
Blood Heirs

“Leave me alone, you’re the last person I want to talk to.”, I already knew how I looked. My cheeks a flaming hot red and my eyes the same fiery color. I lied I did want to talk to him.. He was the only one I would trust to talk to about my overflowing amount of problems. Why couldn’t I just spill what my heart held with pain? No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t get the words out. They caught in my throat and stayed there making it hard for me to swallow my tears that came rushing out. “Indigo, just talked to me, please. I promise to listen.”, Aries was pleading now but all I wanted to do was run. I wanted to run fast, as fast as my legs would take me in the cold winter. “ I can’t say.. I just can’t.”, was all I said in reply to Aries as I stood facing away from the silver haired boy with tear stained cheeks.

moonvkrey · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Death Anniversary

I was not in the mood to mess around. It was my mother's death anniversary and my birthday, I couldn't be more annoyed today. How did I drag myself into this, it was supposed to be a quiet day. Willow kept saying I shouldn't be alone on a day like this but honestly I prefer to be alone. The only reason i'm here at this damn club is because Willow wouldn't let it go. My friends intentions were good but life has never left me alone. Right now I just want to be staring at the sky from my balcony in the house I grew up in but yet here I am, in a club with a bunch of drunk humans and a very drunk Willow.

"Willow, come on get up. You know you're a light weight why would you drink so much.", my friend never liked to drink but she does occasionally get drunk, especially when she knows i'm in a mood. It's her attempt to cheer me up by drinking with me but alas she is a lightweight. "You....need to drink some more..", Willow was trying to grab the shot glass on the table but it seems her vision was blurry or she was seeing double since she kept grabbing the air instead of the glass. I gave up trying to get her up and I just watched my friend trying to grab a shot glass that was right in front of her. I just kept looking at her with a raised eyebrow as she finally grabbed the shot glass. The drunk Willow was now trying to give me the glass but she instead just dropped it. Thankfully I was gifted with cat like reflex's and caught the drink. I grabbed Willow's face so that her eyes could focus on my face as I drank the shot she really wanted me to have, "You see I drank it. Now can we go, the more drunk you get the heavier you're going to be.", I didn't want to whine but it came out that way. "Did you have fun? I really want you to have fun...", Willow was giving me sad eyes and I couldn't help but feel bad. "Yes Willow, I had fun. Thank you, now lets go home okay?", my reassurance seem to give Willow some happiness and she nodded in agreement.

"Indigo Nyx, funny to see you here. I didn't see you as much of a drinker.", I heard laughter with the voice that was talking to me, no it wasn't talking it was mocking. I already knew who it was. "Oakley Ryder, I know you think you're a smart ass and all but do you really have to disturb me. Be gone, i'm really not in the mood to deal with you.", Oakley was the daughter of one of the five families, including me. Her family specializes in the water elements and of course martial arts. Being related to the water element, she is a very elegant and charming person but I see it differently. To me Oakley Ryder is a nuisance just like the rest of families. "How dare you try to order me around. Do you know who you're talking to?", I rolled my eyes and finally looked in this girl's direction, "Didn't I just say your name? It was not an order just a mere suggestion to leave me alone.", my annoyance was radiating but I kept it together as there was no point fighting unnecessarily. "You really have a nerve don't you? Maybe you need a lesson, after all you're parents clearly didn't teach you how to behave."

At the mention of my parents I lost it. I sat Willow back down telling her to give me a minute and looked at the bitch who just insulted my parents. "You can say whatever you want about me but if you even speak one foul word against anyone I care about you're done for, do you understand me?", my eyes were changing color to a very deep red. It happens when i'm angered. Oakley had a sinister look on her face and the men behind her were escorting the other drunk humans out. I only smiled at the bitch and spoke, "If it's a fight you want then fine but don't come crying when I give you no mercy."

Oakley was not phased by my words clearly as she was the one to initiate the fight. It was a battle of the best for her and i'm sure she just wanted test my skills. I had been in hiding after my mother passed away because only I knew who killed my parents. During the time that I hid I found out so much about my family line from the birthday gift my mother left for me the day she got killed. Life was cruel was what I kept thinking the day my mother died, she died trying to protect me and that day had to be my birthday of all days. Of course I had survived thanks to my mother but quite honestly I just wished I died that day. My eighteenth birthday was the day I lost my mother, the only other soul who actually cared about me other then my dad and Willow. My life has always been complicated but I had to deal with it for my parents at least. The enemy that had killed both my parents was someone that my great grandfather Nyx knew. From the journals my great grandfather had passed down the enemy was his half brother, someone that was taken away from my great grandfather at birth.

Unfortunately there isn't much information on this enemy other than his powers. My great grandfather's journals told me that this enemy of our family line was not a full human but a half demon. I really did wonder how my great grandfather's half brother ended up being half a demon and how no one knew about this person.

I was still in my thoughts when Oakley threw the first punch which I elegantly dodged with one swift move. Although I have been hiding for a whole year, it doesn't mean I haven't been training. I was not hiding exactly I was just busy. The only person I had contact with was my uncle and Willow. I was learning everything I could from the information passed down to me because I wanted to avenge my parents and anyone else who died at the hands of the half demon.

I was getting annoyed by the minute as Oakley was not making any progress in beating me, I decided to end the fight as I remember a very drunk Willow was watching. Willow knew about all of the secrets, I had told her about them when my father died because other then my mother and my uncle I couldn't trust anyone but I did trust her. Willow has never betrayed my trust since then and I believe she never will. Now that the family line falls into my hands entirely with help of my uncle who is my father's brother, I am able to make the choices of what goes on in the family. It's a lot of pressure but I think my parents trained me to deal with it as I know so much because they trained me to learn everything I needed to know. I wonder sometimes if they knew they were going to die.

"You are really something, have you gotten stronger since our last fight?", I snapped out of my thoughts to look at a very tired Oakley cursing in my direction. "Sorry I'm going to have to cut our fight off here, as you can see my friend is very drunk right now.", I said pointing to Willow who was trying to get the last drop out of the shot glass she was holding. "I'll see you soon, let the others know that I'm back and I will be holding a banquet to meet the other families. I have some things to discuss with you guys, hopefully you can play nice.", I left Oakley with those words as I carried Willow out of the club. "Are you really going to talk to them about what happened to your parents?", my friend asked me once we were seated in the car, "I have to see what and what I shouldn't tell them but that why you're here to help me right?", Willow gave me a salute and replied, "yes sir!", I just laughed at my friend who was still very drunk. "Okay then that's good, lets go home now."

I drove to my childhood home where I grew up and so did Willow after we met. It was a long journey ahead but I was ready for it. I've had once year to get myself together after I learned about everything but now it was time to come out of hiding and find the half demon that killed my parents and others in my family line.