
Blood Heirs

“Leave me alone, you’re the last person I want to talk to.”, I already knew how I looked. My cheeks a flaming hot red and my eyes the same fiery color. I lied I did want to talk to him.. He was the only one I would trust to talk to about my overflowing amount of problems. Why couldn’t I just spill what my heart held with pain? No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t get the words out. They caught in my throat and stayed there making it hard for me to swallow my tears that came rushing out. “Indigo, just talked to me, please. I promise to listen.”, Aries was pleading now but all I wanted to do was run. I wanted to run fast, as fast as my legs would take me in the cold winter. “ I can’t say.. I just can’t.”, was all I said in reply to Aries as I stood facing away from the silver haired boy with tear stained cheeks.

moonvkrey · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


"Ow…", Willow was finally coming back to her senses after a long night of talking about random things and getting insecure about herself but I didn't mind, I knew it all anyways. "Are you up yet it's almost noon.", I asked Willow as she sat up in bed. "I'm up… how much exactly did I drink yesterday, I feel like I just woke up from a coma. My head-", I finished Willow's sentence, "hurts? Yeah I know, hence why you need to take these.", I handed her some hangover medicine that I had in stock at the house just for Willow. I laughed as she looked at me with surprised eyes. "Are you going to take it or do you want to live with that headache for the rest of the day.", I teased her. Willow grabbed the meds and gulped it down with the water bottle I was also holding. "I know I get drunk a lot but seriously you have a way of surprising people.", Willow was being playfully annoyed and I just laughed at her innocent expression.

"Okay now get dressed we have invitations to send.", Willow was confused, "what invitations?", I shook my head pinching the bridge of my nose. "Did you forget everything that happened last night?", I wasn't annoyed really but business was business. "All I remember is… trying to grab a shot glass… why was it so hard?", Willow was wallowing in her confusion and I could barely hold in my laughter. "It's okay. That shot glass was really running away from you.", I sarcastically commented. Willow noted my sarcasm immediately and groaned in annoyance at herself.

I filled Willow in on what happened last night and she was in dismay with the events. "How did I forget this?? Oakley really has some nerve, I'm gonna kick her ass the next time she comes around.", my friend was indeed something when it came to my protection, which is exactly why I made her my most important regent. Willow does not have any powers but she is reliable, I trust her more than anyone else. She also had been trained by me to fight and she is definitely better then any of our other fighters. Willow takes lead on any action with her heart and gut instinct which is something not many people rely on. Besides being my regent she is my best friend and that will never change. After dad died Willow was the only one who could get me to open up, not even my mom could do that. I'm very stubborn but Willow is very persistent. After mom died last year I was shut off from everyone, It's how I end up coping in tough situations but even then my heart trusts Willow. The only person I've know as long as my mom and dad is Willow, not even my uncle could top her. Willow is the only person I can trust my life with.

"Hello??", my friend was jumping up and down waving her hands in front of me. I looked at her concerned, "Where did you go right now? You were staring into space for a good two minutes.", I looked at my friend with a raised brow, "Did I? I guess I was just thinking, nothing to worry about though.", I gave Willow a reassuring look and she continued what she was saying, "Have you decided what to tell the others about the situation?". Willow's question was good and it was a question I was yet to answer. "Not yet. I know I have to tell them about the enemy but I'm sure the parents would have some opinions regarding that, considering that it was the reason our families spilt all those years ago.", I continued on and Willow was listening to me attentively as I spoke, "I think I should give them a little preview of what great granddad left me, i'm sure they would listen if they are the least bit sympathetic or human.", I sighed in frustration. I knew that if the families would have listen to my great grandfather back then all of this wouldn't have happened… my parents wouldn't have died. I couldn't blame the other families though as much power as all the families have fear was always a factor that never seemed to go away. I wasn't scared though, whether the other families would help me or not I did not care, I was going to find the bastard that caused the death of my parents and god knows who else. "In, I know it's frustrating but don't worry I'm sure the other families will come around. It's a new generation and more than that it's the opinion of the other kids that matter the most to the parents. You may not have been close with them but now's your chance. You're parents always wanted you to try to get along with the other kids, now you have a chance to try.", my friends words made sense to me even in my crisis and I nodded my head.

"That bastard will pay for the death of your parents, I'm certain of that. Just focus on getting along with the other kids during the banquet and try to be as nice as you can with the parents. Remember they don't know what actually happened to your parents only you and I know, your uncle as an exception. Have you discussed the banquet details with your uncle yet?", I was still reeling a bit from my thoughts, my anger spreading quickly at the thought of my parents dying because of someone I don't even know. I took a deep breath and replied to Willow, "Uncle Syn knows about the banquet but we decided that you and I would figure out the details and send the invitations.", Willow nodded in agreement.

"Willow, there's one thing that's on my mind. Will the children accept that I have the powers of demonic cultivation.", I was always thinking about this question. My parents learned early on that I had the gift of demonic cultivation. Even though demonic cultivation is something anyone can learn, I had a gift to have perfect skills in demonic cultivation because I was born with the power. It was very troublesome as a child to control the urges of this power but my parents helped me to get where I am now. Demonic cultivation practice in our family was started by my great grandfather but since I was born with natural powers for demonic cultivation there was only one explanation of how I was born with it. My grandfather had written in his journals that the enemy was his half brother that was also a half demon, whom he never met but after my mother died and I got his journals I had another theory. After going through everything that was passed down to me I realized that the only way for me to be born with these powers is if the enemy was not my great granddad's half brother but his actual brother. I don't know how that was hidden or why my great granddad didn't think of that but there must of have been a reason why he never considered it. I was getting frustrated because obviously this was a lot to think about, I would know since it haunts me every night but I snapped out of it when Willow started talking, "I think it's up to them but whatever they choose remember, you did your best and it isn't your fault that you were born with them. All you can do is embrace what you have, just like your parents taught you.", my friends words often reminded me of how my mother spoke. Whenever Willow talks like my mom it brings a tear to my eye, even now.

"Hey, it's okay Indigo. I know that it's hard but it'll clear up. The other kids me be obnoxious but they must have some sense, all of the families are very intelligent that's a given. Just trust in fate to bring you guys back together.", I smiled at Willow's words as a few more tears fell. "I'm glad you're here, you remind me so much of them..", I was sniffling now and Willow gave me a hug. "I'm glad you're here too In."

After a bit of more sniffles from me we continued to walk down the day lit corridor of my childhood house. I'm glad I have Willow and this house, it reminds me of my parents, the good memories. Willow and I continued our conversation about the banquet as we walked.

"Let's hold it sooner then later. It's been a year and I'm sure they're waiting to hear about it from you.", I nod in agreement with Willow and set the date as Saturday, two days from now. Now it's a waiting game, I hope this all ends well.