
Bleach: Animus Arma

Five years after the Thousand Year Blood War, the Three Realms are now at peace. But during one of his research, Captain Mayuri discovered the existence of another Universe and sought to explore it. New species. New possibilities. New research materials. New everything! Gods? Dragons? Devils? Sacred Gears? Captain Mayuri wants it all! Now, how should he convince the Captain Commander to send people to explore this Unknown Universe?

SirChicks · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 2

Bleach Quote;

"It's meaningless to just live, and it's meaningless to just fight. I want to win!"

—Ichigo Kurosaki.




1st Division Barracks, in Captain's Manor.

Well, it wasn't a much of a manor as it was a castle. It's Ichigo's residence while he's in Seireitei, it bore a resemblance to Himeji Castle located west of Kōbe, the capital of the Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan.

The hilltop castle consists of 83 structures centered on the Tenshu-gun, a complex of keeps and connecting buildings. The primary keep is a six-story structure that's visible from nearly any location in Seireitei.

Currently, Ichigo was sitting on the terrace as he gaze at the courtyard while drinking tea.

The hotheadedness and recklessness found in an immature teen's face was now long gone, his now mature look gives off this indescribable charm.

Ichigo was not a narcissistic, but he knew he was hot, it wasn't a secret that he ranked first in Top Ten Male Shinigami You Want As A Boyfriend published by Seireitei Monthly Magazine. His messy bright orange hair had grown slightly longer than it was three years ago, resembling his hair when he just finished his training in the Dangai.

His sharp brown eyes gives off a hint of wisdom and experience like a man who has been through a lot.

He was fairly tall, standing at 190cm in height, with a lean and muscular physique, and wears a simple black kimono.

"Did you sneak out of again, Nemu?" Ichigo gave the lieutenant of the 12th Division a side glance, "You've been doing that a lot lately."

"I am merely following my Captain's orders," replied Nemu as she was sitting in seiza beside Ichigo and observing him.

Ichigo raised a brow, "Does his orders extend to you creating secret tunnels around my residence?"

"It is so I can come and go whene—, cough. It is so if ever Seireitei is invaded, you may use it to escape Ichigo-sama."

"Uh-huh," Ichigo does not buy that, but having been through a lot, he learned not to question things he deemed unimportant. Besides, his inner-child was screaming in joy due to the prospects of secret passages and hidden tunnels in his own home.

"Would you like some tea then?" Ichigo offered to the girl.

"Are you giving me your cup Ichigo-sama?" Asked Nemu.

"No?" Ichigo raised a brow, wondering why she asked such question.

"Then thank you for the offer, but I am fine."

"Okay," Ichigo simply nodded, ignoring the intense gaze directed at him by Mayuri's Lieutenant. 'She looks like she wants to eat me …'

"Hm?" Ichigo and Nemu turned their heads towards the courtyard as a member of the fifth branch of the Onmitsukido unit appeared in front of them.

The fifth branch of Onmitsukido is known as Inner Court Troop who serves as the information transmission unit within the Seireitei.

They all wear a maroon kimono over the black form-fitting legging and long sleeved tops. They also wear hats and carry a backpack.

"Captain Commander Kurosaki, And Lieutenant Kurotsuchi,"

Ichigo and Nemu both gave a nod.

The messenger added, "Captain Kurotsuchi of the 12th Division asks for an urgent Captains Meeting and needs your approval Captain Commander, he said that he discovered something important."

Ichigo's eyes narrowed. He turned towards Nemu and asks, "Do you know what this is about?"

Nemu pondered for a moment before nodding, "If I'm correct, then it should be about the body of that android Sternritter Mayuri-sama has been studying for five years."

"Quincy again," Ichigo sighed before turning towards the messenger, "Tell Mayuri that I agree to his request, and call all the captains in the hall."

"Hai!" The messenger then quickly disappeared.

Ichigo stood up and his kimono briefly glowed before it changed into his Shinigami outfit, a black shihakusho with white shoulder plates crossing his chest in an X shape that hold his sealed Zanpakutō on his hips, with the first plate on his left shoulder having three sections adorned with red scales, the second plate having three sections adorned with red scales on his right waist, and a white cloak with black markings tied around his waist.

He also now wears a white Haori that symbolizes his status as the Captain of the First Division.

"I'll leave first Nemu," said Ichigo.

"Take care, Ichigo-sama." With those words, Ichigo vanished from Nemu's sight.

Said girl sighed as Ichigo left before she put a hand on her chest, feeling her heart throb like never before whenever she was in his presence.

Ichigo was the first to arrive at the meeting hall, and he immediately went and sat down on his seat, waiting for the rest of the captains to arrive.

As he waited, he couldn't help but wonder what Mayuri found out that required for a Captain Meeting.

Ichigo just hope that there won't be another ancient being hellbent on destroying the world …Ichigo had enough of those and he simply wanted to enjoy the peace they now have.

Suddenly, Ichigo felt a familiar presence arrive as he smiled.

"Rukia, you're the first to arrive. You're as diligent as ever."

Rukia Kuchiki, captain of the Thirteenth Division smiled as she entered the hall. She walked towards her position and greeted him.

"My lieutenants have been doing most of my work, so I have a lot of free time." She said, smiling gently, "How are you doing? Nemu still frequenting in your place?"

"Not as frequent as you and the others," Ichigo chuckled as Rukia flushed as pink as Senbonsakura, "Speaking of which, you haven't been to my place for a month, have you been so busy?"

"Y-You could say that," Rukia blushed as she lowered her head.

She can't possibly say that her brother has been hinting her to hurry up and get a heir for their house.

It's not like Rukia haven't tried, she and Ichigo have done it long ago, and they have done it a lot of times than she can count …but it's not her fault it's difficult for Shinigami to have children.

It's simply how the world works. Byakuya and her sister has been married for decades and they haven't had children even until the death of her sister.

"Well, have some break for yourself …do you want to to spend the rest of this weekend with me?" Asked Ichigo, smiling at her.

Rukia blushed, but nodded, "Y-Yes, if you're not too busy."

"It's settled then," Ichigo clapped his hand, "we shall have a date this weekend."

Rukia shyly lowered her head, not daring to look at him.

"Itsygo!" Just then, the door of the hall bursts open as Nelliel in her adult form wearing a standard shinigami garb paired with a captain's haori walked in.

"Hello Nel," Ichigo grinned as the Arrancar leapt to his arms, "I hate to be that guy, but please go to your place Nel, we are currently on duty."

"Aw-pooh." Nel pouted, but complied, immediately hopping to her designated spot, just near Rukia, "Rukia-chan~!"

"Hello Nel," Rukia smiled at her.

As Nel stood at her position, her childishness and bubbly look was quickly replaced by a calm demeanor, as she turned towards Ichigo, "May I ask why have you called for this meeting, Captain Commander?"

"It's Captain Mayuri's request, he said that he discovered something important and wanted to call for a Captain Meeting, I agreed." Replied Ichigo.

"I see." Nel furrowed her brows, but decided to remain silent.

It was then that the door opened once again, this time a dark skinned beauty with short blonde hair walks in.

"Greetings," Tier Harribel greeted as she silently walked towards her spot. Her Shinigami attire resembled that of her Arrancar uniform, but just black, and paired with a white captain Haori.

"How have you been Tia?" Ichigo called her using her nickname, "I have heard that you've been busy for several months due to Hollows in Hueco Mundo."

Tier stared at the man who saved her from the hands of Quincies who invaded her home, "…Quite. Just a bunch of unruly Adjuchas wanting to be king."

"Well, don't forget that rest is as important as well." Said Ichigo.

"I will. Do you mind if I visit your place later? I do enjoy reading in peace in your garden." Said Tier.

"You don't have to ask me for permission, you're welcome anytime." Said Ichigo.

"Mn." Tier nodded, before crossing her arms as she closed her eyes.

Just in time for another person to walk in.

"Oya, oya? What's this? Am I interrupting something here?" Shinji Hirako walked in with a large grin as he observed the girls in the room before settling his eyes to Ichigo.

"Hello Shinji." Greeted Ichigo.

"Oh man, you were so funnier to tease back in the day Captain Commander." Shinji chuckled before going to his spot.

Again, the door of the hall opened as three people walked in.

Byakuya Kuchiki, the Captain of Sixth Division who merely gave a curt nod to everyone in the room before silently heading to his place and remained silent.

"This better be important, I was in a middle of a battle." Zaraki Kenpachi, the Captain of Eleventh Division growled in low voice before following after Byakuya and stood on his spot.

The last person who was with them was Toshiro Hitsugaya, captain of the Tenth Division who, like Byakuya just a curt nod to everyone in the hall before proceeding to head to his place.

After the three, they were followed by Grimmjow Jaegerjaques, Lisa Yadomaru and Soi Fon, who arrived at the same time.

Following them is Kyoraku Shunsui, the captain of Eighth Division who simply laughed at the fact that he appears to have been late.

Ichigo greeted them as they stood on their respected spot and proceed to have a small talk and waiting for the last person to arrive.

It didn't take long before the door opened once again, and Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi of the Twelfth Division walked in and bringing with him his own laptop.

Seeing that everyone has finally arrived, Ichigo tapped the end of his sheathed blade on the floor, signaling the start of the meeting.

"Now that everyone has arrived, I declare that the Thirteen Court Guardian Squad's Captain Meeting shall now officially commence."