
chapter 9

Phina clutched her arm and walked out of the hall, we all watched with concern.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she's gonna be fine." Izanami added.

This isn't the time to be worried about her anymore there were still two more battles to be fought, Kyo's and Izanami's.... and they were against to the two strongest of the white team, i don't know how this is gonna end.

"Both teams send your next fighter to the stage."

Kyo gave me a pat on the back. 'I'll win for sure' he mouthed. Over these two months, Kyo has become one of my closest friends, he's more like a brother to me at this point.

Kyo calmly walks onto the stage and face his opponent. Well, his opponent wasn't all that...he was skinny and really had little to no Ena at all. How is he the second strongest of the white team?

"C-can we just end this h-here? I really don't want to fight." He was shaking and a whole wet mess by now.

"Oh we could end this without fighting." Kyo crossed his arms.

"W-we can??" His eyes lit up.

"Sure if you could tell your stupid fans to shut up." Kyo gave the sweetest smile.

The poor guy slouched and frowned. I thought he was seriously considering leaving the stage and just giving it to us but.....

"Are you really gonna give this up?" At the corner of the opponents eye, he could see the menacing aura coming out of the person threatening him. His body jumped and immediately started to chant a little, soon after his whole vibe changed.

Kyo took a step back, realizing that his opponent had already become a different person than before.

"SHaLL wE bEgiN??" His faced was cocked to one side and a grotesque tongue hung from his mouth.

"Heh what an interesting ENARM." Kyo looked intrigued.

"Huh there's no weapon? Where's the ENARM?" I mumbled.

"This is odd. It seems like this whole form is the ENARM." Izanami stared at the beast.

"What? ENARMS can be a whole other being?"

"Not quite, his ENARM is kinda like an outer coat, the real guy's still inside but he has almost no control over his ENARM, it's like a beast mode."

A whole other form? This guy may look scrawny at first but his ENARM is overpowering, it's almost twice Kyo's height!

Kyo smirked, whipped out his two blades and took a fighting stance.

'RAWWWAHHHH' The beast roared and the ground shook a little.

Not long after that, it started charging towards Kyo, but Kyo easily dodged it and put several cuts on his left side already. The creature may be huge but it was slow, too slow to match up to Kyo, but it'a huge size guaranteed thick skin, so just a several cuts wouldn't do anything to it.

However, Kyo already looked like he had something else up his sleeve. He threw his blade in the air and the next second he vanished. That's the same technique he used for the test Ibenashi gave us before. After some time, the beast was totally covered in cuts while Kyo only had a few bruises on his arm and face.

So now what? What's he gonna do now? He can't keep cutting that beast forever.

Kyo put his blades away and summoned a flame in his hands. The flame got bigger, bigger and bigger before engulfing the huge beast in it. All it's cuts started to burst in flames too.

Kyo has already gone that far with magic? While I can't even master a single spell..

The beast became smaller and eventually the flames stopped. All that's left was a beast fading away, revealing a scrawny boy in it. Kyo stared down at him with a pitiful look.

"It's done now, you can admit defeat." Kyo said to him.

"I-I uh...." It was a long pause until suddenly Kyo felt a sudden hush of electricity in him. He slowly looked down to see an injection pierced on his lower belly. When did that get there? His legs lost its feeling and very soon Kyo was kneeling on the ground.

"Your team and it's STUPID TRICKS AGAIN!" Kyo barked at the poor boy.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't wa-want to." Tears were streaming down his face already.

Kyo clenched his teeth and firsts and gave a strong punch to the ground, leaving a dent. It took all lot in Kyo to stand again. Kyo headed toward the puny kid, making an attempt to kick him off the stage but another punch from the remaining arm of the beast was headed his way before he knew it.

Kyo was thrown across the stage to the other side, almost getting thrown off, but he held onto the floor. He tried to pull himself back up but the poison was infecting his arm already. He took a glance at me, no Izanami who was behind me before finally letting go.

And there went one point.

I immediately rushed to get Kyo. He was breathing okay but almost his whole body was paralysed.

"Heh how'd you like my move? It's at least 10 times flashier than yours." He smiles before closing his eyes.

"I'm carrying him to the infirmary, you can handle this on your own?" I carried Kyo behind my back.

"Tch. Of course. It'll be over in a second." Izanami had the scariest glare on her face.

She's got this. Was all I thought. We needed at least three out of the four points to win the bet because we were the ones proving ourselves. So Izanami, we're counting on you.

The crowd burst in cheers once again before I left.

I finally reached the infirmary, I dumped Kyo on a vacant bed and I hear a familiar sound of phone tapping. I drew the curtains and there she was in the bed next to us, using her 'paralysed' arm to play her phone.

"Isn't that arm paralysed?" I stared at her blankly.

"Yeah. But it only lasted like 1 hour?" She smiles and whisper shouted a 'yes' when she had won the level on her game.

"Anyways what happened to him? Looks pretty bad." Phina unwrapped a lollipop.

"Same thing but he got it worse." I glanced back at Kyo.

"Heh so we lost a point huh?" She looked up for a second before tucking in under the covers.

"Are you actually sleeping now?!" I pulled the covers.

"Geez you worry too much Zekkun! Iza-Chan is fine out there. You've seen her, she's on a whole different level than anyone here, even if they play cheat again, I'm sure she'll give them a good beating for us." Phina looked at me directly in the eye.

I guess she's right, if anything Izanami looked really pissed just now. Now I just hope she doesn't wreck the whole place.