

What if Rhaenyra had had a twin? Watch as Baelon makes his way through his father's court

AgustinaGM18 · TV
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10 Chs

Chapter 06

Red Keep

Pov Baelon

I wake up when I feel Rhaenyra move, my chest is pressed against her back, our legs intertwined, I lower my gaze, I see that her nightgown has ridden up her body and I can see her bare bottom, "shit, shit, shit, I can't look any longer or I'm going to get hard" I try my hardest not to look, but I give up and lower my gaze, my clothed cock is pressed into her perfectly round ass, I walk away as slowly as I can so as not to wake her up.

When I get out I get out of bed and walk to my bedroom I undress and debate what to do, I can't masturbate while she's in the same room, I'd better wait for her to get off by herself.

Minutes go by when I calm down, I start looking for the clothes I'm going to wear, I choose some black boots, white pants, a black shirt and a red doublet with black details, on my index and ring finger I put on the rings that gave mother me, one has the sigil of House Arryn and the other the sigil of House Targaryen, the ring of house Arryn belonged to my grandfather and he gave it to my mother before he died.

When I'm ready I go to the bed to wake up Rhaenyra.

- Rhae" I call her as I touch her arm gently, open her eyes and look at me.

- Brother" Rhaenyra answers me

- You have to get up, we have to organize the funeral" I tell her as a sad smile forms on my face.

- Well, can we have breakfast in the gardens? " He asks me.

- Yes, let me go to the kitchen to talk to the maids and take us breakfast there. While you change, I will wait for you in the gardens" I finish, I bend over and leave a kiss on the cheek, I leave the room towards the kitchen.

While I'm walking I think about yesterday's meeting with our Uncle Daemon. My relationship with him is distant, we didn't see him much while we were growing up, but I always admired how he is capable of doing whatever he wants, on the contrary, I always followed the rules imposed by my position as crown prince, I never wanted to break them so as not to disappoint my parents.

What worries me is the war that is coming against the Triarchy, since they took position on the stone steps. The place is full of pirates led by Craghas Drahar who was hired by the Triarchy, to be able to attack the ships that pass through the steps, the most affected have been the Velaryon.

The crown cannot continue to let more of its vassal ships be raided, we have to stop and show that the Targaryen house is not weak. Also, it would be a benefit to take over the island as we could set someone up and start getting paid to sail around the place, all proceeds going to the crown.

While I think about this I arrive at the kitchen tower, I also have to hire people loyal to me to serve and protect my sister and me.

- My prince, how can I help you? The kitchen manager asks.

- I would like you to prepare a breakfast for two and take it to the garden. I also need you to find six people to be our new servants, three female, and three male, who really need the job. You will train them the best you can and when they are ready you will call me so that I can evaluate it" He finished speaking. She bows to me and heads back to her work as I head out to the gardens.

The gardens are beautiful, they were built by the good queen Alysanne and have always been well cared for ever since, best of all it covers up the smell of shit in the city. When I'm reaching the table I can see my twin with Lady Alicent.

- Sister, Lady Alicent." I bow and approach my sister and greet her with a kiss on the cheek.

- Prince Baelon" Alicent answers me.

- Brother." Rhaenyra exclaims.

- How are you, ladies? I ask as I sit next to Rhaenyra.

- Good brother" Rhaenyra replies. I direct my gaze to Alicent and she answers me.

- Very well my prince, while I was going to my father's chambers I met the princess and she invited me, she couldn't refuse me," she tells me as she blushes and lowers my gaze.

I have noticed that Alicent is attracted to me, she has never tried anything, but I have seen her look at me and blush, she also gets nervous when I am around her.

- I am very happy my lady and I want to thank you for taking care of my sister, I know that progress can be quite stubborn." I tell him as I laugh and look at Rhae.

- That's a lie bro, I'm the best company for Alicent" Rhae exclaims while looking at me offended.

- Mmh I don't know sister, Lady Alicent tells us" We both looked at Alicent, I laughed at her uncomfortable face.

- Don't make that face my Lady, you don't need to say anything, I know my sister and there is no better company than her." I say while giving Rhae a wink.

Minutes go by when the servants begin to bring food, and we have breakfast and talk about what has happened in court these days, I also see Alicent, she is a pretty girl but she does not have the beauty of Targaryen women. We are done eating breakfast when I speak.

- I was thinking of having the funeral in the bushes outside Kings Landing, it is a beautiful place and mother liked to go." I speak to Rhae

- It seems to me an appropriate place, we have to tell them to build a pyre, and also talk to the dragonkeepers to release Vermithor and syrax to join us in the place, we call them by our link. she replies

- Sounds good to me." I finish.

We each remain in silence, lost in her thoughts, after finishing coordinating everything for the funeral, I say goodbye to Rhae.

- I say goodbye my ladies, I have to do some things." I exclaim as I stand up from my chair.

- This good brother, I stay with Alicent. - Rhae talks to me

-See you later my prince "Alicent says quietly as she blushes

I walk out of the gardens and start down the halls toward my solar. I open the door of my solar, it is a medium room with views of the city. In front of the window is my table where I have all the parchments with my projects among other things and in the middle are two chairs facing each other and in the middle a small table.

I sit and think about how I should move forward, first I have to find guards for my sister and also for myself, after that I have to set up my own spy network, it's always good to be informed of everything, also to start making allies in the small council.

For my spy network, I have a person in mind and it is nothing less than my uncle Lady Mysaria's ex-whore, I have learned she has good spies scattered around the court and the rest of Westeros. As allies I have at the moment Lord Corlys, Lyonel Strong, and Lord Lyman Beesburry, with that for now it is fine.

I spend the rest of the day in my study when I finish everything I had planned I go out and walk towards the training field when I arrive I see how the men train, I start looking for a special person and when I find her I advance towards him, when I arrive I see a tall, muscular man with brown hair and brown eyes, Ser Harwin Strong, my only friend at court.

- But look who deigned to appear" Harwin greets me.

I have been busy my friend, with the death of my mother and being for my sister I have not had any time. I reply.

- I understand you, my condolences for your mother." He says to me as he pats me on the back "What do you need from me? Because you must want something or you would not have come here." He asks me.

- I need you to get me the best gentlemen, for my sister and also for me, who are loyal to me only, I ask this favor of you because you were one of the few people I trusted" I finish.

- Okay friend, tomorrow I start with the task, in the tournament there were some that caught my attention, I think it would be good sworn shields "

- Perfect, when you have them look for me and I will evaluate them" I finish.

- As you order, how are you? He asks me.

- Better than yesterday, my sister is my strength to continue, I do it for her" I finish with a sigh.

- Over time the pain begins to decrease" Harwin tells me.

- I suppose - I answer with doubt, this pain will never fade, my mother was the most important person in my life.

- Well I say goodbye Harwin, I have many things to do. -

- See you later my prince. -

I walk away from the place and walk towards my room when I get there I undress and lie down on the bed, when I least realized it I had fallen asleep

Three days have passed since we organized the funeral, today my sister has been my refuge, and we have supported each other.

I wake up in my bed, thinking about the terrible day I was going to have today, I have to say goodbye forever to my mother and to the brother I never knew. I dress all in black and go out to the main gate of the fortress, when I arrive I see the whole court waiting, my father is standing staring into space, and Rhae is a few meters away.

I walk over to my sister and pull her towards me, I wrap my arms around her, I shouldn't have to show that much affection in public, but I don't give a shit about anyone else's opinion.

We got into the carriage with my father and headed through the city. We arrive at the place, I wait for my father to come out first and then I go out and help Rhaenyra to get down, we were standing in front of the pyre I start to hear flapping wings and roars when I look up I see Syrax and Vermithor come flying towards us. Each one stands on each side of the pyre.

- Ȳdra daor worry, iksan kesīr lēda ao, gaomi ziry hēnkirī – (Don't worry, I'm here with you, we do it together). – I look at her and see how her hands tremble and tears come out of her eyes, we call the dragons and they advance towards the pyre and wait for our signal. I look at her and she nods her head, we both scream.

- Dracarys. – The dragons throw their heads back and shoot a mouthful of fire.

Minutes go by and we see how the calls consume everything, the court begins to leave, and only the two of us remain.

- Time to go. – I point.

- Wait a minute, I want to say something. – Rhaenyra answered

- Ahead. - I answer him.

- kesan va moriot remember ao muña, kesan dōrī nārhēdegon ao, Avy jorrāelan. –(I will always remember you mother, I will never forget you, forever, I love you)

I stand beside her and rest her head on my chest as the sun goes down, we leave when it's dark.

When we got to the keep we each went to her room to change our clothes and then Rhaenyra came to my room through the passageways. We sat on the balcony and started drinking.

I am completely drunk, I turn my eyes toward my sister and I see how she is lying on the chair, she has her eyes closed. I get up from my seat and stumble over to her, placing my hands on either side of her body and bringing my face close to hers, covering her with my body.

She opens her eyes when she feels my presence close to her, our eyes connect, lilac with lilac, time stops, I look down at her lips, she notices, sticks out her tongue, and passes it over her lips, I swallow, The tension I feel right now is killing me. I want to get closer and taste her full lips...