
Blood and Shadow; My F-rank Shadow Ability Has An Unlimited Skill Set

Following the world's greatest catastrophe, which nearly led to the apocalypse, the revelation of the ability to utilize magic was brought to light. With the globe entering a new era, an Academy specializing and entirely for ability users was established. At the academy, abilities are evaluated and ranked based on how they influence the world. Gleren, an F-rank student, covertly works for an organization that preserves global harmony and balance. A peace lover who would rather watch anime and play games than to do anything bothersome. But one day, with the arrival of Maria, the vampire princess, his peaceful life came crashing down. Maria the Last Vampire is a special existence for which she was constantly sought after. With danger always lurking about the Vampire Princess, Gleren Stasis—the F-ranked student at Saint Stella Academy—was tasked with protecting her at all costs without disclosing the truth about himself.

Minazuki_Keizo · Action
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89 Chs

Chapter 62: Peculiar Encounter 2

Who would have thought that we'd meet so soon?

That was her, Martha Deus Jerusalem, thought before even approaching Gleren who had a clear expression of being lost. He was scratching the back of his head for a while now—she observed from afar. Then, knowing that he must have—or rather, surely lost, she went near and offered a helping hand. She wants to know him more, closer if possible. She needs to. His purpose, his goals… and this impeccable timing. She must gather information of it all. So, after shaking hands with him—clearly puzzled, Martha lead the way.

"This place sure is a wonder."

Gleren said, genuinely impressed by the sight. They walked trough the large pathway of the square traversing towards Gleren's inn for his lodging. On their way, varies attraction gathered Gleren's attention. The Vatican City is famously known as the holy city. However, never ending with such tittle, it was known as the sacred bowl of masterpieces. Hence, no matter where one dart their eyes, artistic view and architectural serenity is what they will observe.

"I'm glad you liked it."

Martha chuckled.

"I love this place too." She went on. "The tranquility despite having almost every race here is what makes this place wonderful. Peace and the beauty come next. Don't you think this is also a blessing from God?"

She asked. Which was answered in a way she never would have expected,

"Sure is. Maybe that's one way to say it? My little sister had always told me to be more perceptive when it comes to things like this—but all I did was make her sulk. I don't know much about religion, see? My sister is so devoted that she makes me feel like a devil."

Gleren smiled as she taled his story to her.

Is he lying? But seemingly not so.

"So, you have a little sister?"

"I do." He said with a faint smile. "That girl is a princess. A spoiled little princess." He chuckled. He said that but he was clearly doting on her if based on his tone. This made Martha's heart ache a little. Envy? Maybe, but this talk also reminded her of her deceased little sister. She shook her head to cast off this building thoughts.

They passed through many prominent buildings now. Occasionally, Gleren would take his phone to capture some of those.

"Anyway, Mr. Stasis, what did you come here for? Sightseeing? Or pilgrim maybe?"

"Ah, you could call it that. Also, Gleren is enough. Mr. Stasis is quite mouthful, aint it?"

He had his guard up. I can't force him to out any information like this.

"Okay. Gleren. You may call me Martha, too."

She smiled at him.

"Gocha." He returned the smile to her.

He's not quite how I expected him to be. He's more passive than the report I've received….


Beautiful place, beautiful buildings—and a beautiful woman. Lucky ain't I?

This lady's name here is Martha. She looks like she's in her early twenties. And with all my credibility, I'd love to attest how gorgeous this lady is. Her long eyelashes are cheat, too. It even made her gray eyes look more stunning. But most of all, my gaze would occasionally—if not always, fixated on her chest.

What? I'm sixteen! I'm a healthy young man!

Even so, this place sure is something else. Aside from the Church, every other building here is classic. Beautifully historical. I'd almost screamed my lung out---AMAZING! YOHOOO!

But I won't. I'd get arrested for it. Saint Stella never fails to impress.

I'd enjoy my time walking while talking with Martha. But that doesn't last long. I've reached my lodging. The place where I was supposed to stay.

"So, it's here, eh?" I mused. Awed by the sight.

"Seems so." Martha smile. I'd love to offer her to walk her home, but that would only make me look like a fool. I don't even know this place to begin.

"I can't thank you enough. How about I buy you something as an appreciation?"

"My, how thoughtful. But I must refuse. You saving me by paying for my food earlier is more than enough. I am the one returning the favor her,"

A pause, then with a teasing grin, she leaned to my face,

"Or do you want me to feel even more indebted to you?"

I could feel the heat rising to my face. I am well aware, how red it is right now. How did I become so week handling older women? I could only sigh.

"So, this is it." I smile. "Thank you." I bowed to her.

"The pleasure is mine."

Then she turned her heel and started away.

"Now then… hmm? Ah I forgot to ask her the way to the entrance of the church!"

I went after her.


Martha strode away to return to her underground domain. Strangely, this little adventure of hers had made her mood light and a smile won't leave her face.

Just as happy she was, all turned sour as she took her first turn in one of the alleyways. This place is practically deserted and people tend to avoid such place. Even if this is considered as a holy city, crime is still prominent in a place where no eyes could reach. To her surprise, one was about to bite her. Five men had surrounded the helpless lady; namely, ruffians—though, as an ability user, no one could ever be able to touch her. Normally that is. But her face is exposed. If she is to use her abilities, she needs to eradicate these people—entirely into ashes.

Martha stared at these people. There were all laughing maniacally. Licking their tongue as they stared at her visage like a lion on a rabbit.

Then, being all impatient, one stretched his hand to reach for her—intending to grab her and immobilize her to their control.

Martha's fingers twitched, ready to vanish this ignorant people. But then, even before that hand touched her, another person grabbed his arm. Too much that it makes the other person squirm in pain.

"Argh! Unhand me!"

The thug demanded, alarming his companions. Then with a cold voice, he was told,

"Get your filthy hands off her."

'When did he…?' Even Martha was not able to perceive his presence.


Another lunged at Gleren, taking his knife of his pocket. He thrusted with a rough movement, only to be perfectly parred. His knife made a clanging sound as if fell on the paved ground. Gleren is a man of military, on the top of that he was the combat specialist in the group. Such attack is most familiar to him. He grabbed, the arm of the other person and pulled them both, his hands are now occupied. Then with a sheer force, he made to two of them crash to each other. Rendering them both unconscious.


A huge person with a bat swung his arm with a force that even made the wind whistle at the wake of his attack. The bat must have been metal as it made the ground broke when it hit as Gleren swiftly dodged. Gleren had yet made direct attack, yet his opponents were desperately trying to land him a hit. He stood in front of Martha clearly trying to prevent any harm to went her way.

"That's not how you use a bat." He spat. It only made his foe flared in the nose.

"Then take this!"

He made another swing, but this time, Gleren did not dodge. He was there standing in front of the man twice his size. His eyes reflected no fear, but its glare send a chill onto the enemies ranks. Gleren had his arm outstretched, his hand held the tip of the bat, dented on his grip.

'What strength!' Martha thought inwardly.

Normally, with that difference in size Gleren should be overpowered. But what happened otherwise. The man stumbled when Gleren released the bat.

"Want to continue?"

He said, bored.

"You—we will remember this!" then the three scrambled away taking the two-unconscious companion with them.

"Wow! Talk about cliched punchline." Gleren said trailing his eyes with them. Then as they disappeared to take the turn, he turned his eyes to Martha.

"Are you okay?"

He asked clearly worried.

What a fool. You don't even know who I am. You don't even the knowledge that you stand before the leader of your enemies… even so, why do you look so gallant?

"Yes." She answered, averting her gaze from him. Unknowing to her that her face had gone crimson with blush.

"That's great then. I'm glad I made it on time. Let me accompany you from here."

"No, I can't just—"

"I insist. Just to a safe place. I'd worry otherwise."

He said naturally.

This guy sure is a natural born, playboy… Martha thought inwardly.

"You…make women cry, don't you?"


That was the last bullet. When he acted cool and swoop in to save her without even a hint of hesitation, it made her heart flutter. When he, acted like a playboy it never disgusted her, otherwise she felt the opposite… and when he acted cleanly and innocent, her inward matured side wanted to tease her. That was the last bullet.

"This is bad" she thought. What is this feeling? and towards and enemy, too?! I'm crazy!

Martha Deus Jerusalem: Early twenties. Leading head of the Sacred Omen.

Dating Experience: None!

"Ah, would you like to exchange numbers?"

He flashed his phone towards her—like the playboy he way. Dumbfounded, Martha stared at him. And then when a sudden realization had got her, she made a face—disappointed. She fidgeted as she said meekly.

"I…don't have a phone."


Gleren's jaw dropped.