
Blood and Shadow; My F-rank Shadow Ability Has An Unlimited Skill Set

Following the world's greatest catastrophe, which nearly led to the apocalypse, the revelation of the ability to utilize magic was brought to light. With the globe entering a new era, an Academy specializing and entirely for ability users was established. At the academy, abilities are evaluated and ranked based on how they influence the world. Gleren, an F-rank student, covertly works for an organization that preserves global harmony and balance. A peace lover who would rather watch anime and play games than to do anything bothersome. But one day, with the arrival of Maria, the vampire princess, his peaceful life came crashing down. Maria the Last Vampire is a special existence for which she was constantly sought after. With danger always lurking about the Vampire Princess, Gleren Stasis—the F-ranked student at Saint Stella Academy—was tasked with protecting her at all costs without disclosing the truth about himself.

Minazuki_Keizo · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
89 Chs

Chapter 63: Darkening

After having Martha to safety, I returned to my inn. Only to find Miss Loraine waiting there. She was smiling there as she stood at the entryway of our lodge. Then tilting her head, a little to the left, she asked,

"Where were you, I wonder?"

I flinched. She was smiling—sure she was. But hoo boy! With that grim look on her face, I would love to run away and hide from her. She was clearly in a bad mood.

"I've been calling you since I got here. I made sure to do it several times. Why, I wonder, such a person on a mission is neglecting a contact from me, hmm?"

I, I need to make an excuse and please, my brain, quick!

"I—I lost my way?"

I said. Oh, God, even I would not believe myself if I say that to me! What kind of great excuse was that? I was prepared to be scolded more. But to my surprise, she just heaved a sigh,

"Well, let's just leave it at that."

She led me inside the inn where we are supposed to be staying. Once in, she sat on the couch in front. I did the same, a tea table sandwiched between us. She's seated neatly, her hands atop her knees.

"We've been given new assignment."

She handed me a clipped paper. Written there was the minute of their meeting earlier. Wait, they left me out knowing I'm a combat specialist? Talk about cold…

I ran my eyes to the letters of the report.

"Two days, eh?"

I whispered. That would be prominently long for a rescue mission. Why do we have to hold on until then? As I was having such thought, Miss Loraine was kind enough to fill me in,

"The headquarters contacted Lady Kyouka for the newest information. This information is a shock even for us, that the Lady hastened the meeting."

To my shock, what she said was true. What on earth are this Sacred Omen guys are trying to Summon? To patiently wait exactly for the full moon.

"I have a bad feeling about this."

I said as I fixed my eyes to the papers. A ritual that would take place and would only work in the fullest of the moon—yeah took about daaaark omen. On the top of that, they would need Maria? Yep, now I am getting scared. I can't even imagine what they were trying to draw in. But, then again—two days, huh…?

"What should we do with those two days? Planning would take time, but two days would be painfully long. Specially were at a foreign country."

"Yes, you are right." Miss Loraine bobbed her head agreeing, "The team will form new formation—except for us, two. A team that is consisting half of the Student Council will make a round to the whole city."

A reconnaissance team then.

"As for the rest, we are to wait on standby. They will try to find were exactly this ritual would happen."

So, uneventful days for us awaits. That said, we will be unable to relax. Not in the given condition. I rose from my sit, satisfied with the report for now,

"So," I turned to her, "Where is my room?"

"What are you saying." She tilted her head, she does this often whenever confused. No, don't give me that,

"A room where I can sleep, my dear senior."

"This is the only room available here." She said as if that was the most obvious thing in the world. It left my brain haywire for a sec. She was staring straight at me as if saying "You're being weird."

I stood still, because I surely know, I was not.


"We will share a room."


Under the Vatican City, inside one of the biggest accommodations of the underground castle; a group of huddled in circle surrounding an enormous round table. Seated were the members of the twelve apostles.

"I don't get those people. Why do we have to make so much preparation just to launch an attack."

One openly grumbled—clearly dissatisfied with the way their leader, the Eminence, work. Even inside their organization, factions with differing beliefs are protuberant. The faction of Sacred Omen was divided into two; the radical, which joined in so they can use this façade to inflict violence to the other organization—specially their nemesis, the Specter Prophesy. They held tittle of the twelve apostles, but loyalty—none. The other faction was the one who swore allegiance with the Eminence—they value her as their rightful leader and swore loyalty with her—one of them was Matthias, then one that managed to hurt Gleren.

"Hmmp! That foolish girl. Her petty revenge is nothing for us anymore. What can she hope to accomplish with this kind of tactics?" Another one chimed in, having the same disdain.

"Leave it at that." The one who sat at the most entricate seat, dabbed with a prominent beard spoke, silencing the others. With his aura, he outdates others clearly having the top authority here.

"But I must agree. The Eminence is not worthy of the tittle anymore. She seemed more like a child hung-up on such nonsensical revenge of hers. Our assemblage deserves more than she played to achieve. We can't have her play house for long."

They all nodded in agreement. They plan to usurp her a long time now, but with her tremendous power on the picture, none of them can.

"But how do we do that, I wonder. She may be a woman, but her prowess is on a different level."

Said the man with a rotund appearance, pondering on what should make right plan. Just then, a thin man, pale with an exhausting look on his face raised his arm,

"I have a great plan… Just for this occasion." He smiled sinisterly as he went on, "In this even, I will be the one doing the ritual. I will make sure to fulfill this ritual right. For US is what I mean."

As they heed such proclamation, all their faces lit up. They plan to make the ritual go faulty, and as an extension for that, have the Eminence reap the consequences.

"Even with her holy power, I doubt she stand a chance against it."

They celebrate with joy, and with their eerie grins, their plan to sabotage the ritual was set into stones.

'Just you wait, your Eminence—the greatest present will be offered over to you.'— the leader of this faction thought while his accomplices joyed their foreseen victory.