
Blistering Heat Of Love

Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP) is a genetic disorder in which there is a decreased ability to repair DNA damage such us the caused by ultraviolet (UV) light. Anastacia Quinn Smith also known as Stacia, a woman who has a strange disorder which can be risky if she is revealed and exposed to sunlight. She had it when she was just an early age but her eldest sister doesn't have it, only her. After a long months and years, she met a man. The first she noticed that he's a good-looking man and he easily get the attention of others mostly those girls. We met, we became friends and then one day I fell to him unexpectedly. I was so happy that time but happiness isn't really for me. He doesn't like me nor fell in love, he likes my sister, Raj. And that is the first time my heart broke and I can truly feel the pain inside of it. He serves as the light on my life when it is dark but eventually it swirl. Ruel, blistering of heat. Stacia, love.

Berdeeeee · Teen
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20 Chs

Chapter 13 - Home Party

"Party! Party!"

That was the first thing we heard that night, right away. They're still enjoying to think it's only morning nor afternoon when as the matter of fact it's already evening—close to midnight.

I'm so grateful that we're far away from people because of the noise they all made. I'm glad they're happy, I just can't help but grimace because of their loudly noises.

It is a good thing that Momma is still not here. I think she's exhausted so I assume she won't even be able to sleep peacefully at this kind of event.

Crazy louds.

Suddenly a woman walked to us and looked drunk as her walk seemed to be like she'd just made mistakes and she would fall straight down.

"You!" she pointed her index finger at us.

Her behavior stunned me otherwise I would assume we were stunned.

She ordered us. "Gete me so-ome, bere, sum... bere," she said she was intoxicated.

Carla turned her head towards me and wondered what she'd said. "I don't grasp exactly what she meant, e."

I shrugged, because I understood nothing. Is this really the way is when a person is drunk? The tongue is a form of tangling that we really do not understand.

"I seyd... gete shome b-ber-re," she repeated, we didn't understand anything yet.

I then gasped. She slapped me on the side of my shoulder unexpectedly without knowing the reason.

'Was it really that when it's drunk—looks wild?'

Carla grabbed me by the elbow, and then pulled me off the drunk woman in front of us. I want to get past her, but then I feel a bit sorry for her—it may sounds rude, though.

Maybe later.

I'm afraid of what might happen to her, that somehow I can still be blamed for what's going through.

I could smell the alcohol throughout her breath each moment she talked. It smelled awful, I didn't like the smell, so I instantly covered my nose with my hand, as if I were going to vomit due to the extreme intensity of the smell.

What I want to do is send her away—I don't like the smell!

I put my mouth in Carla's ear to whisper. "Carla, the stench of her breath," she laughed a bit at what I said.

I seriously mean it. I don't like the smell of her breath, I merely wanted to throw up which I didn't understand.

Then, someone showed up in front of us. "Um... sorry for what she did... I'm going to take care of her—just forget what she has said, she's just.. uh... drunk.. yah... she's drunk—will going back, sorry again," she patiently pulled the woman away, she whispered something to her—until they could finally return to their seats.

Maybe her friend, I'm not sure.

Looks like the one who pulled her will not let her do something stupid, huh?

I just told Carla. "Let's go there?"

"Oh... you haven't slept yet, and you, Carla? Wouldn't you still coming home, and maybe your relatives are already looking for you?" Aling Rosa approached us when we arrived in the kitchen.

Carla started scratching her nape. "I've decided to sleep here and come tomorrow morning. Don't worry Aling Rosa, I've said already goodbye to Tita and Tito. I once called my cousin Flynn and told him that I'm going to be staying here tonight then come home tomorrow," she said, not to worry Aling Rosa.

Aling Rosa agreed, and then asked us to sleep, although what time it was, and we're still awake.

We just went down because unexpectedly, again, we felt hungry. We'd like to eat before going to sleep. So merge their loudness as it looks like we can't sleep well because by now they're both singing and making some noise.

'They've been there since morning,'

"Will we get a decent sleep?"

"Looks like maybe not... look at them it looks like they haven't been tired yet," I snouted them so that she could see them properly.

I turned to query her about it. "So... what are we going to do then?" I asked eventually. "I'm sure they'll be able to go home tomorrow, and it looks like they don't want to leave, so how's?" I added.

To be honest, it's all fine with me that they're like this, but still I can't resist complaining about their noise that keeps bothering my peaceful sleep.

She twisted her lip to think. "Let's just watch Korean Dramas,"

Here she goes again, she's been watching Korean Dramas the whole day. I appreciate it, but I don't like it. The last thing I watched was the one with the mermaid, that's all it didn't even follow anything.

As I concentrated more on my sister, who we still haven't got along like the same way.

I don't know how to handle one another again.

It's very hard this kind of scenario, because I don't know understand.

We climbed upstairs as we were bringing the food we had made. This really makes me hungry to read. I'm aiming to end the book I'm reading.

It's a good novel, and it doesn't seem dull to read too many times.

I am almost done. Maybe I just have about 20 pages left. When I keep going until later, I might just be finished—all of it.



"Let's play a game?"

"What kind of game?"

She was acting thinking. She also had a hold on her lips that she already felt she was having trouble with. "I can't think of anything," she said.

I laughed at her, really.

She does something she's even holding on to her lips, but there's nothing. I assumed she was thought about it.


She exclaimed. "I know!" she lifted her hand and pointed to the ceiling.

I raised an eyebrow to her. I presume she was thinking nicely.

"Let's eat first—the ones like vlogs,"



"It seems they're called it Mukbang, they're going to eat all the food quickly. I've always seen that on YouTube, then why don't we try it? I used to try to do so, but I was on my own. So, yeah... what's... is that alright with you?" she lifted both of her eyebrows.

Sounds new to me.

I want to give it a try, though—so I agreed.

She's already begun to prepare the meals. She also set the time on her cellphone to find out who's going to win and who's going to lose.

Zany, really.

She began confronting me as she had done. "And this is what we're going to do. I've put the food on the same basis so that there can be no cheating. I've also set a time to make it easier for us to recognize who is going to win," I give all my attention to her. "If one of us fails, we dare to do something about it. It's supposed to be fast, it's forbid to slow it down if you don't want to be punished," I nodded to her as if I understood it all. "If I fail, you will challenge me—just the same thing. We've got two rounds, in one round—we're going to determine who's going to finish first, in the second round—we're going to use a timer, but we will use the rock paper scissors method so that we know who's going to be ahead of us, you get it?"

I inflated the inside of my mouth, then I nodded. I grasped it all, that was easy, I thought it was a bit difficult.

"Game!" it sounds like I'm excited.

"Game! This is yours, this is mine, I'm going to count to three before we begin, ready?"

I nodded. "Ready,"

She started counting. "One... two... three... go!"

We ate right away after she counts. It's too hard, can I do it? It doesn't feel like that, I'm aren't used to this. I ate slowly such that Carla seemed to be the winner.

Argh! What happens is going to happen.

I just focused my attention on the food in a hurry. I saw earlier that she was going to finish.

'The pace at which she fed, it was as though she had eaten the entire thing!'

I don't know how many minutes it took, but it just came down to me—she finished it so soon.


I just ended, rather than eating the leftovers. She's to fast—she's awesome!

I was stunned at her. "You've done that?" nothing whatsoever of my own question.

"Yep!" she had a wide grin on her lips.

"You lose, I win!"

"The speed at which you ate seems to be less than a minute, and you're done right away," I complained.

She just laughed at my reaction, hmph!

Looks like I really need to speed up my eating. I've lost the first round, I have to win in the second round if I ever don't, it's challenge again.

"I challenge you—"

I interrupted her straight away. "Hep! It'll be later, let's move on to the final round which is the second round so that when I lose again, you'll make me challenge, twice challenge," I started, feeling my confidence throughout this part as though I was still a little nervous.

She raised her brow. "Twice challenge, then."

I have to win!

She counted again until three then the two of us began. It looks like she just doesn't want to lose, so do I, even though I can't do what she does, I still keep on going. That's exactly what she did just now, and it might have an effect on me.

I was just trying.

It looks like I can beat her because she's got a lot more than just a little bit of mine.

I assumed I could win this round, yet I didn't because she was just sucking everything just once, and the outcome seemed to have a lump on both of her cheeks.

I almost spit the food out of my mouth. She looks funny, she makes it look like the ground squirrels of the forest that have a cheek pouches.

She had swallowed everything. Strange woman, she doesn't look like a woman seeing as her movements are different when eating.

Competitive, huh.

"You lose again!"

I frowned. "Yeahh.. yeahh..."

I regretted what I said earlier, as if I wanted to withdraw immediately. I wasn't supposed to just say that.