
Blistering Heat Of Love

Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP) is a genetic disorder in which there is a decreased ability to repair DNA damage such us the caused by ultraviolet (UV) light. Anastacia Quinn Smith also known as Stacia, a woman who has a strange disorder which can be risky if she is revealed and exposed to sunlight. She had it when she was just an early age but her eldest sister doesn't have it, only her. After a long months and years, she met a man. The first she noticed that he's a good-looking man and he easily get the attention of others mostly those girls. We met, we became friends and then one day I fell to him unexpectedly. I was so happy that time but happiness isn't really for me. He doesn't like me nor fell in love, he likes my sister, Raj. And that is the first time my heart broke and I can truly feel the pain inside of it. He serves as the light on my life when it is dark but eventually it swirl. Ruel, blistering of heat. Stacia, love.

Berdeeeee · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 12 - Stray Puppy

As soon as we got down, we found her friends singing as if they're really feel the whole song. Some are eating, some are watching, some are talking, and so on.

They look so happy, and I'm also delighted to have seen them—in fact I can't help but thought they don't care the people around them, they just really enjoy their thing.

Once we actually got to the kitchen, Carla suggested that we prepare Korean food as that's what her tongue were looking for. Actually, I didn't know how to cook it so I just let her prepare everything. I'm just helping her find the ingredients, because she doesn't know the things in our kitchen.

Carla feels better here at home more than at the place of her cousin Flynn. I don't know him, but as Carla said, I shouldn't recognize him, otherwise my life is going to be turned into something that she didn't want me to feel—a thing that's cringe on my part.

She's already begun mixing the ingredients. She's planning to cook Bibimbap, Tteokbokki, and Kimbap. I'm not familliar with the food because I just discovered it right now, it sounds delicious, maybe?

"You might want to help me?" suddenly, she bawl.

Moments later, I was taken aback because I didn't know how to help her. "What am I going to do about it? Uh... I don't know how to make those foods,"

"There's a procedure on my cell phone, just follow it instead of standing there and just watching me—we should really eat it," she said sarcastically, "I didn't do anything because even though I was starving, my stomach was already making a noise.

I followed the procedures where I was having a hard time at first because I didn't know that whether to put it this way or that way—all of sudden it was wrong! I'm confused now that I did it right or wrong. Yeah, I've already cooked, but then why do I seem like a novice?

Quite messy, huh.

It also took us a couple of hours until we finished cooking. The two of us are already sweating and the ingredients are indeed—not approximately scattered on the floor, because Carla is so clumsy. Often she mistakenly drops the ingredients, often she spills a lot of them—allowing them to fall to the floor so that the end is dispersed. We seem to be playing like a kid.

Aling Rosa had once scolded us because we seemed to be playing with the ingredients. What we're doing, and everything's going on like this, I pointed to Carla, I almost laughed at her, cause she wanted to point me out but Aling Rosa warned her already.


"You know that you always make fun of me!" it just makes her a little mad, I suppose.

I signed peace. "Sorry," I gave her a smile that was almost apologetic.

She took a tray, then put the food in there, and I helped her because it might fall or cork it all away. It's also tiring to mix and cook and clean the clutter.

"Is it for us?" suddenly she appeared in front of me.

My forehead furrowed because I didn't know a to—well, they were all. She stared at the tray that we were carrying, as if she was enjoying what we had prepared. "Can I taste that?" she asked.

I turned my head to Carla, her forehead frowned as well. "Sorry, but this is for us if you would like to, just cook for yourself," she said without pause.

I shifted to the woman in front of us, and then I stared at her. Small slim, thin, long black hair spread and loads of—what did they name it?—oh, make up on her face.

For me, she looks like a clown.

Her mouth fell open, she didn't comprehend what my friend said. "How dare you?" she lifted her eyebrow.

Carla dragged me away from what the woman was saying. I even heard her swear while we were walking away. They have plenty of food so how she could ask us and yet this is the only food the two of us are going to eat.

She placed the food on the floor then sat down and I actually did what she was doing. "They already have a lot of food so it's hard for us to cook it too," she lamented.

"She said we were stingy," I'm telling the truth as that's what I heard from her before she said something about us, and I even heard that she was shouting and swearing us!

Bad words are prohibited in the house, Momma will surely kill the both of us if she hears it.

She rolled her eyes. "Let them, if they also like this they can cook, right?" stating a fact. "If she really want there is a way, if she don't there is a reason," she said while placing the food one by one on the floor then she started eating.

I merely ate, I rather than just thinking about everything earlier. I just ate because I really felt the hunger and I also enjoy tasting those foods that I'm not familiar, though. First bites, I'm going to get strangled in flavours since it's not the same as what I always taste. I'm not going to doubt, it's good like if dining at this moment isn't tedious, as though I'm planning to bring here over and over—were I'm going to find this stuff once more.

Maybe they're here till the evening, what time could it be because I can still hear their voices singing, which are not in the right tone. I would not have noticed the time if my stomach hadn't just swelled up again, Carla slept next to me while her cell phone are still playing.


I was just shook by her, perhaps she's wakeful watching Korean Dramas on Netflix. She also mentioned that she was awake early in the morning because of it, well she ended the latest episodes that's why she was very thrilled. And now, the last episode of what she was watching but sadly she fell asleep.

'Poor Carla,' I pouted.

"Arf! Arf!"

I exclaimed. "Oh my ghad!"

This puppy suddenly started barking at me then eventually as I opened the door. I stepped away because it suddenly appeared in front of me. I took a deep breath before looking at the puppy again.

The puppy is grinding its teeth like it's going to bite me. It really doesn't stop barking, yet. And it kinda scared.

"Arf! Arf! Arf!" it come closer so I stepped back again.

"Uh..." I don't know what to do or what exactly should I do with this puppy.

I am not usually get along to puppies because I've never done caring about any animals here in the house and if I suggest I don't know if Momma's going to approve it.

It's all good for me to have a friend but it's also all good for me to have a puppy or some other animal that can be cared for but it doesn't seem like that.

Getting closer while barking at me. "Arf! Arf! Arf! Arf!"

I tried to talk, maybe it would help. "Puppy, I am not an awful person... uh... I am polite... come on... please don't yelp at me... don't bite me," but it didn't! It didn't help me at all.

I'm not afraid of this one, my only fear is that it might accidentally bite me and I don't even know whether it still has rabies or not.

I was just about to run when Carla suddenly woke up and frowned at what I was doing so I pointed at the puppy in front of me.

She stood up then approached the puppy who now turned her back on her and she's facing it. She carried it even though it was still barking, she just carried it easily as though she didn't fear biting.

She caressed the puppy head and chin. "Yeah... I woke up because of the frequency of your bark, but it was all right," she put the puppy in the air and then gave it a smile. "Why you're so cute and adorable," she giggled.

My lips parted.

"It's kind and it seems like it doesn't want to bite you," she calmly said.

I referred to the puppy that she was carrying. "Did you know that puppy?" with astonishment.

She shook her head.

She began seated down on the bed while still carrying the puppy. I want to touch it, too, but I'm afraid although it doesn't harm me.

"Look at her!"

I frowned. "Her? How did you know it's a female?"

She presented the puppy in front of me. "Look at her body, she's got nipples, maybe when the male's underneath and the female's dot dots are the nipple, understand?" she explained everything—actually the basic info and I just only nodded at her. "And she wouldn't bite you, she's just a puppy," she added.

She's got a point, so it means that this puppy is a female—just curious how it got here anyway?

Oh... ok.. she wouldn't bite mo, so.

I sat beside her and my fear on this puppy was gone. Perhaps it isn't going to bite me since she also don't do it to my friend who still carrying her.

"I just realized you've got a pet-dog?"

I shook my head straight away. "No, I don't remember having a puppy here at home. As I remember, we didn't have pet-dog because I'd show it to you when I had one,"

She then glanced up snorting as if she understood. It's crazy how it got here, just get lost is impossible—maybe get really lost!

I snorted too and wondered if my intuition had been correct. "What do you think of this puppy? Not so... it's just lost here?"

Her eyes widened. "You think so?"

I shrugged. "Maybe..."

She put the puppy closer to me and I took it from her, it wasn't like earlier that any moment it seemed to sting me. She looks aggressive earlier than now, perhaps now that she's relaxed she feels I'm not a bad guy. I smiled at the puppy on my lap, then stroked her hair, blinking as if she was sleepy because of what I was doing to her.

"For whom puppy is this, and why did you come over here? Who's your boss, and let you come here to my room," I said almost a whisper. "She was very familiar to me as if I saw her somewhere that I wasn't sure of," I suddenly raised my eyebrows because her hair was familiar.

I remembering where I saw this puppy. I tilted my head just in case I could remember this puppy in that way. I'm sure I've seen this puppy before, therefore I didn't see where it's unlikely outside.


"Uhm.... think so,"

Our conversation was disrupted as there was a knock on the door. Instead of constantly recalling when I seen this stray puppy for about the last time, I just decided to ignore it first. Carla opened the door because the puppy seemed to be resting in my lap, presumably because of what I was doing.

I still have no intention of waking it up, I'm afraid it could bite me—as a person normally does when you interrupt their sleep, get mad all of a sudden, they're going to hit for no reason at all. If there was any reason, their beautiful and peaceful sleep would have been disturbed.

I could feel his breathe that makes me reckon this puppy is really in a deep sleep.

Are you also tired for staying late like us, people, or it's just you enjoyed what I have done for you?

That thought made me smile and I didn't expect that one day I would talk to a kind like this puppy, I suddenly wanted to laugh.

Am I crazy?

I peaked at who she was speaking to, but then I just couldn't see who it was. Maybe it's just one of my sister's friends because now, since they're still here, it does seem like those people might not want to go home.

I stayed silent then.

I then pursed my lips and glanced back at the puppy who was still sleeping.

So I'd like to take care of a puppy. Why can't I just suggest that to Momma if she happens to agree. At least I will play indoors where I don't want to come out again as the usual.

"Come in," that's everything I heard in their conversation. "Stacia, she said she was going to tell you something," she told sooner, without even noticing it.

I was staring up at her. "Who... why?" I puzzled.

She just shrugged her shoulders and pointed to the woman behind the door, staring at us.

I had no intention of getting up because the puppy might awaken, so I just told her to come to my spot, and she did.

She genuinely smile. "H-hi... uhm... may I get my puppy?" she asked incredulously.

My eyes widened because of what she said. What now? Her puppy, huh? Her puppy we saw wandering around in my room—in our house?

"What?" I can't actually believe that.

I was about to talk to her, but instead Carla interrupted me. She told her to take it later as though it's still asleep. As it would make a noise when it woke up.

She's biting her lower lip. "Uhm, yeah... although, uh... I need to take it back home since I'm going to feed the puppy, and then my parents are looking for it—maybe I should pick it up already? I don't think it's going to wake her up whether it's going to be acquired carefully,"

Carla and I were gawking at whether we were going to just give this puppy to her. If she is really the owner, why not? with this, she has the right to the dog more than the two of us.

Even though we also don't want to, we gave it to the woman who really owned her.

It was only then that I found out that it was the dog that I have seen here before, the puppy that was also right here in front of my room door.

That's why it's so familiar to me in particular.

It's the stray puppy that I've seen ago when I was alone and hopeless.