister too, all the time. "I say against her head.

- I was reckless, someone can see us" She says to me.

- You went, but no one has seen us luckily, we should leave before someone comes." I exclaim to him

- Okay, let's go to the dragonpit" She orders me.

- As my lady orders"

We got out and started walking down the hall, I hope no one saw us, we were reckless.