
Ch 6: The Chaos In The Hall

Astasha was shaken to the core. Her thoughts were running wild, her energy sporadic and messy.

As she slipped back into the party she knew she had to get back to her room, shielded behind doors that protected her from anyone else reading her.

Quickly she made her way through the crowd back into the castle. As she rounded a corner desperately trying to get to the Magic wing, she ran into someone.

Had she been focused, it never would have happened, but with her mind such a mess, she hadn't felt the water witch around the corner.

"Astasha!" Cordelia was standing there, her face a clear sign that she was reading everything coming off of Astasha. Quickly, the fire witch threw up a shield in her mind, blocking the woman from being able to see the more intimate parts of her prior experience. But by the slight blush of her cheeks, Astasha knew she had to have felt some of the passionate energy that still lingered.

"Cordelia, I—"

"What is going on?" Errant's voice hit Astasha's ears like a tidal wave. "I haven't felt this much chaos since the Battle of Three Seasons."

It took everything in her for Astasha to reinforce her wall against the memories she had just shared with the Prince.

"I'm sorry Grand Sorcerer, I was just shaken by something."

"It has to do with the Prince Grand Sorcerer." Cordelia had always been cold to Astasha, whatever it was that she didn't like about the fire witch she didn't know, but Astasha grit her teeth and prayed she wouldn't mention whatever it was she had sensed about their less than appropriate encounter.

Errant raised an eyebrow at Astasha. "Something having to do with the Prince caused you to become this unstable and you didn't think to come to me immediately?"

"I was Errant, I apologize, I just needed to collect myself." She could feel the bit of judgment coming off of Cordelia, no doubt that she let through on purpose.

"Well? Speak child!" Errant wasn't one for beating around the bush.

"I saw something, something in the Prince's eyes. I don't know what it was, but it felt, cold, and dark."

"This is a very serious thing Astasha."

She bowed her head. "I know Grand Sorcerer."

"I am calling a meeting of the Magic Advisory at dawn. Astasha, you need to clear your energy before then. We will need every detail." Her stomach dropped. Errant was planning to have them all read her, and they would know about what else had happened out in the woods.

Cordelia smirked and it took everything for Astasha to not light her pretty blond hair on fire.

"Yes, Grand Sorcerer. I shall retire for the evening to do so."

"Very good. Cordelia, please inform the others. I am needed at the celebration." Errant turned and headed back to the garden.

Cordelia's smirk widened as she brushed past Astasha. "Best get your rest, Tasha."

Astasha's stomach hit the floor. Only Calder called her that. What else had she been able to read before she had closed off her mind?

The blond laughed softly as she strode off down the hall.

Astasha returned to her room and collapsed against the door. Her energy was gone, her mind a mess. What had happened? How had things gone so awry? Once they found out about her relationship with the Prince she would be banished and stripped of her magic. It was the price for any witch who fornicated with royalty.

Starting a fire, she sat on the floor before it, soaking up its power, not even concentrating on pulling it, just letting it naturally flow into her. She watched the flames, lost in thought. Her hands drifted to her lips, remembering the feel of Calder's against her own, his taste, and then the taste of blood. She touched the place where he had bitten her. It was tender and swollen. What had happened?

A knock at the door drew her from her thoughts. The fire was almost out. How long had she been sitting there? She stood and went to the door, opening it to see a servant standing outside. The hall was quiet and she could sense that the party had died down. "My lady, his highness has requested a reading."

Astasha sighed. "Please tell the King I shall meet him in the Moon Tower shortly." The Moon Tower was the highest in the castle and opened to the sky, allowing moonlight to spill over a small enclosure where most readings of the runes took place.

The servant shook her head. "Not the King my lady, the Prince. And he has requested you join him at his private chambers."

Hope you are enjoying! Lots more coming soon! Leave a comment and let me know what you think :)

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